***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the randomly selected person who’s starting their new year off with prize is… Jennifer (who answered this week’s question with a Canadian folk lyric – which I had to look up, mind you: “Lukey’s boat is painted green, Ha, me boys!”). Congrats Jennifer!
Raise your hand if you know what a bathymetric chart is. I didn’t before this giveaway, but it’s basically like a topographic map for what lies underwater. But the more important thing to know is that the married duo behind Below the Boat turns these charts into gorgeous, laser-cut, hand-assembled works of art. They’re beautifully intricate and fascinatingly detailed. And they’ve got lots of bodies of water from the east coast, west coast, and even some lakes in between. One of you is gonna win up to $300 worth of bathymetric chart-y goodnesst this week. So… ahoy!
- PRIZE: Any single framed map up to $300 (or any combination of two maps that add up to $300) from Below The Boat.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BOAT ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if you had to venture out on a boat, what kind would it be? Would you opt for a luxury cruise? Venture out on a sailboat? Are you more into kayaks or canoes? Maybe you’d like living on a house boat? Or perhaps any kind of boat is your ultimate nightmare?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, January 2nd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide!
- DISCOUNT: 15% off with code YHLNEWYEAR (valid through Father’s Day, which is June 16th, 2013)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Below The Boat.
Cat says
And a kayak – preferably a two-seater so my dog could help navigate.
Amy says
Boat me!! I prefer sailing
Cathy says
Boat me!
Sharon says
BOAT ME! A sailboat would suit me!
Wes says
BOAT ME! I would take a misty morning canoe trip in Alaska. I’d love to win this one, my best friend is getting married on Orcus Island this summer and it would be the perfect wedding gift for her!
Suzanne says
BOAT ME! How I would love to be on an SUP exploring the great ponds on Martha’s Vineyard.
Nicole A. says
Boat Me! Cruise ship for me!
Lauren says
Boat me! Any boat where I could string a hammock off the back over the water
Krista says
I’d go for a canoe or a kayak. :o)
Laura says
Boat me! My families favorite boat of choice is the “sunfish.” It’s the smallest sailboat out there, but we have endless fun every summer with it!
Ashley says
Boat Me! I’d love to sail away on a luxury cruise :)
Katie Buell says
BOAT ME!!!!!! A house boat in the caribbean with all my friends and our families!!! Oh and some good beer and yummy eats!!!
Jen Nauen says
Boat me! Kayak, definitely. Happy new year!
Amy wolff says
Boat me!
I want to rent a sailboat in
Aruba.. As I did prekids…
Brittany W. says
Boat Me! I would love to learn how to sail someday!
Kirstin says
I would take a 60 ft sailing catamaran with my family to the Bahamas!
Meg says
BOAT ME! A sailboat! :-)
Rhonda says
Boat me! A small fishing boat. I would retrace the journey of Lewis and Clark.
Cindy says
Boat me!
I’m really not a boat person… I’ve cruised, sailed, kayaked, canoed, and lots of others. I like the water, but not really boats. And I feel that I’ve given them a fair shot, so I’ll be the person happily on land.
Cindy says
Boat Me! I love ski boats of any kind!
Maegan says
BOAT ME! I love love to sail around the Caribbean in a little yacht with my husband and two dogs :)
Amy says
Boat me! I would want to spend a week on a yacht where we could scuba dive whenever we wanted, a chef to prepare our meals…
Jessica F. says
BOAT ME! A large sailboat would shiver me timbers!
Allison says
I’ve always thought it would be fun to take an extended vacation and putter around in a house boat for a while :)
evamarie says
Boat Me! I dream of someday sailing the Grenadines!
Melissa says
BOAT ME…on a sailboat with the wind in my hair.
Lani says
Gimmie a cruise baby! The bigger the better with ample amounts of sun and champagne!
Chebrutta says
Boat me! A nice outboard for some deep-sea fishing sounds about right!
Sara Kenagy says
I spend lots of time in a rowing shell, however I’ve always loved little tug boats.
Jodi says
BOAT ME!!! Sailboat please!
Kate says
Boat me!
Sea kayak on Georgian Bay all the way!
Meera Modi says
Boat me! On the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard.
Johanna says
Boat me!! Anything to get me back to the beach…living a landlocked life and missing the ocean :)
Harriet says
BOAT ME! I’m already on a sail boat but would love to have a picture of the Bamamas where we spend the winter!
Peter K. says
Boat me! Sail boats or fishing boats are my favorites.
Samantha says
Lianne says
I like row boats haha. I had good memories of them with my Dad and brother fishing as a kid. Although a cruise boat is tempting lol
Jeni T says
BOAT ME! Um, yeah, a cruise ship please. Wish I could say kayak, but I have weak upper arm strength. Just sayin.
Deborah Mickler says
Boat Me!!! With sunscreen please…
Courtney madden says
Boat me! I’d spend the week on a houseboat in the quiet of Lake Superior.
Anabelle says
Boat me… A boat trip down the Keys!
Bree C says
Boat Me!!
These are so fantastic! I’m a Florida girl, born and raised, and I might end up purchasing a few for family from the Keys.
And I prefer any boat at all. Cruising, skiing, sailing, fishing, you name it…we’re all about boating.
Elizabeth says
I think I’d pick a cruise ship, I’ve never been on a cruise and it sounds like fun!
Amber says
Boat me! Seriously wanting a pontoon boat.
Alicia @ The Creative Vault says
BOAT ME as a geologist, I need to win this!
Crystal Strachan says
I’m not gonna lie, being in open water scares the bejesus out of me! But I’ve been on a catamaran in calm blue waters and would love to do it again… and again… and again!
Nancy says
Boat me! I’d love a luxury cruise, sigh!
Julie Jacobsen says
BOAT ME! Would love a private yacht trip on the Mediterranean Sea! Cool giveaway you guys.
Kelli says
Boat me! A sailboat around the Med!
Leslie says
I would be on a sail boat at Martha’s Vineyard, where we got married last year! Such happy memories :)