This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Diana Potter says
I have been an avid reader for a few years now. I don’t feel that you have EVER let me down as a reader, or that the quality of your posts has changed or deteriorated. I don’t expect every post to be relevant to me and not all are, but I always enjoy reading them. I feel sad for you that you have endured this criticism and I wish I had thought to tell you how much I enjoyed your blog before now.
Having said that – we all need a break from time to time. I will miss checking in on YHL, but wish you all the best on your sabbatical. I hope you enjoy this time with the pressure off while you think about the next phase of your lives. Enjoy the time with your precious family and recharge those batteries. Best wishes, Diana
Jenna says
Enjoy your well-deserved break! And take as much time as you need! Your posts will be dearly missed, but everyone needs a break sometimes. Plus you just had a baby! Enjoy your beautiful family, and we’ll still be here when you come back!
Stephanie says
John and Sherry,
With almost 2000 comments I’m not sure you will see this, but I’m going to say it anyway. You just had a baby not all that long ago and that alone is a huge change, not to mention trying to keep up with all the “paying jobs” and be more creative on top of it! One thing you need to do with this break is stop kicking yourselves for “letting people down”. Family ALWAYS comes first and if people don’t understand that, well, screw em!
I will admit that I was a bit taken aback at how open you were about the new house, because I know Richmond, and I know I probably could have found your house if I had tried, and if I could do it, what about someone with bad intentions? Another site I follow (about abandoned buildings and architecture) has started listing only the county where the house is located, unless it is a well-known historic site. That happened because someone vandalized a house that they had discussed the location of and cost the owner several thousand dollars. Maybe it wasn’t because of the site, but nobody knows, so it surprised me that you would share so much identifying info. That’s definitely something to keep in mind for your future writing.
I’m sure that this break will do you good. With all that’s going on, you have “writer’s block” and you just have to let it work itself out. Take care and kiss Clara and Teddy for me. <3
xanthe says
Dear John and Sherry.
I will miss you guys during your break, but totally respect the need for a break and I am happy you have the guts to this. I think I have read every word you have written, and you have been such an inspiration to me, not only getting my house together but personally i.e. breastfeeding my daughters – best thing I have done for them (I didn’t know anyone personally who done it and even my family thought I was weird!)
I think I found your blog at the start of 2009 and I read my way through the archives. I think you related with me as we are the same age and were trying to DIY our old outdated houses on a budget.
Anyhoo, enjoy your time off how ever long it takes and I’ll see you at the other side! x
Jessica says
I have been a casual reader (as a business owner myself I’m pretty busy and mostly live cathartically through your amazing posts and homes!). So, this comes less as a reader and more as a wife, mom, and business owner. This may get lost in the fray of comments, but mostly I want to encourage you to follow your gut and do first and foremost what is best for you and your family! Secondly, kudos to you for realizing when you (and your ‘brand’) were not staying true to your mission and in need of a refresh to switch courses. If you want to touch base with an amazing couple who is doing something similar with a non profit they started several years ago – I’d be happy to put you in touch! Light Gives Heat grew a successful fair trade non profit that helped women in Uganda gain employment through producing beaded products. The recently have shifted gears and are working on a new web series centered around stories from around the world. Sounds kind of random on the surface, but their journey reminds me much of what you have shared here. Here’s their current site: Send me an email if you want to touch base and get some feedback from a couple who has been in a similar situation I can put you in touch directly with them.
Mrs. A says
You are my favorite, favorite blog (after, of course, my husband’s daddy blog). :)
I never felt let down – I always enjoyed your honestly, sense of humor, and fun posts – whether they were family or house related. I feel very fortunate that you let me into your lives and shared so much. Of course, your focus would change with 2 kiddos – whose doesn’t!
Enjoy your sabbatical!
Tanya K says
So glad that you are doing what is right for you guys! Your happiness should always come first! Since you started your blog life has been busy for your family and lots has changed! Some times when we are so busy it is hard to really grasp the changes that have happened and the impact that they have had as we go from day to day. From my own experience; in the last 7 years my husband and I have built 3 homes and had 4 children, when you are busy and don’t take the time to reassess and change you just reach a point when things stop working. What I have learned is to never try to get back but to find a way to move forward. Too much has changed in your life’s; babies and moving does that, that trying to get back to where you were 7 years ago is challenging maybe unrealistic, but moving forward is refreshing and less pressure. There are no expectations to live up to when you are trying new things; only trial and error until you find a new grove. You should be really proud of yourselves for stepping back and reassessing; most people just plough through hoping for the best! Can’t wait to see what your time away allows you to come up with! Enjoy your little ones!!! -xx-
Laura@JourneyChic says
As a longtime reader I was so sad and surprised to read this! I noticed a little “lack” of spark over the past few months but it seemed natural – parenting two children is exhausting. Blogging should be fun – even if (and especially if) it’s your career. I have blogged on and off since 2008 and am in the midst of an “off” period. I simply lost my creative mojo between full-time work and mothering two little ones, and I’m still struggling to get it back. The stress/time of blogging about every little project – between photography, writing, and promotion – started to PREVENT me from starting new projects. When that happened I knew it was time to step back and wait until the joy and motivation returned.
