This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Gale S says
I have loved every bit of your blog. You have always been genuine and real. I’ve read every blog you have ever written and loved every one of them. As one of your well over 65 year old readers,I understand how fast life flies by and the need to reconnect with yourself and your family. Every day at lunch at work, I log in to check out your progress on the house, see how big Clara and Teddy (my virtual grandkids) have gotten,and marvel at the wonderful job you are doing at both. Please know we understand and wish you all the best, but also hope you continue “keeping in touch”. Love to all of you.
Amelia says
I hope this break lets you find your groove, passion, and love again. In the last 7 years, I think the whole internet has gotten harsher. The few flat out mean comments and the many unfiltered comments bring readers and writers alike down. We all feel it. I hope you can find a way to overcome it, because you will be missed while you are gone.
Carolyn says
I just saw this pop up on my FB feed and was intrigued. Shows how busy I am with only ONE child at home… I didn’t even catch up on reading your blog and missed the whole comment thread last week.
1.) I cannot imagine how you do it all. One child here who hated to nap, and forget using a power tool in my house when he does… it’s amazing to see what you’ve created while Clara was little!
2.) The steps involved to compose a post… I can’t imagine how you do it all (again!). It’s not a fast job. I’m sure you’ve got your process, but it still takes time to create, style (and proofread!).
3.) There will always be differing opinions. I think that you should do what is best for your family, not your internet family. I was amazed (envious?) that you were blogging so much (accomplishing so much) with little Teddy around. Many parents take a couple weeks sans work to adjust to life with baby again. You guys seemed to have no downtime.
4.) I did not ever feel like you were pushing product or getting corporate. And if you were – so what! It’s you’re life to choose to experiment. You could be telling us you’re scrapping the DIY blog and moving to a brick and mortar store… it’s all good!
I appreciate all the thoughtfulness that goes into your posts. There’s never anything cavalier. It’s amazing to see the transformation of spaces… I have been inspired many, many times since I received your book (which led me to your blog) as a Christmas present. I think it’s lovely that you give us voyeurs a glimpse into your lives with some of the more personal posts. We humans are curious by nature, I think.
But in the end – good luck with whatever you do!!! and please enjoy the break!
Heather says
Awww! We love you guys too! Enjoy your break! Rediscover your passion. Sharing that passion with us has been what has made the blog ‘bright and sparkly’.
…and don’t forget to email us when you are back. :)
Myamogabi says
I am very sad that you are taking a break, even though at the same time I totally understand. I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!! I have enjoyed your blog for so long! You guys have been wonderful (and if possible, come back refreshed)!
Nina says
Oh gosh, I never thought a blog could make me feel so emotional. I could just cry reading this but I’m so proud of ya’ll for making your family and your own happiness a priority. I could tell by the way the first couple of paragraphs where going where this was headed, so I just braced myself and scrolled down to see the part about you taking a break. Once my suspicions were confirmed, I could gather myself, so to speak, and finish reading it all.
I feel so bad that y’all have felt pressured and off beat and that you take so much criticism. Who are readers to tell you what to do or what we want? Be yourselves and be proud and enjoy your life and your family.
I do sooooo hope that you will come back to blogging for my own selfish enjoyment, but I understand. I would love to see a balance of things. You were doing way to many blog posts a few months ago and then lately, it seems like not enough. Maybe find some middle ground and share the things you really love, even if that’s little art projects or Clara and Teddy things. We so miss the family blog. It was one of the things that makes us feel like we know you, albeit through a screen.
