This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Sara says
To two genuine and talented people and their adorable minions:
In the past few years when I’ve faced big changes, The Petersik’s and the risks they are willing to take have been part of my inspiration. I have yet to do major remodeling, but I know what blog to trust when the time arrives. Thanks for improving lives and homes all over the world for so many years, now take care of YOU:) We are all so excited to see what you do next, no matter what it is.
Sammi says
I have to admit, I’m a reader that fell off the bandwagon a while ago. I’ve been sticking around in hopes that things would pick up a little, but this isn’t really how I had hoped it would happen. Regardless, I really respect your decision to reevaluate things and handle the criticism in such a professional manner. I sincerely hope that your family can find what works best for you and get back into a happy rhythm again, whatever it takes.
Best of luck on your new journey :).
Sarah says
O man…. I’m so sad. This is the only blog I’ve enjoyed reading on a weekly+ basis. My heart sank at the tile. I understand…enjoy the break I’ll miss you guys. See you in a month!
Justine says
I just want to thank you guys for all the hard work and dedication that you have obviously put in for so long. You’ve helped inspire me to do several DIY projects in my own home that I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to attempt myself. My husband and I also totally remodeled a building this past spring (something that I never dreamed I would have done). I know that you have inspired me and I’m sure that you have inspired many others as well. That being said I’m sad to see you guys go and I hope that it isn’t permanent. If it is I know that you’re doing what’s best for your family and yourself. Your blog started out as something that you were doing for enjoyment and also to document your journey. The scale that it has reached and the quality of work that you do is amazing. You make people realize that all of these things are possible even for people like me that knew nothing about remodeling. What started out as a hobby turned into a job. With that some of the enjoyment has probably gone because it feels more like a business. You guys definitely need an extended break to regroup and figure out if this is real what is best for your family. I hope that you guys can leave and get rejuvenated and comeback better than ever. If not I hope you guys the best and a long and happy life where ever it leads you.
Steph says
I have read every single post for 5 years and feel that you guys are truly wonderful. I loved the content then and I love it now. You have a young family so of course your priorities have changed — I completely accept that and wouldn’t ask for anything else! Anyhoo, what I’m saying is that I totally support you no matter what!!! Sincerely appreciate you being a source of inspiration and enjoyment for half a decade now :)
p.s. This is my first post ever! I just wanted to make sure you guys felt the love of your long-time (yet silent) fans!
Erin says
Dear J and S,
I have read your blog since 2009. Have renovated 2 houses and had 2 babies along the way, too. Seems so strange to say/admit, but I read your blog 1st thing every day . Have laughed, cried, and been so proud of the great things all your hard work has lead to. Been inspired and learned a lot from your example of “make your house your own and do what you love regardless of what is in style .” To say you will be missed is a gross understatement. Kiss your babies, hold each other and then blow out that kitchen with some badass french doors and work some high-low kitchen magic. When you are ready, I’ll be here waiting to root you on from the sidelines. May God grant you peace and happiness in this time apart. Thank you for bringing something great to my life these last so many years!
Sydney says
All I ask is this: If you decide that this blog must come to a permanent end, please consider a “Where are they now?” blogger comeback show in a decade. Maybe Nate Berkus can host? :) Your impact on the home improvement/DIY movement is permanent, whether you move forward or move on. A decade could go by with no news, no post and I think all of us would still be happy for a chance to check in. In 100 years some futuristic version of Antiques Roadshow could be appraising a vintage wall hook or light fixture that you guys designed. You guys are already a part of forever and it’s been great feeling like part of the ride. I think you turned a blogging community into a blogging family and you deserve (and have earned) the peace that comes with any decision you make. Good luck!
P.S. Shameless second request – if you do close the blog, a farewell video to the tune of So Long, Farewell from the Sound of Music. Because Sherry rocks music videos! :)
Janet says
Thank you for sharing your lives through your blog. I have enjoyed learning from you. You have inspired me and I have shared your blog with many of my friends. Please know that you have the best wishes of many readers and we look forward to your return.
