***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
sarah says
I’m bold!
I moved to Germany (where I now live for the next 18 months) with my husband for his schooling! I think that was pretty BOLD, especially since I didn’t speak any German.
mally says
I’M BOLD! I survived Guillain-Barre Syndrome and all of its complications and have gone on to make real progress on my bucket list! I have quit smoking, cut my hair short, and have been in an ultra-light glider. Those are my favorites on the list so far….
Michelle says
I really haven’t done anything Bold lately:)
Danae says
I chopped off about ten inches of hair in the spring and got blunt bangs. I was reading a book about Paris and thought….maybe I need a more stylish hair cut. Impulsive!
kathleen says
In a year and a half, I moved from to Provincetown, MA for the summer followed by a year in Kyoto, Japan and then to Telluride, CO. All sight unseen and all amazing!
Charlotte says
Teisha says
I have gone skydiving and it was the scariest/awesomest thing I’ve ever done.
Hillary says
Drake says
I just moved to another state where I don’t know anyone!
Jourdan says
I’M BOLD! But not very brave. What if I can’t think of anything?
Aeriel says
I’m bold! I moved across the contry to a big city all alone just to follow the man I love (and eventually married!).
Lexi R says
I’m training for my first half marathon in April and raising money to find a cure for blood cancer!
Amanda says
I’M BOLD…because I’ve gone paragliding in the Swiss Alps!
Star says
I recently sent my design resume to a famous bed-and-breakfast, offering to help them redesign their place for the many tourists & looky-loos. It worked! I’ve had a blast helping them & love the experience its bringing!
Miss says
I’m bold! Moved to NYC right after graduating from college, without knowing a soul, having a job or what would happen. Had planned on just keep on moving if it didn’t work out (I’ve always dreamed of being a nomad, seriously), but things turned out great. Still dreaming of moving again to new things, but for now life is good here.
Carol says
I live in Minnesota!
aleece says
mrshiggison says
I’M BOLD, cause I gave birth naturally…twice. On purpose.
Hey, it makes ME feel bold, alright?!!
kelly says
i’m bold!
not really though.
boldest thing i’ve every done is having a baby. meh!
love the prints!
Clancey says
Sarah Howlett says
I’m bold…
I moved to NEW YORK CITY with NO job and NO place to live!!
Just a few months later, I was renting a Midtown studio, working for a glamorous magazine, and meeting the man who became my husband!
Candice Matthews says
I jumped off a one hundred foot water tower into a lake a few summers ago! The only girl who would do it in the group!Woot Woot!
Deana says
IM BOLD…. I am about to run my first half marathon in March. I am boldly going where I have never been before.
Soapwalla Chef says
I spent 3 months traveling India alone.
Molly says
I just cut off 12 inches of hair to donate to Lock for Love.
Halley says
I went through a strange phase in college and dyed my hair black. I thought I was being edgy!
Valerie Hooper-Lindros says
I’m bold! I tried to drive to work today in a blizzard and was told to turn around by the sheriff blockade!
Tracy says
I’m bold – I chopped off all my hair and even my hairdresser was scared to do it – I had to go to someone new to do it!! :)
Gina says
I’m Bold! Once, back in my fearless single days, I randomly kissed a guy, and just walked away feeling delightfully mischevious.
Cassie says
I’m Bold!…because I donated a kidney to a stranger! (and it was my first time staying in a hospital, and my first surgery, and my first anesthesia, and my first massive bodily trauma…)
KC Michelle says
I’M BOLD! And I love those prints! Boldest move – dropping my pants in the middle of a bar during a dart game (long story but it was in this particular game’s rules that if you didn’t score high enough your next shot had to be taken with your pants down, luckily I had a long shirt on).
BB says
I took an internship in NYC when I was 21 and moved out there without knowing anybody or even where I was going to live! It all ending up working out, and I’m so glad I was brave enough to go for it.
Michelle says
I’m BOLD!!
I went bungee jumping off a bridge in New Zealand!!!
Melissa says
I’m BOLD! Ten years ago, I quit my job and moved to Europe in search of adventure…10 years later, I am still here.
Amanda says
I’m BOLD. So BOLD in fact that me, my husband and a friend actually put on a rehearsal dinner (actually a “beerhearsal” read http://www.itsabeerdinner.com/2011/01/beerhearsal-thats-not-thing.html for more info on that) for said friend’s sister. This included planning and prepping all the food, serving 7 plated courses with beer pairing and decorating the entire event from top to bottom. It was a BOLD success- especially since by trade we are a risk manager, an accountant and a marketing director.
Jamie says
I brought home a 150 lb. ball of burled teak on impulse.
Ruthanne says
I’M BOLD! Because I’m planning to sell everything to move overseas this summer.
kristin says
I’m Bold
I adopted an Australian Cattle Dog puppy-any one who has ever met one knows-bold moves indeed. She has been the greatest addition to my life but has wreaked the most havoc by far
Stefanie says
I’M BOLD!! Got married.. after only 6 months of being together! Aughh!! Two years later (this coming Sunday)and we couldn’t be happier… :)
Sarah says
I’M BOLD!!!!
We moved our family from the state my husband & I grew up in to live on an island. It was scary & bold for sure, but it’s the best decision we’ve ever made!
Jessica F says
I’m bold….. and I just started a photography business with my husband!!!
Bobbie Z says
The first time I met my (now) husband, I proclaimed I would marry him someday. And I did!
Evan says
I’M BOLD! After dating for two months I asked my girlfriend to marry me. We’ve been happily married for over 5 years!
Laura M says
lilcg says
I’m bold (I really am, even if I can’t think of I specific example right now). more importantly, I have the perfect place for one or two of these!
Betty says
I’m BOLD enough to stand up for me and what I believe in…:)
erin says
i’m bold! i once auditioned for the radio city rockettes on a whim. i, um, didn’t make it. ha!
Cindy F. says
I’M BOLD! I sold my house and live and travel in an RV.
Thao says
I’ve chopped off 11 inches of hair, twice! They’ve both gone to Locks of Love.
Christina says
I’ve gone hanggliding from 1500 feet up in the air.