Anyway, you deserve a break to take time to reevaluate. All successful people have to do that. You’re being wise.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
Gretchen says
Said with respect and love from a LONG time reader: I am trying to understand. I really am. But this feels an awful lot like you weren’t winning the game so you’re taking your ball and going home. You’ll never “win” if you run home with your tail tucked between your legs. I didn’t read all of the thousand comments the other day, but I read enough to guess that none of them suggested you quit. Maybe it’s just temporary…. but what if it isn’t? How would your readers really know and how can they trust you now after you are walking away? IMHO, this is not the solution. :(
Katy says
I have always appreciated your no-swag, pass-it-on mentality when it comes to the typical blogger perks. I have a degree in journalism, and one of the things that has bugged me about any blog I read is wondering if the writer just “likes” a company or product because they get stuff for free. It’s such a conflict of interest! You guys have done a VERY good job of putting a clear line of demarcation between your written content and your paid sponsor content. I have NEVER once questioned your integrity in the five years I’ve been reading.
Hope you enjoy a well-deserved break and figure out a good way to bring back the bloggy balance you strive for… because I would totally miss this weekly indulgence! YHL is the ONLY blog I read religiously!
Rest up!
Rachael says
So incredibly bummed – but that’s a good thing! It means that you two mean so much to me, and provide a break in my daily grind that allows my brain to wander and learn from you so that I stay inspired. How’s that for love? You inspire me! But dang, if anything, I would say you probably don’t vacation enough.
If I was your supervisor, I’d be asking you to exercise more time away from work to refresh. At my company, you get another 5 days off for every 5 years on the job – so you definitely are behind in taking more breaks!
Good for you, and I look forward to your fantastic return, whatever it may be! (But will truly miss the disappearance of the rest of the blue trim…..:)
Nicole says
Just wanted to pop in and say I totally agree with Rachael. You’re an inspiration and the blog has always felt like a friend. I was so excited to meet you when you came to Tacoma on your book tour! I never felt like you were losing your spark, but if you feel like you are, that’s what REALLY matters! And yes, my boss would also be making me take a lot more vacation than you, even though it means sometimes things don’t get done OR they have to be done by someone else.
I hope you come back, but not if that’s not the right thing for you. Love you guys and, in case you don’t come back, thank you so much for all the inspiration and love you’ve already given us!
amy says
Enjoy you’re sabbatical. May you find your joy and passion again. Dream jobs at some point can (and usually do) become jobs. Hope to see you blogging again soon.
Julie says
We all struggle with feeling like we’ve lost our groove at work and having to find our way back, but most of us don’t have to do it on the web. Obviously, with the semi-anonymity of the net, it is a cruel place to struggle. I love this blog and hope it comes back someday, but if it doesn’t, best of luck to y’all.
Courtney J says
I appreciate your honesty. I think having that 2nd child really changes it up a lot. (the 3rd rocked our world) I also think there is only so many ways to skin a cat & being in what you think will be your forever home changes things a lot. My husband & I have 3 kids under 3 & we realized that $ doesn’t make us happy but time does. So he is quitting his job to work with me at my business so we have more time. Wishing you all the best.
brittanyMakes says
oh boy! i feel like something broke inside of me a little, i never expected you guys of all bloggers to feel this way, but we’re all human and nothing lasts forever, so of course it’s natural. as a reader and a rare commenter, its difficult not to feel like the loud mouth commenters are the ones with the most influence and sure, have influenced your current position. there are so many of your readers who dont comment who, guaranteed, wouldn’t fault you in the least for making this blog into a business. i disagree that it feels more business-y than ever. this is what you guys DO. but doing what you do all day every day is absolutely exhausting i’m sure. your readers are loyal, we love you and will be here when and if you return to your groove. you’ve inspired hundreds of thousands of people, i hope you feel so proud of yourselves, its an accomplishment not everyone can achieve!
Pancho says
We understand! Breaks are good. Enjoy yours, and then come back to us refreshed, refocused, and ready for the next wonderful phase.
