***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
Diana says
My mother-in-law is traveling across states just to help me spring clean…she knows we are much too busy for general tidiness, much less deep-cleaning!
Karyn says
I just finished a much needed closet makeover- including fresh paint on the inside and new shelving. We will also be tackling our “junk drawers” in the kitchen this weekend.
PS: Does this vacuum come with protection from dog attacks? =)
Laura says
I just moved into my very first grown-up apartment and I have no vacuum cleaner! With any new place, I am doing enough cleaning to satisfy all 4 seasons, but my closets are priority #1 (since I only have one closet, I MUST organize!)
megan says
CLEAN ME! OMG, you don’t EVEN know how bad I need that vacuum and the pet broom…our dog Sadie is known as a “shedder and a shredder”! We started phase 1 of part 1 of spring cleaning by leafblowing the back patio, building our compost bin, getting our veggie garden going, etc! I really do need to actually CLEAN windows, baseboards, etc…oh the list keeps growing!
Stanley says
My wife would love to have that pet hair broom and vacuum!
Melissa B. says
“Clean Me”
My basement is gross. The Bissell would be a super fantastic solution!!
Melissa says
Spring Cleaning: my husband and i are moving into a house soon, so i will be doing a deep clean of our apartment and the house we are moving into, as well as getting rid of a lot in the packing process…simplifying down and getting organized! ALSO, we are hoping to get a puppy this summer, and i’m really wanting to be able to keep a house without pet hair everywhere!
Abby Henkemeyer says
My spring cleaning is more than just washing windows and working on landscaping… I LOVE shopping (that’s probably an understatement), so every spring I go through my closet and take out items I no longer need or wear and donate to the local shelter.
Jessica B. says
We’re putting our place on the market, so a better question would be: what do we NOT have to do this Spring? Everything from cleaning and painting the shed to landscaping and reglazing the bathtub. Fun!
Brooke Cox says
Cleaning ritual: I will soon be taking all the lamp shades outside for a cleaning. After a long winter indoors I normally take them outside, set them out on a sheet and wipe them down with a damp rag until they look less grimy and more like new! Then I let them air dry in the sun. Just makes me feel better…
Janelle says
CLEAN ME!! Not only am I cleaning out all our closets but I am packing them up too! We are moving (again!) from the east coast to the west coast. I am going to be cleaning in all those places we don’t like to think about…under the couch and every other surface in the house (and the west coast house too!). Such a Lucky Girl!
Rachel says
My husband and I are moving and would love to get our new place very clean before moving in!
rachel says
Washing windows….not fun but a must for spring cleaning!
Hana says
Clean Me!!
I’m starting on the closets this year by consigning all my kids clothes that no longer fit. I have bin upon bin of baby clothes and I don’t think I’m gonna have another baby…if I do, oh well. I may consign the maternity clothes too…kinda scary though. It will free up so much attic, garage, and closet space once I clear out all the excess clothing. It’s a lot of work but I’m going in! Next in line…deep cleaning the carpets!
Nika says
CLEAN ME! Its finally in the 60’s here in NC so that means dealing with an ugly patch of grass, getting the garden ready and other yard work. Plus all of the usual de-cluttering inside of course.
Andrea says
CLEAN ME – My favorite part of spring cleaning is when it is just warm enough to open all the windows (like this past weekend) and air the house out after having it shut up all winter long.
Katherine says
CLEAN ME!! These items would be coming just in time to get our house spruced up for a new baby on the way! We do have a pet that would be served well by the Bissell gear- it’s called the dust bunny. It seems to visit us constantly and won’t go away no matter how often we clean. Ah, the joys of a 100 year old home. Would welcome these products with open arms!
Cayla says
CLEAN MEEE! We go through almost everything in our house and clean and (re) organize.. We will be starting that as soon as we find a moment to do so….. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
Kristin Smith says
CLEAN ME! We are moving in about 3 weeks so the packing and cleaning has just begun. Its amazing how much you collect without even knowing it, especially with a 18 month old!
Melinda J says
Clean me!!! We have a new crawler in the house and we can’t keep the floors clean enough! He’s one who puts everything in his mouth, so we are sweeping and vacuuming constantly.
Our spring cleaning consists of staying ahead of the weeds in our yard. They sneak in and become a huge problem if we look away for a minute.
Leigh says
annual spring cleaning ritual…vacuuming the crevices of the sofa. this year found atleast entire box worth of cheerios deposited by our 2 year old. along with fingernail clippers, the missing batteries from the remote, and 3 pacifiers!
emily says
Clean Me!
my dog is shedding SO much with this warmer weather …. this new vaccuum would be great for spring cleaning!
