***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the randomly selected person who’s starting their new year off with prize is… Jennifer (who answered this week’s question with a Canadian folk lyric – which I had to look up, mind you: “Lukey’s boat is painted green, Ha, me boys!”). Congrats Jennifer!
Raise your hand if you know what a bathymetric chart is. I didn’t before this giveaway, but it’s basically like a topographic map for what lies underwater. But the more important thing to know is that the married duo behind Below the Boat turns these charts into gorgeous, laser-cut, hand-assembled works of art. They’re beautifully intricate and fascinatingly detailed. And they’ve got lots of bodies of water from the east coast, west coast, and even some lakes in between. One of you is gonna win up to $300 worth of bathymetric chart-y goodnesst this week. So… ahoy!
- PRIZE: Any single framed map up to $300 (or any combination of two maps that add up to $300) from Below The Boat.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BOAT ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if you had to venture out on a boat, what kind would it be? Would you opt for a luxury cruise? Venture out on a sailboat? Are you more into kayaks or canoes? Maybe you’d like living on a house boat? Or perhaps any kind of boat is your ultimate nightmare?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, January 2nd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide!
- DISCOUNT: 15% off with code YHLNEWYEAR (valid through Father’s Day, which is June 16th, 2013)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Below The Boat.
MinnieK says
BOAT ME! We are water people and have dreams of living on a sail boat one day. I’ve already got my “if I win the lottery” boat picked out!
Kara says
BOAT ME!! Love kayaking in the Caribbean. Beautiful and a great arm workout too!! :)
Christina says
BOAT ME! I would go canoeing!
Penni McNamara says
Boat me! Large sailboat! Blue water…sun and wind !
Amanda says
Boat me!! i would go on a yacht.
K.Moore says
Boat me! Matey!! haha How about a houseboat on Lake Shasta Cali!!
Stacy says
BOAT ME! In mats mats bay off Kingston Island:
Happy New Year!
Sarah says
Boat me! I would pick a dive boat because I am an avid scuba diver! I would love a map of what is under the water!
Patricialynn says
This is a hard one….on one hand, having grown up alongside the Mississippi, I have a wonderful fondness for houseboats. It’s so relaxing to fall asleep in one.
But I love to row, so if I had my choice I would probably want a canoe. Not a metal one, but a nice old-fashioned Native American style dugout canoe. I got to row in one once and it was the best day on the river ever!
Kathy Gayaldo says
BOAT ME on a white water river raft on ahot summer day…
Erica says
I adore boats of all kinds, but learning to sail a sailboat is on my life list so that would absolutely be my choice.
Amanda Counter says
Boat Me!
I would love to go on a cruise, but being on a boat in the ocean scares me…just a little. I will take a fun boat on a lake any day though!
Alysson says
BOAT ME! Pontoon boat? Lazy trips around the lake…
Kerri says
I would like a house boat!
Leah says
Boat me! I heart bathymetric maps. And my boat of choice is definitely a kayak.
Wendy says
Boat me!
I’d love to go on a luxury cruise. I’ve always wanted to do that.
Tatiana says
BOAT ME! Love sail boats but give me an inner tube and a lazy river any day.
Tina says
BOAT ME!! We live & vacation on Lake Erie, and either the Lake Erie map or The Great Lakes would be perfect for my husband. They are beautiful! As for the boat I am still on the fence about that whole thing!
Alexa F. says
I like pretty much all types of boats and have been on or operated a very wide variety of them. I’m a big fan of kayaks and sailboats, though.
Andrea says
Boat me!! Steve Job’s old yacht! Massive and awesome I’m sure!
lindsay says
Boat Me! A kayak!
Andrea says
Boat me!! Steve Job’s old yacht!! Awesome I’m sure!!
Mary says
Boat me! I went on a cruise for my honeymoon last year and it was so much fun, we would love to go again!!!
Kyley says
I know it’s not technically a boat, but I’m currently loving stand up paddleboarding. Mostly because it’s the perfect “boat” to beat the heat in the summer along with having enough room for my dog to ride on the front.
Suzanne says
Boat me
Elizabeth says
Would love to be on a sailboat!
Amy says
Boat me! I love our run-around family boat that’s perfect for day trips on the river… Nothing but happiness.
Kristen says
BOAT ME! Would love to sail the caribbean
Rachel says
BOAT ME! Yacht!
Danielle says
BOAT ME! I’d go on a cruise to the Caribbean!
Lisa says
Boat me!
I love kayaking and would love to go check out the San Juan Islands up in Washington.
Urban Wife says
Boat me! I love kayaking.
Cnndice says
BOAT ME! While I thinks these maps are amazing, boats are not my thing–more specifically, open water is not my thing. I can barely watch movies or tv shows where they’re out in the ocean. Gives me the heebs.
jess says
I’m actually getting married aboard a cruise in July!!! But I would love love love the one of the Cape, it’s where I spent all my summers as a kid! So nice!
Courtney says
BOAT ME!! My husband hates boats but if i could get him on one it would be a cruise to Alaska!
Nancy says
Boat me!I would love to go out with an expierienced sailor on a sail boat, a large one!
Sarah S. says
I’d take a fancy yacht around the italian coasts!
Anthi says
BOAT ME! I don’t enjoy being out on the ocean/ losing sight of the shore. I would love to rent a houseboat, perhaps on a canal in Amsterdam…
Jana says
BOAT ME! Very soon, I get to kayak through the beautiful waters in Phuket, Thailand. So today that’s what I choose.
Shaz says
Boat Me!!! Houseboats are the way to go. Although cruises are kind of cool as well.
Emily P says
Boat Me! Def a sailboat!
Lorraine says
BOAT ME! Probably a kayak…definitely not a sailboat! The last time I was on one my husband dumped my off the side and into the ocean!
rebecca says
Boat me! A patoon boat with my best family and friends, good food and drink.
Kristin says
BOAT ME!! My choice is a sailboat……
Anna Ransdell says
boat me! sail boat for sure!
Rebecca says
Boat Me! I am more of a mid-sized boat kind of gal, spending an afternoon on a quiet sea with good company.
Rachel D. says
Boat me! I grew up on my dad’s commercial fishing boat, but I would totally love to spend more time on sailboats. A tall ship trip would be so cool!
Carrie says
No boat rides for me– I get extremely sea sick!
Lori says
BOAT ME! I love all kinds of boats. These are stunning maps!
Jenna says
BOAT ME! I would love to go on another sunset kyaking trip!