This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Jessica says
I had a baby right around the same time that Teddy was born, and wow I admire you guys for trying to juggle your growing family plus the blog plus the book plus the show home plus probably a million other things over the last few months. I am still on maternity leave, so I don’t have work to juggle, but I still feel like I am drowning just trying to juggle family needs. Be good to yourselves. The rest will follow.
Megan W says
I’m a longtime loyal reader! I hope the time away is exactly what you need. We’ll be here whenever you’re back!!
Catherine says
Well done guys. I’ve always been impressed with your honesty and transparency on this blog. I think it’s easy to forget that you are real people living a real life raising 2 kids. Do what you need to do. Wherever it leads. Thank you for sharing all these years.
Lucy says
Awwww, Sherry & John,
I literally have tears in my eyes. You guys are the Real Deal. I know many, many of us will be your fans no matter what. YHL publishes a book? I’m ordering it. YHL resumes their blog? I’m reading it. Whatever you do, whatever choices you make I’ll be a fan.
I’m on the fringe of your demographic (45 yo mother of two teenagers, Army wife living in Europe) but your enthusiasm, creativity with your home, smarts with saving money and fabulous ideas resonate with me and my husband. Whatever you do, don’t give up the dream of being the family you all want. Clara, Teddy & Burger are a lucky bunch to have you for their parents.
Hugs & Love from Germany…
:) Lucy
Hickory Nut says
Like so many others, i was totally surprised to hear people are complaining about your content. Everything in life takes a shift after children, especially with the more that you have. I am really bummed that you feel the need to step back, because i haven’t noticed a change. but i am really, really bummed that the decision may have been influenced by a bunch of strangers that don’t really know what’s best for your family. so i’ll only support this break as long as it is for you, and not based on what others have posted. Your posts are full of variety, just like all of our lives. Somedays we are doing big remodels. Other days we are catching grasshoppers with our boys. Your blog always reflected that which kept so many of us interested. And i always thought the give-aways were awfully nice of you – i never saw them as a money maker for you. But so what if you did make something, you were still nice enough to share with all of us. This is your blog which we all choose to visit. I’m pretty sure that gives you the right to post whatever you want. i’m just not ready to break up with you, so please come back and realize there are thousands of us who are really happy with you just the way you are.
Roxanne says
I’m am a faithful 58 yr old reader. I love your website and will miss it! However , as a mother of 2 adult kids and 1 precious grand baby take the advise you hear all the time. This time goes so fast you will not believe it when you look back. Your heart will tug someday even for the days that are exhausting with your kids. Be in the present with them as much as possible and soak up. Life at my age is great don’t get me wrong but, I’ll always know those were the times I cherish the most. Do what feels right for your life and I’ll check back . Thank -You
Briel K. says
This will probably get lost in the shuffle of all the other comments but I just wanted to post a comment in support of you guys! I can’t even imagine how challenging it must be to try to stay creative all the time and come up with posts and projects that will interest people and make your home better for your family. As a long long time reader I hope that you are able to take as long of a break as you need to figure out where you want to go from here. I just hope you don’t end up quitting the blog forever because I’d miss you guys!
In regards to your side projects I really enjoyed the show house. It was really cool to see a house be designed and built from the ground up and it turned out so well! And the giveaways don’t bother me because I know you guys don’t get anything for them (not that it would really bother me if you did). Anyone who thinks that you got money for the giveaways was clearly not paying attention.
Anyways, have a great break! Love you guys! <3
Patti says
I never saw a slip in your blog content and I’ve been reading since house #1. Thank you so much for all the tutorials and ideas. I know my home is the better for it! I’m really sorry it’s come to this. Hope you come back!
Marney says
Sad to hear the news, but certainly supportive of your decisions! Hope very much to see you back!!!!
Courtney Lowe says
Katie says
Um… Are you breaking up with me in a note?
Julie says
I return to work after maternity leave TOMORROW — how am I supposed to ease into the workday without you guys?!?!
Well, if it’s what’s best for you, I’m sure I can manage. I just hope you come back to us.
