This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
marta says
I’ve only discovered you a few months ago, but managed to read through it all (well, most!). I was worried at first that the ‘omg they have ideal life’ will be annoying to read but it so wasn’t! You are a fantastic family and awesome writers and I think you have everyone’s full support. Go take a break and go do some off-radar life – it must be hugely tiring to constantly have people looking over your shoulders. I was always surprised at the transparency you share your family life with and wondered whether Clara would appreciate when she’s older. But we love you. Stay happy x
Amanda says
Oh wow! I never thought you guys had lost your vibe, I’ve enjoyed the blog throughout its phases of development. I’m with those people who affirm that you guys don’t owe us readers anything.
My heart hurts for you as you’ve been barraged with negative commentary and witnessed in-fighting on your behalf these last few days. We’ve been there recently when my husband left his church job and we felt similarly to you. He had lost his joy, lost his passion in trying to meet others’ needs and support our family through ministry. People got mad, and he resigned. Now we’re in the “sabbatical” mode and searching for a new direction. So we’re right there with ya, I completely understand.
I hope this time away is good for you and your family and that you please please please come back sometime and not too long from now ;) I think your blog is awesome and plan to continue following it no matter the direction you take it. Unless maybe you decide to start decorating your house with old lady florals and convincing us of the benefit of dark wood panelling, then maybe I’ll wander away, haha! But seriously, have a good month and take care!
Kat says
I agree! I didn’t think they lost their vibe at all. :)
Adelae says
I completely applaud you, even if this did make me weepy at the thought that you may be giving it up for good. Thousands of us have found inspiration here at YHL for years, and this post is the most inspirational yet. Exactly one year ago my husband and I worked together managing a high-profile graphic design firm where we came home late, felt bad about the way we were doing things, yelled at one another, cried, and felt stressed and un-inspired 100% of the time all because of the pressures of our job. After months of laboring over the decision, we quit. It was the hardest decision to make, and it was absolutely the best thing we could have done. Now we “work for the man” and can really appreciate the continuity and regularity of it, and we run a small freelance business on the side. And guess what? It’s actually fun again! I sure hope that you both can sail over this hurdle and get back in the saddle in a way that you can enjoy it again. Love you guys!
Casey says
Forbes indicated most people will have 7-10 jobs in their professional career, each lasting 5-7 years on average. This blog has been a tremendous “job” in your professional life. If you leave it, you’ve left incredible evidence of your work. How special to know what you accomplished is still available to you! Most of us leave a company, and our accomplishments, behind.
So if this means you’re closing the door to this “company”, I understand. That would be a standard, acceptable practice. I hope you wouldn’t, but I would never ask my own employees to stay in a job they felt they’ve already learned all they can, milked all opportunities, and just feel a little stagnant. That environment is not conducive to personal and professional growth.
Bottom line, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, and encourage you to trust your gut. And if you do close this door permanently, thank you for being a consistent part of my morning routine for seven years. God bless you both.
Laura says
Faithful reader of 5+ years (all the way back to the first house and before Clara was born). Y’all are my first and favorite blog. I am a huge fan. You have always been a great source of inspiration. I revisit your posts often as I come across new projects and products. (Recent example: I accidentally bleached my couch covers and went back to your posts about dyeing chair covers and the wedding dress.) While I am sad for the break, I completely understand. It’s weird to say I love you to people I’ve never actually met, but I feel like you guys are good friends and that’s one of the things that makes your blog so special. My hope is that you come back renewed, refreshed and full of passion. I wish you and your family nothing but the best. Love you guys!
Stephanie says
I didn’t get a chance to chime in with the discussion from last week, but I wanted to say what a brave choice you’re making.
Also, my older daughter is a year older than Clara. She just started Kindergarten, but now our lives are overrun by soccer practice twice a week, plus games on Saturdays; gymnastics; and soon, Daisys. What I’m trying to say is that your children’s lives (and your lives managing it) will just get busier as they get older, so I do think it’s important to figure out what you need.
Finally, I’m still struck that you’re able to do what you do without hiring any childcare. I read Smitten Kitchen and she considers her blog her full-time job, so she has her son in daycare while she’s working. It must be so hard to feel like you need to do everything you’ve been doing and NOT have any outside help. That just makes the days and nights longer and blurs those lines between family and work time.
Anyway, best of luck while you reexamine your priorities. I will miss your pictures on Instagram, and I hope you will be back soon, doing what you love.
Kat says
I don’t usually comment, but I wanted to leave you some love and support! I don’t know how you guys do what you do, but we truly do love you guys. You are probably one of the only blogs in the Internet world that have the support, fan base, and hopefully joy that all these brands and bloggers are trying to create. I hope you enjoy your downtime, and know that you won’t be loved any less for putting your family first and trying to get back to who you are and want to be.