Laura VanD says
This is one of my favorite blogs to read, not just because of the context but because of the content with which you both write. With every Parks and Rec quote to the phase 1 of the kitchen – what keeps me coming back to your blog is, hands down, the writing. Sure I love the pictures and the design and maybe a few more pictures, but you guys are funny, and real, and welcoming. I will surely miss the reading but am excited to see what lies ahead!
Jen says
I’ve always admired how non-commercial your blog is despite the fact that it’s your business. I trust your product recommendations, and never feel like you’re contorting your lives/decor to fit a sponsor’s advertising aims. But given how much the blogging world has changed (in terms of moving away from advertising to sponsored content), I can imagine it’s hard to maintain your values and continue to move your business forward. I’m sure there are other challenges as well. Running a small business is hard; I suspect there are unique complications when your business is, in the most literal sense, your lives. There’s never any separation, and given the all of the competing interests you’re trying to balance, it’s not surprising that some of the joy has gone out of this for you. I wish you all the best in trying to sort things out, and while I selfishly hope that you come back in some capacity, in the end you have to do what’s best for your family. You seem like good, down-to-earth people and I wish you the best.
Erika says
Hi Petersiks!
I missed the kafuffle last week, but just went and read some of it after seeing this post. You know what? You guys are awesome. This is your journey, your blog, and most importantly, your life and family. I hope you will continue to do what you love and not let the negative nancy types get a root into your spirit.
I’ve never felt like anything was off here. I’ve loved the evolution of your projects and blog. I’ve been grateful for how you’ve shared your homes and family with us. I think it’s awesome when you do side projects! I love reading about your more in-depth projects, and I wouldn’t mind at all if you needed to do something shorter on certain days. No problemo! And I SO admire you for taking more time, slowing the pace, after the arrival of Mr. Teddy. Just because other people are forced to live the crazy, modern American life that keeps them away from their families doesn’t mean you should have to! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve thought about how AWESOME it is that you are making the time for your family and that John is there for it too!
What you reveal and when is TOTALLY up to you (of course, you know that, but just wanted to be another voice in your readers who supports you in that).
My *only* “complaint” is that I never win anything even when I faithfully enter each raffle, because there are so many people here now. And that’s a totally benign complaint because I’m *happy* for your success!
Have a wonderful, lovely break, full of answers and direction that comes from your hearts and what you want to do.
Thank you again for all of your care for this community, and for sharing so much of yourselves with us! Many blessings!
Erika says
P.S. I also want to thank you for keeping this such a positive place. I don’t know how you do it, but somehow you’ve kept the Wild Wild Internets thing out of this community and I really appreciate it! I’m usually not afraid of reading the comments here! How unusual is *that* online? Woot!
mrspaulsen says
Your break should definitely include a drive through North Dakota– Don’t laugh, there’s a peaceful openness here that really helps me clear my head and inspire me creatively. It is like having a blank canvas– soft rolling hills of green crops and wide open blue skies where you can see for miles and miles. Just get here before it snows… Good luck guys!
Ginnie says
As a long time reader and blogger, I just want to say that I’ll truly miss you but understand. I’ve never felt annoyed by the sponsorships and opportunities that you’ve taken on, instead, they felt like the result of all your hard work! Hugs:)
Margaret says
This makes me sad… I have read you for about 3 years and love the peek into your lives and house. I’m sorry that it’s become a stressful thing for you. :-( But I am glad you’ll get a break to focus on where you want to go from here. Even if it’s just a small “update” post from time to time, I hope that we’ll hear from you again! (I think I said this on your Target line announcement post, but when I saw your endcap in Target, I said to myself, “Hey, I know those guys!”… and then realized I totally don’t actually know you. :-) But that’s why you are so loved by so many…. you make us feel like a part of your lives, in a positive, wonderful way! I will miss you!)
Jean Winders says
Well, congrats on whatever this new adventure in your lives will be. It has been a total hoot for me. I was looking around my house this evening at all the kewl things I have implemented in my home from reading your blog. What a great tutorial you have been for me~ I will miss you all. You seem like family! Much continued success and enjoy those babies!
