***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
Jocelyn says
I started repainting the library over the weekend. It was scuffed up and dingy. And of course, I’m scrubbing the nooks and crannies along the way . . . :)
Kellie White says
I have started the spring cleaning by going through all the dressers in the house and the closets. Next up is to paint my buffet that I wrote you about (similar to your dresser turned change table). I would vacuum more but my vacuum of about 10 years is about to bite the dust it has duct tape galore on the cord….
ronda w says
Clean Me!
We are remodeling the doors and casings and moldings currently so I need to get organized!
Sibyl says
CLEAN ME. I already have several things underway–trimmed back bushes this weekend, cleaned kitchen cabinets and today I cleaned all of the inside fixtures and fans. Good times!
Sarah R. says
Clean me!
Every spring I participate in a community wide yard sale and use it as an opportunity to declutter and dejunk my home. I also always clean my poor windows in the spring which collect so much dirt over the year!
Kristen says
CLEAN ME! That’s what my new apartment, in the basement of a very old house, is going to be yelling at me in two weeks. I’ve never needed to win a giveaway more than this one! Not that this answer will help, but you never know… the vacuum gods may just hear my prayers :)
Christine says
CLEAN ME – I need to plant my garden, wash the windows, and clean out the junk in the basement!
Katie T. says
CLEAN ME – We started re-organizing our closets by installing a new track system and shelving. Looks so pretty and neat now!
Catie Y says
Closet cleaning! I have a rule that for every new item that goes in the closet, I get rid of something I don’t wear often enough to take up precious closet space. A big spring overhaul is still in order though!
Elisa McCoy says
I have a home with two rabbits, a long haired cat, long curly hair myself and a semi-hairy husband. We could definately use the broom… and the vacuum.
I’ve started my spring cleaning, one closet at a time, reorganizing and purging what we don’t need and use. It feels good.
Jessica says
Clean Me! We need to finish unpacking into our new home.
Amy says
Oh please please please – CLEAN ME!!! We are the proud owners of a pug fur baby, and though we love him like crazy, he sheds so much its a miracle he has any fur left on him. I have said for a while that I’m pretty sure I’ll be finding pug hair on my belongings for the rest of my life, but maybe with the Bissell Cleanview and Pet Hair Broom I’ll be able to love my little guy without having to live among his fur.
Michelle says
CLEAN ME!! I am gearing up to clean the pollen off of my screened porch and deck area and I can’t wait to add some lovely flowers and plants. I also plan to have a herb garden this year. Love your blog and can’t wait to hear about the new little one. Congratulations!!
Austyn says
Clean me! I like to clean the windows in the Spring and let all the sunshine in!
Emily says
I tend to clean out my closet most springs–it’s just a good time of year to get rid of the clothes I’m no longer wearing.
Cora says
CLEAN ME!!! This would be so awesome since I’m moving into a new apartment with a wonderful shedding beagle. This new apartment has carpet everywhere but the kitchen and bathroom!
Alicia says
CLEAN ME! I just moved, so there’s so much to do!
Michele says
CLEAN ME! I seriously need to do windows this spring. And I’m still sweet talking hubby into cleaning, err…clearing our master closet. That is going to be a big undertaking! Wish me luck!
Lisa says
Alyssa says
CLEAN ME..please! That is what my house is screaming right now.
Lindsey d. says
I’m obsessive about cleaning out closets — It happens every six months. When your closets are as small as mine, what I’m not wearing, has to go out the door!
Can I mention how much I need that vacuum? Mine is a craptastic hand-me-down from some lovely people… They’re great, but their vacuum sucks (or doesn’t, more to the point).
priscilla says
Oh Lord, I need this so badly! I have utterly destroyed our vacuum while trying to clean up after drywall. And that pet broom looks brilliant!
As for spring cleaning, I’m hitting it with full abandon this year since I’m in nesting mode while expecting my first child. I’m hoping to wash all the windows this week while the weather’s supposed to be beautiful.
You guys rock!
