***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the one lucky winner (as selected by random.org) is… Laura (who says “Me likey fall. The air smells so fresh and clean!”) Congrats!
Everyone’s favorite modular carpet square maker is back for another giveaway, and this time it’s bigger and better than their awesome 2009 prize. This time FLOR is gonna hook our winner up with enough tiles to build a custom 8 x 10′ rug – which also breaks down to be enough tiles to create a runner and a smaller area rug if that’s more your style. Oh, you’ll be able to pick from ANY of their 100+ colors and styles too. Here are some of our favorites below:
- PRIZE: An 8×10′ area rug in any style from FLOR (roughly 35 tiles of any design)
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “FLOR ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us which of the
four seasons is your favorite and why. Are you into hot summer days at the beach? Bundling up on a cool winter night? Or is the arrival of spring the best thing ever in your book? - GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 23rd at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States and Canada
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday morning for the announcement of our winners. Good luck…
Note: We weren’t paid or perk’d for hosting this giveaway, we just like rewarding our lovely readers! See our Giveaway FAQs page for more info. Pics from FLOR.
Jonna says
FLOR ME! I love the summer when we more or less live at the beach!
JRBlack says
Spring is my favorite time, except when the weather goes from 70 to 30s in one week! I love the grass growing back, the birds coming back and everything is turning into new. It’s the season of my birthday and my wedding anniversary! It is the best!
Kimberley says
FLOR me~ Definitely summer~
Heather Ricco says
Flor me! I love the summer. First, because I’m always cold, so the heat is good. It also really feels (to me anyways), like a season that involves all my senses. Summer sun and warm air on my skin. Smell of the air after rain and fresh cut grass. The sounds of cicadas and wind chimes on a hot and drowsy afternoon. Tastes of all the good fresh fruits and veggies that are finally available (and not all the mealy ones from the winter). And the sites of a blue sky with gorgeous puffy skies during the day, and fireflies and moonlight making our backyard into a fairytale land at night.
Definitely has to be summer for me.
Beth says
FLOR ME – I love fall for the best weather and college football!
Lesha says
Flor ME!!! Spring has always been my fav. Happy to see the sun once again and spend some time outdoors.
Christi says
FLOR ME! Now that I live in FL, the fall is my favorite as it starts to cool down after the summer heat.
Mandi Thornton says
I love spring. Mostly because I hate winter and I love to see it go, but also because nothing is more fresh, beautiful, and full of energy than a budding daffodil and singing birds.
I just found you guys through the Washington Post article, and I LOVE YOUR design, and you are all so adorable. I am a new huge fan.
chris says
Favorite season has to be fall-the leaves, the colors, first fire in the fire place, apple picking, football. That said…right now is an amazing time of year. Seeing my perennial plants just bursting through the frozen soil is one of nature’s most amazing gifts and symbols of renewal and growth!
Beth says
Flor me! Love me some spring…bring on the flowers and warm weather.
Shani Fouts says
FLOR ME!! I love summer…something about the warm sunshine and the bright colors make me happy!
Miya says
FLOR ME! Definitely summer! Sundresses, sandals, grilling, going to the beach… did I mention it snowed here in Boston yesterday?
Kim says
The first sign of a crocus pushing its way through the hard snowy ground always puts a smile on my face…they remind me of my Nanna.
Renee J. says
What a great giveaway. It’s definitely time for a new rug in my house and a FLOR rug would be perfect.
Deirdre says
FLOR ME! My favorite season is spring. I just love the newness of it. There is nothing like the smell of grass, the blossoming of new flowers, and the birds chirping on a fresh spring morning. Spring, to me, is a wonderful reminder of life.
Christin says
FLOR me! My favorite season is Fall because I love to watch the leaves changing colors, plus it’s a little cooler so I can wear cuter clothes.
Vivian says
FLOR me!!!!
My favorite season is definitely summer. Because I live in Maine and this winter was a killer! We’re all just praying for summer to come fast. I already have a Flor carpet in my living room – I’d love to add one to my dining room!
