***This giveaway is no longer accepting entries – see who won below!***
And the randomly selected person who’s starting their new year off with prize is… Jennifer (who answered this week’s question with a Canadian folk lyric – which I had to look up, mind you: “Lukey’s boat is painted green, Ha, me boys!”). Congrats Jennifer!
Raise your hand if you know what a bathymetric chart is. I didn’t before this giveaway, but it’s basically like a topographic map for what lies underwater. But the more important thing to know is that the married duo behind Below the Boat turns these charts into gorgeous, laser-cut, hand-assembled works of art. They’re beautifully intricate and fascinatingly detailed. And they’ve got lots of bodies of water from the east coast, west coast, and even some lakes in between. One of you is gonna win up to $300 worth of bathymetric chart-y goodnesst this week. So… ahoy!
- PRIZE: Any single framed map up to $300 (or any combination of two maps that add up to $300) from Below The Boat.
- TO ENTER: Comment on this post with the words “BOAT ME!” and tell us…
- BONUS QUESTION: …if you had to venture out on a boat, what kind would it be? Would you opt for a luxury cruise? Venture out on a sailboat? Are you more into kayaks or canoes? Maybe you’d like living on a house boat? Or perhaps any kind of boat is your ultimate nightmare?
- GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, January 2nd at 8pm EST or at 10,000 entries (whichever comes first)
- PRIZE SHIPS: This giveaway is available worldwide!
- DISCOUNT: 15% off with code YHLNEWYEAR (valid through Father’s Day, which is June 16th, 2013)
- USUAL STUFF: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Thursday as an update to this post. That’s right, come right back here on Thursday for the announcement of our winner. Good luck…
- ***COMMENT ISSUES? If you’re trying to enter but keep getting a “duplicate comment” warning, click here to see how to solve it!
Note: We aren’t paid or perked for hosting these giveaways, we just do ‘em to thank you awesome folks for stopping in. See our Giveaway FAQ page for more info. Pics courtesy of Below The Boat.
Hannah says
BOAT ME! I’d love to canoe with my husband on some of the large sloughs near our house, maybe with a picnic, some photography, and some bird watching.
p.s. What beautiful art! I am so thankful for amazing creative people out there, and for you sharing them with us! And, not gonna lie, I’d be totally thankful to win too! :)
Amanda says
BOAT ME! I’ d love to spend three or four days on a houseboat with some good friends exploring a lake on the Colorado River!
Jennifer O. says
Boat Me!! i’d love head out on a sailboat any day – Happy New Years!
Meryl says
Boat Me! Sailboat with my boyfriend and dog for the afternoon to go fishing and watch the sunset
Kelly says
Boat Me!
Sailboat around the BVI.
Karen L says
Boat Me!
I would go on a cruise around the world, the ones that take 6-8 months!
Amy M says
Boat me!
Luxury cruise would be a dream…my husband and i went on a regular criuse to the bahamas and has enjoyed it immensely and can’t wait to go again.
Nancy Ferreira says
BOAT ME! I was leaning towards kayak, but I’ve never been on a cruise, so I’ll say cruise ship. :)
Erin @ FierceBeagle says
BOAT ME! My husband is a petty officer in the Navy, and while he was in training in Pensacola, we learned how to sail. Our dream is to have a sailboat of our own and to take trips up and down the East Coast.
lisa says
We have a little 16 ft. Zodiac we like to take out on the ocean. I like to stop out in the middle of an inlet, cut the motor, and lay down and sunbathe, and jump in the water when it gets too hot. Nothing like a bracing swim in melting snow run-off.
dalyn says
I love to kayak and I have dreams of vacationing on a houseboat, but, with a couple little ones, the childcare on a cruise sounds increasingly lovely–even if I’m not really a cruise type person.
Mary says
BOAT ME! I was once lucky enough to sail around Australia with 12 amazing friends… that’s exactly the kind of boat adventure I would want to do again! No cruise ship for me, just tall sails, beautiful water, and close friends.
Elizabeth Wood says
Boat me! Sailboat all the way!
