***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Laura Giovanelli says
I’m bold! BOLD, I tell you!
I quit my job last summer as a journalist – a great job, I might add, as I was the resident restaurant critic and a features writer – to attend grad school fulltime. I’m pursuing something wildly impractical and wildly wonderful – fiction writing – and working on getting my first novel written as my thesis.
Linda says
I’m not very coordinated but went skiing for the first time at the age of 29.. I didn’t even let it distract me that my 4 and 7 year olds could ski a lot better than me!
nicole says
I’m bold! I recently left my career and am pursuing my dream of being a designer full time. I also started a design and lifestyle blog of my own.
Megan says
I’m Bold – I wake up at 5am to work out even though I have two toddlers!!!
Carolyn M says
I’m bold! I moved away from my friends, family, and home to pursue my doctorate. (Hey, said I was bold, not interesting.)
catherine says
i’m bold and… well, bold! when i was 39 weeks pregnant, i chopped all my hair off (from mid back to mia farrow) because i was sick of it. then i grew it all out, and cut it all off again to donate to charity. me and my best friend (no romantic feelings towards each other at all – completely platonic) decided to get married because we never wanted to stop being best friends. in 6 weeks we threw together a wedding, and it’s now been 10 years. i think we made the right choice.
Emily Rae says
I’m BOLD. I’ve chopped off my hair, gone to europe and done couch-surfing, jumped 30ish feet into a river — things that other people see as bold, but I just see it as having a hell of a good life!
Nina says
I’m bold! Actually I’m not, I like to play it safe.
Allison says
The boldest thing I’ve done is dediced to buy a house.. my first house.. on my own. Greatest thing ever and I love reading your blog for inspiration and ideas. :)
Tracy Bryan says
“I’m Bold”!! I recently bought a pair of jeggings:)
Mari says
Molly says
My favorite color–on everything!–is canary yellow.
Kari says
I took my nursing degree in another country and language!! And did well :-)
Sydney says
I’M BOLD!!!!
I married a guy from another state, we go on impromptu trips all the time, my house is full of random color and mismatched furniture, and I shock people all the time with my interesting clothes….not so bold as some, but bold nonetheless.
Stephanie says
i’m bold because we packed up and moved from the Chicago suburbs and moved to the middle of nowhere Georgia after college for a job for my husband (fiance at the time!)
Ann says
I moved to Malaysia from the US with my husband, leaving behind my career and my friends and family to make a life (and a baby) here!
Patty says
I’M BOLD!!!!! I am taking care of my elderly Mother and loving it.
Noah says
Rebecca says
I’M BOLD! I adopted a puppy during my first semester of law school … as if studying 24/7 wasn’t enough on my plate!
Brynne says
I’M BOLD! I’m fearless when it comes to decorating and I’m working on the courage to be fearless in fashion.
Megan says
I’M BOLD! But, really, I’m kindof shy. ‘Tis the year to be more BOLD!
Lizzie says
Anne G. says
I’M BOLD! I stood up for something I believed in, even though I knew I would risk losing my job. Sure enough, I lost my job. But, a year and a half later, I feel more certain than ever that I made the right choice. I followed my heart, and did what I knew was right.
Nicole says
I have a wall that my living room and dining room share and I painted it a cranberry red! I was never a fan of red but I figured…what the heck! And I absolutely LOVE it!!
The only thing is, my hubby and I have lived in our house for almost 2 years and I don’t have any artwork to go on the walls :P
Kate says
I said yes :)
Tonya says
I’m bold! I painted my reading room bright green today :)
Laura says
I’m bold! I moved 3000 miles away from home with my boyfriend and our dog to start medical residency. The 80 hour weeks are a killer, and I miss my family – but enjoying California with my “boys” makes it all worthwhile :)
Corrie says
I’m Bold! I went on a zip line ride through the costa rica rain forest even though the tour books warned about previous serious injuries and death. Of course, that might also be viewed as stupid…
mary anne says
I’M BOLD!! I’ve: caved in natural caves in Mexico and TExas, rappelled and climbed back up Devil’s sinkhole, took scuba diving lessons when I didn’t know how to swim (and passed!), spent more than a month camping by myself, traveled all over the US solo, given a speech to 500+ folks, and quit my job, created a job I love and downsized with my husband to a cabin in the woods (750 sq ft).
lydia says
i’m bold… and i moved from out west to pa for 6 years of graduate school!
Kathryn Clark says
… and I shaved my head in university! It was surprisingly chilly.
Rachel says
Moving to Ukraine without know a single person or the language!!
Erin from Mississippi says
I’ve done a few bold things – cut all my hair off just becuase, I decided to throw all caution to the wind and attend a college I had never seen in real life or ever heard of (and so glad I did!) and accept a full time position working at a youth volunteer camp to help with cleanup from Hurrican Katrina amidst my studies all the way down in Mississippi (I’m originally from Massachusetts)without ever having lived here or visited before or done this kind of work before – and I met my husband while I was here and got engaged 3 months after getting down here and married a year later and now we have a beautiful one year old!
Nikki says
I do what I say and say what I mean! ;)
Jenny Bowen says
and when I was 28 years old I ran for city council of my township while I was also 3 months pregnant. My agenda was to be for representative of the arts community.
Ping says
I’ve been following this blog for the last year but this is the first time I’m entering a contest!
MPowers says
I’m Bold! I moved across the world to pursue love…and it all worked out :)
emily says
I’M BOLD! dancing w a man at a wedding in ohio made me fall in love. we both were bold, took the leap, and got married ten months later. it’s been two and half years and i love him more every day…
Hannah Jayne says
I”M BOLD!!! I moved half way around the world to a country where I knew no one!
staceyk says
I’m bold!
I’m a stay at home mom of 2 (3rd is on the way).
Kris says
I quit my job and started an ice cream business (really)!
Lyndsey says
I’M BOLD! I traveled to Italy for a semester abroad without knowing anyone. It helped me make lifelong friends!
Alyssa Harper says
I’m a stay at home mommy ;)
melissa says
i’m BOLD
i had a baby! (didn’t think i had it in me)
Karen says
I’M BOLD! I shaved my head and raised almost $1500 for children with cancer a few years ago. I liked it so much I might do it again! (don’t tell my mom)
Emily @ NewlyWife says
I’M BOLD! I’ve been skydiving before, but I think the most thrilling experience was quitting my job to then accept a dream job. Best decision ever. Besides getting married, that is.
Dana says
I’m Bold!!
I jumped off a bridge in the Amazon tied to a rope. Not until after I jumped did I think about the fact that it wouldn’t give at the bottom. OUCH! But a great memory nonetheless. :)
Farrah says
I’m bold! I love travel – did a lot… but my biggest boldest move was deciding to have kids in spite of all the what-ifs, and letting them teach me a thing or two. Now as they enter toddler stages, I am gearing up to get really bold and start traveling again, this time with our daughters.
Jennifer says
My husband and I just decided to take a job position in the Middle East and we will be raising our first child (about to be born) there.
Christina says
I’m Bold!