Like many others have said, I didn’t think you’d lost your groove. Things ebb and flow in almost any job, so to say we were getting less of one thing or more of another seems like a natural progression to me. Especially in something as variable as DIY. And yes, you did grow from a hobby to a business, but such is the nature of something that supports your family! Things understandably changed once Teddy arrived, just like they did after Clara, and that’s expected, at least by anyone who’s had kids.
I’m sure my sentiments are echoed dozens of times over (can’t read all the comments — gotta soak up these last hours with the babe), but what it comes down to is, I will miss you terribly, even though you’re technically strangers and don’t know me from the next guy. I hope your sabbatical is restful and rejuvenating and that we hear from you regularly again soon.
Lindsay H says
My workday involves them too!
Erin B says
I completely understand where you guys are coming from, and hope you get a lot out of your break. I will really miss your posts every week and hope you guys do decide to continue blogging, in whatever form you choose. So thank you for sharing your lives with us and opening up your home, all the best!!
Lauren says
This makes me so sad!!! But I completely understand. And I have to agree that blogging has become so “corporate” lately. (Why does everything have to involve money?) At the same time, maybe feeling “off” has to do with having another little one. My husband and I have a 1 year-old and we feel more “off” now than ever before. You guys are human and you have a ton going on! Enjoy your sweet little family and a chance to catch your breath. In the end, you won’t be able to please all of your readers but that’s the great thing about blogging. It’s not about us. And the fact is your readers love you! Be you. Do what feels right. Get back to your roots and start with a clean slate. I really hope you come back because I just know when you return (I refuse to say if!) it will be like a John and Sherry tornado took web back by storm. I love you guys. Anything that can make people laugh on a daily basis is worth keeping. This world we’re living in needs more of that positivity and the “we can do it” spirit.
Natalie says
While the sabbatical makes me sad for me (no new content!), I think it might be just the right thing for you all. I hope that you do come back refreshed and ready to tackle the blog anew.
A lot of my favorite blogs have shut down or SIGNIFICANTLY changed in the last year or so (like 50% of my top 25). Blogging on the whole is starting to feel a bit stale. I think there is going to be a shift soon (technological or messaging style), and I’m sure you guys feel that even more than someone like me, who is more of a consumer.
I just hope there is still a way for me and the rest of us here (in a non-stalker way) to be a part of your world going forward. For my part, I’ve loved your honesty, creativity and joyful vitality. I would certainly miss it if it went away.
Lisa says
I haven’t been following you guys for a little while because my life has gotten stressful and my focus has to be my family’s health. I was shocked to read you guys are stepping back. I’ve been a follower of you for about 6 years. Your blog is only one of a very small handful I will actually take the time to read. You are very talented, funny, real, etc and I love what you have provided for us. That said I’m glad you guys are taking a break! You guys are freaking super heros that do this all the time at max speed pouring your livelyhood, and heart into it daily! I’ve often wondered how on earth do you do it? Clean your house, wash toilets, pay bills, now your lawn, go grocery shopping, play with your child, and all your blog stuff on top of it blows my mind. I’ve never felt you were “off”. I never left because of you. And I never really left. I just have not had time for anything other than my family. Whatever you decide is best for you should be fully supported by your readers. Best of luck and I will check back in ao th to see how your beautiful family is doing. Take care petersiks!
Angie H says
I just wanted to say what a huge influence your blog has been. We moved to Richmond three years ago and last fall we bought our first house and we chose a fixer-upper. Your blog has taught me about my new hometown and helped me find great recommendations for local businesses. And I don’t think I would have been as eager to buy a fixer upper before your blog. And that is so crazy to me to even admit that a blog could have that effect. But now my family is on our own fun and sometimes stressful journey and we’ve learned so much from you two. You guys have taught me to be patient when finding the right fit, save to splurge occasionally on things you love, and that it is OK for to live in that messy middle place where things aren’t “finished.” And really, isn’t that where we live most of our lives? In that wonderful messy middle? I’ve also been feeling this weird tension (not from your blog, but from others) between working full time, enjoying family, and working toward a home that you love but now with lots of other design blogs and pinterest it seems like we are expected to change our decor seasonally and have birthday parties for our kids that rival bridal showers. Your voice is a refreshing change from that. And I love your big technical posts (even if I skim them, I like knowing there is someone I trust to go to if we ever confront that issue) and I love the little posts. I also understand that things change. I hope the next stage for you is exciting and allows you to balance home and family and work (boy, do I want that for all of us). And if you decide to share any of that with the public through the blog or books or whatever, I will be excited to see it. If you decide your time in the public eye is over for now, you will be missed, but I understand! Good luck.
