***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the randomly selected person who’s starting their new year off with prize is… Jennifer (who answered this week’s question with a Canadian folk lyric – which I had to look up, mind you: “Lukey’s boat is painted green, Ha, me boys!”). Congrats Jennifer!
Raise your hand if you know what a bathymetric chart is. I didn’t before this giveaway, but it’s basically like a topographic map for what lies underwater. But the more important thing to know is that the married duo behind Below the Boat turns these charts into gorgeous, laser-cut, hand-assembled works of art. They’re beautifully intricate and fascinatingly detailed. And they’ve got lots of bodies of water from the east coast, west coast, and even some lakes in between. One of you is gonna win up to $300 worth of bathymetric chart-y goodnesst this week. So… ahoy!
- PRIZE: Any single framed map up to $300 (or any combination of two maps that add up to $300) from Below The Boat.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BOAT ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if you had to venture out on a boat, what kind would it be? Would you opt for a luxury cruise? Venture out on a sailboat? Are you more into kayaks or canoes? Maybe you’d like living on a house boat? Or perhaps any kind of boat is your ultimate nightmare?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, January 2nd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide!
- DISCOUNT: 15% off with code YHLNEWYEAR (valid through Father’s Day, which is June 16th, 2013)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Below The Boat.
Adrienne says
BOAT ME! A private yacht cruise around the world. Yeah right, but you asked :-)
Korby says
Boat me! Definitely a ski boat….so I can have lots of fun with my four boys!
joan says
BOAT ME! I would definitely choose a luxury cruise!
Kyle says
BOAT ME! Alaskan cruise perhaps? :)
Sarah @ Freestyle Home/Life says
BOAT ME! I always thought it would be interesting to go on a cruise ship somewhere. :)
Mara says
BOAT ME! I’d love a ride on a super-fast speed boat!
Shawna says
I’ve never been on a boat, so who knows! Love to try someday though.
Sue Kment says
Boats???Hmmm other than maybe a pontoon and an umbrella drink, I am basically a land lubber!
Sara says
(Actually, I prefer to stay on dry land)
Jill says
BOAT ME! OMG, boat me so hard! I already see four of these I would die to own or gift to others, in waters I’ve boated in extensively, no less!
My boat of choice would be a power boat just a wee bit bigger than the one we have — which is fun for tooling around during the day but not as good for entertaining or sleeping on. Someday we will upgrade!
Emily S. says
BOAT ME! I don’t know a whole lot about boats, but I do like a kayak! And living in a houseboat here in Seattle would be pretty iconic.
Mahareen says
Boat me! Luxury cruise all the way!
Mollie says
Boat me! A nice luxury cruise to Nantucket sounds nice.
Kelle says
BOAT ME! cruise, someplace warm!
Autumn says
Boat me- luxury cruise around Tahiti!
Julie C. says
BOAT ME! As a Midwesterner now living in Seattle, there are finally lots of opportunities for boating adventures. I’ve only been on a ferry so far, but I’d love to go sailing!
Jennifer P says
Boat me!
A private yacht!
Kimmie d says
Boat me! These maps are the best! I have been covering these for a while.
suzie dyer says
BOAT ME!! Definitely a kayak!!
Katie says
I’d pick anything that I could lay out on and enjoy the sun and water.
Amanda Z says
Boat me!
Sailboat please.
Glennis says
BOAT ME! Cruise ship to the Carribeans, of course! :)
Nichole says
BOAT ME!!! I’d choose a houseboat on a lake or river!
Devon @ Green House, Good Life says
I grew up around sailboats, so while none of my dad’s sailing skill rubbed off on me (and it’s clearly not genetic), I’d choose a sailboat every time.
Casey says
Happy New Year, and boat me! We are big boat and lake people, and my husband is obsessed with wanting to tour the world on a yacht someday. He has an app called “Boat Finder” and is always looking at them and planning routes. :)
Andrea says
Boat me! I’d love to live on a houseboat, just like the one Tom Hanks lived on in ‘Sleepless in Seattle’. And have it moored in Sydney Harbour so I can pop over to the Sydney Fish Markets for freshly shucked oysters and prawns.
Happy new year!
Andrea says
BOAT ME! Cruise ship for me, for sure.
Julie says
BOAT ME! I’d love to go on a cruise to somewhere tropical.
Anita Milk says
Please BOAT ME! I live on Vancouver island and recently had to be rescued by the coast guard, bahaha! Funny now but really, I fell off the island :/. A coast guard boat did the job then and it would do the job now :). Thanks Canadian Coast Guard!
Hannah says
Boat me! Fishing skiff, anytime!
Angela says
I would love to try a luxury cruise just to see a boat that big. :D
Erin says
BOAT ME! It would have to be a hovercraft
Ronda says
Kate says
BOAT ME! And it’s a sailboat for me!
Michele says
Boat Me!
We’d love to sail around the world together, stopping off wherever whimsy blows…..someday. Until then, we just scowl and say “Argh, Matey” a lot. Merry New Year!
Amy L. says
I’ve always wanted to take a cruise to Alaska. Better stick with a canoe though- I get sea sick on cruise ships!
Angela says
BOAT ME! I’d love to go on a cruise :)
Russka says
Not a big fan of the cruise ships and would stick to a houseboat or smaller. I love the sensation of being rocked by the waves at night.
Jennifer says
Boat Me! We had a great time on the European Disney Cruise!
Shannon says
Boat me!
A 40 ft wooden sailboat would fit me perfectly (hmmm, but where to fit my lovely husband and 3 kids?).
Alison says
BOAT ME! A luxury cruise is the best way to travel on the open seas!
Maddy says
BOAT ME! I love kayaking, and I’d love a bathymetric map of the first place I kayaked!
Kristin H says
Boat me! I would love to go on a cruise, maybe some day.
Wendy says
Boat Me!!! A houseboat on the lake in the summer would be divine!!
Laura says
Boat me! I LOVE maps but boats aren’t really my thing. I enjoy kayaking but I’d rather stick to dry land other than that.
These maps are gorgeous though! Thanks for the giveaway!
Jen says
Boat ME! We own a sailboat, can’t wait for launch time in May!!
Meg says
I would love to live on a houseboat for a year just to give it a go!
Miranda Williams says
BOAT ME! I’d normally say I’m a luxury cruise kind of girl but lately I’ve been intrigued by sail boats so I’m going to say sail boat. :)
Susan says
BOAT ME!! I love canoeing!
Mikia says
BOAT ME! I’d love a small motorboat so we could visit the islands just of shore here. They have awesome beaches.