*** This giveaway has reached its cap of 10,000 entries, and has been closed – see who won below!***
After reaching our cap within 24 hours, we’ve gone ahead and let random.org pick our one lucky winner. They are… AJ (who can’t wait to take our next picture for our annual anniversary photo). We know the feeling. Congrats!
…I’m gonna let it… be organized online? If you’re one of those people that can’t seem to get a handle on your family photos – between your camera, phone, computer, and Facebook / Instagram / Flickr – you just might find the answer to your prayers in ThisLife. It’s a free cloud photo storage tool that, among other things, easily imports and organizes your photos into one central place. It also has cool features like face recognition, a timeline, and it keeps things private by default. They’ve even got a free iPhone and iPad app… which brings us to the first part of this week’s prize: a 16GB iPad courtesy of ThisLife!
But since we’re firm believers that your pictures aren’t meant to just live online, as the second part of this week’s prize, we got MyPublisher to throw in an $100 gift card that can be used toward their high-quality bound photobooks – or even a canvas print (they recently added those to their repertoire). So one lucky winner will walk away with a new iPad for safely storing all of their photos online, and a place to display and appreciate their favorites of the bunch in a photobook or a canvas print.
- PRIZE: A 16GB iPad courtesy of ThisLife (a $499 value) and a $100 gift card to MyPublisher.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “LIFE ME” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: … what moment you’re most looking forward to capturing on film this summer. Got a great vacation coming up? Or a graduation that you want to always remember? Or maybe a big home project that has you looking forward to snapping a few “after” pictures?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, June 20th at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: The United States (although we do try to wrangle as many international giveaways as possible)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of ThisLife and MyPublisher.
Wendy says
I am looking forward to my kitchen remodel!
katie says
Hopefully pictures of a new apartment, once we find one!
Christine says
I’m looking forward to capturing some great shots at my wedding in September!
Emily says
Life Me! College graduation is coming up. So excited.
Jessica C. says
This summer’s next big event is the wedding of some good friends, which should provide lots of photography fodder… but then we’re hoping to travel to Rome in December, which will have me even more camera-happy!
JaynaC says
LIFE ME – We’re planning on turning our office into a bedroom this summer! Can’t wait to get the before and after pics!
Annie says
Meeting my new niece (tonight) who was born this morning!
Lindsey says
Finding and buying a wedding dress!
Carolina says
I’m getting married this summer and it would be amazing to store all of our pictures in one place!
Maggie says
LIFE ME!! im excited to take some great beach pictures this summer!!
Allyson of Lovely Explorer says
LIFE ME! Wow! I’m hoping that I start a lucky streak here :) I’m definitely looking forward to capturing “the little things” this summer. I’m terrible at taking out my camera for things other than events (vacations, birthdays, holidays). Here’s to changing that!
Rachel says
LIFE ME!! I’m dry walling over a second door into the downstairs bathroom, and creating some built-in storage. I’m really really looking forward to getting the project completed.
Lindi says
Life me! I am looking forward to taking my younger sister’s maternity photos– it’s her first baby and my first nephew!
Erin says
LIFE ME!! We are going to sooo many weddings this summer and I can’t wait to capture the good times with friends and family!
Barbara says
LIFE ME!! Our family vacation to the beach is coming up this Septemebr, would be wonderful to have this to capture all our special moments!!
Erin P says
LIFE ME! My 30th birthday this summer!
Meredith says
I will be so thrilled to take pictures at my grandmother’s 80th birthday party this August – she’s my bestie!
Laura Miller says
Life Me! Im headed to San Francisco this summer with my mom and would love to capture the moments!
Kirsten says
I’m looking forward to an extended family vacation on Nantucket, and hope to take some great pictures of all the cousins together.
Victoria S says
LIFE ME! My husband and I are moving into our first home in just about 3 weeks! I’m looking forward to making it ours, starting with little things, like paint, and moving on to bigger things in a few years, like finishing the basement and adding an outdoor kitchen (using your tutorial on laying a brick patio to get us started!)!!!
