***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Andrea says
When my husband asked why I wanted this I told him “I’m bold and it’s BEAUTIFUL!”
Andrea says
I don’t consider myself bold for doing anything, but I guess in this situation I went from sheltered hating changing, to painting my first wall the other day. Went from white to bright royal blue. I love it!
Kari says
Not really though I guess. The boldest/scariest thing I’ve done is IVF.
Christy says
I’M BOLD!!!!
I had long hair alll my life, and cut it all off into a pixie cut for Locks of Love then went bleach blonde for a while! A lot of fun and for a good cause! I may do it again when my hair gets long enough!
Christy @ http://www.GlanceIntoOurNest.blogspot.com
Heather says
I’m BOLD! I do triathalons!!! :)
Sarah says
I’m Bold and living alone in a unknown city to get my masters degree!
Jenn says
I think the boldest thing I have done was join the AmeriCorps. My friends looked forward to getting “real” jobs while I was a full-time volunteer. Also… I just started running and I actually like it! So weird!
Beth-BTW says
Jennifer says
I’m BOLD! I changed careers & became a hairdresser!
Liz says
I just started going back to school – major life & career change!
Carrisa says
Because I’ve decided to take your how to directions and paint my own kitchen cabinets. I’m scared.
Aimee says
We moved across country, away from all of our family, just because we wanted to live in Seattle. Talk about a leap of faith!
Samantha says
I’m bold! I backpacked around Europe with my mom after high school, it was great!
Zhaleh says
I’m Bold!! I often improvise flavor combinations when I cook. Sometimes unpalatable, sometimes very tasty.
Holly says
I started a new job, bought a new house, and got pregnant all within a month!
Kassy says
I’m BOLD…ok, not really bold at all!
Dylan says
After college I moved halfway across the country for a job to a city where I’d never been and knew no one.
kate says
I’m bold
BC I went on a missions trip to reynosa mexico a border city, despite the drug cartel violence to work with a school for the deaf!
Brooke says
Jenn says
I am BOLD. Took unpaid time off to be with my new son.
Erica McGroom says
I’m Bold!! I married my 8th grade sweetheart!
rachel s says
I’m bold!
Verena says
I’m bold!
I guess mine would have to be applying to med school! Absolutely so glad I did now I’m here though!
Emily M. says
I’ve been married for just over a year-and-a-half but when I first met my husband, I asked HIM out and not the other way around. I’m so glad I did because I’m not sure if he ever would have noticed me otherwise.
(PS – Love your new home and your new couch, Karl)
Emmy Lou Helmuth says
terra says
i’m bold. i moved across the country by myself to start a new adventure
terra says
I’M BOLD! I moved across the country all by myself!
Lindy says
I’m Bold!
probably not really, but I’m not afraid to use color in my home!
Blaire Loman says
The boldest thing I’ve done was starting my own business!
Blair says
Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m a wimp.
Mel says
I’m bold!! I convinced my hairdresser to cut my really long hair right before my wedding!
Megan C says
I teach FIRST grade!
Sara T says
Marci says
I’m BOLD! I moved to China on my own.
Juliana says
I’M BOLD! I have four little kids and my husband and I still DIY all our home improvements!
tosha says
I’M BOLD! I continued on in grad school to work on my PhD, though I’m not quite sure that I can really do it!
Also – I LOVE Judy Kauffman!! Her Etsy store is one of my favs – love this giveaway! Thanks YHL!
Mary says
I’m bold! I had a baby
carrie says
I’M BOLD! I’m planning my second homebirth–this time, on our new little farm!
jamie says
i’m bold! i bought a house at the age of 24! :)
Sarah says
Julia says
Lisa says
Okay, well maybe not so much. But entering to win a freebie on a blog is pretty forward of me, no? Hehe.
Kathy Curran says
I’m bold! I quit my job as a showroom manager and went back to school to become a nurse….at 48!!!!!
Laura says
Boldest Move… deciding to quit my collegiate sport because it wasn’t making me happy, although there were many expectations upon me to continue on.
Bethany G says
I’ll talk to anyone, even if I know they are a big deal to everyone else. Hey, they’re people too!
Beth H. says
I’M BOLD! And love these prints! I guess the most bold thing I’ve ever done was eloping with my husband who lived 6 hours away at the time, and I’ve never looked back :]
Julia A says
A few years ago I went to visit a friend over the weekend. I was talking about how I hated the new town I’d recently moved to for school and we started talking about moving to Hawaii together in a few months (I was already planning on going in June – she just decided to join!) when we wondered ‘why wait??’ We both quit our jobs, dropped out of school for the term, sold our cars (I hawked mine to a car dealer in Vegas for pennies on the dollar on the way to the airport) and moved out there within 2 weeks w/ no job, no friends, and a cheap, CHEAP room to rent together found on the net. We spent the next 4 months living crammed into a tiny room sleeping on $5 blowup air mattresses from Walmart and exploring while we looked for more permanent job/living arrangements. I lived there for almost 2 1/2 years, she stayed for 3. It was the boldest, best move I’ve ever done for myself and my happiness. =)
Natascha says
Rebecca says
I’m bold! I allow my 6th grade home ec students to use knives!
Cassidy mickelsen says
Jenny says