Erica says
Susan says
FLOR me!! Fall is by far my favorite season! I love the changing of the leaves, the crisp smell in the air, baking with apples, the cooler days and the chance to bring out sweatshirts I haven’t worn in many months…
Bethany says
FLOR ME! Summer is definitely my favorite…no wait spring…no wait winter….sorry I’m just like my 4 year old. I can’t have just ONE!
Julie says
Duncan says
FLOR ME… pretty please?
It’s a toss-up between fall and spring. Either way, the harsh season passes, and the gentle one arrives. The air in the fall is crisper, and the sky clearer, but spring has new life and warmth.
No to summer, though. Yechh. Sticky heat, broken car A/C, energy sapped… no thank you.
Melissa says
I love Spring and Fall, mostly because the weather isn’t too extreme because you’re still comfortable enough to be outside during both (I’m in the South so summers can be brutal). I’m so glad Spring is here!
Farmer says
Flor me!
I love Fall the most. The crisp fallen leaves, the smell of bonfires, the sounds of fans cheering & the band playing at football games, the bright aqua blue skies against a backdrop of orange, red & yellow leaves. Ahhhh.
Beth says
FLOR ME!! Love to swap out runners with the changing seasons!! Need some sunshine in my house!
Elizabeth says
My favorite season is late summer early fall. Just love all the season…even winter…well now that its almost behind us!
Bethany says
FLOR me! – and my favorite is definitely fall. :)
Deborah Vogel says
Flor me! Spring and summer…. sunshine and warmth – the best combination!
debi says
FLOR ME! Spring is my favorite, as the world comes back to life.
Brooke says
Living in the Midwest, we’ve got 4 very distinct seasons, and I truly love each one the same. They all have things that I love about them.
Candace says
FLOR me! Love all seasons, but fall takes the cake.
Sloane says
Flor me!!! Loving the warm spring season after a snow filled winter!
Allie says
FLOR ME! Summer! Love the beach!
jan says
FLOR ME! I love the summer, nothing better than sitting on the beach reading a good book!
Dagmar says
FLOR Me I love spring, I get such a burst of energy.
Kelly says
Flor Me!!!
My favorite season by far is Fall! I love waking up to the crisp air, and college football Saturdays! Can’t beat it!
Amanda says
FLOR ME! I am so excited about taking my boys to the beach all Summer!
Sarah says
Flor me! I love hot summer days at the beach!!
Erica S says
FLOR me!
I love summer time! Not only does it mean I’m off work, I love the beach, lakes, pools–pretty much anything to do with water.
Belinda says
FLOR ME!! ;)
Here in Minnesota we are lucky enough to experience the beauty of all four seasons. I appreciate something about all of them but I would have to say that Fall is my favorite. Love the sweatshirt weather, cool breeze, and beautiful colors.
Laura says
Flor me…love the lazy summer days!
Rachel says
FLOR ME! I love, love, love summer – the warm weather, vacation, and long lazy days.
Laura C. says
FLOR ME! Without a doubt, my favorite season is fall. The smell of the leaves, the cool crisp air, apple pie, donuts, cider – – what’s not to love?! :)
Karen says
Living in New Hampshire makes us appreciate Spring! When the sun comes out in March, everyone heads outside!
cheryl soto says
Flor Me! My favorite season is definitely winter. I love everything about it. The smells, the cool, crisp air, and of course Christmas!
Colleen says
Flor Me!!! I love Spring. In spite of the wheezing and sneezing, it’s my favorite. The sight of the forsythia and the first daffodils just make me very happy.
Tagnia says
FLOR ME!!!! I love Spring!!!
Monique says
Love the fall colors, tree changing and pleasant weather.
Julie says
Flor Me!!!!! Summer is my absolute favorite! Going to the pool and eating Popsicles with my boys!
Jul says
Flor Me!
I can’t wait for Spring to get here.