***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Sarah says
I’M BOLD! Moving to another country where I didn’t know anyone was pretty scary/exciting!
Justine says
In January I swam with sharks and sting rays in Belize!
guenevera says
I’m bold!
Ali says
I’m BOLD!! I drove cross-country(Texas to Massachusetts) and back with my mother and my 3 children!! Youngest turned 3 on the trip!!
jacqueline v says
im bold!
im diving into a new career as a 911 dispatcher!
Rachel says
I moved across the country to a state where I didn’t know anybody. Turned out wonderfully!
Tesse says
I signed up for my first triathlon, then agreed to join my mom on a 100 km bike ride the following week! (Bold, or stupid?)
Jessica says
I’M BOLD. I’ve been skydiving!
Rachel says
I’m bold! I quit my job as director of a nonprofit to volunteer in Thailand with an agricultural education NGO. And even though since I returned, I’m still looking for a job here in the States … I don’t regret my decision. It changed my life, and the lives of the students I taught at the NGO.
Kristina says
I confessed my love to my best friend and now we’ve been married for almost a year!
Brittany says
I’m bold! I have a 7 month old and I’m 4 months pregnant w/ #2 which is pretty bold. But I just chopped all my hair into a pixie cut to simplify my life.
Stephanie says
I went to a third world country by myself for a research project.
Julie says
I am working to pursued the company I work for to donate to a cause I support!
Juliet says
I’m bold! Tried the black run at steamboat during a whiteout..the moguls looked as big as a Volkswagen to me. Exhausted by the end think I like the smoother runs!
Clara says
We just moved this weekend into a new place, and these are totally inspirational for more color in our place.
Alina says
I’m BOLD. I’ve skydived multiple times. Then I ran my first marathon on a broken leg! Trust me when I say I FELT every inch of that twenty-six point two!
Susan says
I’M BOLD! One of the boldest things I’ve done is climbed on top of and over a bridge. So fun!
jenn says
i dont think ive done anything bold. i play it safe :c
Tanya says
I went Bungee Jumping over the Nile River in Uganda.
Brenda says
I’M BOLD! I zip-lined through the rain forest!
Erin C. says
I had a baby at home last year. It was a planned home birth and it was my first baby. Giving birth makes you feel like you can do anything. I was so proud of myself and my amazing body for being able to do such an incredible thing!
Angela says
I’M BOLD!!!!
I’m bold because I mustered up the courage to leave my abusive marriage despite my entire Catholic family disowning me. Two years later, I’ve never been more stable or proud of myself.
Penni McNamara says
I’m so not bold. I’m sure I’ve had my moments, but overall I’m not a bold risk taker! Hmmmmmmm. If i win I’ll pick a BOLD piece of art!!!!
Tara says
I’m bold! I’ve been scuba diving in the French Riviera, and I’m terrified of water deeper than I am tall.
Lynsey says
I bought a fixer-upper home with my husband and did major renovations without any prior experience! We love our cute little first home :)
Cheryl says
I’M BOLD! — I bust a move BIG time for my baby niece no matter who’s watching. Trust me, it’s bold!
Love the site!
Jo(ke) says
I’m Bold!
Sofie says
I’m bold
Laurén says
I’M BOLD! (Especially when I moved to New York City without knowing a soul.) February 17th is my 4th anniversary and I have no idea where else I’d be!
Paola says
I’M BOLD! the boldest think i ever done was to move to a new city without knowing anyone there. I was scary, but felt i was grown-up
Elise says
I’M BOLD – I just went on a trip to Israel with no one that I know and made a 3-year life plan that involves quitting my job, biking across the US, and living in 3 different countries!
thecounselormom says
“I’M BOLD!” The boldest thing I ever did was pack up my things and go and work for Club Med resorts after college!
Meg Annan says
I’M BOLD! I wear sassy purple tights to my conservative, dreary workplace.
<3 Meg
joanne moy mcintyre says
I’m BOLD!!
Less than 2 years into our relationship, I moved with my then boyfriend (now husband) to Boston… a place where I had never been and away from everyone I knew!
Emily says
I’m Bold! Heck, I think being a parent is bold enough, but once Clara gets to Toddlerdom, then you’ll understand what kind of boldness and bravery you have to have! (I’m blocking out what may come in the teen years. lalalala! Can’t hear you seasoned parents! lalalal!)
Amanda says
Ashton Ewell says
I’M BOLD!! I painted a ceiling all by myself yesterday!
Mrs. Mango says
I did confess my feelings to a very close friend once. Unfortunatly, it was not the best experience, but to this day I am grateful I did and I don’t have to wonder what if!
Lisa in Seattle says
I have a pretty strong fear of flying, but I once went up in a friend’s Cessna and we flew into the crater of Mt. St. Helens (a local volcano that had erupted some years ago). It was really a cool experience!
tinbilli says
I´m bold!
I have a orange kitchen, made in the early 60´s and i love it :)
Jennifer Stone says
I’M BOLD! Hold onto your hats….I cut my hair into those long eye skimming bangs from all the magazines. I had been “bang free” since I was 4. It suprisingly looked very chic!
Claire says
I’M BOLD…My fiance and I just bought our first house.
Judith says
I’m BOLD! I have 2 kids-sometimes scary stuff! :)
Maritel says
When I was 19, I went to Florence for a semester and studied abroad, not knowing anyone, but it was the most fantastic experience of my LIFE!
Jenny says
I’m BOLD! : )
carey says
I entered graduate school after having two kiddos. It’s very tricky but I’m happy with my decision. :)
LOVE these prints big time.
carey says
I’M BOLD. I decided to run a half marathon with my dear friend who had a double lung double kidney transplant. She’s amazing and I was totally inspired. :)
Sarah says
I moved away from home to go to a university in a different state where I didn’t know anyone or the city around it. I have no idea where I got the guts to do it.
Jen says
I’m Bold!
for marrying a dare devil. not actually being one.
Kristin B. says
I’m leaving my home in CA and moving to NY, NY to follow my dream of being an opera singer.