This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Summer says
I just recently discovered your blog and was saddened to see the response you received from Thursday’s post. My husband and I have happened onto our 2nd flip in the last 4 months. We finished our first flip top to bottom this last year(after 7 years) and tried it on the market. It sold quickly, and our hard work was validated! Due to lack of renovated, updated homes in the Atlanta area when we were looking to buy we jumped into house flipping again! We love getting a house with in budget and making it nice the way WE want it. We were so pumped and motivated the first 7 weeks and got A LOT done-to the point we could cook and eat in the kitchen and function normally on a day to day basis. Then we became very burned out. We as well have a 4 year old and 1 year old, and my husband a full time job. We have discovered that flipping with small children adds another layer of stress on top of the physical, emotional, and financial stress that comes with renovating. We made the decision to take a month off for my husband to focus on work and for the kids and I to have some sort of normal day to day life. Boxes remained unpacked, walls unpainted, molding and lights left to be hung. Without this rest we cannot move forward with other projects. I believe a lot of readers don’t realize how much work your blog is-as if its a full time job and trying to then do house projects around naps, life, kids and other things that come up. I have looked at doing a blog or even putting up a site to show before and after pictures easily to friends and family, and am blown away by the amount of work it requires. Not sure how you have the time to do it all as I know the to do list in the house never ends. You have inspired us and given us great ideas. We have a stamped vaulted ceiling in our family room that we were at a loss of how to dress it up until I stumbled on your post that you did with the bead board flooring on your porch in your ranch house. We are excited to see how your inspiration will turn out on our ceiling. Enjoy your rest and don’t get down by negative comments.
Kenzi says
John and Sherry,
I am so sorry to see you take a break! Your followers will miss you during this time (especially me)!
When reading this post, I decided to go back to the post from April and re-read it. I couldn’t help but notice this paragraph “When Clara was born we were both blogging full time, but we had about a third of the traffic that we have now and we usually shared around one project a week amidst other home-related chitchat, family happenings, polls, reader makeovers, etc. It was one of the best times of our lives. We did less and had less, and we were completely comfortable.”
I feel like more traffic shouldn’t have changed your blog or your lives! You didn’t have to add more projects just because you have more traffic. You gained the traffic because of the way the blog was! And if that was the kind of blogging that made you happy, why not go back to that?
People read this blog because of you two. We love to feel like we are apart of your family and apart of these journeys you take. And lately, it feels like you do things because you have to and you post things because you have to. Not because you want to. Do and post what you want. You aren’t going to please everyone. Got a lot on your plate and don’t want to start another project just yet? Don’t. Keep us updated on the family! Tell us what you are up to! Just be you! That’s what keeps us coming back!
I love you guys and your family! And I can’t wait for your return!
Longtime Reader!
Jill says
Yours has always been my favorite design blog. I didn’t sense anything “off” lately and had just been thinking how much I like your blog compared to all the others (seriously). You’re so personable and down-to-earth and don’t do a bunch of sponsored posts (I always take those with an annoyed grain of salt – if that’s even a thing). Anyway, have a good break. You’ll be missed. Don’t be hard on yourselves. You do a great job!
Renee says
Enjoy your sabbatical. I hope you can find that spark and come back to us. One suggestion, which you’ve probably already considered, how about some guest bloggers or regular contributors. has done that nicely, as I’m sure others have. The economics behind it might be tricky, as would finding the right person. But I think it can be done well. Good luck and I’ll be watching for your return.
Kelley Kay says
Like you did writing 3000 words then hitting delete and starting over I feel like I have done the same thing with this comment. First off I want you to know you guys rock my world! The very first time I saw your book on the shelf at the bookstore I jumped up and down and clapped my hands. That same book now sits proudly on my coffee table. I’ve never felt your blogs were lacking and the the projects you’ve done in your homes have inspired me greatly. You and this blog come up in regular conversation in my home as you are always doing something new that I love (Clara’s closet). I will miss you so much in my daily blog walk but I also so hope you enjoy this time with your kiddo’s because they are only little for a short time.