Best of luck to you. I’ll be here when you return!
jina says
I feel like I shouldn’t be emotional about this, but I kind of am. I’ve read this blog for so long. I think I almost consider you guys friends (please don’t get creeped out by that). I know in relationships there are times when one person feels depleted and tired and lackluster. Lives go through ebbs and flows. We feel creativity soar and swoop. While I don’t think you’ve been “phoning it in”, I understand that sometimes it may feel that way to you. It’d be weird if that never happened! Anyway, I love this place. I love you two. I desperately want you back in my life. And if you post complete dribble, I’d probably still read every single line. I’m just that kind of friend. ;)
Gloria Martz says
I’ve never commented before like many others today, but I’ve been a loyal reader for years. Just wanted to give you guys my full support. You all are such an inspiration and should do what is best for your sweet family. We will all miss you and hope to see you back here soon!
Beth A says
I will miss you guys, but wish you all the best. Taking a sabbatical sounds like the perfect solution. Looking forward to seeing what you do next!
G Burchell says
John and Sherry,
I feel so sad but so happy for you both. I’m sure this wasn’t an easy decision for you. I have loved reading your blog each day. Many insomniac nights you have brought a smile to my face. You have inspired me as I have tackled my own home. You have shared your talents and your friendship. I am so happy you are going to take a break. I can’t imagine giving of myself in the way you guys have. You guys work so hard! I look forward to seeing your new ventures whether it is blogging, or new books or exciting Target products or something completely different. You guys deserve some peace and a chance to regroup. I am so sad I feel like this is goodbye but I wish you all the best with your future ventures. I’m sure only good will come from this for you. Good luck!!!! You’ll be missed. I hope you guys can just relax for a bit before the next big thing!
Much love x
Katherine Kelly says
I’m happy you guys can take a break. No matter what, you’ve done one amazing thing here and I’ll welcome you back with loving arms. Everything has seasons, so try to remember that as you process through this break. Best from MN!
Linzay says
Please come back! I love you guys and your blog, and have never once thought differently. Haters are gonna hate, but don’t let them get to you. This is your blog, your baby, your business and you can build it, brand it, and run it however you like. There are thousands of us who love it and understand you need to make money off it to continue. I think it’s great you have the option to post less and take a break so you can revamp and spend more time with your family–and I think nearly every one of your readers if given that opportunity would take it.
Keep being awesome :) And have a great blog break!
Kat says
Good for you. Seriously some of the comments on here have been so out of line and pissy. If I were you I would have taken a step back a while ago. It’s extremely stressful to try your best and people just are out of line and just attack. People are angry you spent to much or too little or offended at the thought of you making too much money. ( um ok and that’s a bad thing?) Telling you how you raise your kids is wrong. One spelling mistake is apparently the end of the world. Puhlease , listen do your own thing and enjoy your life and what you’ve done. I hope things get better for you!!! If you ever need a real down to earth person to talk have my email. I’m not kidding either. btw when are the kids having their first disney trip? Lol I’m an expert at telling people they need a disney trip.
Nora says
Rock on.
Michelle says
Is it crazy to say that I would love a blog that is about YOU all??? I have just loved watching your little family grow. I love your take on things and how you really seem to see the big picture. A lot of people go through transitions in life. It would be great to see how you handle it… I’m sure you all are talented in many ways besides blogging, but I for one will miss your sweet little family and all of your adventures!
Cinny says
Dear Sherry and John,
Along with everyone else, I’ve been a reader for several years as well. Honestly, you are a part of my every day life. Every day at 10:00 a.m., I take my morning break from my work, and yours is the first blog that I check every morning.
I’ve noticed a change, but I didn’t think it was a bad one. Look at all you have done over the past year and a half! A book tour, a Target line, the Home-a-rama house, a new house, and most importantly, a new baby. I figured, that, hey! These people (being you, the Petersiks) have built a successful business and they deserve to do what they want to!