Tanya says
I have been reading your blog for years. Love all the DIY projects and decorating ideas. I was excited to see your new house b/c its VERY VERY similar to the blueprint of our house. I get lots of decorating ideas from your blog ( like how to hang curtains to make windows look bigger etc. I think the hardest part for me was that its harder to relate to you guys now b/c you do this for a living. My husband is very handy and we completely remodeled our old house to bring it out of 1955… but we have 4 kids and my husband has a full time job. So it seems harder to relate for some reason. Obviously everyone needs a paycheck and I think its absolutely amazing that you guys were able to make a living and you are clearly talented at every aspect of DIY/ blogging/ decorating etc. But I feel like your blog was simpler and more normal when you were like the rest of us… doing things on a tight budget when you can find the time. Hope you can figure things out. You are both extremely talented and I adore your decorating style. If you move on to something else you should still post your remodels as we all love to see a good before and after. :)
Rachael says
you’re the first blog (of about 25) i check every day. i going to keep checking every day! see you soon, i hope!
SusanM says
Thanks for a great ride! I will really miss your blog…it has become a daily routine that I looked forward to. I hope this time off brings you to a place of happiness and renewed energy. I will be here if you decide to come back. I hope you will, because you really have something special.
Jenny says
You guys! Never ever disappointed other than missing you a little (a lot) since the shift. As a daily reader I am going to miss you soooo much! I hope some downtime helps you in all the ways you hope it does. Much love to your family and I truly hope you return! xox
Lisa says
Don’t be too hard on yourselves but do what’s best for your family! The dissenters are always louder than the supporters, it seems, so know there are many, many (many!) people who are very happy with whatever you put on this site! But I feel like it can take a year with each new child to find your new groove so if you need time to figure things out, take it but PLEASE come back! You guys are so real (I love that you do don’t sponsorships) and the internet would not be the same without you!
Jen says
Book #1 is my coffee table book (along with the Ikea catalog)- YHL is always mentioned between me and my friends who are remolding or doing a house project. You’re cute and funny and uber talented with power tools. Take your break, focus up on what your goals are. As an adoring fan, I hope you come back to the blog world but wherever your path leads you I wish you love, happiness & success!
Amanda says
Three years ago I had to take a step back from my own blog, it was nowhere near what YHL is, it never would have been, but that fact didn’t make it any less painful to make that decision.
I understand you’re struggling. I hope you take this break. Really walk away from it, mentally too!
I found your blog because I was trying to be thrifty for a wedding that never happened. You guys have very much become a weird part of my life. I’ll miss you, but I still have everything you’ve taught me, even if you decide to never come back. (That would be okay too, in case you did not know.)
The old saying goes, “If you love something let it go…”
Best wishes,
Laura & the shell says
I deliberately avoided the dialogue you pointed us to yesterday. I just thought, oh man, this is going to be brutal. I have mixed feelings about what your readers should “expect” from you guys. I know it started as a ‘for fun’ blog, but whether it’s that or a more business oriented blog, it’s still yours and the content is totally up to you. It’s kinda like a reality show – free for us, entertaining for us, but still *your* real life. I think of Katie Bower’s blog, which has gotten super commercial. I still read it and every I see promotional content, I think “Good for her, make some money while you can!” I figure, as the reader, if that’s offensive to me in some way, I can simply not read. You gotta do what feels right for your family and if this has become a source of stress, then it’s just not worth it. I hope this doesn’t impact your book deal in anyway. I’m looking forward to #2! And I’ll always have my big ceramic sea shell that you guys autographed on your 1st book tour! Good luck! Xo
kari says
I am sorry you guys have felt off–I THINK THIS IS A CRAZY CONVERSATION TO BE HAVING–you provide a service which we can all consume or not. I happen to LOVE your blog. I have for years. I have not felt anything lacking. I always appreciate your hard work, big and small. Best of luck as you take a break and think about next steps. I have loved all of your steps so far :)
sara says
Exactly!!! Nothing ever pleases everyone. Let the haters spread their nastiness elsewhere. :( God Bless.
Jill says
You are appreciated first. Being self-employed I understand the need to take a break and I am struggling with this myself.
A boss of mine once said, do what you have too do.
We will be here if/then you come back.