P.S. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you will return when the time is right for you but selfishly hoping it’s soon:)
Lots of Love & Big Smooches!! XOXO
Jenny says
I’ve been around since the beginning, and this makes me sad. But, I’m glad you are shifting gears and trying to find what works for y’all. I love your blog and will miss it, but I’m glad you are doing what is right for y’all. I’ll be here if you decide to come back!!
Maria says
As much as I feel sad that you have come to feel like that about your blog, I am also going, “GOOD ON YOU!!!” =)
Stepping back means you can go on a holiday, even – and especially! – if this “holiday” is about getting up in the morning and just having leisurely breakfast, no computers, then going on a walk together, still no computers, coming back home, no computers, and just having time to be and to think and to… be.
Most of us (in the developed world, anyway) have the privilege of taking a holiday from our jobs once in a while, and by “holiday” I mean REALLY stepping back without having to prepare posts ahead of time and approving comments and whatnot. You, guys, have not had that privilege. How you have continued to function without not as much as a week of REAL downtime from this thing here in several years now…
So for this decision here I actually applaud you!
And like I said before, you don’t owe me content – you don’t owe it to anyone. Please take your time to be with your family and put your feet up for once! Many of us have loved you and are grateful for having had you around, regardless of whether you return or not, so have your well deserved break, find your balance again, maybe rock to the tune of some Eminem song (*wink to Sherry*) and just feel happy, and if you return, we’ll be waiting. And if you don’t, may your road be an adventure.
Thank you, guys!
Brandi says
Wow…I just started following you a few months ago and already you are leaving! If you want to come to Indiana and help me redesign some bathrooms…there will be 4 of them waiting for you! Best of luck to you as you redesign your personal path.
Barbara says
Thank you John and Sherry! We will miss you, but you completely deserve the break. I mean really you have a young daughter, an infant and an expanding brand that was beyond what you ever dreamed – of course you’re feeling burned out.
I missed the feedback request but still want to say that I’ve been completely inspired by you to do so much DIY (basically, if you endorse it, I trust it). I know I’m not alone. I even used your kitchen paint colors (oh that Nelson Blue!). And bought a circular saw! OK, I never took it out of the plastic, but baby steps.
We have plenty to back and read, so go find your balance. But should you feel inspired to post a pic of the little guy every so often we and our exploding wombs would be ever so grateful.
Edith says
Oh man. Oh man! I’m so sad right now. :( You guys were my pick me up throughout the week. I totally, totally understand needing a break or a new direction but just know that at least one person never thought you had lost your spark. Maybe I’m not a die hard enough fan or something but I still loved everything you posted. You were what I read on my morning coffee break to keep my day positive. :) I hope you do come back, if only for the Clara Says updates. :) :) :)
Emily @ Life on Food says
I have only been a reader for about a year so I don’t know about the shift from 7 years ago that others might. I love reading your posts. All of them, from the big projects, to window shopping, to small design and giveaways. Life changes over time and with that the blog is certainly going to change as well. People should respect that and if the change doesn’t fit their needs anymore maybe they should find a new blog. That being said this is something you worked hard for and should be proud of and if your aren’t 100% confident now a break is a good idea. I do hope you come back though. I think a bunch of us will be waiting :)
Rachel says
I hope you find some rest and relaxation. I hope that you find direction that you feel good about. I am grateful for all you’ve shared thus far. It has changed my perspective and home for the good. Blessings to you guys. :)
LMN says
purposefully not reading what anyone has said. love you, thank you, and totally understand ;-)
Kate says
I have only ever commented on your site maybe 2-3 times, but I had to say that I applaud you!
When any one of us is not being truly authentic, it shows. We feel it, others feel it, and no one is happy. It sounds like that’s what happened with you, and it created an unhappy vicious cycle for you. I think you’re smart to continue to follow the old adage, “Do what you love, and the money will follow.” That’s what got you to this point, which is so awesome…and once you figure out what you truly love (or just start doing it), I am confident that it will get you to a new, better place, too.
I see a great comeback in your future, something that’s truly you, that feels authentic and true to you, and that just works. You guys are awesome and we all look forward to hearing more. This is NOT the last of YHL!!