Ashleigh says
ahh, after having two vacuums for years, the 2nd one just konked out! this would be fantastic and would help me keep my place clean…seeing as my current roommate is my sweet 9 year old boxer Phoenix :)
Allison says
CLEAN ME! Part of my spring cleaning ritual is to get the house, deck, and front walk power washed. It’s like a mini face lift for your house!
ChaChi says
CLEAN ME ! Oh I have to win this I just have to! Pet hair – schmet hair. I need to clean up some human hair. With the weather getting warmer we are gonna start shedding.
Tiffany says
CLEAN ME! My husband is starting the yard/garage and I’ve started pulling down the drapes to wash and/or vacuum. Would be much more fun with this sweet vacuum! :)
Lisa says
Clean Me!!!
With a recent warm weekend, I actually started to get excited about spring cleaning. I would love to have this great Bissell to make things easier!
Jen says
CLEAN ME!!!!!!
This spring I will be making the move in with my boyfriend and his bachelor pad needs a good spring cleaning before it is fit for a girl to live there. I could use all the help I can get to make it sparkle. To top things off, we are getting a dog so that pet hair broom would be amazing!
Liz Mann says
I’m starting by redoing my office/playroom.I’m going to start painting then purge as I put everything back into it’s place.
Don says
Clean me. I cleaned out the gutters last weekend.
Tiffany says
CLEAN ME! I haven’t started a thing :)
dee says
I started out in the yard this weekend. I still need to wash windows, clean out the guest bedroom, closets, and above the garage. If I win this bissell I’ll be giving it to my brother. Wish me luck!!!!!!
Angie says
I am working on closets today. I would like to tackle the kids’ rooms, but that will require more fortitude than I possess today. Also, I have the cutest golden retriever mix named Rusty, who manages to get his rusty colored hair everywhere. I could sure use a new vacuum!
April says
I just got my son a dog and I have forgotten how much some dogs can shed. AND how much one has to vacuum daily to keep a house clean. My spring cleaning project is hopefully moving into the townhouse I put an offer in on. Nothing like a move to clean and organize!
Elise says
“CLEAN ME!” That’s what our basement is shouting to us. Time for spring cleaning!
Heidi says
Clean me!
I’m getting the motivation to wipe walls down, clean windows, dust everything from ceiling to floor, you name it…I do it in the Spring.
Allison says
Clean Me! My floors are my nemesis! I vacuum every day! Spring cleaning our screened in porch will be a HUGE under taking in the next week or so. Over the winter, our dogs have used it as their home- and it shows! I can’t wait to reclaim our porch!
Melanie says
We are building a new house and will be moving soon!! Would love this!
Katie says
Not just cleaning – replacing my carpets! My house was rented out before we bought it… the carpets are disgusting. Regular cleanings just don’t cut it. I can’t wait to have new floors!
Kathleen says
We are putting our house on the market soon so we are trying to go thru all sorts of stuff in our house purging as much as we can!
Molly says
Last week I dropped off a bag of clothes at the Salvation Army. A few weeks before that, we dragged our kitchen rug out to the snow for a mid-winter clean, which is not possible come spring. I blogged about it on my blog http://barnwoodurbanism.blogspot.com/
You closet clean up party sounds like a great idea! Will definitely join in!
Laura says
Cleaning out the garage…it has gotten out of control!
Greg says
Clean Me!
My wife and I are in the process of building. Our new place will be ready next month, so we’ll have PLENTY to spring clean.
Shanna says
I enjoy going through my closet and purging anything that doesn’t fit or anything I don’t enjoy as much anymore.
bri says
Clean me! We have two kids so we are always just trying to keep up!
Lindsey says
My husband and I moved into our house in November. When we were looking to purchase the house, the present owner, had a lovely blow up pool in the back yard. Not the kind of pool that kiddies play in, but that kind of pool that takes a ladder to get in to. Awesome. So now our backyard is currently a mud pit. Oer spring cleaning project will be creating a new back yard!!! Very excited. And with that, the Bissell will come in handy to clean up all the dirt and mud we track in!
Anthony says
For me, it’s all about the car. I like to give it a good wash, vacuum, and wipe down the dashboard.
Sarah G. says
We’re adopting a puppy this upcoming weekend… puppy-proofing the house is doubling as a good spring clean!
Tony says
This vacuum would be a useful because our old one just broke. My wife would be so happy if I won.
Kim C says
We just cleaned out our closets this weekend. Planting a garden is next on our list!