Meredith says
I’ll take that luxury cruise! But I’d love to go out tubing or snorkeling too!
Jackie says
BOAT ME! I just love being on the water…so any boat would do.
Meg says
If I were going out on a boat I would definitely choose a speed boat. Growing up with the whole family on the boat water skiing way too early in the morning and then inter-tubing until dusk was one of my highlights of my childhood :)
Claire says
BOAT ME! I love getting out on the ocean on a kayak, but it someone offered me a ride on a sailboat, I’d take them up on it in a second!
Meredith R says
BOAT ME! Hubby and I moved to Florida a few years ago from Pennsylvania…we planned our destination wedding in the Tampa area and loved the area so much that we moved! We bought a house three miles from the Gulf Coast so it’s the perfect location to own a boat. Alas, my poor husband refuses to step foot on one :) So as much as I love the water and the romantic notion of boating in the Gulf of Mexico, our water adventures are limited to the beach. I figure I win either way :) We get to spend time together by the water even though we’re on land!
Karen says
Boat me! I’d love to go on a luxury sail boat around the world.
Devin says
BOAT ME! Any boat is good with me. I love being on the water.
Jen says
Boat Me!
I heart canoeing on public lands!
Lilli says
Boat Me!!!
A house boats sounds nice! Would be great to sail around the world and take your home along for the ride.
Chelsea says
Boat me! I would definitely have a kayak. There is nothing better than kayaking around the Pacific and jumping out at your leisure to catch lunch.
Hannah says
A cruise to anywhere! My husband and I recently went to St. Thomas, and there were huge cruise ships pulling into the port every day. They look like so much fun!
Kris says
Pontoon boat all the way! Nice and slow, comfy seats, lots of friends and drinks! Now I can’t wait until summer!
Samantha says
Sailing is one of my favorite things to do (and I don’t get to go nearly enough), but wouldn’t turn down a vacation on a luxury yacht either!
Marlys says
Boat me! A cruise would be awesome!
Tara says
BOAT ME! A luxury yacht would be amazing, but only in my dreams!
Megan says
BOAT ME! I’d go on a Mediterranean cruise!
Nickea says
Boat me! Definitely a luxury cruise. I get motion sick pretty easily and cruise ships seem to be my only friend.
Pepsi Alice says
BOAT ME, PLEASE! Although I love maps, I’m generally a landlubber. I did go out on my friend’s speedboat last year, and was very proud of myself for embracing the opportunity to drive it for a short while.
Alison says
BOAT ME! I rode on my first catamaran last week and I loved loved loved it, so I’d go with that!
Lori says
BOAT ME! A luxury cruise in the Aegean please!
Rachael @ Determined Darling says
Boat Me
Kayaks without a doubt
Saskia says
Boat me! If I had the chance my dream would be to sail to and around Madeira!! Watching Whales and turtels while being at the most amazing place!!
Dave says
Boat Me
Kelly says
A sailboat, please!
Terese says
Boat me! A speedboat…or canoe! Thanks :)
Megan L says
BOAT ME!! These would look amazing in my little boy’s room. I want to go on a sailboat bc I’ve never been on one.
Dee says
BOAT ME! I would love to rent a houseboat for a getaway with my husband.
Mary says
Boat me! A catamaran!
Stacey says
Boat me! I’ve always wanted to learn to kayak. Maybe this year….
Emma G. says
Boat me!
I would love to spend a couple of days on a historic vessel!
Melody Strayer says
BOAT ME! Kayak, definitely. I took kayaking as a PE option in college, and it was so fun!
Sylvie says
Boat me!
Allie says
Boat me! I would love an antique wooden Chris Craft – and a lake house to go with it!
Megan Richard says
BOAT ME!! I would choose the sail boat!
Casey says
BOAT ME! Sailboat all the way. I’ll just have to find someone to, you know, sail the boat. Small detail.
Ashley says
Boat Me!
A luxury cruise to somewhere in the Carribean or maybe a cruise around Greece!
Joy says
BOAT ME! A cruise ship, definitely.