I also want to THANK YOU for all of the FREE, INSPIRING advice over the years. I for one am grateful to have had you to show me the ropes of DIY home projects that I never would have been able to figure out on my own. I’m grateful for all you’ve contributed to the DIY and design world and to me personally. I am confident that many others feel the same.
THANK YOU, John and Sherry. From the bottom of our hearts!
katie davis says
I love y’all. you should be able to write what you want and people can choose to read it or not read it. I don’t think you should have to worry about people who think their opinion means more than it does. (yes i do realize you said you asked for that feedback but I never understand why people feel like they can spew their opinion all over somebody’s work. in my opinion, they should just not read it if they don’t like it.) I personally love everything that y’all do, and I’ve never felt like you owed anybody anything. I’ve always loved your style, and respect what you’re doing to balance your family and your careers. I think you’ve done an unbelievably fantastic job being creative and entertaining and (I think) true to yourself and polite to mean people. so with all that, I say good luck with your time off! i’ll miss you and look forward to the day when you’re back!
Laura says
Best wishes for a restorative break. I’ll miss your blog while you are on break, but will be delighted to see it pop back up in my RSS reader when you are ready to return!
And thank you for leaving the archives up! Your detailed DIY posts are some of the best resources I’ve found for projects, and have saved me from several (very expensive) errors.
Kavya says
Dear Sherry and John,
This is heartbreaking news for me. Your blog is my ten minute pick me up every morning. It inspires me to create a beautiful home filled with meaningful stuff. That being said, my kudos to you for the courage shown in writing this post and opening up your heart to the world. We all have struggles and insecurities, and need a good support system to get through the tough times. Please think of us (your readers) as your support system. We love you guys and will be praying and waiting for the next post.
Heather says
I have only been following for a year or so now and was wondering where I go to start from the beginning? Is there a way to search back into the archives and start from day 1?I’d love to see where this all began seven years ago… help! :)
Adeline says
If you feel the need to take a break, you’re totally right to take it. Enjoy it, rest yourselves, bring your spark back (for whatever new adventure) and don’t worry: there are still plenty of archives to go through for us.
Also, don’t be to hard on yourselves: personally, your blog was still the one I checked the most frequently and I enjoy it a lot.
Sarah says
:( :( :( So very sad! I’m going to miss you guys over the next month. I’ve taken a break from writing on my blog as well though, and it has helped every time. I hope that y’all get some rest and gather some thoughts and are able to come up with some solutions that work for you guys. I’ve read your blog for years and have always loved it!
Angelie E says
This is my FAVORITE blog. Just wanted to shout that out. You guys do a great job! Please, please don’t stop blogging! Did I mention saying please? =-)
Shannon says
I’ve never commented before, but I want you guys to know I adore your blog and have been following it for several years and 3 homes. I look forward to new posts. You guys are great, and evolving, and I’ve loved every minute of it and have been extremely happy for your successes and grateful that you have shared so many intimate moments of your life.
It’s unfortunate that human nature tends to dictate that grumpy people are heard above happy people and complainers are more vocal than the content… but that’s the way it is. Ten people can tell you you’re great and the one disparaging remark will stick in your head for weeks.
Take time. Enjoy your family… the little ones grow SO FAST. Enjoy life.
I sincerely hope you guys come back…I LOVE your blog.
Marilyn says
I love to look at blogs to see pretty things and great ideas. That is what you have given us. I have to put up with rude people at my job so if I could turn it off I would too. If it isn’t fun anymore and are getting beat down then why keep doing it? Hopefully you can change it up and have a new blog and have fun doing it again.
Thanks for the memories.
Franny says
This sucks. I totally understand your reasons and think it’s wise, but it sucks.
Annie says
I have felt something was off for a while. The new house thing made you look silly. No alarm system? If that was the real issue in openingly discussing there was a pretty simple solution (get one sooner!. I glad you fessed up to that mistake.
Worse was some of the ‘support’ in the comments started to feel like the Emperors New Clothes. I’d see something where a color simply didn’t go with the rest of a room. Not a matter of opinion. It just didn’t work and I’d feel nusto with all the love for the sake of love telling you how great it was. Blogs that have that happen often fall apart.