Christina says
It was early 2009 and I was looking for wedding inspiration after becoming recently engaged. I landed on this blog called This Young House and fell in love with this couple’s amazing DIY wedding. Before then, I hadn’t really read blogs and spent the whole day/evening reading every single post to-date. Soon enough, I was talking about “John and Sherry” to my new husband, family members, and friends. I was addicted to their DIY adventures, to their sassy wit, to their inspirational writing and most of all, to their drama-free environment. No other blogger was able to manage everything with such class and maturity. I remember the post that talked about the name change, and I was frustrated with the mama company for pulling one on you all. I remember the post when you all announced when you were expecting, and I was elated with joy for you both. I remember when you announced the selling of your new home and I was sad, but at the same time crazy excited for your new adventure. And I remember the announcement of your book tour when I literally ran to my husband (who was showering) and jumped up and down when I learned I may get the chance to meet you. As you take your break, your maternity and/or paternity leave, or decide if you want to move on to a new adventure, I just want to thank you both for being such a positive part of my life over the last 6 years. You all have been there during my five years of marriage, four moves, three jobs, one dog, and well, many attempts to DIY. Sending you both virtual hugs.
Emily says
Goodness knows you guys deserve this break! Take as long as you need and enjoy it. :) I completely understand.
Sarah says
I’m so sad! I only discovered your blog about a year ago but it has always seemed fun and heartfelt, never business-y. There is a major fixer upper that my husband and I are looking at and I keep wishing you could see it and tell me what you’d do to it. I love love love this blog and your little family so please come back soon!
Emily says
I hope you are doing a happy dance right now & feeling all light & airy. Enjoy the extended rest!! Thanks for the reminder we can all use one at various points in our lives.
Melanie says
I’ve never commented (bad reader!) but I’ve followed since pre-Clara. Love you guys – and I get this – but I’m hoping you will come back.
(Also as a mom of 2 similar aged kids I have no idea how you do any renos)
Suzanne Gille says
I will miss this blog! It really has been my favorite to read these past several years. I hope the break is a good breathing moment for you all, and that you really do intend to come back to this. Best wishes!
Shelley says
In the 6 years I’ve been reading this, I don’t think I have ever read any of the comments.
Then I turn up to find you’re going; then I backtrack.
FWIW, I think the whole thing is great. I like that you are living life, prettying your house, being tired, having children etc. to me, that makes it real.
Of course post numbers will fluctuate over time; life fluctuates. But if, for some reason I don’t want to read the post (i.e I’m in Australia, so most competitions leave us croc lovers out of it haha) I simply don’t read it.
Mostly that’s why I’ve never commented. It’s not my PLACE to give you my thoughts. Your house, your family, your blog; your decision!
There’s things I’d probably not pick for my house; & if/when there’s more I don’t like than what I do; I’ll just stop reading!!
Best of luck guys; please stay in touch, even if it’s a ‘hi, we’re not dead’ post; I’ll miss reading over my morning coffee!!!
Julianna says
I started reading this blog in college, when I came across it.. I don’t even remember. I was young and wanted to become an “interior designer”. This blog and a tall glass of chocolate milk was my reward for getting up “early” (for your first post :)
Now I am in my second year of teaching elementary students (talk about career change) and I have been devoted to catching up any second I get!
Enjoy the break, thanks for the memories!
Jofevens says
You are my favorite blog, the reason I even read blogs! I have read every post and never commented before but I just wanted to say that you both are amazing, your family is beautiful and I look forward to reading many more posts. You have worked hard for everything that you have received and deserve nothing but warm wishes and good thoughts. Take care and hope to read some posts soon. P. S. The laundry room looks amazing!
Gena says
I did not read all the comments and I’m not sure if this was stated, but one of things that has been weighing on me as a reader and a working mom of two little ones is that Sherry did not take maternity leave and John did not take paternity leave. When our second was born Dad took three weeks off and I took off three months. I know you have your own business to run, but the jump from one kid to two is quite the transition. I’m so glad now that you are taking time to be with your growing family and find the right dynamic for you. Thanks for your honesty.
Amber says
Enjoy your break! If you decide to come back, we’ll be here. If not, good luck in your new adventures (though I would be so sad not to see the rest of your house finished).
