*** This giveaway has reached its cap of 10,000 entries, and has been closed – see who won below!***
After reaching our cap within 24 hours, we’ve gone ahead and let random.org pick our one lucky winner. They are… AJ (who can’t wait to take our next picture for our annual anniversary photo). We know the feeling. Congrats!
…I’m gonna let it… be organized online? If you’re one of those people that can’t seem to get a handle on your family photos – between your camera, phone, computer, and Facebook / Instagram / Flickr – you just might find the answer to your prayers in ThisLife. It’s a free cloud photo storage tool that, among other things, easily imports and organizes your photos into one central place. It also has cool features like face recognition, a timeline, and it keeps things private by default. They’ve even got a free iPhone and iPad app… which brings us to the first part of this week’s prize: a 16GB iPad courtesy of ThisLife!
But since we’re firm believers that your pictures aren’t meant to just live online, as the second part of this week’s prize, we got MyPublisher to throw in an $100 gift card that can be used toward their high-quality bound photobooks – or even a canvas print (they recently added those to their repertoire). So one lucky winner will walk away with a new iPad for safely storing all of their photos online, and a place to display and appreciate their favorites of the bunch in a photobook or a canvas print.
- PRIZE: A 16GB iPad courtesy of ThisLife (a $499 value) and a $100 gift card to MyPublisher.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “LIFE ME” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what moment you’re most looking forward to capturing on film this summer. Got a great vacation coming up? Or a graduation that you want to always remember? Or maybe a big home project that has you looking forward to snapping a few “after” pictures?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, June 20th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States (although we do try to wrangle as many international giveaways as possible)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of ThisLife and MyPublisher.
Megan D says
LIFE ME! I am looking forward to moving to Kentucky in a few weeks where all of my best friends live! I will be taking lots of pics of my new life, surrounded by my favorite people:)
Delaney says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to my first cruise to the Bahamas!
Brianna says
LIFE ME! Looking forward to photographing my son on a family camping trip next month!
Nikki Kelly says
LIFE ME! I cannot wait to capture my friends and family finally meeting my 7 month old daughter! We live across the country( my husband is in the military)and this is the first chance we’ve had to travel home. We leave tomorrow!!!
Allison says
LIFE ME! Pictures of my puppy, Lincoln- who I love to pieces!
Sara says
LIFE ME! I am looking forward to the beach this summer!!!
Rachel says
Heading on vacation in two weeks. Cannot wait to capture the beautiful sights.
Tiffany says
LIFE ME!!! Looking forward to my son’s 2nd birthday and my baby girl’s baptism!
Eddie says
LIFE ME! we’ve got some fun vacations to the beach coming up this summer :)
Lauren says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to taking more pictures of my dog, Max, especially if it turns out he likes his new pool!
Jannice says
Looking forward to lots of family photo opportunities. My youngest just started walking and my oldest just started riding a bike.
Andrea Sandifer says
I have SO many pics of my beautiful baby boy. He is 3 months old and I can’t wait to get more photos of his first summer!
Anne says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to finally going through the pictures I’ve already taken and organizing them. They are a hot mess in iphoto.
Heather says
Life me…we just moved to a new city and have lots of plans to get out and actually enjoy the area while we are here, which inevitably means lots of picture taking to document all the adventures!
Elaine K says
Life ME! I am looking forward to photographing the beauty of Kauii in early Sept after I send my youngest off to UVA.
Anastasia says
LIFE ME! We just got our first home, and are trying to get as much of the big renovations done as we can this summer, as well as excavating the long-overgrown garden.
Karina Z. says
I am really looking forward to a trip to Arizona to visit a good friend. We’re going to be doing lots of hiking!
Zory says
LIFE ME! I have a 6 month old and I can’t wait to capture all the fun new things she will be doing this summer!!
Blair says
LIFE ME! The first time we take my son to the beach I grew up going to!
Maggie says
I’ve got a trip to Atlanta for the 4th of July that I’m really looking forward to. I’ve haven’t been since I was 14, and I get to explore the city with some friends who grew up there. Can’t wait to take lots of pictures…or snag theirs!
Gina says
LIFE ME!!!!! Pics of my daughter doing all her favorite summer activities!!!!
elvira says
Life me! pictures of my kids with my grandma visitng from out of the country.
Christine says
LIFE ME! My family reunion!
Jill says
Life Me! So I can take pictures of my kids enjoying the summer at the pool. We’ve already been on vacation and have tons of great photos to work with! :-)
Cassie says
LIFE ME: I’m hoping to get some amazing shots of my first grown-up vacation (sans immediately family) to Maine. Nature photos!
Becky says
LIFE ME!! I love taking and looking at pictures and this would make it so much easier!
Amanda says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to a Colorado trip AND pictures of our spare bedroom completed!
Jenna says
Life Me!
I plan to snap some photos of all my summer adventures so I can reminisce the feeling of freedom come this fall when I start law school.
Amy says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to taking a million pictures of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard this summer.
Shannon says
I am looking forward to taking more pics of my puppy at the beach, at the lake, or where ever we go!
Kristin says
Life me!
I’m looking forward to taking lots of pictures on the trip my boyfriend and I are taking over the 4th of July!
maria g says
life me!
looking forward to capturing our family vacations!!
Robin says
Life me! Im juggling 1000’s of pictures between a Mac and and old HP!
Amanda T. says
I’m currently in the beginning stages of making over my third bedroom aka my craft room and I can’t wait to take before, during, and after pics! So fun!
Hera says
LIFE ME! Summer vacation pictures.
Elana says
Laurie says
I looking forwarding to capturing all of my son’s first year of life. Thanks!
Robb says
Life me! I can’t wait to take lots of pictures of our new rescue dog.
MMarie says
I’m most looking forward to photos with our 90 yr old grandpa…treasuring his visit to us this summer.
Laine says
I’m looking forward to taking pictures of our vacation to Colorado!
Joan says
LIFE ME! Looking forward to the same summer beach locale, but the kids change so much from year to year & they are getting big terribly fast!!
Nicole H says
LIFE ME! :) I’m looking forward to our honeymoon trip!! Finally taking this time for us!!
Rachel says
LIFE ME! i’ll be taking some pictures on a trip to Maine in August.
Suzanne says
LIFE ME! I’m moving across the country and can’t wait for the chaos to begin.
Jamie says
LIFE ME! I take photos all the time, so I can’t wait till the next opportunity.
Schwenk says
LIFE ME! Tootling out to Denver and Vail via St. Louis with my boyfriend.
Alex says
Life Me! Our beach vacation next week and pictures of the sunset.
Stacy says
LIFE ME!! I love taking pictures of my niece’s dance recitals!
Alissa says
LIFE ME! Summer at the beach with my little lady!
Jillian says
Looking forward to our annual trip to the Outer Banks with our 4 best friends – last year our group added a little one to the mix, and this summer we’ll have two more on the way (including one of our own!)