This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Allison says
Sorry to hear you are feeling this way. I still greatly enjoy your blog. I look forward to your return!
Laura says
LOVE you guys!! A break is an excellent idea, though I will miss reading. I’ve been tuning in every day since spring of 2011, and while I will miss you guys, it will be worth it to have y’all back where you used to be. Good luck, and we’ll be waiting!
anne says
I totally respect and understand that this decision was your own and that you were ready to take a step back and take a break. But I imagine some of the comments left last week might still have hurt your feelings, and I was pretty outraged to read a lot of those. Your blog/business/design taste might not be for everyone and I’m sure you probably deal with comments to that end quite a bit, but the part that made me upset was criticizing your motivations or the fact that you chose to put family over doing 5 posts per week. How selfish and judgmental! Anyway, I could go on and on about that but I’ll just say that no one has a right to tell you how you should run your business and make guesses at what your motivations are, much less tell you what decisions you should make about your family/work life balance. To me, you seem like you have the right number one priority, which is family. And if that means taking a step back and evaluating your current work life, then good for you for being brave enough to be willing to do that, even if it feels risky! Keep doing what you love to do, even if that has changed. Obviously, the vast majority of us appreciate what you’ve shared over the years. Good luck to you and can’t wait to see what you decide to do next!
Hanna J says
You know what, I think the critical people are usually the more vocal ones. I was happy with your progression and never felt like you guys were anything but open. It’s one of the many things I love about you guys. I really do hope you guys come back. I also enjoy your posts and honestly…people change…people progress. No need to apologize for taking chances and expanding what this blog has given you guys as a family. I understand the break, but the selfish person in me is sad haha. Just do you YHL! Never apologize for being honest and opening up yourselves when you really don’t have to. Thank you for being transparent with everything and for thinking of us readers every step of the way. :) PS Love the new laundry room.
Erin says
“High stakes game of supporting a family.” That’s it right there. That’s really all that matters!
Regardless of the loyalty you feel towards your readers, the well-being and the happiness of your family is what comes first. So take a break, find out what you want, and figure out how to make it happen.
Go get ’em!
Sara says
You guys need to cut yourselves some slack. You are in a very intense phase of life in terms of having a child and infant, and you are juggling an insane amount of work, too.
Ironically, I don’t even care that much about home improvement/DIY. I’ve just always connected with your writing, personality, and style, and that’s something nobody can take away! I know it’s impossible to please everybody, and I can’t even imagine dealing with all the haters that come with your level of success, but: You do you, I’ll be here. :)
Tina says
I think you guys are awesome. I love your blog, and all that you have been doing with it, and I have loved seeing it evolve over the years! I think with a new baby, and a new house, and all the things that come along with those events – you need to take the step back and rest for a little bit. We will all still be here when you come back, whatever way that is. You have to love what you do, otherwise it becomes just one of those extra things. I think taking a break is a wise and brave thing to do and I think it will be awesome for you! Totally unrelated but related in a way, we lost our baby at 5 months gestation early in the summer, and since then I’ve cut back on Facebook and the blog (other than writing about our experience) and it has been so HEALTHY for me. There comes a clarity with stepping back from all the online mumbo jumbo! You are able to focus on your life and family and figure out what extra stuff needs to stay and what needs to go. Whatever YOU decide is the right thing for YOU. I’m hoping and praying that the time away will be great for you, and you can get the perspective you need to make whatever changes you feel are necessary. Cuddle with those sweet kids of yours, spend time with family, take a trip, and we will see you when we see you;) YHL rocks! xoxo!
Ellie says
You guys are great and while I’ll definitely miss you while you’re gone, and will be really, really excited when you come back, I really love that you’re leaving everything up the way it is – I know I’ll be referring to your tile-laying, drywall-mudding, and toilet-wax-ring-placing posts in the near future as my husband and I tackled home projects :) All the best to you two (well, five :) ), sometimes a little break is just what’s needed.
Lorelei Reed says
Oh my! I began reading this blog when I started my current job…7 years ago! You have become a special part of my day and I will miss you horribly…but I do understand your need for rest and perspective and I hope it goes well for you.
I had a feeling that, with all the outside projects plus a new baby (I suspect that 2 children is not merely 1 plus 1…the effects must be exponential!) that burn out was just around the corner…I am sad that it is happening for you, if it is causing you stress and pain.
