***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
Mike says
It’s that time of year to wash every single window in the house… I love to dangle precariously out the window while trying to spray windex on the upper exterior part of the windows that don’t swing in!
Anne says
Clean me!!
James says
I’ll soon need to wipe down everything especially molding on the walls as they get very dusty all winter. Also putting bulbs in the ground.
Korina says
We are putting our house on the market tomorrow…so spring cleaning has been done, windows washed, closets de-cluttered etc.
I think my favorite is cleaning out and bringing big bags of things to donate to our favorite charity- it feels good to clean out and help out at the same time.
Wendy says
Spring means closet organizing! :)
Nikki says
Clean me!
I de-clutter my apartment!
Tracy says
Spring feels like it’s just hit in Upstate NY, so we can’t wait to start tearing things apart and freshening up!
Thank you :)
Erica says
I’m ready for spring cleaning and can’t wait to put away all our winter clothes! I’m looking forward to getting our garden going again and eating fresh vegetables right out of our back yard, yum!
Michelle says
CLEAN ME! i need a new vacuum soooo badly!!! the hubby is getting his garden ready already… i’m thinking of a new paint color for the bedroom… :)
Rachael Sudlow says
We’re getting the muck out of the watergarden & hosing down the back porch lately
Sarah Taylor says
Clean Me!
We are already busy pruning the trees and picking out which vegetables to plant. Other than that, I just clean it as I see it!
Mary Ellen says
My ritual starts with washing and cleaning all the windows and blinds to let in the spring sunshine. The extra bit of sunlight reminds me that winter is finally over!
Natalie says
Just bought a new house and we have been cleaning everywhere, you name it and we are cleaning it!!!
Emily says
I loathe cleaning (I do it, but I don’t like it), but one of my seasonal rituals is shampooing the carpets. We have three pets and live in a rental with old/cheap carpet, so shampooing a couple of times a year is a must. Plus our pets all eat raw food, and the younger cat occasionally drags a raw meaty bone onto the carpet before I can shoo him back into the kitchen. We have a spot cleaner for that and any barfing (fortunately we don’t have any potty accidents!), but doing the whole thing makes a big difference. I shampoo a couple of passes with regular cleaner, and then I “rinse” with a vinegar/water mix. I have a Hoover SteamVac for all over cleaning and a Bissell Little Green for spot cleaning. Both work well!
jennifer Elizabeth says
I have done the closets already, but the yard and basement await.
Ann K. says
CLEAN ME! The hose part of my vaccum just bit the dust, so I really need this vaccum! I started my spring cleaning this past weekend by cleaning (not just vaccuming) the hardwood stairs leading to the second floor of my house and the hardwood flooring by the front door. Boy, were they dirty! (blush)
Melissa says
CLEAN ME- We recently reorganized our kitchen pantry and linen closed and laundered the all of the sheets and towels in their to freshen them up.Last weekend it was warm enough to clean the garage out too. My next project is to clean off our nightstands so they can be repainted.
Carolyn says
CLEAN ME! You don’t know how badly I could use this vacuum! Mine sounds like a freight train. I’m getting ready to start the garden clean-up and my windows really need a good washing! Thanks.
Carolyn says
CLEAN ME! Need to start work in the yard (trim the roses this weekend) and wash the windows. They are filthy.
Elissa says
My spring cleaning has been to finally finish unpacking boxes we have stored in a hall closet (fondly nicknamed “the Tetris closet). I moved six months ago, so I decided it finally needed to be done!
Jennifer A. says
Clean Me!
I’m remodeling the whole house and really hoping that because of all this work, I won’t have to do any spring cleaning! Although, I am really looking forward to getting out in the garden and having some fresh food!
Lauren says
Cleaning the nooks and cranies all over the place… slowly unpacking and making our house look more lived-in (we moved in last May and I still don’t think it looks very home-y).
Erin says
Clean Me!
Spring clean all the cupboards and drawers. They always seem to get filled up and disorganized through the winter. It’s a part of cleaning that other people usually don’t see, but I feel wayyyyy better when it’s done.
Susan M. says
Every spring I go through my twin girls’ clothes and sort out what no longer fits so I can tag them for our twins’ club consignment sale.
In the Tweeds says
I’m a huge stuff purger come this time of year, so I make a zillion trips to Goodwill will stuff we no longer need!