Erica says
I have been reading you guys since the first house, since This Young House. You guys are great, and continue to inspire me. I think it’s admirable that you are so connected to your readers; and you always make sure that you’re in tune to what they want to see. But at the same time, I hope you’re not letting them completely control your blog. This is your blog, your homes, your jobs. Do what feels right, present what you love, don’t let them get in your heads too much. The bigger you get, the more “haters” there will be. Sadly some people just like to see people fail; and they do their best to make you doubt yourself. I just hate to read such a defeated-sounding post when really you guys are talented and fantastic bloggers!
Heather says
I remember reading once that people change every 7 years, so maybe it’s only natural that after 7 years, you both (and your blog) are ready for a change. Sadly, some people will not follow along with wherever you all may go, but you can’t please everyone. Some people will shrug their shoulders and just not return, while others may critisize and be sharp-tongued, but there will always be new readers who will come along looking for exactly what you have to offer. Change is natural and to be expected, so I hope your break away gives you both the time you need to reassess where you’d like to be. There will always be readers – they just might change, and that’s okay too.
Ashley says
I, too, was surprised to see this. Also, like so many others, I did not feel disappointed in any of your recent posts. I knew there were fewer, but I respected that decision as a result of Teddy’s birth. You SHOULD prioritize family!
I’m sad to see you go, for any period. Hopefully we’ll see you back after you’ve taken time to breathe!
Anna says
This actually made me a little teary!! Pregnancy hormones could have a small part to play in all that… But I feel like you guys are friends! Like you’re moving away, and I’m not sure when I’ll see you again. Sigh. You are the very first blog I ever regularly read, and most of the blogs I currently read came from YOUR reading list! Thanks for everything you’ve done…if it helps at all, this is one reader you haven’t let down a bit! I think you guys are completely awesome. Enjoy this time with your family, and I’ll be here waiting if you decide to return!!
Tara M says
John & Sherry, I read your blog every day and get so many ideas from it. I love your big and small projects (though only ever try to emulate the small ones). I never comment (I’m terrible that way) but wanted to leave a note to say that you will be missed but I am so glad you are taking care of yourselves and your family. You do an amazing job with your blog and manage to bring such joy to so many through it. When I log into Blogloving in the morning you are the first blog I look for, every single day. You bring such joy and fun into the every day! Thank you for your hard work! and Thank you for being honest with your readers. It is why we keep coming back. Great ideas, authentic tone. Thank you and Good luck!
Jess says
This is quite shocking actually. I may be in the minority here, but I don’t really understand the need to stop completely. I felt what you were doing now 3-4 posts/week were MORE than enough and never felt that you lost any livelihood or groove! I like it more now than when I first started following you (in the middle of your FIRST kitchen remodel)… I also thought you answering ALL the comments was a bit much and always thought about how much time that took up!! Cutting back on that would probably be enough.
And you just CAN’T let what people say on the internet get to you. Look at all the celebs (A to D list and everyone in between) who get reamed on a daily basis. Have to ignore it. I hope that is not what led you to this decision…
Hope to see you come back.
Jess says
Also want to add, don’t give out an email address. I’ll admit I emailed you guys twice in the last few years and was surprised at how quickly you got back to me. Like within hours!! I didn’t even expect a response… so I feel like it’s things like that that take up so much of your time unnecessarily.
No more emails. No more answering comments (to the extent you do) and you’ll be golden. JMHO :)
Lesley | Artsy Forager says
I’ve been a YHL reader from way back before it was YHL and though I’ll miss coming here each day, this is an incredibly brave thing you’re doing. It takes courage to recognize when something isn’t working for us and to step out and see what can be done differently. Wish you guys all the best, no matter what the future holds!
Hillary says
It’s a sabbatical! My only regret is that you didn’t see your sabbatical coming and couldn’t plan a get-away-from-it-all adventure, but I suppose your daily adventure and getting unplugged will be plenty! Plus, you have a new laundry room. Enjoy your time.
Sheila says
I applaud you for being so introspective, thoughtful, and kind about the feedback you received. I was rooting for you while reading this post, wondering what your solution would be. Taking a break seems like the perfect plan – although I’ll admit that I’ll miss you something fierce! I don’t know how you did it all to begin with, and now with a new little one, it’s a wonder you’re posting 4 days a week. So I wish you well, send you nourishing and uplifting thoughts, and hope you feel some good relief from taking time off. xoxo
Sydney says
I don’t usually comment, but I had no idea there was so much negativity aimed towards you guys :/ I will miss you & your post but enjoy your break!:)
Sandra says
Yes, the success-shaming exhibited in some postings seems sadly reflective of the larger societal pattern. Sorry it had to be visited on bloggers who have maintained very high ethical standards.
Elizabeth says
I don’t read a ton of blogs and yours is one of two I read consistently. I feel like your approach to projects has helped me be braver in what I tackle, more open about what I really need to hire out, and more willing to take risks and discover my true style. I’m sad to see you go.
