***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
Alicia says
Clean me! We cleaned out the garage this weekend. It looks so good!
Julie says
CLEAN ME!!!! I’m trying to declutter, but its so hard. If I had a tenth of the energy you exude on this blog I would count myself blessed.
Michelle says
I’ve started doing some extra organizing and purging to get ready for a deep cleaning that will start in the next few weeks.
Katy L says
I could really use a vacuum [2 labradoodles & we are about to throw ours out].
This spring [first spring in a “house with a yard”, I’m aiming to plant a garden with flowers and veggies! soo excited :)
Ashleigh Mathews says
I desperately need to tackle the mess underneath our beds! Its become my dumping ground for everything from wrapping paper to shoes to boxes of clothes. Out of sight – out of mind, right?
Sarah M. says
CLEAN ME!!! My hubby and I have started the daunting task of cleaning the baseboards….yuck!
Tracey says
We clean out our closets and find old winter clothes to donate. We also do a deep vacumning (ceiling corners, every nook and cranny) so this prize would be perfect!
Amanda says
Clean me!
The first thing I will do is clean the windows! Need to get the sunshine in here! (if only it would stop raining!) So that once the weather warms up a little (40 is still a bit chilly for me) I can open the windows. Then I will need to pack the winter coats, hats, scarfs, and mittens away. My favorite day of the year is when I am able to put the “winter gear” away for a few months!
Lindsey says
This would be so fabulous for me, a college student, in close quarters with the love of my life, my dog, Miller!
Christina says
I get some bizarre excitement from vacuuming with a good vacuum. I would love to win this!
melissa says
I couldn’t help but get the garden paraphernalia out in hopes of some good crops of fresh tomatoes this summer!
Nikki says
Clean Me!! With 3 little girls, we need help cleaning!
Stephanie says
In keeping with our New Year’s Resolution, we are simplifying so Spring cleaning will be GREAT this year.
Anna M says
Clean me!
I’m about to go through a major wardrobe purge and closet clean! :)
Wendy says
CLEAN ME!! Just spent 8 hours wiping out the inside of our kitchen cabinets which are currently being redone by my husband. 10 years of grease and grime, GONE!! YEY!!
Shanti Barnes says
CLEAN ME!!!! {pretty please}
I am currently cleaning out every nook and cranny of our house and donating, sharing, or trashing anything we don’t love, need, or want. The rest is getting totally organized :)
Kris says
Thanks to the show Hoarders we started our spring cleaning early. Nothing motivates you to clean like the site of dust wolves, clothes lasagna and sailcats! Would love to win this vacuum. We have a dirt devil and it doesn’t get the cat hair our of our carpet at all. We have a navy rug slowly transforming into a dusty blue color.
Angela says
We’ve been working on cleaning out our closets to donate to charity.
Aimee says
It doesn’t have to be Spring to get me excited about a good organizational project! Right now I’m decided between my bedroom closet or the basement. We’ll see which project wins out first!
Brianne Sheppard says
My old vacuum is spitting things all over the place and I have guests en route! Help me!
Leah says
CLEAN ME – we are planting our garden.
R. Foulke says
Spring project #1 after 5 years in my home I am finally installing floors over the subfloors in the whole attic space. Yay!
Shannon says
I’m in college so I have a 10-month lease on my apartment- therefore my spring cleaning rituals consist of cleaning up and moving out! Home for summer!!!!!
Michelle says
I was so inspired by your blog-so I started my own blog…Thanks Sherry & John
I will be cleaning out my garage this weekend which is full of fall leaf bags…..also I have a 15lb Pekingese with so much hair…I really need the vacuum and broom to get all of his “flyaways” :)
Angela says
CLEAN ME!! I have been reorganizing the closets and redecorating for the spring! Gotta love the warmer weather!
Hannah Park says
Clean Me! Clean Me! Clean Me!
I have a 75 lb Lab/Setter mix…the love of my life, but Holy Cow!!! The shedding!!!! I NEED this broom and vaccum so that I can get rid of the hair this spring!!!!
Randa says
Clean me! Once we tackle a spare bedroom that needs a clean-through, I’d like to attack our basement.
Cory says
CLEAN ME! We repainted all of our exterior trim and gutters this past weekend.
Mary says
CLEAN ME!!! We are going to be de-cluttering, deep-cleaning the whole house and repainting all of our baseboards to give that fresh spring look.
Diana says
Christina says
We have oodles of beagle hair to pick up off of every surface of our condo!
taylor says
“CLEAN ME” pretty pretty pretty please!
i’m starting on the baseboards soon and those pesky tracks in the windows and sliding glass doors that somehow manage to gather an incredible amount of dirt. this vacuum would be a life saver.
Jessica says
Clean me! Spring cleaning gives me the urge to de-clutter surfaces. I want all my papers neatly tucked away so they don’t blow away when I get to throw open the windows again!
ashley anderson says
We’re not really cleaning… yet. But maybe if we win this lovely vaccuum!
Carol says
clean me
Lyndsey says
I just got married in July of last year- so this will be our first spring cleaning together! I am sure many tradtions/rituals will be started this year :)
Kate says
Our tiny Bmore rowhouse only has one closet and we are on a clothing purge to make things more organized!
Heddy says
We’re decluttering as our first spring cleaning tast — getting rid of all that accumulated junk that doesn’t fit into our lives any more. And that stirs up a lot of dust bunnies – a fancy vacuum would certainly help! :)
Robyn H says
So far, no spring cleaning happening in my neck of the woods. Maybe because it doesn’t feel very spring-like out?
Allison says
We just got our first house and a puppy that sheds! This would be wonderful!
Siouxzy J says
Clean out the garage! Yikes.
Bridget B. says
CLEAN ME. cleaning out closets..what fun!
Katie B says
CLEAN ME! I can’t wait (no sarcasm here) to really scrub our white wooden blinds. Boy, do they need it!
Jonathan says
“Clean me”
We’d like to go through the shed to organize / clean out.
Sarah says
I’ve begun the annual switch of seasonal clothing
sarah says
spring cleaning has me cleaning out all my closets + kitchen cupboards. it feels so great to clear out the things i’m not using, or not longer need, and donate them to charity.
thanks for the chance (that broom looks cool!).
Alison says
Spring Cleaning is well underway with organizing the closet and attempting to de-clutter my life the main priorities!
Amy Davis says
Since I am moving in exactly one week (yikes!) I have been spring cleaning a lot lately- getting rid of old clothes, cleaning out the pantry and fridge, and having our rugs professionally cleaned. The list keeps getting bigger!
Carolyne O. says
CLEAN ME! With 4 kids and a dog, I am constantly cleaning things out, especially under the couches, where many treasures hide.
Karen says
We are amping up to get the yard ready for spring growth. I can’t wait to plant some pretty flowers and open our pool! Come on spring we can’t wait *grins*