I don’t comment often, in fact, I’m not sure if I’ve commented ever. I don’t read other people comments, either. I’m so sorry if people have been sipping the haterade when it comes to you. I often find that when people are jealous (not specifically the blog community. Although, hiding behind a computer screen often makes people more brazen, and often times downright rude) they take it out on the people that they are jealous of. Just for the record – there was nothing wrong with how you announced your new house! I was excited for you, and excited to watch as you transformed your new home. I’m still excited to see your changes.
I’ve loved your small posts, your table setting posts, Clara conversations, how-to posts, house crashing, window shopping, vacation posts. The only thing I dislike about the giveaways is that I have never, ever won one! :)
Take your time as you decide how to proceed. Know that you have most definitely changed my experience as a blog reader, and have made my days better by being on the internet! :)
Melissa says
Thank you so much for everything you’ve shared with us so far! My husband and I transformed our kitchen cabinets thanks entirely to your painting tutorials, and my little girl’s booty has been comfy in her bumgenius cloth diapers for two years, all thanks to you guys! I could name a dozen more things that you guys have helped me with over the years! Wishing your family much happiness wherever life takes you!
Cathy says
Refresh, re-invent, re-launch with fresh posts, 2 or 3 times a week. Most bloggers would love the publicity behind the YHL brand. And, you need to sell that second book. Good luck!
EmmyA says
I was a little scared to read this post because I was afraid you would say goodbye to the blog world. And I’m super sad because yours is the one blog I don’t skip reading. However, I’m so glad you guys are taking a break to unplug for a while. Know that we’ll be here when you return. I’ve got to see how your dining room turns out eventually when all that blue trim goes away! We love you guys!!!
Emily W says
I don’t post often, but maybe this will be encouraging after your break. I LOVE your blog! It’s the only blog that is actually in my toolbar :-) I haven’t been disappointed in the least with any of your posts. I’m glad you’re doing whatever is best for your family! Whether you blog again or just move onto regular jobs, I wish you the best! Enjoy every minute with your family :-)
Brian says
My first thought when you announced you were pregnant was “Holy cow- you guys do so much that surely your pace will HAVE to change with a second kiddo” and I’m delighted to hear that it will – you’re awesome humans, but you’re not super-humans.
Take the time you need, set the pace you need, and for goodness sake, don’t let the Internet steer your decisions! We’ll be here. Until you’ve done something consistently, you can never know how tough it is to come up with fresh content EVERY DAY, and your posts come with budgets and time spent not only on a project but on capturing and recording the event! Sheesh! As a reader, it’s awesome to read, but I have no illusions as to how hard that must be to do and still keep up with comments/spam/social media! Oh, and your personal lives!
Breaks are good for the soul! Enjoy!
Mary says
Noooooo!! Now how will I be able to pass the time at my unfulfilling and uninspiring desk job??? Best of luck and hope you come back :)
jessica says
What am I going to do everyday at 10:00am. I’m still in shock, will miss you guys. You have become such a part of my life somehow. xo
Ramona says
To quote you:” It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly(…)”. For me, that´s the essence of your dilemma. Your expectations regarding your own work maybe even higher than your readers! Yes, I did miss the spontaneity of the good ol´days- but than: you are parents now! I “discovered” you blog exactly 5 years(!!!) ago when I was looking for DIY-ideas for our wedding. So it´s “our” fifth anniversary, too! I never got addicted to a blog before or after YOU! Your blog, your reports from the “other side of the world” (I´m reading and promoting your blog and your book in Bavaria, Germany, b.t.w.), gave me and my husband one more push to move from a inner city apartment to a big house in the rural outskirts four years ago. We love it! We were remoddeling eversince(completely changing our garden a.t.m.), you were often an inspiration (for craftiness more than “personal style”, our “style” is far more “european” of course, but doesn´t that make things more interresting?) And the feeling of “knowing” you got even stronger by many similarities , like even similar birthstories of our firstborn two years ago. Thank you for letting us into your life, even at the most intimate and scariest moments! You are very brave! And no go and do that other “job” of yours that you love exclusively for as long as you want and may: raising two kids! There´s just one job you cannot allow yoursef to fail in: Being there for your children.
I´m sad, that I haven´t written you this sooner. From my personal experience, taking a professional brake can be the best thing you ever did (I studied goldsmithing and contemporary design, but switched to translating for the money, but I don´t regret it: it gave us financial security when we needed it, and new ideas for new, exciting- paid!- projects).
