***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
Tania says
By the end of this week, we’re going to be starting on the office and working our way around the house. I can’t wait for the weather to warm up so we can start doing more outside cleaning projects to the house.
anne marie says
I’ve been on a ‘reclamation kick’ lately and have cleaned out and organized EVERY closet and cabinet and drawer in the house! Many things were given away, donated or trashed. I enjoyed it so much (yep, I’m a sicko) that I’ve been busy helping 3 other friends do the same thing. It’s very freeing to know that the only things in your house are those that you need & use & love!
Jaime says
Holy over 2,000 comments! I guess there’s a lot of us out there who would love a new sucker that uh… works! Vacuuming and sweeping serve as therapy to me in a strange kind of way.
Cathy F says
Clean me!!
Spring cleaning… what’s that?! Ack… no seriously, I have been trying to get the garden moving… slowly but surely!
Jen says
I am excited to do some Spring Cleaning! I love opening all of the freshly clean windows and letting in the beautiful spring air!
Charity says
Planning to wash windows and dust!
Avital says
“Clean me…” says my apartment “as she will probably not clean me herself”.
That’s an apartmentarian act!
Hannah says
My hubby and I just built a new home and I am SO looking forward to doing some landscaping this spring!
Amanda says
CLEAN ME! I need this. I live with a Siberian husky and a husband. I’m not sure which is worse. Something about the sun coming out that brings the spring and me back to life. Or maybe it’s just that the sun illuminates the dust. I love giving everything a good wipe down and opening the windows to let in fresh air.
Katy says
Clean me!!
I have been cleaning like crazy because I’m on maternity leave and still in nesting mode! I just had a garage sale to get rid of stuff and now I’m organizing!
Janny A. says
Changing colors throughout the house, starting with the curtains down to rugs.
Sylvia says
This weekend I cleaned out the fridge (top to bottom!). This week it’s the freezer.
Over the next few weekends, we’ll be: cleaning out the garage, giving the dog a shave and planting a new vegetable patch!
jonathan h says
CLEAN ME. i am a winner.
Lesley says
Clean Me! For me sprin cleaning starts with opening the windows on the first warm day of spring.
Sue Kane says
The garage is begging for some attention!
Annie says
Clean Me
I organize my closet and bring out spring clothes.
calllie grayson says
Oh, this is exciting! eeeee, I so need that vacuum for my pups hair gets everywhere!!
Spring cleaning: so much to do…. prepping the beds of flowers so the peonies will be plentiful!
re arranging furniture to make my house fresh and new!
Erika says
Oh my I sooo need a new vacuum, with two large dogs that shed a LOT this would be sooo helpful! Right now we are gearing up to have a spring yard sale, so going through the house, organizing, cleaning, and purging all the things we really don’t use or need and getting those things organized for our garage sale…I’m a weirdo and like organized sales vs. sales where everything is thrown on a table and that’s it lol….So looking forward to getting that done and clearing up a whole room for my future craft space :) YIPPEEE…there’s motivation :) Huggers nad thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!
Fitzalan says
My husband even got excited reading about this blog giveaway!
He actually is the obsessive vacuum’er in this family. If I had known that, I would have married him sooner!
Our spring cleaning rituals have included working on the garden, trimming the bushes and hanging pictures in the house.
More days of warm weather are needed to tackle our long to-do list!
Clean Me!
happiness awaits
Denise says
Our farmhouse has been under a major renovation for the past year. Cleaning this new/old house from the ceilings to the floors is a work in progress. We love vacuum cleaners in this house. Still need to make it out to the garden soon to plant snow peas, beets and spinach!
hayley says
And… the windows need washing for sure.
April says
CLEAN ME!! Time to plant some flowers!
jen says
CLEAN ME! Starts with the windows…
Katie B. says
CLEAN ME! I took advantage of the snowed in weekends here in Richmond and cleaned out my closets and dresser…this weekend which was nice I took care of cleaning the flower beds and getting ready for spring plantings…your mention of cleaning windows is a good idea…maybe I’ll do that next weekend!