Natalie says
Never feel guilty for a second! The blogging world is taking a strange turn lately and a lot of us have felt the need to step back and reassess. Thank you for all of the great inspiration you’ve shared and enjoy this time together as a family! It’s good to send your blog-baby to summer camp every once in a while. :)
Kelly B says
Long time blog reader here (at the first house). Totally missed the comment hash fest last week. I am hoping that you will eventually read these comments too, per usual!
I probably missed the comments because I haven’t been reading as thoroughly lately. I love your how-to’s, but even more, I love your witty stories and random life ramblings. Probably because I’ve read for so long, and also because I’m a wahoo and still in the area (Cville).
I do hope and pray that you find your voice, and then realize that your audience will come to you. Every artist (which is really what you are) needs to balance rest and creation. You need to find your inspiration again. I have felt that the posts felt a little lack luster, and not as heart felt, less personal. My favorite posts are the Clara-related ones, Sherry’s flower arrangements, and organization. I love the long DIY ones for reference, but not so much on a day-to-day.
Those are my thoughts, and I hope to read your blog soon. I will miss it. (And you should totally come to town to a football game, or Little Johns, or my house for dinner while you R&R). :)
Heida says
Enjoy the brake and take care,you will be missed…
Sue says
Thank you for all the time you put into this blog. You both have been very generous with sharing and teaching us how to make our homes lovely without spending a fortune. I never felt like any of your posts were product pitches.
Thanks again,enjoy the break, and hope to see you both back soon:)
Luke says
Wow. The power of words.
Clearly, judging by the volume of comments, I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t been enjoying YHL as much lately. Re-reading my original comment, it’s a little harsh and I regret not softening the language a bit. However, I wrote it for the same reason I’d speak to the manager at a cool business if I perceive a problem – I really like you guys and want to keep coming back.
My understanding of supporting yourself with a blog is that hits and traffic bring sponsors, and sponsors pay the bills. I have a sense of loyalty to YHL and did not want to take my traffic away without explaining why. I could have explained that more clearly, and gently.
I wish your family nothing but good stuff – I think what you’ve built is awesome.
Courtney says
I wasn’t expecting this. Agree with some readers that I will likely be back daily out of habit. Thanks for sharing over the years and hope to see you back on the blog in some shape or form in the future! And if that future entails fixing up other people’s homes… My door will be open! All my best!
Anjana says
Miss you guys already! Best. Blog. Ever.
Ashley says
I love you all! Take your sabbatical and come back! You will be missed.
Kirsten says
I will genuinely miss your posts while you are taking your break. They are something that I look forward to in the mornings, and read first before any of the other blogs I subscribe to. I hope you return to blogging, but appreciate your honesty and the fact that you prioritize your family and dealing with burnout. Things change and lives and blogs transition to meet those changes, but I can honestly say that of all the blogs I’ve been reading for a long time, you are the ones who have always felt like have not “sold out” or become fake. Your voice is still your own, and even though you’re obviously writing for all of us too, you haven’t turned into “just another blog” over time by trying to be like everyone else, and I just wanted to tell you how refreshing that is.
Sonia says
Guys ! Dont take people’s comments to heart. How you manage having a working life from home with two kids (and one so young) is commendable. If your successes are giving you better opportunities go for it. I think you guys are well rooted.
We just bought a house and I keep going back to your old posts for ideas from there that stuck in my head.
Taking it easy/slow is something we all need to learn.
Abbie says
Don’t leave!!! Yours is one of the few blogs that I read regularly and LOVE!!
That being said, because I do love your blog & I recognize that you’re real human beings, I can (reluctantly & begrudgingly) say that I’m happy you’re taking the time to decide what’s right for you. It’s YOUR life. You do you. :)
I hope your break is only a break, but more than that I hope you’re able to find a solution that truly works for you. Even if that solution means you won’t brighten my day with blog posts anymore. :) Good luck, and happy sabbatical-ing!
