***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the one lucky winner (as selected by random.org) is… Laura (who says “Me likey fall. The air smells so fresh and clean!”) Congrats!
Everyone’s favorite modular carpet square maker is back for another giveaway, and this time it’s bigger and better than their awesome 2009 prize. This time FLOR is gonna hook our winner up with enough tiles to build a custom 8 x 10′ rug – which also breaks down to be enough tiles to create a runner and a smaller area rug if that’s more your style. Oh, you’ll be able to pick from ANY of their 100+ colors and styles too. Here are some of our favorites below:
- PRIZE: An 8×10′ area rug in any style from FLOR (roughly 35 tiles of any design)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “FLOR ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us which of the
four seasons is your favorite and why. Are you into hot summer days at the beach? Bundling up on a cool winter night? Or is the arrival of spring the best thing ever in your book? - GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 23rd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States and Canada
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from FLOR.
Valerie says
Flor me! I recently moved from California to Canada and I’m loving the changing seasons! I have a new appreciation for it and I can’t get over how gorgeous it gets in the fall.
Yolanda says
FLOR ME… Spring.is my favorite season…barefoot and carefree wandering through the cool grass!!!
“Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.”Doug Larson
Justine says
Flor ME! I love running in the fall leaves, but this warming up with weather right now is great too.
Marilyn C says
FLOR ME! I’d have to say springtime is my favorite season. After a long cold winter, nothing feels better than warm sunshine on your back while riding my horse or bike outside and admiring the rebirth of nature all around!
Amanda says
I love autumn! Not only is it the most beautiful season but come the end of August I am so over sweating on my walk to the mailbox and crisp cool air is a welcomed relief!
Kelley says
FLOR ME…..Summer is the shiz nizzle!! Love love love the sun!
Carlee says
Flor Me!
Fall in the PNW is beautiful. Clear, crisp and cold, while the sun is shining. Everyone thinks it rains in Seattle 24/7. That’s just what we tell people so we can keep it all to ourselves :)
Tiffany says
Flor me! I love transitions (sunrises & sunsets) so Spring and Fall make me equally happy!
Zed says
Flor me!……..It’s ALL about FALL!!!
AMG says
FLOR Me!!! I love autumn, as the leaves change and the weather is cool!
Caroline says
in socal, i love all the seasons :)
Aubrey says
FLOR ME! I love autumn the most, but really, I enjoy every season as it transitions. One of the best things about Michigan are seasons. I don’t think I could live anywhere without them!!
John Duong says
FLOR ME! My favorite season is the fall because its the goldilocks zone for me temperature-wise, most shows kick off their new season of episodes, the baseball playoffs start to heat up, and football starts to get into gear.
Nicole says
FLOR ME – after spending a year and a half rehabbing our first home, we are finally getting around to the details and don’t yet have a rug in the house!
Autumn has always been a favorite of mine, but this St. Louis spring is pretty fabulous – the excitement of planting my first full garden, getting to enjoy the back deck that my sister and I rebuilt, and backyard barbecues with friends. Yes, this spring is truly delightful!
Dana L. says
Oh, you know I love me some springtime! How could you not love spring buds, sunny breezy days, open windows, fresh air, green leaves, daffodils, and the end to winter’s hibernation?
Roxanne says
For me!
Love the transitional season. The expectancy is overwhelming. :-)
anna says
summer!!!!!! i love getting a tan
patience says
Fall for apple picking, winery trips, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and beautiful trees.
Jenn says
I love autumn in New England – crunchy bright colored leaves, apple picking and warm days followed by cool nights. After living on the other side of the world for 3 years without Autumn, I cant wait to be back home for it this year :)
Erica says
FLOR ME!!! Give me hot a sweaty summer, cold beer, and a ginormous lake any day!
Rayna says
Spring – the butterflies and birds come out!
Erin says
I love Autumn – leaves changing, crisp air, return to drinking hot cocoa at brunch (following months of lemonade). Though late summer is looking great this year with the birth of our first child :)
Cynthia says
My favorite season is spring, not because I love the blooming greenery or the just right temperature, those are just perks. Spring is my favorite as it’s the kindest on my asthma.
Kelly says
Jennifer Allen says
Flor Me!! Springtime is my favorite season. The weather is near PERFECT here in Dallas and we have wildflowers everywhere!! AMAZING!! The Texas State Flower is the bluebonnet…there is nothing prettier than a field full of those…LOVE IT!!
CC says
FLOR ME! I love Spring- before allergies hit, anyway- it’s such a relief to see flowers coming up and trees budding again after a dirty, cold winter!
Dianna says
I love late September as we go into Fall. There is something so reviving about the smell of the autumn air. It reminds me of times when I would return to school, football season, the upcoming holidays, pumpkin (scones, pancakes, muffins, you get the picture), beautiful leaves, etc. Ahhh, I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. :)
NICK says
FLOR ME! and bring on summer, sand, and sunsets.
Sarah says
FLOOR ME!! Fall is my favorite- It’s just the right temperature in New England (not too hot or cold), I love the colors of the foliage, apple picking, hot apple cider, fall fashion and is the best time of year for wine tasting!
Maria says
FLOR ME! I moved to the Pacific Northwest and I really miss a good humid summer’s day like I had back in the Midwest.
Alina says
Amanda says
I love SUMMER! All of the seasons have something to love, it’s true, but summer is the best season in the Pacific Northwest. Sunshine, blue water, beautiful greenery and flowers and ripe berries everywhere, and those loooooong high-latitude summer days… ahhh. I can’t wait!
jessica hale says
FLOR me.
lesismore says
wow, i’ve never seen over 7,000 comments before! looks like people really want to be flor-ed!
well, i do too! flor me! come on, i want to win something. i’m 9 months pregnant and our rug in the tv room is nasty and i would like to let my baby touch the floor at some point in her life.
Jessica says
FLOR me! I love fall… the colours and the crisp air!
Liz says
flor me! I love everything season wise, but only for like 2-3 weeks if it is winter or dead of summer
charlotte says
I love summer! The winters here are brutal…so um yeah, I live for summer :)
Morgan says
You can’t help but love every season in San Diego… but fall is special because it’s full of wonderful, festive holidays! And I love preparing for those :).
Katherine says
Definitely a fan of fall and all the changing colors.
Teannette says
I love the spring. Getting the windows open and letting the breeze refresh everything in the house.
Keri G. says
Spring is the best! Bring on the gorgeous Texas wildflowers and I’ll be one happy girl!
Jenn says
FLOR ME. And fall, because the temps are lovely and the trees are gorgeous.
Jenn says
Flor me!!! I live in Alaska, anytime that we have sunshine and its not negative 20, 30 or 40 is all that matters!
Ness says
FLOR ME… summer. Love swimming and getting tan:)
Kelly S says
FLOR ME! Bring on autumn! Boots, sweaters, scarves, more boots!
Jen says
FLOR Me…the newness of Spring is my weakness. It always feels like the world gets a fresh start!
Jenn Hannifan Diekmann says
“Flor Me!”
Bonus: My fave season is Fall, but I am thinking it may be Spring now following a long, long Winter! Yeah, Spring!
Aimee says
FLOR ME! Spring is my favorite– it’s a pretty big deal here in Alaska!
flyingbird says
Summer, summer, summer. Feels like it will never get here.
Cindy says
FLOR ME! Late spring, because it’s the best of both spring and summer.