This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Kelly says
I just wanted to let you guys know that to me you have always been awesome and inspiring – reading your blog never fails to cheer me up and get me thinking about new design ideas. I’m really glad you are doing what’s right for you and taking a step back, and I know that whatever you decide to do will be the right next step for you. My thoughts will be with you guys for clarity and perspective while you take a break. Hearts to you!
Elaine in Ark says
I’ll be here when you come back. Everyone needs a break from what they’ve been doing, every now and then. When you’re ready, I know that you’ll have something special here again.
Katie J. says
Definitely bittersweet. I love you guys. Reading your blog was like my internet desert.. always saving the best for last.
That said, you guys are such an inspiration for me (and many others) so I’m glad you’re taking the time to inspire each other. Enjoy it! And no one will blame you if you never look back. :)
Emily says
I understand and respect your decision, but you will be missed. You are one of the few blogs that I have stuck with for a very long time. I heard about you from Ana White back when Sherri & I were pregnant the first time. I had a little girl too, just a couple months after Clara.
I have one small suggestion. I’d love to see a potential end date so your readers know when to check back in. Whether you come back sooner or check back in to let us know you’ll be coming back later, at least we’d know when to start hitting “Refresh” again :)
Again, just a friendly suggestion. And not that you need permission from me, but I believe this is only the second break you’ve EVER taken from the blog. If I’m correct, the first was your family trip to HI. You’ve definitely earned some time to sit back, breathe, and rethink things.
Much not-creepy internet blog love to you all :)
Sarah says
You are so inspirational not just in decorating/DIY but life in general. You will be missed! I hope you find what you are looking for during this time off and I truly hope you return to blogging. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing with us! Best wishes
Erica says
Ironically I’m writing this comment on the 2nd day of a new job after an 18 month hiatus from the working world. I spent much of that time traveling the world which was amazing and an experience and one I will never forget. But I have to say, I return to the workforce energized and ready for new challenges and I know you guys will too when the time is right, no matter what that next job looks like. I wish you all the best and I want you to know that this blog of yours was the highlight of my day for many years, especially those spent behind a desk:)
Leah S says
I’m crying. I’m so sad. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for you guys. I have been around since the first house and I just can’t wrap my head around missing out in this house! Not just the house though…you guys. Your posts are always funny, informative and enjoyable….not waking up to them will be hard:( As many have said, you don’t owe us anything, but I really hope this break leads to your return. Having had a baby this year, I have understood the fewer posts and any “off-ness” as life happening! Take your time with your family it must be so much work to keep a blog like this up. Sending you so much love and well wishes! Looking forward to your return (hopefully):) Hugs!
Cathrynj says
Hugs to you guys. Enjoy your sabbatical! I will very much miss you but love that you are taking care of yourselves and your family. : )
Sarah says
I think the internet demons stole my previous comment… le sigh.
Be that as it may, after reading your post today I had to chime in. We, your readers, love you and your writing and your decor skills and your diy mojo. But what you chose to share is your business, and not ours. We don’t own you, or have any claim on you! Please don’t ever feel guilty for not sharing something with us. After all, this is the internet! It’s kinda the definition of public.
What you share is a gift to us. And those of us who’ve been around, will stick around while you take some time to sort your heads and hearts out. Enjoy your little people, relax, and call us when you get back, dahling. I enjoy our little chats. ;)
Allison says
A great choice for your family and that is all that matters. I have two little ones and I understand the need to step back from life. Sometimes we can’t do it all!
I have been reading your blog for many years, since the first house and your wedding plans. Reading your posts are a great part of my day. I can always count on a laugh from you! Enjoy your time away! I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for you.
Gail says
John and Sherry..I want to thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into your blog this past seven years. I enjoyed it so much and learned a great deal. You both gave me the courage to attempt many DIY projects in my home. I hope you do come back, but if you chose not too that’s okay..Your family comes first and the children grow up so fast, enjoy the time you have now. I am looking forward to reading your second book..Thank you and God Bless you all..
