***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries***
Literally- it does. Hear me out for a minute. A couple of weeks ago we posted about our new Bissell vacuum, which virtually swept us off our feet (and actually sucked stuff off our floors). Well, thanks to the magic of the Interweb, that post actually caught the eye of the kind folks over at Bissell and after a few emails back and forth… tah dah! We managed to sweet talk them into a YHL giveaway. So now one lucky reader gets the chance to win their very own Bissell Cleanview Helix Bagless Vacuum Cleaner to help them spruce up every nook and cranny of their casa. Nice, right?
We’re psyched that Bissell’s helping us share this HEPA-filterin’, 12-amp powerin’, multi-surface settin’, pet hair suckin’ and lightweight cleanin’ love with one of you. And if your house is home to a canine or a feline with a bit more fur than our bald-bellied Burger, this little bonus prize might come in handy too: they’re throwing in a Bissell’s Pet Hair Broom for our big winner as well.
Even if you don’t find yourself sweeping up much pet hair, the broom’s rubber bristles (which attract fur like a magnet) are retractable for your normal sweep jobs. So here’s how you can get your paws on this prize set which- thanks to the broom- technically doesn’t completely suck.
- PRIZE: A Bissell 82H1 Cleanview Helix Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner and Pet Hair Broom
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “CLEAN ME” and…
- BONUS QUESTION: … tell us about any of your spring cleaning rituals that are already underway in your house (or any that you might be diving into soon). Getting the garden ready? Washing all the windows? Taking us up on our closet cleaning party? Spill it.
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 10th at 8pm EST
- PRIZE SHIPS: Home to the world’s best and second-best hockey teams (that’s Canada and the US, fyi)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday. Good luck!
Find more freebie info on our Giveaway FAQs page. Pics courtesy of Bissell.
oneida says
i just got married (3 days ago) and i will have to do some major spring cleaning of my place! even though my new husband just moved in, we’re about to close on our new house and we’ll have to leave this place sparkling clean for my amazing landlord. i’m excited also to start off our new home sparkling clean.
Cara says
Clean ME
Spring cleaning starts with washing and putting away all the winter coats, mitts, hats etc. and going through all the closets to move the summer items to the front and get rid of stuff I know I won’t wear.
Alyssa says
Clean me. I have to clean all the windows, inside and out, and get all the dirt that’s collected there all fall and winter after the rain! It makes everything seem so much brighter.
Sigari says
CLEAN ME. Clean? I’m just gonna move. ;-)
Angela says
CLEAN ME! I can’t wait to wash my windows!
Elaine says
Clean me!
It’s time to tackle the closets I’m afraid~
Sarah says
CLEAN ME…we have a small house with few closets…so I like to clean and organize my closets in order to keep my life organized.
Sarah M. says
CLEAN ME! Our spring “cleaning” typically begins in our yard. After being cooped up in the house all winter, we’re always dying to get outside!
Andrea says
Clean Me!!
I’m currently working on getting the garden ready for my first spring planting. The weather’s been unusually cold here in Florida, so we’re about 3 weeks behind. I’m praying for NO MORE FROST so I can finally get started!
Kevin Barth says
Spring Cleaning for me will consist of cleaning out the garage!
Vanessa F says
Clean me. After way too many DIY projects indoors this winter I cannot wait to dust, vaccuum and scrub every inch of this place… then kick up some more dust with the next projects!
Susan says
Clean me. We have lived in our house for one year and we are actually excited to do some Spring cleaning. I think we’ll start with the windows.
Katie says
CLEAN ME!! Well my family isn’t really big into cleaning, but I always seem to be reorganizing my closet or my bookshelves!
Kelley Drummond says
Clean me!
Closet cleaning….let the purging begin!
Katherine says
This will be our first spring in our first house, so I’m excited to get outside and get the garden ready…our yard is still mostly covered in snow though (we live in Canada)
jmarie says
I’m dying to clean my windows, switch out my winter shoes/clothes for spring/summer ones and clean off the patio furniture.
Daniel says
Our two cats are shedding A LOT, so for spring cleaning, I’m planning on shaving them…BZZZZZ!
(Just kidding!)
Krista says
Clean ME!!! I can not wait to tackle all the outgrown clothes and toys of our three kiddos and thos tucked away closets that are bursting at the seems!
Terry K. says
We are going to be moving to a newer house, so I need to CLEAN everything.
Meg says
I just purchased a few dozen varieties of heirloom veggie seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (www.southernexposure.com). I’m splitting the packets with friends. We’re all looking forward to the spring planting and summer harvest!
Crystal says
Clean me please!!!!!! I’ve been craving a new vacuum….I hate mine!!!
So…..I’ve already started cleaning out the closets, trading out clothes, etc. I MUST dust the fans as there are probably millions of little dust mites with homes built there by now. I haven’t mopped since we’ve lived here (since last July) so that would probably be a good idea, too. :) And, the hubby wants to clean out the barn…..good luck to him. :) With 2 little ones, it’s a challenge to clean, so I’m ready for a good cleanin’!!