Good night, take your time, thank you for your time(so far)!
P.S.: should your sabatical turn out to be become a trip around the world: our door is always open for the Petersiks from abroad, ;-)
Tonya says
Ok…this is my second comment but I thought of something else to add…. We own a business. It was “born” at the same time as my oldest child (14) and I literally signed loan papers in the hospital. It has provided a nice life. I’ve been a SAHM all this time, we have a beautiful home in a golf course community, nice cars, toys, etc. BUT. Said business is about to kill my husband and is threatening a 19 year marriage. He’s stressed beyond belief, he’s grouchy, I’m resentful, I’m grouchy, blah, blah, blah. We can’t take a vacation that doesn’t have him with an iPhone stuck to his head. You guys are a lot younger than we are. Reinvent, get normal 9 to 5’s, whatever. Don’t let this blog take over your life, and I’m pretty sure it has. In the end, you have your family, and whatever money is being made off the blog/brand/etc isn’t worth it. Take care of you. All of us will cope. ;) Just throw us an IG pic here and there.
Katie says
I don’t agree with the naysayers – I love the larger projects like the showhouse and especially the laundry room. Please don’t abandon us now! Come back!
Christina Black says
I’ll never admit to reading the Twilight series but…you know the part where Edward leaves Bella because he thinks it’s best for her? Yeah, I feel like Bella right now ????????
Katie D. says
We will miss you – please come back, in whatever form (once a month check ins?!)
You guys will always be my favorite bloggers, no matter what!!
Kara M says
I’ve never commented two days in a row before, but I just wanted to say how happy I am for you guys to make this decision (even though it makes me sad). I loved that another commenter called this a sabbatical and I hope you’ll view it in that way and do come back – but that’s selfish for me. No matter what, I hope you enjoy time with your family and to refresh and refocus – no matter where this journey takes you next. Thank you so much for all the inspiration and humor!
Sasha says
Oh wow the feelings.. When I started reading this I though oh no what are they on about.. No they shouldn’t take a break, but I think that was out of a) having grown so attached to checking in with you like you are cousins living far away from me, and b) denial… In some way I have been feeling less attached to the blog, something felt off.
Thank you so much for these 7 years, what a journey! I will be waiting patiently for your return, hoping there will be one :) I also want to thank you for this letter, the thoughts and reflections definitely make this easier than if you guys just disappeared. Much love to you all and enjoy your amazing house, work and family most importantly!
Liz says
I’ve been reading your blog for years, and never left a comment. But I had to say Im so sad that you’like be taking a break (and it sounds like maybe not coming back?) I do understand though, family is first and if this blog causes more stress than joy I think we all get it. Just know, I don’t feel the content of this blog has gone anywhere but up, you guys are great, a blog follows the progression of your life and it’s going to change when your life changes. Don’t feel guilty about the opportunities it’s brought, like the book tour or product line,you deserve to enjoy those things as you have created something succesful. I still trust and value your opinion and see your endorsements as valuable because you aren’t paid for them and you make that clear. I love DIY and I show your before and afters to everyone, you give the best detailed tutorials and give people a real look at price. Don’t let negative people ruin how you see yourself…haters gonna hate lol. All in all what I’m trying to say is, I love your blog, I hope you’ll be back and please don’t let the negative comments get you down you guys are great!
Jenny Spires says
…nothing more than feelings.
Enjoy your time off…it’s so very needed! I’ve had my photog business for 8 years and have taken some time off for my family this year and it has been amazing. I’m a different person than I was 8 years ago, heck, even 1 year ago and with that comes the need to reflect and figure life out for the next year ahead.
This loyal reader will be here whenever you get back and however you come back! MUCH love and prayers for you!