At the same time, I get it. I would have withered under the type of critique you get long ago. It’s one thing when it’s your career, you expect a certain amount of professional critique. But when it’s not just your job, but your home, your major life choices, and the feedback is anonymous allowing for people to say things most of us never have to hear in the workplace… well, I couldn’t deal with it.
Enjoy your break, enjoy your babies, your beautiful home and each other.
susan toohy says
I feel sad. Like I have been part of your family and now I am going to miss out on all the amazing things you do and watching your family grow. That being said, If I was your Mom – I would tell you “take a break – reevaluate”. Follow your heart. Hope you come back full of energy and fun projects.
Silke says
:-((( Now you have made a pregnant lady very very sad. And I already cry so much. So sad. :-(
Jeni says
Now I feel guilty I didn’t chime in the other day when you asked for feedback! I usually skip the giveaways. Anyway.
I have been reading since…forever! And like so many have said today, I was not bothered by the recent change in posts. In fact, I personally think your content has gotten better as you’ve developed and honed your personal style and skills. The house husband and I renovated this year is far different than the house we renovated 5 years ago so duh, a DIY blog should evolve as well. Similarly, I would be kind of perplexed if you were still running around taking tons of pictures of your flowers and writing 1000 words about tablescapes. You are in a new phase of life! And while it’s convenient that as a reader your new season parallels MY current season, it doesn’t change the fact that you are parents of 2 children now and balancing other amazing projects at the same time.
Am I still talking? Apparently I saved ALL my comments over the past 5 years for this one. Anyway. I think it’s great you’re taking a break to refocus. Who doesn’t need that every now and then? And it truly points to why your blog is successful in the first place: y’all are for reals. :) Enjoy your time away! And if you hang those drapes in the office, please text me a picture.
Karen says
Thank you so much for sharing your lives so openly with all of us! My sister and I have been following you guys from the beginning and we feel like we know you so personally! We definitely refer to you guys on a first name basis and there is never a question who we are talking about when we say John and Sherry. :)
You guys have felt like friends/family to me for so long, and I will definitely miss reading your newest post while eating my breakfast every day at work. But I COMPLETELY understand and am glad you are taking this time away to focus on your family and what you really want and need. That is the most important thing and you will always have my support!
I look forward to you guys coming back (if you decide to) and if not, your blog with be a phenomenal archive and resource for anything DIY, and more than that, an album of words and photos of memories you have made along this journey and can look back on with fondness and smiles. :)
God bless you guys!
Erin N says
As someone also in transition (and with two little ones to love, raise, and support), I know this must have been a hard decision to reach and, perhaps, harder to share. One reason we all love you so much (even though we don’t know you in person) is that you’re honest, genuine, and true to yourselves. You’ve opened yourself up the world, which doesn’t always repay you in kind. You are brave in my book! Enjoy this break and the new paths it will surely reveal to you. And whether those paths lead back to you blogging full time or not, know you have the support of thousands behind you!
Lesley L says
You guys have a newborn. Totally understandable. I think this would be a great opportunity to employ a college intern. What a cool opportunity for the intern!
Sarah Sargeant says
This is my favourite blog and I will miss your daily posts.
Good Luck! I wish you and your family all the best!
Emily says
You guys are AWESOME! I love reading your blog and everything else. I just saw the piece on Super Soul Sunday about you the other day and loved it. So inspiring. Please don’t go away forever, but I can COMPLETELY understand the need/want to step back for awhile. You have two/three little cutie pies and you need to enjoy every second with them. Take care and …. don’t go away forever.
Love, EM
Brittney Renneberg says
I will miss your updates after reading along for the last 6 years. I hope that this is truly a break and not goodbye. Much love to your family!
Tabitha says
I’ve been a reader since the TYH days. You guys have been so inspirational to me throughout the years and it’s been awesome to ‘grow up’ together. You taught me to hang my curtains high and wide, to boldly repaint, and to keep a consistent color palette throughout the home. You taught me that making your place look good doesn’t have to cost a bundle. Apartments have become homes for me, because of you two. I hope this is not goodbye forever. This is the ONLY blog I read, and I just love it – and you both – to pieces. You guys have struck the perfect chord with so many people: relatable, funny, sweet, and detailed oriented in your posts. Enjoy the break, and I hope you come back to us with renewed zeal and enthusiasm. All best wishes.
Jessica says
I am sad to hear the news of a hiatus, but wasn’t to share my support. It had morphed into something more corporate and forced than the “I just can’t wait to show what we did to our friends” vibe that caught me in the first place.