I loved your blog before and loved all the things about it that weren’t even big DIY stuff. The window shopping, family stuff, small craft projects. I’m not sure why you turned away from those. I LOVED when you talked about what was in your drawers. What clothing you bought.
Anyway, I’d love to see the blog back in its great form again.
Catherine says
My favorite quote: “What the caterpillar thinks is the end of the world, the butterfly knows is just the beginning.” Thanks for all the advice and inspiration. I hope you keep writing. You have a lot to give and I really value your insight.
Rosie S says
Yes, you guys need to do what is good for you and your family!!! And I will miss you, and hope you can find a way to blog, but understand if you don’t. And just so you know, it is because of your blog and blogs like yours, that I picked up a saw and miter box and added chair rails to our bathrooms. I never thought I could do it, but seeing average people, not contractors, tackle these projects and succeed (!!!!) well, it really did make me say, I can do it too! And I did! Thank you. I also think you are WAY TOO hard on yourselves, and saw the defensive writing (i.e. pointing out all the unfinished details before someone else snarked about it) and thought to myself…how exhausting…so rest now, recharge, relax…and whatever you decide, I hope you it makes you happy! All the best wishes coming your way!
Nikki says
I will miss your antics while you guys take a break but I wish you the best while you get bak to the way you used to be. Don’t ever feel pressured to be something you’re not. This is your blog, create it whichever way you want.
Love you guys!
Rachel W says
As a long time reader, I have to say that I am sad to know that you guys will be “absent” for awhile, but I hope that the time away helps you not only figure out which direction to head in, but also is a special and meaningful time for your family. Thank you for such a heartfelt and honest post!
Bridget says
Wow! I am both excited for you guys to get a well-deserved break, but sad that I won’t see your posts for a while. Your blog was the very first that I began to read regularly. Way back when, I asked a question in your comment section and was so excited to get a response! I have always appreciated the positive attitude you exhibit. You have served as an inspiration for me in many ways, including home improvements, budgeting, and baby gear! I’m sorry to hear that things aren’t working as you would like right now…but please know that I still enjoyed it all, perhaps because I could relate to many of the the things you had going on (job changes, new homes, kids, etc). I wish you and your family the best in what lies ahead.
Katharina says
I’ve been following you for over three years now and will miss reading your posts very much! Like so many of the others I wish you all the best for your break. Do what feels right for you at the moment! And please don’t beat yourself up about not getting everything right all the time. Who does? After all you were/are learning by doing. No one in their right mind could expect you to be perfect or cater for their needs exclusively. I’ve seen the blogosphere change too over the last years and I think we all forget that blogs are not magazines. Blogs like yours are still very personal projects even if you can make a living from it. I respect your hard work very much! I LOVE reading your blog even though I don’t have a house, don’t have kids, can usually not participate in the give-aways or buy the products you use (living in Germany), heck, I don’t even like chihuahuas… but I will certainly come back as a reader!
Kate says
John and Sherry, I just want to thank you and let you know that you are appreciated and loved! I will miss y’all but know that taking a break is what you need to do for your own happiness and sanity. Please know that you have inspired so many readers, and we will welcome you back with wide open arms if you so choose to return. “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours.” Best of luck, and lots of love. xoxo
denise f says
. . . my thoughts: I think things seemed freshest maybe when they weren’t focused solely on your own home. I’m not talking about the model home – I particularly miss your presenting others’ homes and solving some design/redesign challenges for clients. I think focusing solely on your own family has made things somewhat one-dimensional for us.
I also want to thank you and to say how much I appreciate your lack of sponsored posts. One design blog I really loved is now seemingly sponsored every-other-post. It must be a hard temptation to walk away from, but we, your loyal readers, thank you for that!!
I live in C’ville and just know one day I’m going to run into you and I’ll be all silly about it. Maybe I won’t even say anything, but I’ll be happy.
Thank you for sharing your evolution with us. We’ll be here for whatever is next.
Erin says
I have been reading for at least four years and have read every post since the beginning. Checking your site for a new post is a part of my daily routine. You are an inspiration in everything you do including taking this time for yourselves and family.