Kari says
I never usually leave comments, but I just wanted you guys to know how much I have loved your blog. It has been beautiful and inspiring…every bit of it. I hope you find your way back to doing what you love, no matter what it is….but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if it was YHL. :) lots of love and good luck to you!
ann miller says
You will be dearly missed. You are the first blog I began reading, just after you married and began blogging. Your garden wedding and Burger caught my eye. He is darling. I’m in the older (56) percentile of blog readers. I love homemaking. And reading blogs also helps me keep abreast of young families and their needs and wishes. It helps me relate to my children and grandchildren. Thank you for 7 years of charming. Seven years of sharing and laughter and style. Your personalities and hard work helped you become a success. You can’t help it that people love y’all! You have remained the most humble, honest and sweet couples. You are loving parents. You will notice that your life somewhat changes each decade. It’s fun, I promise. Please let us know how you are doing now and then. Blessings to your sweet Clara,Teddy and Burger. And to you, Sherry and John, all the best.
Yvonne says
John and Sherry,
You both are incredible individuals, with unique talents. Please, don’t take to heart anything that the naysayers have said. Remain true to yourselves, and your readers will follow. I can’t imagine how much pressure you must be under to provide for your family with what once was your happy side project. Please don’t ever feel encumbered by your small percentage of catty readers – give us as much or as little of your time as you want. I hope we’ll hear from you again, but if not, I hope your life continues to be full of the joy and love that you are so capable of creating. :)
Suni says
I am really going to miss you guys!!! Enjoy your break, soak it all in and hugs to you all. :)
Ashlee says
I teared up reading this. I don’t comment much but man I feel like I’ve known you for so long and for you to leave is just so sad. The good news is that like with all my best friends I know that even if we haven’t talked for awhile we will be able to pick up right back where we started in whatever capacity you return!
We are all cheering for you because as much as we love your sharing and all of the help you’ve given us we (should!) understand that your happiness and well being is more important than our entertainment! Enjoy your break, get extra snuggles from those sweet kids, relax, soak up not being critiqued constantly, but try not to do too many projects without us! ;)
Bethany says
I’ve always loved your blog, and you guys have masterfully navigated a lot of major changes, while doing a great job of trying to stay true to your roots and readers. That’s what kept me coming back, even when you were making changes. Don’t forget about all those of us who rarely commented – we were silently enjoying every minute. I hope you get your spark back, whatever that looks like!
Rachel K says
Work/life balance is important in any field. I’ve always thought your jobs are really cool, but I would never want them. I like being able to turn my computer off at 5pm and go home to my family, leaving work behind. I’m willing to trade off the excitement factor of doing something I love so I totally understand this decision you’ve made. Hopefully you can find your balance eventually because your blog is truly amazing. You are inspiring and full of creative energy that shouldn’t be bottled up.
Rachel says
So sad to see you go. I love your wit and charm. Enjoy your break, but please, please come back.
HeatherM says
One thing I want you both to know is that it is TOTALLY normal to find that life and priorities shift after a baby. We just had a little one in April too, and I was just commenting to my husband how it feels like the entire axis of the earth has shifted. I’m sure we will adjust to a new normal eventually, but for now everything that does not involve our little family feels off (work, creative projects, volunteering, etc). And that isn’t my fault and it’s not yours. It is just a normal part of family development.
Right now I know I feel this incredibly strong instinct to protect my family from stress. I used to enjoy creative projects and I could handle the associated stress. Now I worry that if I am stressed I will pass that on to the baby, and it will impact her happiness and growth and emotional development. I used to need that creative outlet, but right now I just need to know that my baby is happy and healthy, and that we are grooving as a family.
So go, and enjoy those gummy baby smiles that remind you that nothing else in life really matters as much. I’ll be doing the same :)
Penny Lynn says
I’m sad. But I also remember the days of house 1 kitchen reno, the purpose of the blog back then was just to show your family your house updates….and I think you’re right, it’s all getting to be a big jumble of corporate bs. I say after the book is done just blog when you work on something. Like you used to. And who cares what the nay sayers complain about. I like reading about both your home improvement and fun weekends with the kids on the blog. I have used your tips for years for home diy and kid maintenance. You are the reason I cloth diaper! You are the reason we tackled our ridiculous master bathroom! My husband loved your laundry room reno so much he wants to replicate it in our laundry space. Ok now I’m just rambling. Point is, we love you. We hope to see you back here soon, and I personally would love to see things back to basics.