Nantia says
Do what is best for you, take a break and please be back :)
Send you lots of love
Rachel says
You guys are awesome, your blog is awesome, your family is awesome. You do what makes your heart sing! For what it’s work, I thought your mojo was rockin’ it!
India gonzalez says
You have one of the few blogs worth reading. Please don’t go. Try to get back to your roots but don’t leave us!!!!
Harper says
I’ve been a reader for several years (my family and friends all know who John & Sherry are because I name drop you guys like I know you in any conversation about home improvement) and will miss you but I think it’s oh so important you do this when you need to. It has felt like for the last year and a half or so like the comment section has been getting pretty brutal, and I just wonder if people realize how much effort, time, and work it takes to do all the things y’all do! You are hard workers and very special. As someone said above you guys are the real deal, and I know whatever direction you guys choose to go in will be wonderful in its own way for your family. Good luck to you!
Nicole says
Hi Sherry and John,
I never leave comments on your site, but I have been reading this blog religiously for at least 3 years. You have been a huge inspiration to me in many ways. Thank you for sharing your projects and your family with all of us! As long as you continue to blog, you have a reader for life. :)
Lyndsay says
Dear John and Sherry,
I have enjoyed reading your blog for several years now, since before Clara was born. I have never commented before now, either here, or on any others of the dozens of blogs I read every day. I also hardly ever read blog comments, anywhere. I missed the update to your post last week where you asked for feedback. So the first moment I knew something was up was when I read yesterday’s post on your laundry room completion. I then began reading through some of the comments from last week’s post.
I feel the need to chime in now just to say that I have loved being a “lurker” to your blog over the years, and that as a mom to 2 young children myself, I have been rooting for your little family (even Burger!) and your happiness and success all along the way. I love reading DIY design and decor blogs. It is my favorite form of entertainment and escape. But I have never assumed that I had any kind of right to give input on what the content of your blog (or any other blog) should consist of! It is YOUR blog! And I have been entertained by it for YEARS, for FREE! And you are two wonderful, courageous people who have been sharing your lives with the world, putting your blood, sweat, and tears into keeping this thing going day in and day out for YEARS! And I guarantee you that for every person that comments on your blog trying to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing, criticizing your efforts, there are hundreds more “lurking” readers like myself, who are just enjoying being entertained, and would never dream of critiquing you. I really feel readers like me outnumber those who comment regularly. And while it looks like you have tons of support from people who do comment regularly, there appear to be plenty of cyber bullies hiding behind their computers ready to pounce any chance they get. Those are the “meanies” in life. The ones who never learned the Golden Rule, to treat others the way you want to be treated.
Please don’t let the bullies silence your passion. If blogging is no longer your passion, that is understandable. Things change, life changes, circumstances change. Whatever you decide after your much needed break, I really wish the best for your lovely family, and I sincerely thank you for all the enjoyment you have given me over the years as a reader.
Sally says
Wow, I go on vacation and look what happens;) All kidding aside, I have always enjoyed your blog!
I’ve never felt like you guys were “selling out” or becoming too commercial, and it’s your life, career, etc…you guys should feel free to run it how you like. I understand readers like to express their opinions, but I’m always surprised when people are negative. It’s unfortunate that it has arrived at this point, but hopefully you guys are able to figure out what is best for you. Thank you for being honest, and allowing us into your home. If you decide to continue with the blog, I will be an extremely happy reader, but if you decide to move on to different things, then I wish you nothing but the best! As much as you have allowed us into your life, it is still your life, and readers have no right to try and make your decisions, or make you feel bad about your decisions! All I can do is express my gratitude, and send you virtual hugs:)
Rachel says
Sad to see you go…hopefully not for good. I’ve always thought you handled your “fame” with so much maturity and “keeping the blog humble”. There have been so many that have lost their blog by the ads and give aways and guest posts that it’s not their blog anymore. Not you guys, and that’s why I’ve stuck around. Best of luck to you and your family…I hope for only the best things to come your way. Thank you for sharing so much with us all.
