***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – scroll down to the bottom to see who won!***
We’re always on the lookout for new art these days (lots of empty walls!) so we’re excited to bring you this giveaway from Barcelona-based illustrator Judy Kaufmann. Her bold prints – sometimes colorful, sometimes stark – have a charming combo of simplicity and intricacy. Here are a few of our favs below, but you can of course browse more in her Etsy shop.
- PRIZE: A $50 gift card towards any print from Judy Kaufmann.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “I’M BOLD!” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about something bold or brave you’ve done. Have you gone skydiving? Did you chop all of your hair off just because you felt like it? Or did you confess your love to an unsuspecting friend?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, February 2nd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Anywhere in the world!
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winners will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Random.org has chosen our winners and they are… Melissa (who boldly bought some bright red faux leather fabric for an upcoming project) and Stephanie L (who went whale watching in a tiny boat despite her fear of the ocean). Congrats!
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from
Casey S. says
I moved out of town to live with a man I only knew for a month. We’ve been together for 5 years and were married last May. Best bold mood I’ve ever made. :)
Blanca A says
“I’M BOLD!” the boldest thing i did was ask my now fiance out on a date. I was very cool and just brought it up casually. I’m glad he said yes! Any who, 3 years later, were engaged! Best thing i’ve ever done!
Stacy says
I’M BOLD! I actually once did shave my head for a high school speech. It’s a look I’m glad I got out of my system before I was gainfully employed :)
Becky says
I’m BOLD!!! I teach third grade! :)
Jessica Hess says
I carry around a bright green hand bag and get lots of compliments on it. I love that it is fun and young and not old and boring. I used to always have a brown one. When it wears out I will never go back to brown again. :-)
Heather says
I’m bold because I go zip-lining and rappelling for fun, and I have confessed my love for a friend before.
Jasmine Brooks says
I’M BOLD!! I cut off all of my 10 inch hair in order to become natural and get out all of the chemicals in my hair!
Jody says
I had major surgery in November and went skydiving 2 weeks before hand.
Becky says
I’M BOLD! I had four kids in five years!
Sara says
I have firey red hair…I am a walking ball of boldness!
PLUS: I am a mother of two (boys, ages 3 and 2), have been married for 4 years, and am currently working on my master’s in speech language pathology.
Steph H says
I’m Bold!
I go on a week long motorcycle trip every summer with my husband. It’s my secret life.
Michelle T says
I’m Bold!
I moved to a foreign country by myself!!
Karla Schaitberger says
I’m BOLD….I think I need to do something bold pretty soon!!!
Kristin says
We just bought our first house today, even though we are kind of terrified and have no idea what we are doing! We’re hoping to pick up some pointers from this great site. :)
Thao says
I’ve cut off 11 inches of hair, twice! They went to Locks of Love each time.
Nancy F says
I’m bold!
I have to be to teach a room full of feisty 5th graders every day!
Reba says
I’M BOLD!!!!
I moved to the gorgeous Southern Oregon Coast all by myself — no job, no friends — but it’s been the best 10 months so far…and it’s only getting better!!!! :-))))
Katie C says
I’m bold!
I haven’t had the opportunity to take too many chances, but I guess one I’m pretty proud of is that I found my current apartment on a day trip – I drove to Illinois from Michigan (7h!) and gave myself one day to look at a handful of apartments and sign a lease… 3 weeks before I had to move down here. I’ve been in this apartment for 3 years, so everything worked out well :-)
Jenny says
I’M BOLD! I rocked a bikini at the beach when I was 9 months pregnant.
Sarah says
I teach high school English, and, in the past year, I’ve had a baby girl and worked on restoring/ redoing an OLD house! (sound familiar?)
abigail says
I moved to all the way across the world on a wim, thinking that me and my then boyfriend would last…we are just got married in september…i consider that brave and bold
sarah says
I’m bold
because I will travel anywhere.
brandon says
Amy S says
I’M BOLD! I recently quit my job with no clear plan for what to do next — this is very much at odds with my Type A personality, but had to be done due to highly toxic work environment. To celebrate, I went skydiving!
Vicki says
I’m BOLD! I just had a baby!
Eliza Brown says
I’M BOLD! I moved from Canada to Singapore without knowing anyone.
Carrie says
I’m bold! I trusted my heart and jumped headfirst into a relationship after knowing someone 2 days and meeting them while on vacation. At the time, we lived 2 states away from each other (big ones, not like northeast tiny states) and now we’ve been married over 8 years and have 2 beautiful daughters!
sarah says
i’ve been scuba diving with sharks and other creepy deep sea monsters
Tyler says
I’M BOLD! I moved across country to a place to attend the college I always wanted too even though everyone I knew would be 2000+ miles away from me!
Jenna says
I spent 5 months in France living and learning French all by myself!
Tiffany says
I’m BOLD! I moved 1,500 miles away from home after graduating from college to a place where I didn’t know a single soul. It was amazing and I appreciate my family/being close to them even more. :)
Rachel says
I’m Bold!
my first overseas trip was to the heart of Papua New Guinea.
Katie Linhart says
The boldest thing I did was moving across the world without knowing a single person.
Whitney says
I found a passion for photography and am working to create a name for myself now – all in a couple of years’ time.
alison says
I’M BOLD! Once I let my then-boyfriend-now-husband’s roommate cut my hair! It was quite a bit shorter than the 1/2″ off I said would be just fine. :)
MARIE says
I’m bold!
Angie says
I’m Bold
I guess the bravest thing I’ve ever done is leave my well-established career to take care of my 2 beautiful babies.
Charlotte says
I’m bold! In high school I punched a guy in the face to defend my best friend’s honor. I’m 5’0, he was 6’5″. Not something I’d do again, but I don’t regret it.
Ruth Ann says
I’M BOLD…but only on the inside where no one knows.
lauren b. says
i’m bold … i did go skydiving. in the swiss alps. from a helicopter. in november.
Whitney says
I’m BOLD!!!!
Suzanne L. says
I’M BOLD! I spent 6 weeks learning Portuguese from audio tapes, went to Brazil and managed to communicate with locals who spoke no English at all.
Naomi says
I’m BOLD…I recently bought my very first set of roller derby gear and joined our local team
Sheri says
Julie says
I’M BOLD! I did the haircut thing when I was in college…all by myself.
Korie says
I’m bold!
Well, not so much….I should work on that :)
Chrissy says
I’M BOLD. I ran a marathon even after tearing cartilage in my knee at mile 8.
Glennis says
I’m BOLD! I accepted a proposal for marriage after dating only 11 weeks! We are still happily married after 3 years :)
Robyn says
I swam with sting rays once & it was so exilerating!!
Anne says
I moved countries to Nz where I knew 1 person, my then boyfriend, after a 6 month long-distance relationship to see if we could make it work – it did – 5 years later we’re about to celebrate our 2nd anniversary.