I WILL ask you to please keep taking pictures and writing down important things/dates/milestones even if you don’t blog them…because your blog, MOST importantly is a gift for your FAMILY…what a joy for Clara, when she is grown, to look back on her life thru her own memories PLUS your memories as documented through the blog….I would love for Teddy to have that same experience…
In my opinion “younghouselove” is not your brand…your PERSONALITIES are your brand, that’s what attracted all of your readers in the first place…yet “younghouselove” seemed to take over and we lost the parts we loved the most YOU YOU YOU and YOU (4 of you now plus one WOOF!)
Rest, nap, sleep, doze (that’s my doggies’ daily to-do list) and come back better than ever! xo!
twelvedaysold says
I completely understand, and I want to say that I don’t agree that you need to think at all that you are being ungrateful or unrealistic about not being happy with this. There are lots of things that are really great for a long time and from the outside seem like a, “What are you doing, you should never be sad again with that person/situation!” but that’s an unreal expectation for life.
Wherever you guys end up, be that back in blogging or one or both of you back to full time outside of the home work or a hybrid of the two, you guys have always been so sincere and kind. You’ve been a valuable resource for home improvement and a bright spot on the blogosphere where it isn’t always so cheerful.
Jana says
A big virtual group hug to you guys! I’ve never had an eye for decorating but I feel like you showed me ways to improve and develop a sense of style that is my own, one that makes our home feel more like us. I’m sure you’ve helped many others as well. I won’t lie, I’m bummed to see you go for now. But ultimately your fans really want you to be happy and for you to spend time with your family. I’ll be one of the many who will be right here if/when you decide to come back.
Michelle says
Don’t let those trolls at GOMI get
You down. I’d love to see what kind of shape their homes are in or what a blog would look like if they were running one. Spread kindness people! It would make a big difference in your own lives!
I’m sure they will copy this post and talk all about it so I just have to say “hi haters!”
Hope you guys get your spark back and come back refreshed!
Michelle says
This is my first time leaving a comment, although I’ve been reading (i.e., stalking) your blog faithfully ever since I discovered it during my maternity leave in 2010. You guys are truly special, genuine, amazing and have given me tons of inspiration and laughs over the years. Good for you for being bold enough to do what you need to do for your family. I wish you the best and hope you will come back to blogland when you’re ready. I’ll always be a fan!
Rebecca says
THANK YOU for sharing all your hard work, incredible ideas and family with us!!! I have truly loved reading your blog, love everything about it. Because of you I now have pictures on my wall, a little purple table I painted myself and a head board above my bed. I feel lifted and happy every time I see these little additions to my home. Thank you for making home improvements and decorating seem less daunting and for understanding just how difficult it can be sometimes. You and John seem to have built a great little family and a beautiful home together, I wish you all the best and can’t wait to hear about all the fun things you’ll do on your break.
Lauren M says
Yours is the first blog I check every day of several dozen in my feedly. I rarely comment, and I feel like I was remiss in not responding to your call for feedback the other day.
I hope you know that the vast majority of your readers are attracted to you because of who you are…your taste, your quirks, your infographics, your diy, your april fools, your successes, and your faults. We all see something of ourselves in what you do which is why it’s so inspiring and why you hear so many people say you feel like their extended family. I, like many, am grateful for the openness with which you’ve shared the last seven years of your life.
I’ve never noticed that you were feeling “off” lately, but I can see how the pressure to hit “publish” is greater with each new reader that you want to retain, attract, or please. Each reader is entitled to his own opinions, but I hope you able (to some extent) to ignore the calls for better taste and different content. Mixing things up may be good for you and your readers in the name of variety and growth, but ultimately we are mostly attracted to your authenticity.
I hope you find some peace of mind during your break from the blog. I also hope that any changes you consider are really for yourselves and not screened by the question, “what will they think?” Trust yourselves, we love you.
Jenny W says
Completely respect and admire your decision to take a break for yourselves, very well deserved! I have always wondered how you have the time to do it all! I too am so sad to see you go, but will wait oh so patiently for your next post (hopefully) to appear in my newsfeed sometime in the future. I have drawn so much inspiration from your blog and ideas and love it because it does speak to those who have to design on a budget and have no clue about how to do it! In fact I just ordered one of your ceiling pendants on Shades of Light. All the best during the sabatical xx
Diane says
For what it’s worth, you guys seems like you’ve been having ever more amounts of work on your schedule with each passing year. And having two children is so, so much more tiring and busy than having just one! I hope you have a wonderful break. I wish everyone could have a month off per year, I think it would really help people cope with their jobs. And I hope you can find the joy again. Thanks for so many wonderful posts over the years!
