***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the randomly selected person who’s starting their new year off with prize is… Jennifer (who answered this week’s question with a Canadian folk lyric – which I had to look up, mind you: “Lukey’s boat is painted green, Ha, me boys!”). Congrats Jennifer!
Raise your hand if you know what a bathymetric chart is. I didn’t before this giveaway, but it’s basically like a topographic map for what lies underwater. But the more important thing to know is that the married duo behind Below the Boat turns these charts into gorgeous, laser-cut, hand-assembled works of art. They’re beautifully intricate and fascinatingly detailed. And they’ve got lots of bodies of water from the east coast, west coast, and even some lakes in between. One of you is gonna win up to $300 worth of bathymetric chart-y goodnesst this week. So… ahoy!
- PRIZE: Any single framed map up to $300 (or any combination of two maps that add up to $300) from Below The Boat.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BOAT ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if you had to venture out on a boat, what kind would it be? Would you opt for a luxury cruise? Venture out on a sailboat? Are you more into kayaks or canoes? Maybe you’d like living on a house boat? Or perhaps any kind of boat is your ultimate nightmare?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, January 2nd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide!
- DISCOUNT: 15% off with code YHLNEWYEAR (valid through Father’s Day, which is June 16th, 2013)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Below The Boat.
Maryse D says
A sailboat with a white and navy theme!!
Tara R says
“BOAT ME!” I love kayaking!
Sarah @ Licorice and Olives says
BOAT ME! A luxury cruiser that could handle the Mediterranean and all its beautiful islands and cities – bliss.
leslie says
Boat ME!!!
I want a sailboat with a crew!!
Erin R. says
Boat Me! So fun. I’ve had the privilege of a large variety of boating experiences, but I think that my favorite is still paddleing a canoe or kayak on a quite lake. I would love to win one of these for my parents’ cottage on Lake Michigan.
Star says
Boat Me! I’ve done the cruise ship – very fun. But I think a sailboat would be a good adventure next!
Callie says
Boat me! My favorite boats are the ones big enough to avoid getting motion sick 0_o
Alicia says
“Boat me!” I have been on a kayak around Cape Cod, a cruise ship in the Mediterranean and sailed in the Caribbean. I would love sail around Puget Sound. Happy New Year!
Alauna South says
Boat me! Kayak for the win!
Maha says
Boat me!
I’m a pontoon boat kind of girl.
Caryn says
Boat me!! I would go back on a boat to the middle of Lake Titicaca Peru, and spend the night on Amantani Island under the most brilliant stars you have ever seen!
Janie says
It would have to be a luxury cruise on a big boat, I get sea sick on small boats!
Nichole says
BOAT ME! I’d love to sail around the Chesapeake Bay!
Kate says
As much as I love a good cruise, nothing beats a wonderful day on a sailboat.
sarah says
Boat me! I’d choose a cruise someplace warm!
Julianne says
Boat me!
Sailboat all the way!
Barbara says
Luxury cruise for sure!
Jennifer says
Boat me. Nothing better than an afternoon on the lake in a motor boat!
Kerri says
Boat ME!?!
A plastic boat in an over sized tub full of bubbles! Love Cape Cod, swimming in water, but can’t get Kate and Leo out of my head if I lose sight of land… you know, Titanic… near, far…
Ashley R says
BOAT ME! Luxury cruise baby!
Abby Walters says
BOAT ME! Oh please, oh please. I’d give anything to be five years old again and spend time with my grandpa on his boat like we used to at his marina. I’d take the helm and he’d direct the cruise. Those were beautiful summers on the river. He’s too old now and I’m about to take one last trip to see him in PA this Thursday. His marina will never be the same without him, there, polo shirt and cap adorned with the lovely smelling cigar. Boats mean Grandpa. ALWAYS will. Having something awesome like this on the wall would be a beautiful reminder.
Rebecca A. says
BOAT ME! It would be a large sailboat with my dad at the helm.
Chrissy says
BOAT ME! We are a fishing family, so I grew up spending time on fishing boats off Long Island, and we now do most of our fishing in the Chesapeake. (Though I wouldn’t turn down a Caribbean cruise…)
Anna says
Boat Me!
My husband and I love sailing! We live near the Puget Sound and there are so many lovely places to moor and explore. Love your blog!
ClarenceM says
Jesse says
Boat me please! Cruise ship for me, anything smaller and I’m seasick : (
Erin says
BOAT ME! I would love to get a canoe and boat around the rivers by our home.
Crystal says
Boat me!
Someone above mentioned a gondola… I second that idea!
Denise says
This is meant for me to win – living in MA, two of the three maps are here! Having visited Seattle, the San Juan islands are also special! What more do I need to win lol?
Jill A. says
Boat me please :) I lived on a houseboat for one year of my childhood & it was heavenly I’d most certainly do it again!!! These maps are gorgeous, tanks for sharing!!!
Rachel says
Boat me! I would choose a canoe! There is nothing like being the only ones on a lake with an early morning canoe ride.
Crystal says
A large luxury yacht with a number of Channing Tatum lookalikes as butlers will do me juuuuuuuust fine.
Cassidy says
boat me
KBella says
BOAT ME! A private yacht through the Mediterranean would be pretty sweet. :)
Carolyn says
BOAT ME! But definitely on a luxury cruise with plenty, plenty, PLENTY of ginger tablets for my seasickness!
Holly Weik says
We spent 3 months in Maine this fall, kayaking as often as we could. The mid-coast area was sublime and we loved paddling around.
Jennifer S. says
Boat me! Sailboat…
Karen604 says
Boat Me!
I’m a sailboat sort of gal. I grew up in New England and the best of times were out in a sail boat. Alas living in land locked Colorado sea breezes are very far from my front door. My love of the sea is in my heart.
Lisa says
BOAT ME! Cool giveaway! I’d choose a kayak in quiet, calm water.
sally G says
“BOAT ME!” Oh man, definitely a boat, with someone else at the helm… somewhere warm!
Rachel says
BOAT ME! I love being on a speed boat (or behind one in a tube)!!
Jen says
Boat Me!!!
… a cruise is the boat for me! ;)
Sarah says
BOAT ME! I love going out in the canoe…as long as I don’t have to steer.
Catherine says
Definitely a house boat. Floating around in the sun sounds like heaven.
Betsy says
BOAT ME!! Luxury cruise because I’ve never been on one and am use to living life frugally so it would be a pleasant treat!
Jenny says
Boat me! I would love to go n a sailboat.
Jessica says
Last time I was on a boat, we were in Maui on a snorkeling trip, and I got so sick that I had to hitch a ride back with another boat halfway through. Sooooo boats aren’t really my thing, I guess? But I do enjoy kayaking.
Lisa in Seattle says
Boat me! I would love to go on a small wildlife/nature cruise up the Inside Passage.
Happy New Year’s, Petersik clan!!!
Bonnie says
Boat me!
A rowboat will do! Just being on the water is relaxing enough!
Nicole says
Boat Me!
My husband loves maps of all kinds. Hopefully these guys will end up doing some more international pieces. I’d love to see something from NZ (where we honeymooned). Great gift idea!