This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Laura says
Kiss your kids. Go on plenty of walks with the dog. Breathe. Read good books (I have plenty of recommendations!). Travel. Pick up a paint brush–the kind you’d stroke across canvas. Apply for jobs for the heck of it. Write pros and cons lists. Play the MASH game. Go apple picking. Pick your brain. Figure out what you want to do. Figure out what you don’t want to do. Take this moment of reflection and enjoy it.
Nicole says
Oh I’m sure it’s been said dozens of times in the 2000+ comments left so far, but I just want to say that I feel a huge sense of relief for you after reading this post. About a year ago I was really struggling with my career and the effects it was having on my life, my relationships and my mental health. Pushing through the problems didn’t work when I couldn’t really evaluate them because I was still ‘in’ them, but the day I gave myself permission to stop – for as long as I needed to – I now look back on as the beginning of what has been the best, most hopeful, most connected period of my life. I wish you both all the very best and hope this time will bring you great peace. Love to your family.
Caroline Bedard says
Rats! I seldom comment, I am not your typical reader (60 yr old wife/mom/art major/interior design student/diyer/crafter).
I feel like the mean-spirited people scared you away.You deserve a sabbatical, for sure. And I read a lot of blogs that don’t post every day. And I like heavily technical details and remodeling, not just on the top of the trends posts.
I’m glad you have scaled back on other ventures, but I can’t tell you how thrilled and proud I was to go to my Target and see your products on the end-cap, and buy some, too.
To me, if some people are not so into the slower pace, that’s ok. You’ll pick up new readers, too.
If you decide not to blog, no hard feelings, and I will still think about your house, and your lives, and your family. Benita Larsson ended her blog, so I faithfully follow her on Instagram, and I am happy for her that she is having new adventures.
Please enjoy your time with your sweet family! I wish you happiness!
Chris Tickle says
I can totally understand your need for a break. Frankly, I don’t know how you guys managed to do all you did so well for so long…a preschooler, a pregnancy, a show house, then a new baby, redoing ANOTHER house, etc. Most of us who follow you were frankly in AWE! So even though I, like countless others, will miss your inspirational pictures and posts (and those pictures of your adorable kiddos!), I understand completely.
Jennie says
I just want to tell you guys how inspirational you have been, and continue to be, for me. I am going to miss you during your break, which I hope is just a break, and not goodbye for good. I check your site every day, and often more than that. You are the only blog I read daily, and one of the few voices in blog-land I consistently identify with. I love the way you come across in your writings, and your unique “voice.”
Please know that even if you’ve been feeling off kilter, you’re still quite enjoyable and relatable. Of late, you may not have been as “sparkly” as in previous years, but hey, neither am I. I know what it’s like to be tired, overrun, have little children and want to re-prioritize, try to juggle workloads, etc. I think you guys are seriously great, and like I said the other day, and as many people are saying over and over, you are the friends we’ve never met! I am sure you are accustomed to that by now, so I no longer feel like a weirdo saying it! Sure, blogging is your job, but everyone needs a creative recharge now and again. You will figure it out!
I love what you have accomplished thus far, and I think you’ve created a friendly, helpful corner of the internet. I know there are places on the internet that are filled with critique and often hate. Yours is not one of those places. I am all for constructive critique, but I hope that you don’t let name-calling and the like get the better of you. I know it must hurt to see unkind words about you, and I don’t know how you weather it so graciously. You guys have always been great role models for internet civility and encouragement. I hope you will keep blogging, because you are terrific examples of how to behave yourself on the internet.
I know it can be hard to find a balance between over-sharing and keeping your privacy. I think you guys can use this time in break to define that issue, so you don’t have as many troubles with it going forward. Your readers are not “due” information like the purchase of your house or your other private issues until you have created a secure environment in which to release it. Nobody should demand that from you, as your safety and that of your children comes first. You have always been smart about that.
In summary, sorry for the book-length comment, and I just want to conclude by saying that I seriously love you guys! I have been reading for six years, I think, and I hope to hear much, much more from you! You are, hands down, my very favorite bloggers! :)
All the best, and wishing you a break filled with relaxation, good times, clarity, and lots of love!
Amanda says
I’m so sad! It makes sense- you need to do what you need to do for yourselves. But I’ve always bought you were the most authentic blog out there, truly. I know you said that you don’t blame the feedback you received but now I feel guilty for admitting I didn’t love certain types of posts. I guess I assumed you guys knew how awesome you are so feedback about not favorite things would seem small compared to your awesomeness… But, alas, you are normal people, and normal people can feel hurt or insecure. You remain my favorite blog and I so appreciate hat you are leaving the blog up so we can all search old favorite posts!