John B says
CLEAN ME!! We’ve been cleaning out our closets this spring, and now that the weather’s getting a bit warmer, we might even unseal some windows soon!
Rachel says
Clean me!
We are clearing out and organizing the toy closet, then comes the clothes closets.
April Bryan says
We are remolding our entire house – so that is our Spring Cleaning. Busy Busy!!!
CLEAN ME! says
Planning on organizing the basement AND master closet…getting a headache just thinking about it!
Meredith says
ClEaN mE!
My spring cleaning this year is cleaning my computer…my desktop is cluttered and I’ve got some backing up to do so I can clear out some files. Hopefully after this my computer will perk up and run faster;)
Amanda H says
Right now it’s the closets, coming up…. yard work!
Meg says
I’m working on purging all of our JUNK, which should help us stay cleaner year round.
Katie says
Clean me!
My spring cleaning ritual usually starts with me going through the closets and pulling out any clothes I haven’t worn in awhile, then I bring up all my summer clothes and start switching out the wardrobes. Now if it could just warm up a bit…
Alisa D says
Clean me!
We do windows, rotate clothes, deep clean appliances, sweep out the garage (and make sure seasonal things are accessible), and much more. I actually kinda like the cleaning… turning the music up and having the sense of accomplishment!!
Mary says
CLEAN ME! We’re moving soon, so I’ll be cleaning out pretty much everything in our house.
Kejal says
My favorite way to kick off spring cleaning is absolutely the purging/organizing/de-cluttering of all closets and cabinets. Knowing that everything out of sight is organized and in it’s place makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. After that, freshening up everything out in plain view feels like a breeze.
Keira Hammerschmidt says
I will be organizing every inch of the house and then tackling my kicthen cabinets with paint!!!
Missy says
CLEAN ME! I’m about to get the gardening under way. My little vegetable garden is my “happy place”. It’s a chore that I actually look forward to.
Tara R says
The garage definitly needs a deep cleaning!
Sara says
LOL! Just typed CLEAN ME in the name section! Freudian slip??
Beth says
Clean Me! I have been donating stuff like crazy. Use it or lose it, so to speak. I have SO MUCH stuff I don’t use or really even want. It’s ridiculous. I’m loving decluttering and cleaning at the same time!
Jennifer L says
We just have a Roomba and have no way to clean our stairs or our shag basement carpet, so this would be great!
Erika says
Pleeeease pick me. I need this so bad. We just moved into a new house and can’t afford a vacuum!
Jana says
Just moved into my house less than a year ago and its already time to clean the garage and closets!
HeatherG says
Clean me!
Sara Beresford says
I will be graduating on April 30th with my MBA. I am SOOO excited to be DONE with school. I am looking forward to tackling several projects around the house including scrapbooking and working on my tan. Regarding cleaning, this spring, I hope to go through our piles of paperwork. Bills… school stuff… not to mention the paperwork that we piled up while going through the homebuying process! I will get rid of the old stuff and file the new stuff nice and neatly!
Natalie says
Clean me!!
We have all hard woods floors up in the Northwest. We move all the furniture away from the walls, (beds, dressers etc) and vacuum up all the crazy dust bunnies after their winter hibernation.
Soleil says
This weekend, we planted some seeds in our garden and the closets are next on my to do list!
Marissa says
CLEAN ME! And thank you and Bissell :) Hmm, I’ve aired out the house on a sunny day, and will probably have the urge to purge my clothes and any unloved items soon.
Ashley says
I’m looking forward to working in the yard.
Vilija says
Clean me!
This spring I am readying myself to re-pot multiple plants. This cleaning duo would be a welcome addition to our cleaning regimen. One fur-dropping dog plus one fuzzy cat equals a house in need of a new vacuum.
brandy says
The biggest part of our spring cleaning is DECLUTTERING!!! It’s also my favorite part.
staci says
clean me!!!
we’re cleaning an entire house that we haven’t moved into yet, windows, the disgusting refrigerator, toilets, etc. you name it…we’re cleaning it!