***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Emily (Comfortable Home Life) says
I just mustered up the courage to break up with my boyfriend of a year and a half. We both knew it wasn’t working. C’est la vie!
Missy says
Bold Me!
I once chopped off 12 inches of hair to donate :)
Deborah says
I’m Bold!
vegas says
And I’ve been skydiving!!
IBL says
I’m Bold…
I gave my baby boy the gift of hearing when he was 10 months old via Cochlear Implant Surgery!
He was born profoundly deaf but now
hears e v e r y t h i n g!!!Truly a miracle.
Michelle Lynne says
I’M BOLD…I quit my six figure job in the middle of the 2010 housing crisis to start my own real estate staging firm. Or is that just “I’M CRAZY”???
Sarah O. says
I went to Europe for a month by myself!
Nyssa says
Sarah Schloemer says
I’M BOLD! I planned a wedding in three months, got married, quit my job, and moved to Japan with two suitcases to be with my husband in the Air Force. Maybe not the boldest thing ever but I was sure a little scared to go from college student to military spouse… 3 months later the stress is still just wearing off!
Beth says
I’m Bold. I backpacked through India for a month and lived in China for two years without knowing the language.
Mary says
I’M BOLD bungee jumping!!!
Steph H says
I’M BOLD! And I tried dreading my hair while in law school.
greer carlson says
I’m Bold! I quit my career to allow my husband the ability to follow his own. Hello Air Force!!
Breanne says
I moved to a new city for love!
patty siegmund says
patty siegmund says
I had a baby!!!! How brave is that?????
Wendy says
I’m bold!
Kelly says
I’m BOLD! I shaved my head to raise money for cancer research (and discovered i have a weird bumpy skull)
Katie S. says
Debbie says
I’m Bold … not really. But I have 4 boys including a set of twins. I hope that counts.
Bernie says
“I’m BOLD!!!”
I traveled to China with my husband, walked the Great Wall, and ate scorpions and crickets. Crickets fear me now, hahaha.
Suzanne T says
I have a teenager and a toddler, plus an 8 year old,does that count?
Julie says
I’m Bold … because my husband and I just took on a major kitchen remodel totally diy. Someday I’ll have a stove again … I hope.
Jacqueline says
i think the 2 boldest things i’ve done have been bunge-jumping in Mexico and paragliding in Colombia!
Randi says
I try to always live on the wild side!
Susan says
One thing that I’ve done that’s bold is to marry my high school sweetheart at the age of 19…and we couldn’t be happier! :)
Alex says
I’m Bold! I let my sister dye my hair once… Fully regretted it.
Erica says
I’m Bold!
I’d be bolder if I followed my dream and opened a yoga/ pilates studio..
Rosemary says
I moved in with my boyfriend six months after we met. It was a leap of faith – and is working out beautifully.
Katharine says
Ooh, ooh…pick me, I’m BOLD!!!
Sarah Ann says
I’m starting WEEK SIX of the Couch to 5K program. (never made it out of week two before!)
Courtney says
I transferred to a new school in a new city where I knew no one. Three years later I am happily married to my wonderful husband whom I met here and will graduate in about three months!
Shannon says
I’m bold!
Or at least, I used to be. I’ve skydived (and am seriously considering going for a skydiving license), and I used to dye my hair crayola colors before it was popular and easy to do so.
Winnie says
I’m bold!
I’m going to Ottawa in FEBRUARY! Yikes.
Sherri says
I’M BOLD! But I could work on being bolder..
Keri says
And have had the hard conversations this year with all the grace and honesty that I know how.
Patty says
I’m bold! (Not really, but love these prints!!)
Celeste Zuckerman says
Stephanie says
I’m Bold!
I put on a leotard several times a week and take dance class with young ballerinas. Let me tell you I’m definitely not youngin’.
Natalie S says
I’m BOLD! :)
Debra says
I’M BOLD! Got a master’s in Art Education and I am not at all talented in those areas…
Marissa says
I’m Bold!
I ate the heart of the deer I struck and killed with my car. I know that sounds super creepy in blog-comment format, but I was working on an Indian reservation at the time, and it was a custom that whoever took the life of an animal had to eat part of its heart to carry its spirit forward. And it wasn’t anything like Dances with Wolves – it was cooked.
effika says
I didn’t take my husband’s last name, which has been called “a bold move” by his family!
Nadia says
I’m Bold!
I quit my job/career of 9 to take prerequisites and study to enter nursing school.
Elle Sees says
i’m bold!
i traveled across the US and picked destinations solely by where ever my finger landed on the map!
I'M BOLD says
I had a C-section with my son, Ace, who was born 5/6/2010. It was necessary because he was breach, but it has been the bravest thing I have ever done!
Rachel says
I’m Bold!
I totally chopped all of my hair off a few days after my 33rd b-day! Very fun!
Callie says
in high school I cut off my shoulder length curly into a “Felicity” short hair cut 2 days before my senior prom and 3 weeks before a local pageant.
Becky says
I’m Bold!!! Mostly because I’m finishing my administrative degree and planning a wedding at the same time. Grad school ends the week we get married. Talk about a much needed honeymoon!!!
sydney says
I’m bold! I try cooking new recipes on a weekly basis (i am NOT a cook!)