Emily says
I will miss you, but wish you the very best. I have been an “addict” since you were featured on the cover of The Nest in 2009, and have checked in daily since then. Your writing style will take you wherever you do decide you want to go (occupation-wise). And I hope you can take your trip to Australia soon, too (destination-wise).
Though I did not comment (seems there were quite enough voices heard), I did feel disconnected from YHL for the past several months, when the tone began to change. May you have your own “Eat-Pray-Love” year/month, and feel refreshed and renewed after. I will be amongst your fans when you return.
Kimberly says
For the record, your blog is one of only two that I currently read. I used to read a half-dozen more, but they turned me off with their insincerity (YHL has never felt insincere to me). You guys have always felt like fresh, real, kind, and likable people. I will definitely be checking back! Can’t wait to see you back!
SarahC says
I hope you feel the outpouring of genuine love that is being sent your way. I have read your blog daily for years and will greatly miss your wit, honesty, style and warmth. I think that the feedback last week and the response today come out of a true fondness for you both, your family, and the inspiring and fun blog you have created. And I think most of us understand. As for “what’s wrong with us?” – you haven’t taken more than a week or so off in seven years! And you just had a baby (plus went from one to two kiddos). It is totally understandable that you feel burnt out. I really hope that this break is rejuvenating and replenishing for you as people, as a family and as bloggers. And I hope (oh my fingers are crossed!) that you rediscover your passion and excitement for blogging and come back to us. I will be here! Thank you for opening up your home and hearts to us. <3
Maggie says
When I started reading this post, I thought, “Oh no…this is it!” While, selfishly, I’ll miss reading and following along with your beautiful home and family, I think it’s best. I’ve often wondered how you keep up the pace. Best of luck to you all. If you decide to come back, I’ll be ready to be inspired all over again.
Isabel says
Thank you for sharing what you have. Your blog has been a joy. Take care of yourselves!!!
Aimee F says
Thank you for being so honest and for responding to all of the comments from last week with such GRACE and PATIENCE. Gosh, I don’t typically read the comment section of this blog, well, ever. But the thread last week had me feeling just terrible while reading it. I guess people can’t deal with change very well? (Trying to find the lesson in all of this.) Anyway, you are two talented individuals with adorable kids. You have a special family and a huge future ahead, following your hearts wherever that takes you. We can’t wait to find out what you end up discovering. Take care.
Kimberly says
And one more thing…I love how you both have tremendous talent as writers! Some blogs are so blatant in their grammatical errors and it feels like a lack of respect to readers…but you two are excellent and it’s SO REFRESHING to come to YHL and read well-written posts!
Allie Austin says
John and Sherry,
I just wanted to drop in to say to please remember that one squeaky wheel can drown out three happy wheels. Just because dissatisfied readers might be the loudest doesn’t mean they are in the majority.
Personally, I’m okay with the changes you’ve made recently. I miss the additional posts and some of the excitement, but you are still my favorite blog by far. If you are not finding the same joy from the blog that you once did and you want to make a change, or pursue other things then please know that so many of us care enough about you to respect that. However, I will continue to read anything you post, and enjoy it! Enjoy your time away. I will eagerly await your return!
Aimee F says
I agree with this point about the “squeaky wheel”. I do not think the bitter people who came out to comment last week fall in the majority. Somehow, all the people who were having a bad, grumpy old day came out to comment. It was like some sad/mad storm happened. Anyway, I think those people might need to move on and find a new “home”. Everyone else will return if you would like us to.
Brie says
I admire you for having the courage to take a step back even though it’s probably the toughest professional decision you’ve made in a long time. Please know you’ve been an incredible inspiration and I’ll truly miss your posts. I wish you the best and hope you find your inspiration and a renewed creativity again soon, even if you don’t continue blogging. Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with us over the years!
Erin @ Dwell & Tell says
You deserve this, John and Sherry! I’m happy you’re taking some time to recharge. You will be back, and refreshed.