Jaclyn says
It’s my first time commenting on your blog as a long-time reader (five years). Good for you guys for realizing that you need a break, and taking the opportunity for one! There’s nothing better than being able to take a step back, catch your breath, and reevaluate. In all honesty I’ve enjoyed your blog more in these few months since Teddy’s arrival than I had for the year or two prior to that. Back then things felt (to me) like they’d reached a frenetic pace and it was hard for me to keep up with so many projects/posts and stay interested.
You guys have such a devoted following because you’re authentic in an internet world of phoniness. I’ll be sad for me/us if you choose to make this sabbatical permanent, but I’ll be happy for your little family regardless of the path you choose!
Cassie Moore says
You’ve got the seven year itch. It’s okay. Enjoy your break. I never felt anything lacking and I never felt that you turned into a brand. I enjoy the YHL products you have been able to partner and do. It allowed me to share in your impeccable style and you did things that were budget friendly. The nay Sayers are just jealous it happened to you instead of them. You balanced it well without getting all”this is a commercial”. Look forward to your return.
Helen says
Well done guys, you need a break to re-charge. You’ve been through sooooo much lately. I was surprised you didn’t take a break when Teddy was born, especially after all the showhouse craziness! I’m totally looking forward to you coming back. I’ve said before that I loved your simpler posts, like Sherry’s make up, organising drawers, etc, as they were simple updates anyone (including me!) could achieve. Maybe simpler projects might bring your spark back? This laundry room project has been huge and I bet you’re so exhausted! Hope you have a lovely re-charge. Thank you so much for all you’ve written so far :-)
Christen says
I’ve so enjoyed making your blog part of my daily routine. You’ve inspired quite a transformation in our home which including moving the kitchen to an entirely different room and removing a load-bearing wall. Your DIY braveness convinced me that my husband and I can tackle so much ourselves. Next up the garage! I hope you enjoy this time to regroup. I’ll be back when you are! Cheers!
Sara says
First of all…I have been a loooong time reader….like an everyday can’t wait to see what’s on YHL eeeeek!!!….reader. :) I have your book, Target hooks and I mention your projects to people like I know ya. So total fangirl here.
With that being all said my initial reaction to the post was “whaaat?! Eff off!”…but then I remembered that I’ve been in the same situation (relatively speaking) and in some ways with a couple projects am now. I get it. When something you love becomes a job…ESPECIALLY something creative…it farts all the fun out of it. So even though I’m bummed (let’s be real…I was bummed when the posts went down from 5 days a week to 2-3ish)….I totally high five you for recognizing the ish and taking steps to deal. My fingers are crossed you’ll find your happy again and come back a’blazin’ with contant out the ying yang.
I was thinking though…maybe in the meantime you could think about allowing guest bloggers/contributors. Even maybe not just in the interim but for always. I read other blogs that are on your level (or less) that do just that and I always enjoy those posts. It’s refreshing and fun to see other people’s styles/projects….and also if they have their own blog it’s fun to pop over there and more often than not they go on my daily blogroll too. I found lots of fun blogs when you did the Pinterest challenges and house tours. Maybe a fun thing would be to do roundups of various projects….like “Here’s a group of bloggers who are showing their favorite homemade Halloween decor…blah…blah….”
Anyhoo….those are just my thoughts barfing out to you guys. I really hope your break is amazing and you find peace…whether it’s with or without the blog.
Much love,
Carrie says
I don’t think I’ve ever commented before, but I felt I should add my thoughts to the 1700+ folks before me.
I have been reading for years, and feel so privileged that you have welcomed all of us into your personal lives for so long. I mean seriously, we all feel like we know you, but you don’t know anything about us or what we choose to do or not do with our lives. That’s the crazy thing about the internet is that people feel a right to make a comment on, well, everything! Haha.
Anyway, I have always enjoyed your blog – no complaints. If some folks aren’t into some of the choices you make, they can just find a different blog to read, right? Seems like there are plenty of us who consider you to be a part of our cyber-family and aren’t going anywhere!
I wish you all the best in whatever you decide is best for your family. I am just grateful that you were willing to be so open and vulnerable with all of us for so many years.