CB says
Yes, yes and yes. I’ve never left a comment before (though I’ve been compelled to).
I completely understand. I support you. I love your blog. I talk about you like you’re people I know (and I recognize it’s weird but I do it anyways). Do whatever you do to feel good about what you do every day.
I can’t believe some people have the audacity to complain about a free blog not posting things they like. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. I loved when you were doing multiple posts a day, but I understood when that no longer worked for your family. I think you guys are the best, you deserve all the success in the world. I wish you would still accept freebies b/c why not, you deserve them. You’re doing all the work. So your integrity and hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. That you donate to Habitat, your time and money on the show-house (I can’t imagine how much work that took), and that you open yourselves up so honestly to the entire internet are all things to be proud of.
Take all the time you need, I’ll be here when you get back!
Kim B says
I’m sorry to read this but I support your decision. Even if the blog felt off to you, it’s been a bright spot in my day for years and I’ll miss reading it. Always put your family’s well being first, the rest will fall into place. :)
Jessica says
So sad :( but I totally understand . I will miss the DIY stuff and I wiill always wonder what you guys are up to and how Clara and Teddy are doing. Super creepy , I know! Just so you know I never felt like the blog was off, I have enjoyed reading your posts for the past 4.5 years .Thank you for sharing your talents , your life with us . Good luck and hope you come back soon, I ll be waiting.
Lindsay H says
I know this is so hard on you guys, but thanks for taking the time to write how you are feeling and letting us know. You hit the nose on the head, the blog seemed off lately; the posts were still super funny, interesting, and I tuned in everyday to hear updates on whatever you wanted to share, but something seemed different.
You guys have done so much for my general knowledge of DIY and even yesterday put something in my Amazon shopping cart because the drying rack was something I’ve been wanting, but didn’t have the time to research. You guys have been my little investigators, from the rock box (which I also told my BFF to reference your post before they built theirs 2 years ago), how to stain (which I am still trying to get, and even to date I have referenced your blog while at the paint store trying to buy the right color for our house were are starting to paint. My husband (who could care less about the blogging world) will even will say, “Did you read this on Young House Love?” when we’re doing a project and I start to tell him how I read how this and this works best.
Thank you for everything you’ve put onto paper/computer world for us! I’ve been a devoted reader since house one and when you guys were stoked over 1,000 entries for a giveaway (which I’ve sadly never won one!). Enjoy your time off, I hope you find what you’re looking for and I hope you come back…
Diane B. says
Wow, will miss you! Enjoy your break. You deserve it. I hope you decide you will come back, if not, its been a “fun ride”! Thanks for sharing!
Lindsey says
Wow. :(
I would like to say that this took me by surprise, but I think deep down I knew that something was “off”.
I’m sad, but I completely understand. This is one reader that will not be going anywhere. Even if you two decide to never return to the blogging atmosphere I will still support your choice.
Life is short. Go be happy. Live your life and live it passionately. And thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to take a peek into your little world. I know you have changed my life without you even knowing it. You have lit a passion for decorating inside my soul, and for that I am truly thankful and grateful. So THANK YOU.
Take care you guys! I hope to see more from you in the future.
Nicole says
I’ve enjoyed SO. MANY. of your posts (I mean, the archives are a gold mine even if you never post again), large and small, crafty and technical, and I admire how grounded you guys have always seemed. I’d say that posts of recent have felt more obligatory than some of those of the past, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t still providing interesting content in your own, accessible, humorous style, and I’ve been happy for every exciting path your blog has opened up to you guys. I hope I’ll keep seeing YHL on the internet (even if it’s just through product recommendations and mood boards – you guys have been a guiding light to so many of use seeking affordable home goods with style) that you’ll take some time and feel refreshed enough to post again in a way that feels more organic for you both, but if not, I’ll be sure to check out book two, and I hope whatever you pursue in the future is rewarding and wonderful. Your family seems so kind and good spirited and like so many others, I wish you well <3 Thanks for sharing your home!