I’ll have to change my morning ritual of reading YHL during coffee. But know your community is still out there, when you find your voices again.
Christy says
Best post in a very long time. Gosh I’ve missed your earlier years posts. Those reader redesigns were how I outfitted my new house. I hope if you guys do come back it’s with more of that. I understand it must be a struggle to support a family but also enjoy what you do. And no doubt Sherry is experiencing post preggo hormones about this too. I hope if one or both of you come back we get a refreshed look and feel. Miss you guys. Do what’s best for you and your own first and foremost.
Lynn says
You two have provided a free-to-us service for 7 years (I didn’t start reading until you bought this house, but wish I had sooner). We have no right to demand posts from you. When there are demands, that is when you may have to scramble to put a post together, when maybe nothing “shareable” is going on in your lives. You shouldn’t have to post when you aren’t feeling it. I have enjoyed your senses of humor and the knowledge you have shared, and I hope you come back. Even if it’s only one or two posts a month, anything is better than nothing. We’ll miss you guys, and I hope you find a solution that will work for your family. It’s the most important thing.
Lori says
Hey guys, as a homeschooling mom with a very successful online business (I make more than my husband, who is a business analyst), I can totally relate. This fall it’s been 10 years since I started my business, and several years ago I started to feel massive burnout. As you’ve discovered, being successful has both a good side and bad side.
The bad side is, once you have momentum, people expect something from you even though this whole thing is your own creation from the beginning. The pressure can be unbearable, and you yourself can feel like “Why can’t I keep going with this thing I started?”
Like you, I took a break of about a year and half. Stopped blogging, stopped promoting on social media, stopped making new things to sell at my store. I just focused on myself and my family. Sure, I got emails from customers asking where the heck I had gone, but I just explained it to them and most people were very supportive.
After that break, I was able to come back this past year and start to work my business again. But I’ll never put as much time into it as a I used to – after all, I don’t want to have a burnout again. Now I have more balance, and it’s better for everyone.
So, from someone who has been in your position, you are making exactly the right choice. Your business is yours and it should work for you rather than the other way around. And contrary to what some might think, you don’t OWE us anything. We’ve all loved reading your blog all these years but you are not obligated to keep blogging just for our sakes.
Blessings to you as you enjoy your new baby and take a breather. If you want to come back, we’ll be here, but do it on your own terms. Love you guys!!
Molly says
The worst thing that could happen would be if you continued blogging without the same feeling/spark/passion/whatever, and it became a chore for you. Everyone wants to love their job, and you two deserve it more than anyone.
Thank you guys for sharing so much of your life with us. We will definitely miss you while you take a break, but will be here when you get back.
Love you guys <3
Lydia says
This totally makes sense. Enjoy your break and time with family! Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty ever. You’ve provided so much value and content for us (holy moly for free!! We owe you!) and you deserve a good long break. Enjoy it. I do hope that we’ll get to see more posts from you guys but I also understand life has its’ seasons and family/friends always come first. It’s been so fun seeing your blog evolve over the years and it’s really inspiring to pursue my own dreams! Thank you for everything. <3 <3
Steph says
This makes me so sad. You guys are how I got through months of financing hell on my first house purchase. Reading your blog kept me from going totally insane while I went through all that while dealing with my grandmother dying. I have read you religiously in the 2.5 years since I discovered you.
I was so appalled by how rude some people were in the comments on that post and you guys are so sweet and graceful for how you’ve reacted to it. I hope you get what you need out of this break and most importantly I hope you’ll be back because we all love you guys. :)
Veronica says
Enjoy your break, thank you for revealing so much of yourselves to your readers. All the best!
Emily says
We’ll miss you guys, but completely understand! We’ll be right here waiting for you if and when you come back!
Cali says
What a super smart and brave move! Sounds like you’re ready for an adventure to find more sparkle!
Monica says
NOOOOO!!! I saw this coming and I totally agree that you guys need to take time to explore what life has for you and your babies! I have been a stay at home with my babies for 5 years and now that my littlest is 5 months old I just decided to go back to work (part-time). Lots of changes come with having a new baby in the house! We will be anxiously awaiting a return but in the meantime, I wonder how long it will take me to go back and reread all your posts! About to start a Kitchen reno so I guess Kitchen posts are a must! :) xoxo Monica
Brenna says
Your focus should always be on the beautiful family and lives you’ve created for yourselves – this blog should come second (or third…or fourth…or seventh). Your priorities are right on track and we as your readers would be selfish to expect your world to revolve us. It’s a great little community you’ve built and we will miss you while you’re gone!
Thanks for all you do =)