***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
Adam says
We recently over-hauled our walk-in closet which mostly involved removing clothes for goodwill and buying a few hanging shelves to put various fold-able clothes.
Csilla says
Clean Me!
Need to clean and organize closets and the office! I’m swimming in papers and mail, (and it is tax time! uggg) !
Katie says
Clean me!!
Wahoo! We just borrowed our neighbor’s vacuum! How sad is that! haha.
Love your blog!
Samantha Smith says
Clean Me!
No spring cleaning yet… at least from my end. My husband, however, has planted the gardens already!
Carrie Hogan says
Clean me!
Jade says
We’re also expecting later this fall so there are many plans in store, but since I’m a teacher, I’m so excited for spring break! We’ll be doing some major house reorganzing and decluttering of closets and drawers. We’re also hoping to tackle the paining of our kitchen cabinets!
Jenny Wenzel says
Oh Clean Me! Clean my floors…my dog hair, my kid’s toys…you name it…please help me clean it!!!
PF says
Cleaning to me is all about using swifter dusters to clean everyting!
elizabeth hahn says
With 2 very lovable, yet crazy-shedding, dogs, I would love to try out this vacuum! Thanks for offering such a fantastic giveaway!
Julia says
Clean me!
We will be cleaning out closets soon. I’m looking forward to purchasing the low profile matching hangers.
Melissa says
CLEAN ME!! This spring will involve a serious closet cleaning!
Erin says
We do the usual heavy duty cleaning. Although this year we are oh so committed to making our yard the best it can be. So seeding, watering, fertilizing… here we come!!
Matt says
Erin says
Clean ME
Kristin says
Clean Me…I love bringing out spring clothes and packing up the winter ones…
Marti says
We need to deep-clean our sofa: this vac would help!
.:karen:. says
Clean me…
Well, our spring cleaning is less cleaning/organizing and more of the first spring project. We’re finally tackling repainting our kitchen cabinets. I was inspired by your recent reader redesign with the aluminum tiles and wanted to be able to put those up as well. So in the midst, I’m trying to pare down on cleaning supplies (thinking to your post about a couple of green products that do multiple duties vs a host of chemicals) and get rid of dining stuff we don’t use. Will send pix later if it looks decent! ;) Could definitely have used that vacuum to get up all the dust we’ve been generating.
shannon says
CLEAN ME!!! Lots of spring cleaning to do as we prepare to move into our first home!
Erin M says
CLEAN ME! :)Today I swept the front porch and sidewalk!
Lisa says
Clean me! We moved into a new house last fall, so the garden is definitely on our list.
Kyle Scheele says
Spring cleaning doesn’t start or stop with spring at my house. My wife is CONSTANTLY cleaning, reorganizing, and getting rid of stuff. ALL. THE. TIME.
jamie says
“CLEAN ME” I would use this vacuum to spring clean my curtains.
Shannon says
Well, not only are we beginning to tackle the unkempt jungle in our backyard (we just moved in the fall and the previous owners didn’t do a THING…not even mow…so there is a ton that needs to be done back there), but we’re also in the process of cleaning out our closets to make room for the stuff in the “office” which will be the nursery for our own little Bean that is due to arrive in August! :-)
Kate Dawson says
Already done the closets…next is the laundry room/storage under the stairs…scary!
Meredith says
Just told my husband the spring cleaning plans for the month of April on Sunday. Each weekend we’re tackling two areas, closets & cabinets, windows & baseboards, attic & basement. Some weekends will be less work then others. Just finished reading green cleaning for dummies and I need a new hepa filter vacuum!
Cori says
I’m about to get the garden turned over (weeds overtook it during the winter) and plant my seedlings!
EJR says
Clean me
Our garage is a disaster right now. We are able to park our two cars in there at the moment but it’s a tight squeeze trying to get into them. The garage will definitely be the first big cleaning project to be tackled.
linda says
working on weeding out unused kitchen utensils, pots, pans, etc., as we put our kitchen back together after it’s mini refurbishment!
annie says
We will be cleaning out closets this weekend, and weeding the flower bed out front.