Think of how much Teddy will have changed in a month!! Aaaahhhhhh
Michelle says
I hope this comment isn’t coming too late, as I have always enjoyed the fun, helpful, and thoughtful in your posts — and it’s been really interesting to follow along with different projects such as decorating, showhouse, books, and creating a whole new room. I for one have enjoyed the variety.
Hope the break is refreshing and calming, and that we’ll see you back online soon.
Sarah says
Everyone needs a break from work now and then, I understand it, respect it, and totally appreciate where you are coming from. But selfishly, I hope you come back very soon. There’s an awful lot I still have to learn from you!
DeAwna says
You will be missed! I love going through your renovations with you! I know family comes first. I recently quit my job that I LOVED so much so I could be with my three kids. It was an extremely hard decision (with lots of tears when I left), but definitely rewarding. I love doing the right thing for my family. You gotta do whatcha gotta do!!
Kelly says
Yall are wonderful. Do what you need to do for yourselves and your family and your sanity. We understand that you’re not here solely for our entertainment and education – you’re humans who have lives! I support you in this decision and whatever you may choose to do going forward. Although it’d be super disappointing to have the blog end (and I don’t think that’s what you’re doing, I’m just using it as an example), I’d COMPLETELY understand and support you in that decision if it was what was best for you guys – one of those “if you love it, let it go” kind of things. We care about you guys and think you’re great and want good things for you, whatever that may be!
Awkward internet stranger love and kisses and proud tears, from me to you.
Anna says
Enjoy the break, And I admire your courage and braveness. You all are hard workers so I know everything will turn out great for everyone. Best wishes!!!
Karen says
I miss you already! Best wishes on your break and I hope you come back refreshed, I, like others, never felt anything was lacking but will happily rely on your archives while getting our new house together.
Best wishes to your beautiful family and the life & family you are building. :)
Christine says
Hi Sherry & John –
I have been reading your blog for about 5 years. It was “my first blog.” :) My sister showed it to me; I thought she was crazy for wanting to read about stranger’s lives. I have to admit though, once she showed it to me (your wedding first), I found myself sneaking peaks every once in a while. Then I became a full-on; once-a-day-I-can’t-get-enough reader. This is still the only blog I visit regularly. There are many things that keep me coming back, the cool projects, seeing your houses transform, stories about navigating family life, etc… I think the common theme that shines throughout all of your posts is honesty. You are coming from a place that is YOUR truth. When a blogger posts something based on what they think readers will love and it isn’t what THEY love, it is obvious to the reader. It takes a tremendous amount of strength and character to create what you have created.
You are human, just like all of us, and you are keeping it real! Being honest. Truthful. As readers, that is all we can ask for. You need a break. Whatever your choice is after this, weather it may be to be astronauts or to continue as bloggers, you will have been authentic in that choice.
I just want to thank you for being “my first blog.” For brightening my day with your lives. For reminding me each day about the importance of staying true to yourself.
Thanks again strangers!! (Although I consider you to be my friends now…)
XOXO – Christine
CMB says
PLEASE COME BACK (and soon!) we will miss you!! I commend you for doing what you’re doing, though! I think you are going to come back refreshed and anew, better than ever! I bet the biggest break you are going to get is from all the comments you have to keep up with!! That will be a nice break ;) Enjoy!