Carrie says
I just want to thank you lovelies for sharing so much of your life, love and inspiration with us over these years. It’s been a gift, and know your generosity is so appreciated by us all. Take your time, figure out what’s right for you. We’ll always be here supporting you :) xoxo
Nicola says
Huge hugs to you both and your precious babes. Will miss you and hope you come back sometime, even for just a little high five. Lots of love across the water, you are an inspiration as a mum, dad, wife, husband and diyer and most importantly a friend xxxx
Diann says
I’ve followed your blog for several years and now regret that I have only commented a couple of times. You’ve been wonderful at providing detailed instructions, unbiased product reviews, and general entertainment. I remember reading your post about the thrift store rap and having no idea what you were talking about and then hearing it on the radio and screaming to my daughter – this is the song, this is the song! I frequently look through the archives for details on projects – I just repainted a stove hood over Labor Day weekend and searched through until I found the product that you used (it worked wonderfully). I’ve also enjoyed your outside projects – watching the showhouse come together was a great change of pace and I was at Target the day your product line was released to get one of the octopus hangers for my nieces red and turquoise sealife bedroom. Having said that, I have noticed that things have slowed down a little recently – I attributed it to a new baby, goodness knows they are a lot of work – two is way more than twice the work of one! I hope that your time away gives you a good break, let’s you evaluate what is best for your family and will keep my fingers crossed that it includes coming back with more of your excellent posts. If not, please be proud of and satisfied with all you have accomplished and the impact you have had. You’ve been great.
Anne@DesignDreams says
Generally with me, the moment I give myself permission to relax/take a break/quit something I find my second wind and I’m off and flying again. Something about feeling obligated to create takes all the fun out of it. Do it for you if you choose to continue and all the other stuff will appear without effort. Love what you do and the money will come!
Enjoy your rest!
Meredith Jones says
I’m feeling such a sad feeling in my heart! BUT, I’m so glad you guys are doing what’s best for you and your family, because that’s what comes before anything else! I’ve learned this in the past five months since my boy was born. Please, PLEASE don’t leave forever, and PLEASE know that you’ll be greatly missed. I can’t wait for your return, and I’ll probably keep checking in every day just in case something pops up. Have a good little break you guys! XOXOXOXOXOXO
Katie says
Wtf. Unfortunately, I just came across your blog within the past year and I love it!!! I have 3 small children and had a family obligation this weekend, so just like you don’t have time to post everyday, I don’t have time to check everyday. I was shocked and horrified to see this post today, and after going back, even more so by what some of the people said to you. I don’t care if you put one post a month up, I love your style and love learning from you. Thank you for keeping your site active, as it is the first one I check when trying to figure something out home/diy related! Enjoy your break, but please don’t stay gone forever!!!
Tracey Valentine says
Oh my gosh! I feel a little out of the loop since school has started. I’ve been consumed by that and have just been skimming some of your post. Obviously, I must have not read the one about asking our input. So here is my two cents a little too late.
Yes,I have noticed a change, but you also have added another member to your family, so cut yourselves some slack.
Yes, I was a little disappointed to see less post, but TOTALLY understand. Hey, maybe just maybe I’ll depend on my on devices and become inspired and create something beautiful in my own home. Crazy thing is, I have done just that.
I look forward to reading your blog EVERY day. Some days I may just skim over it to see what you’ve gotten accomplished and other days I read every last word.
I love Sherry’s quirkiness and John’s straight man act. I have enjoyed watching Clara grow like a weed to become a happy, joyful, sweet big sister. And of course Teddy, who may out weight his sister before you know it, the way he’s growing.
You have invited us into your home and we came willingly. Your style of writing is gracious and funny and informative.
I know you have many irons in the fire, but hope you strike some sort of balance where you can keep us informed of your house project journeys and family.
I will miss your blog, but I will miss you and your family more. You and John, although I have never met you, are so sweet and kind. I feel I am a better person having read about your experiences about life, home ownership and family.
My biggest wish is to be walking on the beach and hear that distinctive Sherry voice. I will stop in my tracks, to track you down, just to give you two a hug of thanks for all the great memories.
I hope you will return, but if you don’t, you are young and new doors are opening every day. The best to you both.
Jannean says
I too did not comment last week but with this announcement feel compelled to write. I echo the sentiments of all those who are saddened by your departure but also whole heartedly support your decision. Family always comes first and you must do what you feel is right. I came on board around the time you were finishing up your second home so I haven’t been a reader for as long as many of the other commenters but I can say that you are one of a handful of blogs I check in with every day. I will miss hearing from you but will now take the time to start reading from the beginning. Enjoy your time away and rest assured that I will be one of the many waiting for you if and when you decide to resume.
Stefanie says
Noooooo!!!! This brought a tear to my eye. I never thought your blog was lacking anything. You guys are hands down, my favorite blog. You NEVER disappoint! You are both such an inspiration and I just love your wit and humor. I honestly look forward to reading your posts everyday (so much so, that I get on my computer at 10am every morning to look for a new one). I’ve been a reader since before Clara. This is so sad. I will miss you guys. PLEASE come back when you are ready!