Stephanie D says
Ooh! I wish it was spring here, but we had a blizzard all day here. Not really spring. Buuuttt I do love organizing the pantry and spice cabinets and such. Just so satisfying and a great accomplishment. :) I won’t even keep this vacuum for myself, because I know my mom would loooove it. :)
mkam says
CLEAN ME! Big time garage and basement clean up is on my spring cleaning list.
Han says
the closest is the biggest thing since it seems to grow every year…
Margot says
No way to clean like moving. I just accepted a job and am moving my entire like to Kansas City, MO. With hardwood downstairs and carpet upstairs I’m going to need a lot of cleaning power in my new townhouse.
Erin says
Clean Me!! We’ve sold our house and are moving to a new one, so there’s major cleaning going on at both places. And plenty of purging, too!
Nancy says
Oh, CLEAN ME! I love spring cleaning, something about opening up the house and the fresh air is so invigorating :) I have started with my store room and love the progress so far.
Nada says
Clean me.
I haven’t started spring cleaning but I need to!
veery says
CLEAN ME! our spring cleaning always includes gardening and gutter cleaning. congrats on the baby bean!
aubrey fox says
clean me! I would love to win and do a good deep cleaning for spring since we are near prego!!
Sabrina says
Clean me!! I don’t have any rituals, per se, but I’m definitely feeling the itch to throw everything out of my closets! That, and I need to deep clean these wood floors…a new vacuum certainly wouldn’t hurt either! There’s no telling how much longer my old Dirt Devil will last.
Cindy Pierce says
Clean Me
I just put my 4000 sq ft, 6 bedroom, 3 living area, 2 dining area house on the market. Talk about spring cleaning! But the place looks fabulous! The big problem is that my best vacuum just died and it’s the only one that picked up pet hair from two dogs. And we have to vacuum every day! I’d love to win the vacuum.
nue says
may be a good time to reorganize the storage area…
nue says
it’s also a great time to clean out the refrigerator and freezer and wipe everything down…not to mention disinfect.
Jay says
My favorite spring cleaning routine is rearranging our furniture. It’s a nice, easy way to shake things up and make everything feel fresh and new. I actually just finished this year’s mix-up this evening, and am sitting in my ‘new’ living room as I type this.
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!
bruce says
time to clean the gutters and pull out the lawnmower from storage..
Krystal Torres says
CLEAN ME!!!!!!
I’m diving into cleaning out my closet here at school as well as the one back at home. I have sooo much clothes I need to get rid of. I’m excited though because it feels good to clear out stuff and donate it! PART-AAAAY!
Sarah says
I just bought my first home (okay, in December) and I’m still unpacking. But if I do tackle spring cleaning, it’ll definitely be the windows. For the first time ever I have tons of natural light and the only thing that dims it is my filthy, filthy windows.
Linda says
Clean me!!! This year’s spring cleaning needs to be more thorough than ever. My husband and I had our first baby late last spring and now that baby’s coming up on his first birthday, he is crawling everywhere and starting to get into everything! It’s kind of embarrassing to see how many dust bunnies you find under the sofa when you’re searching for the blocks that baby threw under there.
Colin says
Clean me! Planting seeds in my window boxes is the seasonal task that I’m undertaking right now.
Emily H. says
Clean Me!
I’ve already started cleaning my windows. It’s a job that I’m not really a fan of, but that always needs doing. And I detailed the face of my dishwasher. That things gets NASTY. I really hope I win this because I’ve had 2 vaccums blow up on me and for the last few months I’ve been borrowing a friends Bissel. It’s amazing and I love it. But, she got her own apartment and is taking the vacuum away. :( Without it, I only have a dustbuster on a stick. And it’s horrible.
Tracy Suzanne says
Boy wouldn’t I love to win this especially since we have 1 dog and 2 cats!
I’ve already started with the window washing. I’ve also pruned the grape vine and several other things. I have tons more to go. Thanks for the great giveaway.
juliet dorn says
With 2 crazy beagles, I am constantly cleaning up dog hair. The broom will be very handy in sweeping the wood floor and we don’t have a functioning vacuum!help please!
Becca Ellis says
CLEAN ME! Definitely need to declutter and organize our closet…s.
Kristin says
We have a new baby girl – so Spring cleaning has commenced in our house. We need to keep this place top notch for our little one.
Amanda says
CLEAN ME! We moved in August to a new house. We moved from Canada (there for a job) back to the US. When we moved we just shoved all of the randomly packed boxes into our new basement so this spring we are going to have to clean the basement out.
Heather Nuesmeyer says
ClEaN mE! We’ve been married 7 years and could use a new vacuum! We also have a large dog; the broom would be fantastic!
Joanne says
Clean Me!! Lavendar essential oil for cleaning is the best – makes the house smell lovely and spring-y!
KathyL says
Please Clean Me! I won’t be able to even start cleaning until I get a new sweeper, and that’s no lie…thanks!!!
suzanne says
Going through stacks of papers….lovingly known as procrastination piles!