Leah says
You guys deserve a vacation! My bet is you’ll miss blogging and come back with renewed vigor. Enjoy some time with your family and friends :) We’ll miss you!
rachel p says
I totally get it and can appreciate the well-deserved break, but just know that blog-land definitely won’t be the same without the Petersiks. I hope you can get what you are looking for from this “break”, no matter how temporary or permanent.
And just know that I’m gonna be watching my blog feed for your “We’re baaaaack!!!” post like a puppy staring out the window waiting for her favorite friend to come back home ;) Love you guys! xo
Mercy says
Guys, take all the time you need! We’ll miss you, but hey, everybody needs a break to recharge, especially with a new baby! Enjoy your family, relax–I’ll peruse your early blog pages and go through your first book for inspiration while I wait for your triumphant return!
Jeni T says
SO sad! Since 2009, reading your blog has been a bright spot in my day. I will miss it so so much. I never felt something was amiss. I loved that you didn’t do any sponsored posts, but whenever a big project was announced, like the Target line or the lighting collection, I was always so happy for you guys. It was so awesome to see really great people like you receive recognition and opportunities. I never resented your growth or felt like the blog was a means to an end for worldly gain. (And I’m not naive; I definitely HAVE felt that way about other blogs.) I pretty much always agreed with the direction you took things. You guys are so special and I hope you continue to “overshare” with us internet folks soon. The blogosphere can make you crazy, but I hope you will be back soon to bring some quality and sincerity to my feed! I’ve only commented once or twice, but now I wish I had posted more love for you guys over the years. Wishing you lots of happiness and hoping that the path you choose still includes us in some way. Thank you for your blood, sweat, and tears, Petersiks. Excellent work.
Sarah says
Hi guys,
Hugs! I just wanted to say I appreciate you guys so much! I will miss you. I had just moved to a new state when I found your blog and it almost made me feel like I had friends here. I hope to see you back but I want whatever is best for you. I just started blogging myself and I only do a post about every 2 weeks. I don’t know how you guys ever did the frequency that you did! You are an amazing inspiration, I probably wouldn’t have started my own blog without you. Warm fuzzies to you!
Tania says
All I have to say is that you guys are AWESOME! This past year has been jam packed with amazing opportunities and life events for your family. It’s OK if you feel a little burnt out. Just remember you have accomplished so much these past several years. Be proud! You guys make me proud of my own home and have given me the power/inspiration to make it a better place to live in for my family. And don’t think for a second you have not worked hard enough (don’t listen to those people). Take your time, reevaluate, and most of all enjoy your family. I hope you both find your spark again!
Sara says
Well, everyone gets burned out! I will miss reading and learning from you and watching your family grow. :( But, such is life and you must do what is best for you and your family. I really didn’t understand how you kept it all up anyway. This last year alone was insane with work, and you blogged about it to boot. I think you over did it, and am not surprised you need the break. Enjoy your family and I hope to see you soon. You guys are inspiring.
Susan says
I have to say something….YHL is my favorite Blog read ever! I look forward to it and think that through your evolution I haven’t stopped loving it. I do know I will miss you for the next month or longer, if that’s what you decide. Your blog is sweet, real, different, inspirational, fun, hip and your design esthetic is original and one I appreciate so much. The tone of your blog is also one that I admire and I have never thought of your writing as commercial or that it changed with your other project successes. I, for one, have my fingers and toes crossed that you don’t stay away long and certainly not forever. I need to see you complete your house! Thanks for the many many days of great reading and eye candy, how-to and so laughs.
Moni... says
What you have provided to us, the readers, is a gift. Thank you so much for all of the inspiration, knowledge, and great laughs. I surely hope you’ll stay in touch with us, but no matter what, best wishes to you for what the future holds.
As a side note, I just bought my first house and am so excited (and really nervous!) to finally tackle so many of the projects you’ve described. My first DIY- floor refinishing for the entire house. …right after I procrastinate with some archive searching of YHL.
Thank you so very much!