Trisha says
Bummer Dealio! YHL is in my toolbar and I check it every day…after 11 bc. new posts seem to be put up around 10ish.
Enjoy your time with the family and happy soul searching!
I won’t delete the link!
Natasha says
Enjoy your much needed break!
I will certainly miss keeping up with the Petersiks ;)
I really hope this isn’t goodbye forever!!
Missy says
Petersiks- Bravo! This post was written with such love and admiration. I’ve been an avid fan from the very beginning of “This Young House”. We purchased a fixer upper farmhouse months after your blog was born! While things have grown throughout the years there has never been a time where I have not liked your style. I am a few years younger than you both and have felt you have matured in your style from young adult hood to a family of 4 as I have the past years and it makes total sense. My husband and I are currently experiencing a life style change and the feeling of just taking a break is something we are all to familial with. We need to find our joy again as well. Please enjoy this break you are taking and I hope you find your joy for home improvement and sharing yourselves with the world because I for one will be awaiting your return! Best wishes!
Abby says
I’m so happy for you, and I will miss you.
csp says
You have a bunch of comments here so this might be repetitive. I am a quiet daily reader of this blog and go back to old posts when I have projects at my home. I have only commented twice in the last 5 years.
I would start looking for examples outside the blog world for this transition. What comes to mind is when bands become mainstream and how to bring along the old audience.
Also, this is a very large site for just the two of you. Get an intern to start. See about selling to a blog conglomerate. I have a friend who sold his blog to USA today. He still is in charge but answers to them and they do the accounting and work with advertisers.
I love this site and would hate to see you go. But with two kids, I don’t see how you guys can keep this up just the two of you.
Samantha says
Wow!!! Wow wow wow – SO very well said, you guys! Sherry, you did a great job really sharing your thoughts and feelings….and I can’t imagine how tough this is for you guys. I’m so sorry! This post totally blind-sided me b/c I guess I missed the post from last week (which I will now go back to read)….but I guess I’m shocked right now. This is one of my happiest places on the internet. Whenever I see a blog post from you guys on my BlogLovin feed, I get all excited. I read / scan through my others….and save yours for last b/c I totally savor every minute / word!! Not kidding. I have never felt the change…I mean, clearly, things are going to change as Clara gets older, you have a new baby in the house….and you are successful and awesome at what you do so of course there will be business ideas / deals coming your way. And they are more than well deserved. I have never felt the change in a negative way, so I’m stunned to hear you’ve had feedback like that. And I’m sorry!
But this is definitely a well deserved break! So go enjoy that. Totally and fully.
Whitney says
I love your blog (and sweet little family) so much! You deserve a break and a time to recoup from the craziness of the last year. I do hope that you decide to come back in month or two, but if not, thanks so much for inspiring so many DIY adventures and for making me laugh out loud on a regular basis!
Tina says
My hubby and I have been fans since the beginning! Everyone has already said it, we love you, we’ll miss you, and we support your decision. You make beautiful babies and secretly we want to be your best friends. That’s not at all a teeensy bit creepy, is it? LOL! Anyways, I’ve never commented before but I wanted to say something to Sherry specifically. I am a first time mama of a 13 month baby girl. I chose to stay home, cloth diaper, and breastfed on demand exclusively (a man obviously invented the breast pump, am I right?). These decisions were polar opposite of the choices my friends, family, and peers made for their own children and they questioned me ALL.THE.TIME. It may sound silly, but in those first six months (before I could find real-life like-minded mama friends) I clung to your personal posts about breastfeeding and diapers and baby caring because it reminded me that I wasn’t alone in my parenting style. So thank you for supporting me when no one else did during a sensitive time in my life. We moved to Richmond last year and we geek out every time we go to Lowe’s because of the small possibility that we will see Clara running down the aisle ;) Wishing you the best in your next journey.