Meredith says
Like many others here, I have been reading YHL for years but have never posted a comment before. However, I am compelled to comment today so I can thank you both for all the happiness, humor and expertise you’ve brought to my life. I am truly grateful. Best wishes to you and your family in whatever you decide to do going forward (though I selfishly hope you return to blogging!).
Eryka says
Saaaaddd…but understandable. I dearly hope that you guys come back and love it again. This is by far my favorite blog and I think very highly of EVERYTHING you guys have done and will do. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Amanda says
Sorry to hear things are not working out guys. And i feel it – Its off. Since the new house and sweet Teddy coming along things havent been what they use to be. And thats ok :) I hope you guys do what is right for you and find a balance :) Much love from Australia
Becky Sutton says
I have loved your site from the beginning and felt a part of your family. I certainly understand taking some time off from this blog to enjoy life with no deadlines, pressures or any criticism from anyone.
You will be missed and then welcomed back if that is your desire. If you decide to follow another dream I know I will be one of many that wishes you happiness and success.
Andi says
I love you guys, and I concur with all the support above. You wrote this gracefully, just as you do everything else. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of anything else, and I appreciate the boundaries and introspection. See you soon!
Sarah says
So I have never commented on your blog before but felt I had to this time. You guys are totally awesome! I love your humor and honesty and really felt that come through in your posts. I have a little girl the same age as Clara and a little boy born one week before Teddy. SUCH a busy time! I certainly can’t imagine running a blog and doing all the things you do WHILE prioritizing your family. And that’s what those haters don’t get and that’s what I love about you. It’s clear family is first and that’s how it always should be. You will be very blessed indeed to look back on your life someday and know you kept the main thing, the main thing. God bless and hope you come back from your sabbatical refreshed!
Rebecca says
YHL was my gateway home design/improvement blog. Since then its remained in first place. You’ve been honest, consistent and inspiring for the entire ride. While I read many blogs now, I’m not convinced there’s a replacement for John & Sherry. You will be missed!
Marta says
I have to say this is affecting me way more than I expected! You guys have been such a regular part of my life the last few years it’s almost like losing a friend. That being said I completely understand and am excited for you both and your family to reassess and figure out what other opportunities may lie ahead for you. It will be sad not being able to read your blog every day but as someone who also quit doing something I am very passionate about recently I think it gives you new perspective and can either renew your passion or show you a path to something else. Best of luck to your family and whether you return or not I hope you know you have made such an impact worldwide on total strangers and we will all miss you!
Misty says
As much as I totally LOVE reading the daily posts, I get it! Do what feels right for you and your fam. It never hurts to take a step back and breathe once in awhile. Good for you for realizing. Whether you come back or not, I wish you guys the best of luck. xoxo
Elaine says
Love you guys for your DIY, love you guys for sharing everything, love you guys for caring about us all, but mostly love you guys for being you.
Wishing you blessings and peace as you look to re-find ‘you’ and work out what it all means.
Will miss my internet ‘besties’, looking forward to maybe finding you again in the future… x
katalina says
well this makes me so sad. i have read your blog from the beginning. told so many people about your blog and bought your book.
the only blog I read every day. loved the writing, the humbleness, the honesty, the transparency.
loved every post even though I knew some posts were too complicated for me I appreciated the detail and the beauty or the organized site and resources if I ever did marry john’s twin brother with same skill set.
I wondered how you could answer some comments to me that seemed so demanding or trite or not so nice and hoped there was a button that you could block and drop them into thin air.
but maybe being so nice and so transparent gets backlash. undeserved backlash.
never thought the blog was off. you had another child, was not blogging every day but you were always upfront. I thought it was remarkable that the blog lead to other opportunities.
I just don’t know what I will do without you and your lovely family for a month…but I hope you find what you are searching for.
continue to be ethical and kind and humble and the good things will come to you.