Danielle says
Will miss you guys big time! But I totally understand the need for a “reset”. I’ll be waiting with open arms :)
Deana says
Good for you! I just had my first little one in May and have been struggling to find balance going back to work. Your babies are only little once! I hope your breaks is wonderful!
Beth says
Have loved every post and will miss you! Personally never felt that you guys were “off”, but totally respect you doing whatever it is you feel you need to do. Hopefully see you back soon!
Jordan says
I understand there are a gabazillionmillionkatrillion responses already, but I simply want to say first, good for you!! And second, I will certainly be here when you return, whatever that looks like!
I meant to throw in my two cents about the comments the other day, but let me just say now that my husband and I own a small business and spent so.much.time trying to please everyone (ie the customers we clearly understood were supporting our business, much like readers). But we realized when we started trying to play the pleasing game, we lost our own passion for what we were doing… Although it seems counter-intuitive, you simply have to “do you” and take along with you whoever enjoys your passion, and realize (cliche) you simply can’t please them all. Recognize that your excitement for what you do is what draws others in. You may lose customers/readers who don’t like the “new”/true-to-you direction, but you will build others who ARE interested on what you’re doing. In essence, do what you LOVE and the world will thank you for it! Simply love you guys! Rest well :)
Katie says
“Live in the light of your true self”. It’s been my moto, when you do that you will find true happiness what ever it is. Love your blog, your ideas and your drive – it has inspired many.
Karina says
I will miss you guys so much! Feels like I’m losing a friend. But enjoy your break and I really hope that you will come back. And if you decide not to continue the blog, please put updates and pics on facebook of the family and updates around your house. You have such great ideas and taste and I would love to be inspired by you. Wishing you all the best and hope to see you back soon xxx
Amy says
“It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly…” I completely and entirely empathize. I’ve been feeling the exact same way about my job for the last few weeks. Big *gentle* hugs to your family.
Hollie says
I know this was a hard decision for y’all to make, and I really respect it. Take the time you need to re-charge – after 7 years of really no breaks at all, you certainly deserve it! I’ll look forward to sitting down with a creamy cup of coffee (which I only drink on special occasions) to read your first post when you return (if you decide to return). Love you guys!
Kelly says
You guys are amazing and you deserve a break! I’m so impressed that you have continued to DIY and fix up your home(s) while still maintaining this blog and taking care of two precious little ones, not to mention all of the other things you do! I hope everyone that reads your blog can understand this much-needed and beyond well-deserved break. And if you should decide that you need to be permanently done blogging, I hope everyone can understand that as well. I can’t tell you how your blog and projects have inspired my own creativity in decorating and fixing up my own home. Thanks so much for your complete honesty and your willingness to share your ideas with us all!
Leanne says
I’m so sad but also understand. I’ve Been reading one year , and in that year, I’ve been inspired more times then I can count. This sounds so dumb but I feel like I’m losing a friend. Your blog has been the highlight of my day. That being said, do what you have to do. And know I’ll be following again if you do decide to continue on ( which I hope you do!)
Zoe says
Love you guys. Take as long as you need, just know that you will have many loyal reads when you come back. :)
I’m buying a new house right now, and will be heavily relying on previous posts to get it up to snuff. Thank you for all your truly inspiring and helpful posts so far.
Lindsay @ Lindsay Weighs In says
Know that we will be here when you get back :) You have to do what’s best for you & your family. As a fellow blogger (even though I’m not popular) I completely understand the need/want to step back and re evaluate. I selfishly hope you all come back and soon, because I love your blog, but completely understand if you don’t at all, or if it takes a while. It’s so interesting to see it from this point of view, as I sometimes wonder what it would be like to make Lindsay Weighs In into a business somehow, and how that would affect my love of blogging. I love it now that I do it as a hobby, but I also do things on my own time and blog because I like to. I suppose this is my long way of saying, we understand, we love you & we’ll miss you!
Lindsay @ Lindsay Weighs In says
Also when/if you come back, please have a Clara Conversations post because those are the :)
Dominique Teall says
I “liked” your post on Facebook and then though, “Oh crap, I don’t like that they are going through this….I need to leave a comment!”
I just want to share with you all something that popped in my head. I was watching Jimmy Falon last night and they were taking about the hashtag #wearehere. It was a call by Alicia Keys for people to take a picture with a sign saying why they are here. Jimmy posted “I am here to help you forget your troubles for an hour.”