Tammy says
Callie says
We don’t have any spring cleaning ritual, but this post got me thinking that we need one! My husband and I have a chore list ont he refridgerator. It is seperated by what we clean weekly, monthly and special projects. Friends laugh, but it works for us!
TexanNewYorker says
My fiance and I are trying to integrate my stuff into his house before I actually move in (after the wedding), and we may also be adding a fur baby to the mix very soon. WE NEED A NEW VACUUM!
April says
CLEAN ME! I am starting on cleaning out the closets. We´ve only got 2 in our teensy apt., but I still avoid them most of the time.
stephanie says
dust mite removal for my little guy, plus all the spring cleaning coming up.
Courtney says
Time to clean the garage
Carrie says
Clean Me!
De-Cluttering and purging.
Mary-Grace says
We go through everything from under our bed to out at our storage unit and purge as much of it as we can! We are moving in two weeks, though … so this year we just plan to purge-as-we-pack.
Dalton G says
Rachelle says
Clean me
Spring means cleaning out mine and kiddos closets, washing the grimey windows, sprucing up the garden beds and “de-wintering” the house… giving it a more spring-like, fresh decor.
Cecily T says
Oh, I need a new vacuum so badly! DH just bought a blu-ray player, and we’re buying a mattress and bedding for #1’s big girl bed!
Because baby #2 is on the way, I’m having a whole-house organizing fest. Among the things that I’m purging/organizing: wrapping paper, glassware, board games, light bulbs(!), moving stuff from the way-too-big cabinets in the laundry room so that we can get rid of them, or else soon I won’t fit through the space w/ my big baby belly!
katie says
Clean Me!
I have moved every spring for the last 5 years and let me just tell you, it is the best solution to spring cleaning I have found. I have yet to accumulate too much “junk” because it gets purged every year! Although, it might be a bad habit someday when I actually settle down!
Amanda says
Clean me!
I’m busy cleaning floors, baseboards, tops of cupboards and all the other little nooks and crannies that are happily forgotten over the winter :)
Liz M says
I have a photography studio in my home, and I HAVE to keep it clean, because most of my clients are age 1 and under! Getting every little scrap of allergen and dust and dirt is definitely high on my list, but my current vac is NOT cutting it!
Spring is also the time of year when I generally relocate (as I am a renter), which I did just last Sunday! My new loft is amazing and I look forward to following your blog to get MANY cool ideas about how to decorate.
Emmary Roemer says
We clean out EVERY closet 2 times year, getting rid of anything we hadn’t used in a year. I try to find inexpensive ways to store items or at least make medicine, toothbrushes, cleaning products and toilet paper look cute. Recently, I took an old cardboard dresser I had from college days(I guess I didn’t need storage to actually function then), painted each drawer and used those as storage boxes. Now my linen closet matches, looks cute and is clutter-free.
Elizabeth Massingill says
Ugh spring cleaning, or cleaning of any kind at any time, is something I loathe but is an ABSOLUTE necessity. So, spring cleaning for me is getting a few friends together and going on a huge cleaning spree! We move from house to house and help each other knock out this bothersome chore with ease!
Lauren says
Clean Me
Vacuuming that space between the window and the storm window. Why are there little dead bugs there, even after a cold winter?
Adrianne says
Oh please CLEAN ME! We thought of everything we needed before moving into our new house…except a vacuum! Need to scrub up before moving in and this would be the perfect gift!
Shannon says
Clean Me!!!
We just moved into our first house in December and we can not wait until spring is here so that we can work on the yard and patio.
Nicole says
Spring means taking on a major cleaning out of all of my now cluttered closets…argh.
Sarah says
We always start at the top – wipe down the crown moldings and the icky dust-covered ceiling fans!
Elizabeth says
I’m currently in the process of packing up my apartment because I’m moving! So my spring cleaning will literally be going through/ packing up/ cleaning my entire apartment!
More reason why this vacuum would be very handy right now ;)
Erica says
Clean Me
I’ve started wiping the baseboards and taking blinds down for a scrubdown.
Mrs Soup says
We have managed to get into a space where we can finally settle our bedrooms down. We’ve been here about 7 months and figured out where we like things, what things we no longer need, etc…and it’s AWESOME.
Kathy says
Clean Me! This vacuum would be such a giant help with my spring cleaning (purging, deep cleaning rearranging,etc)! Thanks for the chance to win.