Carla says
Oh NO! Now how am I going to get my husband to do stuff, meaning, when I want to DIY, I always start by saying, “Well, on YHL, John and Sherry did…” :)
I honestly think you are a fabulous couple with so much ahead of you. Your blog is wonderful and I have stolen, errr, borrowed many ideas from you because of your “thinking outside the box” approach (you helped with our kitchen a long time ago, when you were making phone calls and mood boards and we loved it! I even called you my “designer friend” for a while… a little creepy, no??).
Anyway, ENJOY your break(?), and hopefully you will return refreshed. But, good luck anyway even if you choose another path. I don’t doubt for a minute that we won’t see your beautiful faces somewhere in the future!!
Take care of each other and much happiness to you and your family! And thank you for helping me be a better DIYer :)
Wynn Anne says
You guys have given great inspiration and practical tips for years, and I am so grateful for that. You don’t owe us anything! At the end of the day, it will be you two and your beautiful children together. The classic “on your deathbed” regrets would not likely concern letting down your blog audience, they would be regretting not making your family, your children, and your relationship your greater priority.
Going from one child to two is a huge life-changer. Be good to yourselves.
Megan says
One tidbit I found very interesting, which I forgot to mention in my previous comment, was how you really want to keep the blog a priority. I was definitely in the camp of those feeling you had bigger fish to fry (in a supportive, not mean way!). Now that I know you DO want to rediscover yourselves in this medium… have you thought about cutting back on all the other social media outlets for good? As a 30-something Mom of 3 myself, I have found there is nothing better than feeling streamlined and balanced in my life. You can still have a brand and create wonderful things, but you don’t need to be “everywhere” to do so. Quality always trumps quantity. Your blog became so popular because people came HERE to find you… and you came HERE to express yourselves. Feeling the need to be so accessible on fb, instagram, twitter, pinterest, etc. isn’t a must in my opinion (and probably a strong factor in your burnout). Go back to your roots. Build it and they will come. :-)
Heidi says
Like so many others have expressed, I am teary at the thought of no more Petersik updates,This had to be a hard post to write, but I so understand the need to step back, evaluate and make sure what you are doing is right for your family and your vision. I hope this is just a sabbatical and not the end of YHL,your honesty and your authenticity are what makes you feel like good friends or family to so many of your readers, myself included. I have loved watching you transform all 3 houses and your family too. Wishing you a break that re-energizes you and gives you your passion back. And can we still have a few instagram and facebook peeks every once in awhile? It just makes my day to see a pic pop up of Clara/Teddy/Burger and of course you two too. Big hugs, hope to see you back soon!
ANN says
selfishly… I really hope you come back. You were the last blog I followed faithfully.
however, if this is no longer your dream job, good luck in your new endeavors.
Adam says
I’ve been a weekly reader for years, and I’ve always found your posts to be a great mix of education and inspiration – even if we don’t see eye to eye on all color choices, lol. As a guy, I especially like the posts where you focus on demo and reno, but I typically still read them all. After all, even the best renovations are not impressive until they are decorated. To me, blogging about home improvement is a way to keep a photo journal of my progress, track what I’ve learned, and keep friends and family up to date if they can’t visit now and then to see the progress. You’re writing your own story, your readers cannot tell you what that is. So enjoy your break (whatever will you do without publishing deadlines?!) – but I’ll miss your quirky titles each week.
Beth says
I’ve read every one of your blogposts and will miss them this month. Good luck with your decision. Since this post made me cry (for real) at the thought of you possibly discontinuing your blog, I also think I need a break. Creepy…
Brittney says
I can’t imagine what the last week has been like for you both and I am not surprised by this decision. I followed the discussion and was appalled at some of the comments people were leaving. However, several (if not most) seemed to be coming from a place of love. I hope you know that there are more people out her on the WWW who love you than those who don’t. I will miss you! I hope this isn’t the end, but I would understand if it was. You are such an inspiration (not just in home stuff and DIY) but you’ve always been honest and humble and deserve every ounce of success you’ve received. I will add you to my prayer list -that you find peace and comfort in whatever decision you make! This will all blow over soon! Xoxo!