Tonya says
I’ve followed many blogs over many years, and there really does seem to be a blog lifespan. I have lots of opinions as to why, but that’s not important. I admire you for what you’ve done…..with the blog, your brand, and the choice to step back. I hope you come back only that’s what’s best for your family. If it’s not, I wish you all the best. I DO hope you update periodically, if only an IG pic here and there. There are families I have followed over the years (yours is one) that I’ve grown to truly care about and it’s nice to check in once in a while. :)
Nichole says
I’m sure I speak for all your readers when I say; we love your family! We love your blog and you guys as actual people behind the blog. You guys inspire so many people on so many levels and that can no doubt be so exhausting. I can’t imagine the weight you guys have on your shoulders with so many opinions and such coming at you all the time!
Because we all love you guys, we will always support your decisions when it comes to your family – even though we may not always like the color rug you’ve chosen or light fixture isn’t quite our taste (although I must say I wish I could put you guys in my pocket because you are bang on every.single.time in my books – you’ve never done anything yet that I haven’t said “oh man! I totally need to recreate that”)
We will all be here when/if you guys decide to return.
We hope you will of course come back to the blog and let us be a small part of your lives again.
Until then, enjoy your time with each other, your gorgeous children and your sweet fur baby. Good luck in your journey. We wish you all the best in everything!
Sara G. says
So many have already said how I feel about this, hooray for you and sad for us! You were the first blog I started reading on a regular basis and I have really enjoyed seeing it change and grow and reading what you shared with us about your adorable family. I think it’s amazing that you were able to take a hobby and make a living out of it so you could provide for your kids and move into your dream home. I also hope this is just a temporary separation and you’ll come back refreshed and with a new outlook on the blog. I’ve always enjoyed reading your posts, but I have missed the less serious DIY and fun family posts. I think someone else mentioned the window shopping ones – I loved those! But do what is best for you and your family and the rest will work itself out. :)
jill says
You do what you need to do. We’ll miss you, but we’ll be okay (after a tear or two). And we’ll be here when you get back.
Is it weird to love someone you never met? Well, we did meet briefly on your book tour and I was so excited I cried, but I don’t think that makes us the besties that I like to think we are.
Seriously, I love you guys. Stay happy and healthy. See you later.
Heather says
I think a break is a great idea! Everyone needs to recharge their batteries! And, you so rarely take a vacation! I’m in a similar situation at the moment and am wondering what my next steps will be. I love you guys and will be here when/if you come back! Have a fun and family filled sabbatical!
Stephanie says
Noooooooooooo…..say it ain’t so…. My absolute favorite, as in save the best for last, blog to read won’t be here for me for a month or so?! I’m crying. Ok, not really, but a little bit of crying inside. And, it’s all selfish. Take the break you need. Regroup. Refresh. Do it all. Love your kids (and each other) and when the time is right I know you’ll be back. And, I’ll be here waiting for you. Until then, I will be cuddling your book and stalking your blog. I leave you with this sentiment that my BFF and I share with each other constantly when one of us is in need of perspective: ‘when you know, you’ll know – with 100% certainty what is right for you’. I believe every word of it.
Julia says
I’ll definitely miss you guys, but don’t feel guilty about stepping back, scaling back, techy posts, mini posts, telling us (or not) you’re pregnant/buying a house/etc, taking a break or anything else. And if/when you are back (and I sincerely and selfishly hope it’s WHEN!), remember you can’t please everyone!! The negatives always seem to have a louder voice, but remember, the GRAND majority of us love you and love it when you are just you. The rest… need to just move along and keep the grouch to themselves. Comments like “we know we should be getting more” sort of make me sick because here’s the thing…. you don’t owe us anything! And I’m not sure who is this “we” to which she was referring!
I’ve been reading way back since house #1, and I never comment but needed to this time. I love reading everything you post; I skip the giveaways because that’s just me, but hey – others love them! And I totally assume that some posts I love others skim through. It’s been that way since the beginning, don’t forget that! You guys have always been good at a variety, at your honest voice, and at giving the details we can reproduce in our own projects (or at least our plans :) ). That’s what we all come back for. When you’re in a different stage of house-life, then the blog is in a different stage. That’s just how it works with a house-blog. Just do what feels right for you, when it feels right, and don’t worry about the rest of us. Thanks for all you have shared with us. Peace to you all.
(PS – I love the pic; when I first scrolled down it made me smile because I thought, “And here’s a picture of a cool rock.” Took me a minute to realize it’s a HEART rock and it all made sense! Haha)