I will be here eager as ever to devour your posts if you decide to come back and will be grateful for the 7 years of your lives that you’ve given to inspire others if you decide to move on.
Best wishes!
Margaret R says
We love you guys, we will miss you.
Denise says
I agree with many people,let’s call this a “sabbatical.” Everyone should/needs one and the two of you certainly should take one, seven years is a long time. You are the first blog I read in the morning with my coffee, I LOVE you guys even though we have never met. I too felt a few tears when I read your blog today because you guys actually feel like family. Please, come back, I’ve been reading your blog since you were called “This Young House” (if I remember correctly.) I found you by accident and I think you had just started your blog, there weren’t any comments for the longest time but I came back every day to see if there was something new. There are a few projects I would like to make from the first house, I will work on those while you are taking a break. I will also check every day because it is my daily routine and I will not break it because one day I will check and a new post will be waiting for all of us to read. I never thought you were slumping in any way either and I wasn’t annoyed if you didn’t post. You did say you were slowing down to spend time with your family and to me that was the way it should be. I love all of your posts and always have, please, come back after you are rested.
Tara S says
I’ve been reading your blog for close to 5 years. I come back to your blog because I love your writing style, I can relate to your family life, and get great inspiration from your house projects. I applaud you for making the decision to take a break. Call it a sabbatical, a belated maternity leave or an extended vacation!! You will be greatly missed but I hope you enjoy every minute.
For the record, your laundry renovation has been one of my favorite projects ever. I love that it was built from the ground up and it came out beautiful!! We renovated our laundry room last year and I cant say enough how life changing it is to do laundry in a pretty, clean room! Have fun sorting.
Allie says
I stumbled across your blog when I was planning my wedding more than 4 years ago. I’ve been reading every day since then during my lunch break, though I rarely comment. I often refer to your archives and book for ideas and inspiration. It was a pleasure to get to meet you on the first book tour–you’ve always made me feel like you care personally about each and every one of your readers. I wish you all the best, no matter what the future holds.
Dana Kay says
You all will be missed and I have enjoyed following you for the last 7 years. It’s great that you are focusing on family!! Best of luck to you!!
Claudia Boress says
This makes me sad but also understandable. It makes me sad because this is the second blog that has decided to close/take a break. The other blogger got tired of all the negative criticism she received for years. It’s so hard to put your life out there and have countless of people tear you down. That is the world we live in and I don’t know the solution because I too closed my personal blog. I’m looking forward to seeing where life takes you next! We love your creativity and your sweet family!
Kim says
This means, of course, that you are now free to travel to meet us in Zurich, Switzerland. Or Paris! ;). Heck, if you want, we will be visiting family in MN again next year and you guys can just use our place while we are gone.
(See, *this* is what happens when you read a blog devotedly! daily for 6 years. It’s like you are family!).
Wishing you happiness and peace, Petersiks. You absolutely deserve the break and any good fortune that lies ahead. <3
Laura F. says
I started reading your blog after you were featured in the Washington Post. Since then, it has become my favorite blog. I have enjoyed it so much and looked forward to all your posts. I was thinking of Bridget Jone’s Diary, when Mark Darcy tells Bridget that he loves her just the way she is. That’s how I feel about your blog! I just want to join everyone else in thanking you. Even though I have a full, wonderful life, I feel like reading your blog has enriched my life in a way that I never could have imagined in my pre-internet days. I can’t imagine being able to write more than a week’s worth of blog posts, so I congratulate you on doing this blog for so long and so well. I hope (for myself) that you continue it after your break, but I wish you well in whatever your future holds.