Emma says
Big lurker over here, but I just have to say: Good for you!! Blog burnout is a real thing. I hope you guys decide to come back to the blogosphere after your time off :)
Melissa says
I first came across your blog when my son was just a baby and I was looking for things to read while I while I nursed him ( he is just a few months younger than Clara. I have been a loyal reader ever since. I am genuinely sad to see you go but also sad that you feel the need to apologize for a change in pace, content, or whatever else. It’s your blog and if someone doesn’t find what they’re looking for here than surely they can find it elsewhere, blog land is a pretty big place. Adjusting to two kids is really hard and getting back to feeling like yourself again after that transition can take a long time.
I didn’t get to chime into the thread the other day, but in my opinion you guys are the real deal when it comes to DIY bloggers. I have quit reading a lot of other blogs because the bigger they got,the less relatable they became. I got tired of read ing about someone’s fabulous kitchen remodel they did for only $1000 because come to find out, their appliances were donated, etc, etc.. That can really make a reader feel out of touch. I’m sure you guys probably have had the option to keep all those freebies for yourselves and write an “unbiased” review, but instead you give them to your readers. For that you deserve applause, not a bunch of complaining. Thanks for all the great inspiration, I hope you guys find what you are looking for.
Deana says
I have enjoyed reading your blog. Take time for yourselves. Follow what is best for your family. All the best to you.
Hanna says
Thank you so much for being such an inspiration. Finding and reading this blog gave me so much confidence to take on projects in my own house and to actually OWN a house. I could only afford a fixer-upper and I definitely would not have had the confidence to go for it if I hadn’t been along for the ride, so to speak, on your journey. So, many thanks from me and my little family and our new old grumpy house. :) I know that whatever you choose to do next, you will be AMAZING at it.
JLynn says
Hi there! I have been a reader for a while but this is my first comment. I don’t own a home or have kids, I’ve just really enjoyed your projects and your blog in general. I just wanted to encourage you guys by telling you that you guys are so awesome. If taking a break is what’s best for your family (/sanity. haha!) then rock on! I will say though that what you said about bracing yourself every time you hit the publish button troubled me a bit. I don’t think you should ever feel any form of guilt or anything else of the sort over the empire that you have built. I use you guys as an example all the time of how passion and love and hard work can blossom into something once unimaginable. Of course with the growth of something like this things can begin to feel a little less personal! When singers or actors get fan mail before they become superstars, it’s probably a little easier to answer but that doesn’t mean that they don’t continue to seek out bigger and better opportunities as to not offend people by being unable to respond to their letters as much anymore. Beyoncé couldn’t possibly sign every autograph people request from her! And I know you guys aren’t just talking about responding to things but it was just an example of how- we know who you are, now we just want to be a part of your creativity and brand because we love what you do! I feel honored and blessed that you let us into your home the way you do and I think what you’ve created is beautiful and I really can’t see why others wouldn’t view what you all have built as amazing and the fact that it is continuing to grow, an absolute blessing for you guys. If people care, they should put away their selfishness and continue to pray for your family and your business’ growth. Keep your heads up, get some R&R and we’ll be here when ya get back! Good luck to you both and I’m looking forward to hearing from you whenever you’re ready to come back! Love to you! x
Jana H says
I hate to think that ya’ll have worn yourselves so thin. I love your blog and have for a really long time. Honestly, ya’ll have spoiled us rotten with your awesome and regular postings so you deserve some downtime. Enjoy your break. Love on those babies and have some fun. Meanwhile, my boss will be THRILLED that I have one less distraction for a little while. haha
Cathy O says
Hi Sherry and John — I’ve been reading your blog for years, but have never left a comment. I just wanted to say that I love your blog and some of my favorite things in my home have come from ordering items featured in your give aways, or purchasing items you mentioned in your posts. Not only is it a great resource for design inspiration, but I have come to think of your family as online friends! I will miss reading YHL and seeing your projects come to fruition, the cute dog and baby pics and your fun sense of humor. Please don’t stay away too long!! And thanks for all your great ideas : )
Lyn says
Wow! Hope you can find that work/life balance to suit you! I have been enjoying your blog from here in the UK for a few years now and am always amazed at how much work you put into it. It’s not easy to balance work, 2 kids and a life and it seems to me that every house move adds more expectation to yourselves too. So enjoy your time away and I hope that we get to see you here again soon. Remember too, that you will always get more negative comments because the people who are happy don’t think about commenting, they are too busy enjoying themselves reading your blog!! Best wishes to you all.