Sarah M says
LIFE ME! Looking forward to trying out my new camera on a few camping trips with the family!
Chrissy Henry says
Every September my sister and I take a day off of work and head to the Junkbonanza, tons of vendors selling antiques, crafts and other fun stuff. We take a few pictures of ourselves enjoying strange finds every year!
Stephanie says
LIFE ME! Hopefully we’ll be buying our first home this summer — just waiting for the seller’s bank to give the all clear!
Brynn says
I was just talking with my husband about how we need to be much better about organizing (and backing up!) our digital photos. Especially with a new baby coming this August :) So, yeah, baby’s arrival is what we’re most looking forward to capturing on film this summer.
Amanda says
Going to Afghanistan for 5 weeks. Can’t think of any better traveling companion than a new ipad!
Jenn says
Life me!
Lizzy says
Life me! I’m looking forward to capturing a picture of my brother & his wife. We only see each other about once a year (3,000 miles make it kind of hard), and it will be my only chance to see them while they’re still expecting their 1st little one!
Elisa says
Life me! Looking forward to getting some good maternity/fam pictures at the beach this August.. and of course, I’m sure we’ll fill up a photo book this fall when our child is born!
Jen says
Looking forward to many summer nights on the back porch with my husband and two furbabies :)
Michael B says
Life me! We are going to a huge family reunion in a week.
Stephanie Phillips says
LIFE ME! Our family vacation is coming up in two weeks and I’m looking forward to having my parents, sister, husband, kids, and cousins (all the way from Cali!) together for an entire week.
Nancy says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to snapping pictures at our sibling reunion! Once a year all 5 of us get together with our spouses and kids and we have a fun week of catching up!
phof says
looking forward to a family vacation to the east coast, an annual tradition. LIFE ME!
Natalie says
My kids! I always want more pictures of my kids!!
Sayward says
Life Me!
Tomorrow morning I’m leaving for a 10 day trip to LA and San Diego to celebrate my birthday and visit three of my dearest college friends. I’ve never been there, so I’m sure there will be 50 million pictures. I packed two memory cards for my camera.
Cristy says
Life Me! We’re taking a short mini-vacation towards the end of July… hoping to catch some good family photos!
Kate says
LIFE ME!! I am constantly snapping photos (recently did a maternity shoot for a friend that turned out better than I imagined), but there are a few different weddings and vacations that I am looking forward to this year.
Britney says
LIFE ME! I’m excited to capture a friend’s wedding later this summer!
Tracy says
LIFE ME! I’m looking forward to capturing some Florida boating/wakeboarding on video … it’s been a super dry summer so far and I’m desperate to get back out on the water!
Sara says
I’m looking forward to capturing photos around my Half-Marathon weekend in August! First Rock-N-Roll Half for me in Providence. Can’t wait to get pics of the expo, post-race and concert! Thanks!
Holly says
Life me! My sister’s baby shower is this weekend, so I’ll need many many pictures of that!
Regina says
I’m off to celebrate a friend’s birthday on Block Island, RI this weekend and hope to get some great pics!
Val says
I will be snapping photos of my 5 month old this summer! I’m most looking forward to her first trip to the beach!
Rachael says
LIFE ME! I am planning on updating a chest I received from my mama. An ipad would be a great way to capture the during and after shots!
Lee says
LIFE ME! Early days with my new nephew.
Ashley Williams says
i am really excited to take pics of 4th of July. it’s my fave holiday, FIREWORKS!!!
Shary says
LIFE ME!! I just took pictures of my son’s high school graduation! That was the most anticipated event of this summer.
karen says
We just bought a camper, so many fun family vacation photos ahead!
Mandy Smith-Thompson says
I cannot WAIT to take a picture of the concrete counter tops my husband and I are going to pour and set on top of the cabinets in the house we are building ourselves! Yay!
Kori says
Life ME! I look forward to capturing my re-done bathroom…the end is near!!