I’ve been with you basically from the beginning, and always wondered how you stayed so charged without taking some solid, totally unplugged breaks. You’ve earned it! And we’re waiting for you. :)
Jodi B says
After getting over my first feeling of crushing disappointment and lose, I do understand. Life changes and with it focus and circumstances change. Good luck with your time off to re-evaluate where you are at in your lives and good luck with whatever you decide to do (I will miss you all the way over here in Australia, if you don’t come back). Never let anyone else’s negativity or snarkiness define you. The life you create for you and your children is all that matters. Other peoples jealousy is their own jealousy to deal with. Simply hit delete and move on. There is more love for you than not. Thank your for the past (I honestly can’t remember now how many wonderful years I have been reading you) years and I hope to see you again :-) xx
Laura says
Having a second child will cause your entire world to shift…at least it did mine.So I’m not the least bit surprised you need a break. I have only been reading for about a year but have you to thank for a few projects around the house I would never have been brave enough to tackle before. Good luck and thank you for sharing so much of your world to virtual strangers!
Dawn says
I’m so sad! I feel like someone just broke up with me. :(
“If you love something, set it free…”
Have a great time off. I will be waiting if you decide to come back! I will miss seeing Clara and Teddy grow up!
Teresa says
You are the reason I started ever reading blogs. I have always found your blog fresh, real and informative. So sad to see you go.
Kelli says
I love your blog and hope you’ll return!
Wendy says
You will be missed.
Live your life.
Be yourselves as everyone else is taken.
We will all be here when you get back.
Bonnie C says
And… exhale. :) I am a relative newcomer (found you in the last year-ish) and when I saw how much you were juggling AND expecting a second baby, I wondered when/if you’d get around to taking a very necessary sabbatical. I have 3 kids and congratulate myself when we ALL make it to bed alive, fed, and relatively clean. lol Watching you guys run at the pace of this last year seriously gave me heart palpitations.
Take this break, concentrate on your family and what is best for YOU. I, for one, will be here when you resurface. Because seriously, it NEVER occurred to me that doors and kitchens could be *painted*. :D
Have an excellent – and well deserved – rest!
Denise says
Good for you guys!!! Can I just say one thing to all people in blogland…I despise any form of the word Swoon…Swooning…Swooned. That is all!!!
Elizabeth says
I have been a long time reader (5 yrs) but have never commented. Thought I should today so you know how many people are going to miss you and are hoping desperately that you choose to come back!
When I was reading this post I started thinking ‘no. No, no.. Don’t say you are leaving…no!!!’ When I finished reading I immediately started going through the stages of grief..
Denial – reread the post thinking I had read it incorrectly or had missed something. “Please tell me I missed a JK”
Anger – why would they want to stop the blog! I have been faithfully following them for years! How could they do this!!
Bargaining – if only those people hadn’t commented last week about content none of this would have happened!! Damn them!
Depression – they are breaking up with us. My favourite blog is leaving and it is like losing a friend
Acceptance – after thinking about this turn of events off and on all day, I have finally come to accept you are going on a hiatus.
Anyways, this post may seem dramatic, but this was truly my thought process today! I will miss you guys and sincerely hope you come back…
Sarah S. says
I have been a fan of YHL for years. Yours is the only blog I check everyday, even when I know you don’t have a new post up because justincase! I value your sense of humor, willingness to put yourself out there for the world to see, and your brilliant design and diy skills. I hope you come back feeling rejuvenated and fresh, ready to catch us up with all the fun you’ve been having during your break. If you decide not to make a return to the blog world, I wish you and your precious family all the very best and know that you have a fan base that values you and loves you very much. I heart Petersik!
Cate M says
You guys are so sweet. We are all allowed to take on new and different roles and so should you. A sabatical is totally cool! We will miss your updates, obvi, but so happy you know to take time for yourselves and your fam. Come back when it’s something you love to do again :)
Willow says
wow. after 2,286 comments i will be surprised if you see this, but i just wanted to say three things:
1. you guys are fantastic and i just KNOW you will get your spark back. i’m sure the pressure of producing posts every week is not conducive to creativity, so i bet a break will be just the thing. also, consider taking a break from Reading design blogs as well? i find that sometimes all the “inspiration” on the internet is just overwhelming and leaves me feeling like i don’t know what MY style is anymore.
2. i hope you won’t feel pressure to return to this blog as soon as you do find your spark, because you should only come back to it if and when you WANT to. if and when it’s fun again.
