***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Kathleen says
I’M BOLD – I just went from blonde to brunette this weekend ;)
katklaw777 says
I’M BOLD…I used to climb telephone poles for a living!
I was one of the first female telephone installers in Illinois. I was scared to death at first but by the end of training I could climb like a monkey. I AM BOLD!!!
Renee J. says
I’m BOLD. I mean I wish I were BOLD, thanks for the reminder to be BOLD in life!
Kyley says
I’m Bold!
I just entered (and got accepted) to compete in an extreme cowboy race at a horse expo near me. no.1 I am not a cowboy (nor cowgirl)… very far from it…. does anyone know how to rope a cow? no.2 I have to ride and compete the pony I trained myself in front of hundreds of spectators no.3 I’m scared out of my mind! Although I think it will be a blast and a once in a lifetime experience!
I really hope I don’t embarrass myself too much!
Thomas Marks says
Sue S says
I’m usually bold enought to know what I want…
Jen says
I moved the whole way across the country (from PA to CA) with just my boyfriend and cats!!! We’ve added a dog but our entire families are back east.
cassidy says
I’M BOLD! Back in college I introduced myself to the guy I had been crushing on in class…now, seven years later, we have been married for five years!
Genevieve says
I’m BOLD! I asked a guy to move cross-country for me after the first time we met in person. And now (a year later) we’re married!
That was a way bigger risk than other intrepid (fear-defying, foolhardy) things I’ve done… like diving with sharks, walking a tiger on a leash, backpacking solo across Europe, hitchhiking… All fun though!
Mariana says
I AM BOLD! I skydived! And chopped all my hair off too! Amongst other crazy shananigans…
Amanda S. says
I’M BOLD! I will be driving literally thousands of miles across the country next year for my 4th year of medical school… all for the adventure of going to places I’ve never been and helping patients across the states!
Dacia says
I was the first in my family to leave our hometown and go away to college. Best decision I’ve ever made!!
Talia says
bethany engl says
I’m Bold!!!
Elsa says
JackieL says
Right after college, I moved to Shanghai, China all by my lonesome. I went to teach kindergarten at a private school for a year. It was honestly, one of the best experiences of my life. If it weren’t for my then bf, and now husband, living in the States, I would probably still be there.
Steph says
I’M BOLD! I quit a family job teach English to teenagers!!
lisa says
I’M BOLD! and…
I’m ready to have some fun!
Tarnya Cook says
I’m BOLD! I gave birth to a 10+ pound baby with no drugs naturally!!
Kacee Brown says
I’M BOLD…trying to buy our first house in a different state!
Katie says
I’m happy being single and knowing the right guy is out there somewhere, rather than being in a relationship that’s wrong, just to be in a relationship.
Lindsey says
I’m BOLD! The boldest thing I’ve ever done was to move from Chicago to Las Vegas on a whim! What a culture shock, but an experience I wouldn’t change for anything.
the cape on the corner says
i’m bold-i just booked my boyfriend and i a trip to spain. and neither of us speak spanish!
Elizabeth says
I biked down the world’s most dangerous road in Bolivia!
Jessica@reisfeltadventure says
I’m bold!
I joined Teach for America at age 21 and ended up moving across the country and starting a teaching career in inner city schools with special needs kindergarteners.
Julia says
I’m changing careers!!
Anna B says
I’M BOLD! because I’m in grad school completing the most mentally challenging year of my life!
Lorena says
I’M BOLD! I decided to move to Alaska from the midwest, sight unseen, for grad school. I even convinced my fiance’ to marry me right then (instead of waiting another year for me to graduate and come back to the midwest) and come with me. 4 years later, we are still in AK and loving life!
kristi says
The boldest thing I’ve ever done… having children! With #4 on the way I think I might have traveled past bold to just plain crazy! :-)
Jennifer says
I colored my hair red before an interview. And got the job!
Lauren says
I’m Bold…and need some artwork for my bare walls.
I went skydiving in Las Vegas with a friend, it was awesome, I just wish I could find the tape, lol.
Megan Sanders says
I’m Bold! I teach second grade-always a lovely adventure,7 & 8 year olds, they are delightful, surprise and amaze me, every single day! (except today becasue we had a blizzard).
Megan says
The boldest thing I’ve done is take a risk and quit my old job to take a job at a smaller company where I am much happier and stress-free.
Erin says
I’m bold! I have four boys under six!
Karen T. says
I’M BOLD–I got engaged and then married after only knowing my husband for 12 months. I was only 22 and newly graduated from college, my friends thought I was crazy! Thirteen years later we are still in love and happily married with 2 boys…life is good.
Kerri says
I broke every bone in my right leg 2 years ago in a snow-mobiling accident and have now made a 98% recovery. Does that count? :)
Stacy says
“I’M BOLD!” Born and raised in Texas and, in August of last year, moved across the country to New Jersey leaving all my family and husbands family behind. I have 3 children 7yrs and under. My husband changed careers to follow his passion of leading people to Jesus. Less income/Higher cost of living/Much happier hubby. We made the right decision. Our children love the snow. :o)
Kirsten says
I’M BOLD! Me and my husband eloped 8 months before our actual “big” wedding. I think that’s the boldest thing I’ve ever done :)
Sarah Scott says
I went from blonde to brunette. I LOVE IT.
Amanda A says
I’m Bold! I just turned down a PhD in Neuroscience and instead I’m getting my masters to pursue a career in which I have more time for family.
Lacey says
I’M BOLD and sing out loud when I run.
jana says
I’M BOLD! I am an activist for gay rights, even though my conservative family disagrees with me.
Elle says
I’M BOLD! (and foolish, too) I hitchhiked in Europe.
Marisa says
I’m bold! I changed careers.
Elise says
Or at least I will be after I paint my living room yellow!!
nancy says
I’M BOLD! Because…I just turned in my resignation on Friday at my first job out of grad school and will be relocating and starting a new one on 2/28. I’m scared, but I think it’s the right decision. And, we just bought our first house, and I would LOVE one of these prints to hang on the wall!!
Tibi Osorio says
I left behind my country, my parents, my sisters, my brothers, my chilhood, my friends and my career, moving my family to Montreal, Canada.
I did it for my daughters and I’m so happy here… that I would do it again!!!! :)
Thank you for your good vibe! I visit your site every day.
Maggie says
I had been super unhappy with my job for months (nearly a year, really!), so I quit without having a solid “next step”… but luckily I found a great job where I’m actually valued within a few months!
Sarah says
I just booked airfare to fly 11 hrs straight (San Francisco to Tokyo) SOLO with my 8 month old baby. Might be the scariest thing I ever do :-)
Savanna says
The night I met the guy who later became my husband, I asked him for his number instead of waiting for him to ask me for mine- I’d say it was a pretty good move!