Sarah says
My favorite part of spring cleaning in cleaning out my closet! So many things get trapped in there without being missed so I like to take everything out of my closet (rainy days are perfect for this) and go through and try on clothes. If they do not fit I put them in a donate or sell pile (I take my old clothes to the consignment store and that covers the cost of new work clothes or even fun weekend clothing- no jeans at work means JEANS only on the weekend) and usually find that some clothes fit right in the store but when I got home.. poof they don’t work anymore! So i clean out my closet and go through my clothes and donate the ones that have more uses and consign the others. Then I put the clothes back on the correct hangers (skirts, pants, blouses etc) and organize them by color.
It makes getting ready for work in the morning so much easier when I know everything in my closet fits and it is organized!
Ellen says
We already cleaned out the garage and now I’m sprucing up the basement storage…
M Jensen says
There is nothing more calming than a clean home. Spring is a great time to green, as in go through all your stuff, give away, donate what you don’t need or use. Reduce, reuse, recycle. I will definately give away my old vacumn if I win.
April in CT says
CLEAN ME! My niece is coming for a visit in a few weeks so we’re about to get our guest room all ready for her! It’s in need of a sprucing up so I’m looking forward to that. The weather has warmed up a bit in CT so I feel some yardwork coming on pretty soon too!
Gina P says
Clean me!
We need to get in the backyard and mow and edge and plant.
Nicole H says
CLEAN ME…please, the dirt is starting to show (says our hardwood floors).
Barb says
We just got a new puppy and this would totally, completely, 100% help with all of the new dog hair in our world!!
Patricia says
Clean me. I always get the urge to clean closets. I recently cleared 5 large garbage bags out of my closet for the local thrift store. It is a wonderful feeling.
Marsha says
“CLEAN ME” and…hire someone to do it for me!!
J. West says
Here in Washington we are enjoying a early start to spring. So with that comes spring fever and planning out our vegetable and herb garden.
Karen says
Clean me!
I’m planting seeds to start plants inside for my veggie and herb garden. A new vacuum would coming in handy sucking up spilled potting soil! I can’t wait to get outside and work in my garden after a long cold winter!
Erin M says
I recently purchase all new hangers for the Master closet. This will force me to gut it and get rid of the things I never wear!
Breanna says
This is our first spring in our new home with our newly rescued dog and the focus is organization/doggy proofing. We realized pretty quick that at 75 lbs our furry 2 year old Lab/Boxer is the perfect size for counter surfing. I spent last weekend organizing the kitchen/dining room so we could clear off the counters. The next project is the office, so your recent post of Lee’s Design Dilemma: Solved came at a PERFECT time. In fact, we went to IKEA last night and purchased new office furniture! THANKS!
Alicia says
CLEAN ME…haven’t started any spring cleaning but my garage, guest room closet and master closet are on the list!!
mariel says
we don’t really have any spring cleaning rituals, but will definitely be donating lots of clothes when it comes time to switch out the seasonal wardrobes!!!
stephanie says
Clean me!!
Closet organization is under way! Many goodwill bags have been taken and I bought all new hangers to try to get more space/organized!
Abby B. says
Spring cleaning is already underway at my apt. I look forward to reorganizing all of my kitchen pantries and cleaning the windows.
Jessica says
I dont have a ny spring clean rituals because my live in boyfriend is such a neat freak every Sunday is like Spring cleaning for me (boo)
Amanda Black says
Clean Me!
Part of my spring cleaning involves touching up the paint on the trim, taking down all the knick knacks for a thorough wash, and this year tackling the spare room closet!
Lauren says
This might sound strange, but one of my spring cleaning rituals is ironing (or re-ironing) all of my wrinkled clothes (or clothes that can wrinkle). sounds silly, i know!
Brittany says
Clean Me!!