3. that being said… the thing that is making me saddest about this post is thinking that i won’t get to see your halloween costumes and christmas decorations this year! what adorable matching costume set will you come up with now that teddy is in the mix? and what theme will your tree have this year? might i request that you post pictures (even without words?) over the holidays, just so we can still share those special days with you a tiny bit? of course you can absolutely ignore this request and keep your holidays to yourselves this year. you don’t owe us a thing. but just so you know… i’ll have a blue christmas without you.
and just in case you decide not to return: thanks so much for seven years of inspiration and laughs. and good luck in whatever you do next. <3
Jennie says
I agree … I, too, am mourning the “special times” we will miss with you. Blogiversary is another that I will sorely miss! I am wishing you guys all the best, and hoping that you can tell how many people care for you, and how many lives you have touched by blogging and sharing your stories.
Kim says
So very sad to read this. You guys brighten up my morning and day! I sensed the change back in April but I totally understand. You need to focus on what is important to you. Take time for yourself and recenter. I hope you return, but if you don’t good luck! I will miss your helpful hints, fun projects and cute stories. I feel like you are a good friend moving away.
Donna B. says
I’ve been following you guys for 5 years…and I will be here if and when you decide to return. You’re like family to me…Enjoy your leave and know you will be missed.
Choleia says
I am utterly heart broken… I love this blog. This is the only blog I read everyday. I have been reading this blog since your first house. I will miss you guys. I hope that this is not goodbye forever.
Amy says
I am always sad when a great blog seems to be saying, “Its not you its me.” I’ve loved your content and your design style. I am so grateful to have found your blog a few years ago. It is understandable that after seven years that would be re-evaluating your path. Best wishes to your family.
Sri says
I will miss you both very much! Thank you so much for the inspiration you’ve given me over the years to turn my house into a beautiful home. xx
D Young says
Thank YOU, John and Sherry, for all you have done. Enjoy your break, and as you plan ahead, do not worry: you have demonstrated integrity in the past, and you will make good decisions for the future.
Sandra says
I can’t help but think the negative comments drove you away. I only discovered you a year ago so I had no past to compare you to. What I saw was an adorable family that could rock DIY projects and loved to share what they learned. I see no spark that went away, no signs that things were shifting etc. We evolve as we age, things change and we’re just different people. I don’t see why that’s a problem. You still put out great content and it’s still is an awesome blog! It’s ok if your readers change, move on etc.
Ugh! I really hate to think the complainy pants crowd pushed you away! Happens so often these days. The whiney minority gets their way and ruins it for the rest of us.
Ok. I’m over it, I’ll trust you guys when you say I’m wrong.
Please enjoy your break and know that so many will miss you and hope the best for your beautiful family, whatever the outcome.
Kim says
First of all, love you guys.
Secondly, do what you need to do. Period.
As someone said previously, you are a ‘trusted brand’ for me and whether I’m taking inspiration from a simple organizing post or taking notes from a paint spraying post, it’s all good in my book.
I do hope you find what you truly love to do, and I can completely understand the need for a break in order to rediscover what that might be. You are really, really good at this, and I would certainly miss seeing your family, your house and your posts if you decide to change course. However, if you wind up doing something else, you’ve got my vote.
You can’t please all the people all the time, so do what you love and embrace it.
Best wishes, and I hope this break is good for you and the whole family.
eileen marie says
We are truly sorry to see you go (I am also speaking for my husband, but could easily be speaking for your legions of loyal fans). I completely understand how hard this must be -running the blog & leaving it behind, even if just for a bit. I don’t claim to love every post -is building a laundry room relevant to me now? No, but you bet your buns, I’ll be grateful when we do finally renovate ours. I’ve sincerely enjoyed reading daily & so appreciate the hard work you’ve poured into this blog -it shows! This has never felt like a business or a purely money-making venture to me. Please return soon! I’ll miss your updates -especially about your 3 li’l nuggets. And just when I was about to request a baby item post (what do you buy vs. still use for Teddy, as Clara’s list is probably outdated by now). We’re finally expecting our 1st! Well, sayonara for now. -I’ll see ya later unless you see ya 1st -you know I’ll be on line in Chicago for that 2nd book signing! ;) Take care guys. Love ya to bits! xoxoxo
Jenni says
Yours is the only US based non sewing blog I read as you are not all about the money!! I will miss you very much on your break and hope that you will continue this blog going forward xx
Willow says
p.s. thank you for leaving your archives up! i’m planning a wedding right now and reading about your wedding helps me remember that this can be done on a budget and still be gorgeous!