kara says
I know there’s no way you’ll read more than a thousand comments, but just in case you do. . .I must be totally clueless, because this is totally out of left field to me! I have been reading your blog for 5 of your 7 years, and I can honestly say that I don’t feel like your tone has changed, or become corporate, or that you’ve lost your spark. Seriously, I’m not saying that to be a fangirl, it’s just true. Maybe I’ve not seen any drama happening because I never read the comments on your posts. . .but the reason I’ve never read them is because I’ve never sensed even the tiniest bit of controversy in your posts. You know how it goes as a blog reader. . .you read a post that makes you go oooooh I wonder what the haters are going to say about that! So you go read the comments to watch the drama. Yeah, I’ve never even sensed that was a possibility on your blog. But it must have been happening, obviously. . .I mean you said you actually have to brace yourselves every time you hit publish. It just makes me so sad. You guys have built a successful business out of your passion. . .who wouldn’t be happy for you??? Clearly from what you said, there are plenty of people who haven’t been. But what’s really sad is to let them win by going away. I mean, I’m all for you taking a break, you guys have worked your tails off, tirelessly, for years. But if you go out and get regular jobs because a bunch of meanies told you repeatedly that you’re doing this wrong??? Oh, guys, that just breaks my heart. Haven’t you asked yourselves if you’re giving the haters too much validity? It’s a question you should ask. How easy is it for someone to say they’ve been reading your blog for years, and have always loved you guys, but now you’ve just lost your spark/sold out/gone too far/etc.? It’s SO EASY to type those words! That doesn’t mean they ever really did love your work. It more likely means they hate you because you’re making money doing something you love, and they’re seething with envy! Why would you let people like that alter your path? Would you really consider getting a different job because of that kind of feedback? They’re haters! It has very little to do with the actual truth of how well you’re doing your job. Like I said, I’ve seen no difference in the quality of writing, the interest level of your projects, or the joy of the eye candy here. There are still plenty of us out here who will come over to read 5 posts a week, or 3 or whatever, and love the inspiration as well as the story of your family. Sorry this comment is a novel. I’m just so sad to see bitter people winning here, and shaming you into thinking you’re no good at a job you basically invented. Come back in a month and tell the haters to quit reading, and carry on with what you love. You’ve built sonething amazing here, don’t walk away from it!
Lauren says
Anne says
Agreed! It’s totally okay to take a break! Nester took a break this summer after her book came out. You can take a break after the first part of this year!! Blog, show house, and new baby?! Who doesn’t sleep, maybe, like Clara did? Needs to be in-arms more? Goodness, girl, we are right here with you.
I know constructive criticism is good, but please don’t give the negativity too much weight. Kara, above, is right. I knew the posts had changed, but that’s because this house is different. You want this to be your forever home. I knew it was possible you might not even blog once you renovated this house. And that’s okay! Because you two are part of this awesome new era where people write on the Internet and can make a living at it! That is so cool to have been (or be) a part of.
I don’t think any of us find you ungrateful, am I right, fellow fans? Enjoy your break. Just be. And know you are loved.
All the best. :-)
Susan says
Absolutely, Kara, it’s success-shaming, short and simple! I was amazed by the trolls whose mother never told them that “it doesn’t lift you up one inch to drag someone else down!” I find John and Sherry to be inspirational!
It is disheartening that people don’t educate themselves in the subject matter so that they can make thoughtful and appropriate comments. John and Sherry are business moguls, rolling in the dough, huh???? For this they OWE us, huh???? Well, they COULD have made mega bucks through advertising posts, sponsorships, free swag….but they had a stated policy that they wouldn’t do so. When they had side interests (Shade of Light, Target, book deals), at which they worked very hard by the way, they were utterly transparent in these efforts. We were not manipulated or exploited.
And gee whiz, they even DONATED their Home-a-rama fee to charity! Sad if they are driven away from the blog, because of their kindness and principled actions, to a work environment where they can be taken at face-value and not misrepresented or misunderstood.
I read someone else who re-posted from another blog that (paraphrased) destructive or careless comments often say much more about the life of the commenter than a true reflection of reality. Amen!
Susan says
Whoops, lack of grammar might have led to misunderstanding (Eats Shoots and Leaves anyone?)
Should have read, “Absolutely, Kara!” (As in, I’m seconding Kara here!) Didn’t want it to come across as if I was accusing Kara of ungratefulness. :) Just commending her for saying what I was thinking!
shauna says
Don’t apologize, just do what you do and love doing it, whatever it is. You guys seem like a great family who happens to have killer home skills, just keep it that way. :) love the blog, good luck with your next steps :)
Heather says
What a hard choice but I respect your love for your work and your family. My husband owns his own business and it can be a scary thing to try to support a family not to mention trying to please legions of people. You’re doing a wonderful job and have handled it all with grace. Hope to see you soon!