Claire Walker says
Enjoy your break! Love you guys and I’ll still be here whenever you decide to come back! I’ve recently started reading your blog from the start, as I only found you about 18 months ago, and your blog has evolved so much over the years already. But everyone needs a proper break, so relax and don’t even think about posts! I’d rather have you back after a long break than not at all!! :)
cara says
Yay for you guys :) I’m hoping that all 1700+ of these comments are supporting you :) — I’m not that much older, and my girls are about your kiddos’ age (my Zoe is the one I wrote in about right after Sherry shared Clara’s birth story, as Z was born 14 weeks early, and Clara’s arrival story was the first I’d been able to read without going into … I don’t know, but I appreciated you sharing it, so much!) — and a re-charge is never something to apologize for, or something that needs an explanation. I feel like your blog-writing is like art — and heck, all artists (whether writers or other medium/a) find themselves need a break, to catch their inspiration, and sometimes just to catch their breath. One thing my girls are teaching me every day is HOLY COW TIME IS PASSING AND YOU WILL NEVER GET THIS DAY BACK. I try not to feel the guilt with that, but — it’s definitely made me re-think my own approach to work, when it interferes with my home life — like, real-life, in my opinion :) Hugs to all of you — take your time, and really — treat this like a job, and don’t check in on your vacay ;) Glad to hear you’re taking a social media break — I hope y’all truly get to just sit back and relax for a spell :)
Traci says
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years and this is my first time to comment.
I just wanted to tell you all that you’re awesome. You’ve built an amazing blog and an amazing community around that blog. Not everyone could (or actually does) do it like you guys do.
This is a place that’s always light-hearted, that feels like a “come on guys, let’s go do this fun thing together!” type of space and is a fun place to be.
I’ve been wondering for a while if there’s ever a time when a blog (any blog) “runs its course”. I think sometimes it’s easy for readers to forget that a blog isn’t a website – it’s bloggers, people who have to create and photograph and edit and write and do so much to make these posts available.
I guess what I’m trying to say is just this: I get it, taking the step back, wanting to refresh and to do the best that you can do. Don’t feel bad or weird or ashamed about that. But please do come back.
The internet needs nice people!
heather says
I had a sneaky feeling this post was coming. Bravo guys. Bravo. I wish you happiness, rest, wonderful times with the kiddos, and rest…did I mention rest? :)
If you continue the blog – there will be millions waiting for your return. If you don’t, then there will be millions who still love you and who have had amazing project/DIY/inspirational reading. Well done Team P. Well done.
Bless you guys – and REST!!! ;)
Anna says
First off your post about the door install was GREAT! My husband and I have been trying to decide what to do about 4 door situations in our home. This post will save us big $$. Not to sound harsh but I can get style my table stuff anywhere. As a home owner your needs change. First you paint, hang curtains and do the pretty stuff. Then you grow into the projects in your home. (Laying hardwood, additions, total bathroom/kitchen reno’s) I can see where some folks might not end this info. (Renters) But, in my household we need all that handy construction stuff.
Yes, your blog has evolved. It has been 7 years. Maybe the the naysayers need to realize their needs have changed. Free stuff is great. I’ve got some pieces from your target line. I love that you show the mistakes as well as the triumphs. Take a break we all need them. Then, remember it is your blog and you can do what you want.
Maria says
Just wanted to say thank you for all the love and hard work you’ve put into the blog thus far. It always added something interesting to my week. I appreciate your willingness to share so much of yourselves with cyberland. Best of luck discerning your next steps!
Dani says
I have been following your blog since way before Clara’s birth. My concern for your public life grew with the birth of Clara and now Teddy. The blog and posting pictures of them is lovely from the sense that you are sharing, but does not allow them privacy. Who are you really sharing with? It may not be the safest thing for your kids. We recently had an FBI agent come to my child’s school and he urged us to not even post pictures of our children on Facebook that is restricted only to “our friends”. I would love to see you return refreshed and taking on house projects soon. But I would urge you to keep your public blog to items about homes, decor and perhaps even the dog. Please reconsider making your children’s lives public. This public life and brand is something you chose for yourselves (and we all love it!) but your beautiful children deserve privacy and protection.
Angie k says
Aw, my eyes watered up when I got to your last line.
I hope you find whatever it is that makes you happy and carefree and inspired. I also hope that whatever it is, even if it isn’t to come back to the blog, you will share with us. After reading every post for 6 years I feel like you guys are friends. I admire and respect the hell out of you two and truly hope that closing this door – for a little while or forever – opens up some doors you didn’t even dream existed. And I hope they open up soon :)