Ami says
I am so very sorry to see you take a break. I have been reading your blog for years and absolutely love it. I noticed a change in tone but just chalked that up to “they just had a baby, of course they’re not traveling around for reader redesigns, and they have a new house so everything is big stuff right now (and for the record I LOVE your big technical posts, I get so many ideas and so much confidence from them)”. I didn’t think it was bad at all, just a little different.
But I completely understand if this has become “work”. I have purposely avoided certain careers b/c I didn’t want something I love to become “work”. I hope you find the spark or at least something that brings you joy. Enjoy your vacation. You definitely earned it. Y’all posted like crazy for years on end with almost no down time. I think you deserve it. And need it. I hope you come back, at least part time to share what you’ve done now b/c I love y’all and I love to see what you do. But if you don’t, I respect it and I want to say thank you so much for sharing your lives with us these last few years.
Mary says
First,I am so sorry you have been feeling like you have been disappointing us and were afraid to locate. Second, there was a post from when you finished the patio and you had a party, I think Clara’ s birthday. What stuck out to me was how pretty/inviting/homey the space felt but not the “show” pics, but the ones with you all enjoying the day. Your friends and family having a nice day made your work come alive. So “screw” (no striketshrough here!)what you think the brand is expected to do. I’ve stayed reading for years because you brought your spaces to life. May your time off be healing.
Mary says
That’s “you were afraid to post,” not locate! My auto correct aid making up random words!!
Anne says
I’ve been reading your blog since forever and have always seen it as your personal story you’ve graciously shared with the world.
Thank you for all you’ve shared. We’ve learned so much and will continue to access your archives as we DIY our fixer-upper.
Blessings to your family!
Amanda says
Thank you for allowing us in your lives the past 7 years. Though i am sad fr myself, I am so happy for the both of you as you embrace each other and your family while taking a break from the internet. I love your style, honesty and integrity by which you run your blog. You no swag policy has kept me around as a reader. Your dedication to designing and updating your houses through products and item you actually love and not given for free is refreshing and appreciated by those readers like myself who are not given things for free to promote. You two are amazing people and will be greatly missed in my weekly routine. Please keep posting updated to Teddy’s phot project. His smiley round face is amazing and brings happiness to those who see it.
With love, Amanda
Barbara says
I may have to go into rehab for YHL withdrawals. :) I will miss my daily visit to your blog. It’s a great resource and I use it regularly. It sounds crazy, but you feel like family. I have loved watching you marry, have kids and buy and fix up several homes. I hope this break refreshes you. Love you guys.
Jessica Norris says
Taking a break is a great way to refresh. Most people need a holiday from time to time, and I see no reason why a job writing (traditionally associated with slow patches and writer’s block) should be any different.
It’s totally understandable to take a break when you are feeling stale, rather than trying to force yourself to write something that is wrong for a reason you can’t put your finger on. We all appreciate good content — and we are prepared to wait for it.
What’s the rush? :) We love to see what you do with your home! I particularly like that you do things that are approachable for the rest of us, especially with small kids in our families, and limited budgets. That’s DIY!
Keep it green, take a deep breath and come back smiling. :)
lisa says
I’m disappointed for a few reasons. Firstly, that I’d kill to be in your shoes. Full time job, plus grad school, two dogs, a house to maintain, a husband with PTSD and physical therapy–well frankly being home all day blogging is a dream job with how go-go-go life is here. I feel like you have let the nasty negative people ruin your love of blogging…but are you really done? This is the easiest almost guaranteed income. Continuing to blog means old and new readers of the blog buy the book/2nd book. But. I have to say I won’t be buying any YHL anything unless you guys return. I only supported your other projects because it was a way to show direct appreciation. If you’re not into this anymore, neither am I.
Mary says
Your family and your relationship with John is more important than any blog. That being said, I love the blog and read it before I check my email since way before you left your first house. I chose my bathroom colors based on your last kitchen choices. I bought your first book and will buy your next book. I hope the break gives you clarity, but I selfishly hope you decide to come back. I feel like you are part of my family! (FYI I am one of your older readers, I’m 58.)
Jan says
I know you said you are only taking a break but this post kind of feels so final. I hope you do come back, if not I wish you the very best.
Felicity says
I don’t usually comment, but I have read YHL daily for the past four years. I love the blog today just as much as I did the first day I found it. I haven’t noticed the blog being “off” at all. I hope you’ll be back in some form. Thanks!
Lauren says
Enjoy your break! I’m going to miss your posts, but I understand the need to recharge. I hope the pause clarifies things for you, and you find your passion in your work once more. Love on those kids of yours and I’ll be waiting when you return!