Shannon says
You guys are WONDERFUL! We love you and respect your decision! You guys are doing a great thing and Clara and Teddy will appreciate it all one day!
All the best always!
Lisa says
Oh no. I am half in tears. I am reading since 2008 and I love you guys. You are the best the blogosphere has to offer. You are as honest as you can be – and you don’t owe us anything. We come here for fun and it’s free – so I hope you don’t let anyone with a sense of entitlement get you down. Because of you, I feel that I am not the only weird person out there ;-)
I keep my fingers crossed, that you come out of this refreshed – I will miss you very very much.
a big hug
Jeanette says
YHL is one of the few sites I make time to visit regularly. Of course your site will evolve, and sometimes you’ll have ups and downs. But I for one (among many, I’m sure) love the site, love hearing from you guys and appreciate the ENORMOUS amount of work that goes into a blog and business like this.
You deserve to be paid/get sponsors for the amazing amount of work it involves. Coming from a marketing and digital agency background, I think a lot of people don’t realize just how long all this takes. Yeah, you get to work on your house, but you also probably have work 24/7 (like many small business owners) and do a lot that you wouldn’t have to do if you weren’t documenting the journey for us all.
There’s a quote that says you may have the ripest, best peach in the world but it won’t matter to people who don’t like peaches. There are a ton of us here who LOVE your content. We want to grow with you, understand when you take breaks for family and YES, go make commercial sponsorships from time to time. No one here would want to go to work and not get paid, even if they say otherwise. And those opportunities mean we ALL get to benefit when the other posts get to be posted. It allows you to show us what we love.
Even sponsored content and projects give us great content! I LOVED the show house posts and got great ideas. I LOVE your book. I think it’s awesome you give so much of yourselves. And see how any other person on here would deal with posting their info if they had an unalarmed house. Even if you regret how you handled it, you did the best you could with the knowledge and paradigm you had at the time.
THANK YOU for all you do for us. I hope you both continue to work on YHL and it comes back better than ever. If you guys go back to having to focus on your family AND one or two outside jobs, it will be ALL our loss.
From, a grateful reader <3
Brooke says
The blog is seriously a highlight of my day. Thanks for all you do and approaching it with such thoughtfulness. Enjoy the time away; I hope it brings clarity and rejuvenation!
Christy says
I hope you all can see what a lovely inspiration you are to us, and that you bring fun, whimsy and thoughtfulness to your readers. It is appreciated. I can imagine trying to please all of us gets exhausting, and is a never-ending battle. As a fan and loyal reader, I never once expected that you would mold your site to *my* needs…I just enjoyed it as it came, whether it was a post, a project, just pictures or a giveaway. Don’t put too much weight on shaping your site to what “they” want. Do what YOU want, at your pace, and that spark will come back.
Love y’all.
Kellee says
Dude. I will, like, legit miss having you guys as a part of my day because you are obviously my best-friends-that-I’ve-never-met. But I want everything amazing for you guys and am proud of you for doing what is best for you and your family. And, just like real-life besties, I’ll be around when you get back!
Essie says
Love this comment!! “best friends I’ve never met”. Yup!
Lucy says
I’ve with Essie…. best friends that I’ve never met!
Amanda says
Wishing you a happy, healthy and restorative break! We’ll be sad to see you go,but we’ll be here when you get back. You’ve given us all so much beyond actual tips that we feel invested in the blog and your family. Snuggle with those beautiful kids (and burger!) and enjoy every minute!
Amy P. says
This legitimately brought tears to my eyes. You guys inspire me so so much. I applaud you for taking the time off, and I hope you come back refreshed and ready to get back to it! (Or not! Whatever is best for your family.)
Sapphira says
Totally understand and support your decision 100%! I’ll definitely miss checking the site for new posts, but I’m proud of you guys for being so brave for making this hard decision and doing what’s right for you and your family. Do what you love and love what you do!
Tara Jane says
You will be missed.
Where I work there is a common saying, “Feedback is a gift”. In manufacturing, sometimes it is so hard to get the “Voice of the Customer”. I was thinking last week, that it was kind of amazing that you get such direct feedback.