You guys have always done that for me.
I’ve read your posts admits sitting in a pile of sawdust covered in paint near tears and ended up laughing or feeling like I wasn’t alone in my DIY struggles.
I’ve read your posts sitting in hospital rooms with my son to bring some normalcy back into my daily life when the rest had been stripped away.
I’ve read your posts to be inspired when my well had run dry.
I’ve read your posts and cried, laughed, been inspired, been moved…
You all have a gift.
I can’t imagine how you all feel right now. Really. I bet this load is heavy.
I have my own blog. Which is now neglected because what started out as a bubbly blog about DIY and becoming new parents turned heavy and dark after the traumatic birth of our twins. One of which now has many special needs.
Do what you need. Do what your family needs. You have an army of people supporting you with whatever you decide to do (even though we will miss you if you leave the interwebz forever!).
Just think of it like those Verizon commercials…those “can you hear me now” commercials with the sea of people behind that can you hear me now guy…We hear you and are here for you!
You guys are awesome! Enjoy those babies and take a deep breath! :)
Christy says
Best of luck to you both in what ever direction your life takes you. Your blog has always been awesome and an inspiration to readers and other bloggers.
Amy says
Hopefully this is temporary but it makes total sense.
We all go through bouts of burnout with our jobs (and this blog has become your job). I think you are lucky to be able to take this much needed break :)
As a long time reader, I will miss my daily check on you, your family and your home…but totally understand we all need a little recharging sometimes.
Hope to see you again soon, John and Sherry! (and Clara, Teddy and Burger too)
Kristin says
I am a longtime reader and must say I’m shocked by that kind of feedback. I have read your blog daily and have thoroughly enjoyed the direction you’ve taken as you’ve naturally evolved based on your family’s needs. I am glad you are taking a break for your own health and job satisfaction, but please do know that a great deal of people love everything you’ve given us! We’ll miss you and hope you come back soon.
Shauna says
I will miss you guys lots! Ye are how I got into reading blogs and your definitely my favourites! I think it’s good for ye to be taking a break, I hope it refreshes your love for the blog and you won’t be gone too long :-)
Kate says
We’ll miss you, but you need to go where your heart is leading you. Life is too short to worry about pleasing others. A 3 year reader here loves you very much and hopes to hear from y’all soon!
Sarah says
I’ve been reading you guys every day for over 3 years now, and you’re definitely part of my internet ‘routine’! I didn’t wade into that discussion on thursday, but after reading this lovely post today I had to chime in…
Whatever you share with us is a gift. Whatever you don’t, is your business. We, your readers, may love you, but we don’t own you. Please don’t ever feel guilty for not sharing something. This is the internet for pete’s sake!! It’s sort of the definition of public, and you don’t owe us your lives, or even anything close to that.
Thank you for all you *do* choose to share, enjoy your break, and come back soon as you can. The internet will be a darker and less punny place while you’re away.
Karoline says
I’m so sad to hear that you feel your spark is lost. I personally never felt like anything was missing. If you had a lackluster post here and there well, everyone has off days and you just had a baby for goodness sake so of course you are probably running on little sleep and still learning how to manage it all. But as a mom of two, I understand and appreciate the thought and soul-searching that went into this decision. I wish you and your family all the best and very much hope you will come back with renewed energy after your break. I love your style. Even after all the changes in your lives, it still seems new, fresh, and like a real reflection of you. You continue to inspire me to make changes in my own home and to take on new projects. Thank you for the inspiration and laughs. All best wishes to you.
ryanres1 says
: ) come back soon
Marsha says
I personally have no complaints about your blog. None. I’ll miss you and hope you come back. Good luck with everything <3
TanjaK says
Well done! You deserve a break. You’ve been working hard for a long time now. Enjoy it, enjoy it, enjoy it! Enjoy your children, your family every second. And if you decide not to come back to blogging, well I am sure you will do well whatever you decide to do, you are both talented and hardworking and smart. But I hope you do return, and on your own terms because I know then this blog of yours will be great in future as well.
Kathy says
I love, love your blog and your creativity and willingness to get in there and get dirty to get it done. You need to take time to enjoy those adorable kiddos – they grow up too quickly. Thank you for sharing your lives with us in this crazy cyberworld. Blessings to your family.