Gail says
Clean me! moving out the fridge and cleaning, vacuuming back there.
Ann Marie says
I have begun the spring cleaning (aka nesting – I’m 32 weeks and counting!) today with cleaning both my boys closets and purging old clothes and toys.
Oh, we also have a dog and 3 cats. This vacuum and broom would get quite the workout around here! lol
Natalie Bilstad says
We will be putting our house on the market in a couple of months. Some serious spring cleaning / purging is in our future. We need this giveaway more than you can imagine!!
Sara D. says
CLEAN ME! We are slowly planning out our landscaping, so we can hopefully replace a ton of mud pits in our front and back yards. (This prize will come in REALLY handy with our two dogs constantly tracking stuff in!)
Krystle says
Spring cleaning in my house is always at random times. I will get the need to clean at 10pm on a Saturday!
James says
Rebecca says
CLEAN ME! We’re getting ready to move from our rental to our new house in the country. I can’t wait to get packing and throwing away. This will be my best Spring cleaning yet!
Jamie says
Laura says
Please oh please! I am 33 wks pregnant with a house for sale so we sweep and vacuum EVERYDAY! We have 2 dogs and a 2 yr old so the need to clean is always there. I am dying for a new vacuum cleaner too!
Spring cleaning usually begins with cleaning out closets, getting re-organized and just giving everything a really good cleaning!
malibou says
Much to my pleasure, I have already cleaned the blinds, window tracks and windows. Woo hoo!
Christie says
Clean me —
I am a first year teacher and the paper is OVERWHELMING. I threw so much paper away this weekend and it’s still crowding in around me. Every time I go through a stack I find there are fewer things I need in it Fortunately, I sent home tons of work today, so that gets it out of my house and into someone else’s.
hayley says
Melissa says
This winter has been wet in Oklahoma. And it’s about to get more wet this spring. Our back yard is a mud pit and the dogs track in dirt every time we bring them in. To get our spring cleaning on a roll, this weekend is De-Dust the House Weekend!
Anne says
I started my spring cleaning by going through all my kitchen cabinets and throwing away old spices, rearranging my bowls and pots, and scrubbing down my white cabinets with a nice smelling natural cleaner. Ahhh! And I did all this while the sun was shining into our greatroom, finally showing signs of spring after all the cold and snow we had this winter! Yeah spring!
Kim says
Clean me!
Every Spring and Fall I sort through closets and dressers for the kids, weeding out worn out or outgrown clothing, stuff to hand down and stuff that might fit next year. Then I get out the storage bins with the next size clothing and they try things on. :)
I do the weeding out for myself, minus the fashion shows.
Amanda Moore says
CLEAN ME! and my house! We’ve got two highly-shedding dogs and a new baby! Gotta keep the house spotless!
Katie says
Cleaning the window screens!
Jen says
We just moved into our house last summer. This will be our first spring here and we plan on redoing our whole yard…wish us luck!
Rachel says
Gardening is the hugest chore we have on the go right now. Just finished drying out the three huge black totes we use as containers on our deck. Cleared off the deck itself; weeded the side garden (which is tiny and has our sunflowers, peas and blueberry bushes); and scrubbed the patio table that stayed out all winter.
And then, today, it snowed and is now too cold to put anything in the ground. West Coast weather is so weird.
Marshall says
Bridgette R. says
We scrape and repaint any exterior walls and windows that need it before it becomes deathly hot outside.
Bridgette R. says
Amanda H. says
CLEAN ME! We are trying to get everything for our nursery underway so we can take it easy the last few months :-)
Monica says
We are going to tackle our closet and pair down on the clothes… because the closet is just getting out of hand!
Lisa says
First of all.. my birthday was yesterday so this would be a lovely birthday gift ;)
And.. spring cleaning is well udnerway in my home! Cleaning out closets, organizing, etc. And LOTS of yardwork happening.. new hydrangeas, moving around some rose bushes, etc.
Mattelyn says
This next week we will begin our usual spring cleaning, it feels so good with the windows open, breathing in the fresh air! First on my to do list is all the windows from the inside out!