So here is mine:
I am always impressed with the volume of blogging you do. If it is getting too crazy, I think once or twice a week would be great. Keep up not taking $ from companies, the blogging world got really commercial this year, yuck! I love the giveaways…just need to win one :) I think the book is great, but it did feel like you were holding back. Big news like a new house, do not feel the need to tell us first. Keep you privacy if you want it. You are in control of the flow of information. I loved the show house, it was really exciting to see what one can do with a fresh slate. I am amazed a the connections you made, You are in the Tile Shop magazine!, and I think it is a reality of driving your own destiny. I say keep following your own compass and like you are doing change it up when it is no longer your path.
Jessie says
Heart broken!!!!! Nooooooooo come back come
Sarah says
Such a sad day for us, the readers, but such a worth while decision for you both, and the family. What matters most is your health and happiness :) Best of luck in whatever you decide to do – let us know!! We’ll all be rooting for you :)
Stephanie says
So. . .is this a coy way of saying you’ll be doing a reality show!!??? My dream is coming true????
Just kidding. : ) I have been and will be a fan, blog-wise and otherwise. You guys are awesome, enjoy the house, the family, all of it. And most of all, always fight to keep your creative spark no matter what!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Jenna says
Kristen says
I respect your decision to step away but will have to say that I will truly miss you. While at work, eating my lunch at my desk, I look forward to reading your blog each day. When you do return, I will still continue to read. I know people’s feedback was helpful but I also wish sometimes people weren’t so gosh darn hard to please. Hugs!
Lisa R says
As a member of your adoring peanut gallery, I’m advising you to ignore the peanut gallery and focus on what is right for you. That’s pretty inspiring also. As life coach Martha Beck says, her job is to Rest and Play, Rest and Play. May we all get in that rhythm.
Jodie says
I’ve been around for quite awhile with nary a comment. YHL is one of only a few blogs I’ve actually followed versus bookmarked for occasional viewing. Why? Because you were real and relevant from day one. Still are.
Your journey encountered the dream, organically. You shared the dream with friends & fam and it grew to a large audience and cool gigs with the likes of Target, Benjamin Moore, a publishing house and more. All the while, you stayed real. Now that’s dreamy. You shared the ups & downs and made it seem possible that I and others could do what you do in the house, in business, with family and in life.
Because you’re real, a big audience must have been pretty painful much of the time. It’s crazy how negativity (or worse) has become so pervasive. I mean, so what if a post doesn’t resonate every time with everybody? It’s not possible people! And, since I’ve gone down this path… btw folks, all of life is not a tv show you text your judgment vote into. It really is pretty simple to surround yourself with what you enjoy and move on from what you don’t! I think we could all use a time-out to lighten up, globally.
Of course the critiques & negativity so many are quick to share says more about themselves than anything else. But negativity kills creativity and drive. It leaves a scar. I get it. I’d feel the same way and am disappointed for you, for me, and for those afraid to venture out on their own journey.
Wishing you all the best in a much deserved break. May we all hit the corner now to think about approaching life in a lighter, more positive & productive way. Lets all come back HAPPY and clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do.
Sarah by the Sea says
John & Sherry:
Wishing you the best during your sabbatical. Take the time away to do something entirely different with yourselves; it will really help and maybe it will inspire your new direction!
Much love from Prince Edward Island.
Linda says
What a classy post. Thanks for sharing the real deal with us, as you so often do. Just to throw in my two cents, I never felt like I had any say in how/what/how often you posted–I just sat back and watched in awe as you two managed to keep up all you were doing with the kiddos’ obligations AND reroute dryer ducting, hang doors, change out curtains that had been bugging you, install cool light fixtures, spray paint random objects, create fab picture walls, magically produce a book or two, keep up with friends and family… AND write a juicy, fully illustrated, thoughtful blog several times a week. Not for the faint of heart!
The other day my husband said to me, “How are John and Sherry?” (I read faithfully, he doesn’t but often has to hear about you guys and your projects) and I said, “Actually, they’re going through kind of a rough time right now,” and proceeded to describe the recent debacle as if you and I actually know each other. (Maybe this is the true definition of “imaginary friends.”) I admire your DIY spirit, exactitude, guts, and talent and think you’re both wonderful writers. Wishing you all the best!