Grace C. says
Wow – I felt that something was coming…I think this is a good move although I don’t know what I will read on the blogsphere everyday??!! Please come back…
Lindsay says
I am wishing you love, and to find your path again. I know this feeling well, as we uproot every 2-3 years in our military life and I have to find a new tone to set with my own blog every time. It’s why I’ve never “gone big” and made it a business, because there were periods where the passion wasn’t or just could not be there. I know ya’ll will find your feet again, and we’ll all still be hanging around (at least me for sure!) to read your next installment. You rock, and family DOES come first. Always.
jamie says
Sad day. But more power to ya’! You have to do what is best for your family first and foremost—-ALWAYS! I love your blog, love your writing and humor, love that your blog is clean, light-hearted and real. I am so happy for you and all your success and accomplishments and no doubt there will be many more in the future. You two have worked your tails off and you have earned it. I will miss you guys but will be here when you get back.
Renee says
The way you expressed your thoughts regarding this decision is one of the very many reasons why everyone loves your blog. You and John CARE about your family, your readers and your community.
I know I can’t be the only reader who appreciates how kind, thoughtful and generous you and John are to your fans! Your kindness shows through in each and every post.
I hope you don’t let a few semi-negative comments bring you down as you take a break. I didn’t notice anything was “off” about the blog. If anything, taking a break just makes you both all the more adorable and relatable! I sometimes wondered how you guys accomplish so much each week……with your growing family!
I’m happy you both can take a break. Your family is in my prayers as you go forward however it may look. We support you and really appreciate all the fun and kindness……..and of course the helpful DIY you’ve shared!!
Benita says
Valerie says
I have been following you from day one from way way up here in Western Canada. Love your blog to bits but fully comprehend how circumstances in life change and grow. For selfish purposes I hope you come back after a month but would fully understand if you decided to stay away & concentrate on you & yours. Wishing you all the very best !!
Chelsea Davis says
Dear John and Sherry
I am a huge fan. I have never commented on your blog before, or any blog for that matter. But wanted to after reading this post. You guys are such an inspiration. I love all your ideas and style. My house definitely looks better after using some of your ideas. I hope you will continue to do your blog. I strongly disagree that your blog has gone stale. If there has been a slight lag, I’m sure it is because you have two little ones and sleep deprivation! Plus I’m sure the more famous you become the more negative people start popping up. I was soo happy for you guys when all your “side gigs started popping up”. Who wouldn’t take those opportunities! I would, and not just for the profit but for the experience! Hello once in a lifetime! I’ve never had anything sold in a store with my name on it. I think you guys should be so proud of what you’ve acomplished! I hope you return! I wish you guys all the best.
Kathy says
I am heart broken and devastated. If you need to do this because you feel its best for you and your family I completely understand, I didn’t read the comments last week & have no idea what was said but I still LOVE your blog. I think it is the most awesome ever, even with the business/side gigs (I even love all of those) so if you are only breaking due to feeling that you guys have let us down or are doing a poor job please please know that to me and my family who all read we do not in anyway feel that at all. I do not at all think you are doing your job poorly, ever! I do hope you come back and sooner than a month but if you need this to be happy and its the right thing for your family (and not because you think you are letting us down in the feel of your blog) then I understand because we have grown to love you dearly and I want you to be happy!
Jessica says
I’m glad that you are taking a break for yourselves – a nice break is probably what you need to get that groove back. I would love to see more projects that are affordable for us “regular” (poor people) lol when you come back!!
Anna T says
Dude,I am a long time blog reader but have maybe commented once. Anyways, this post totally threw me! I have noticed the cut back on posts and have respected you guys so much for that, not pushing just for the sake of pushing and for spending focused time on your family. However I have not felt like your blog is off at all. I totally love how genuine you guys are and I love how you share your creative and DIY process. And I love that I can convince my husband of DIY because John is totally on board and my husband can’t say blogging and DIY around the house is just for girls :) But I digress. Just know that you are loved and awesome and totally inspiring! Please come back when you are ready! I only regularly read like 4 blogs and now it’s only 3 :(
Cheri says
Enjoy your month off or take a year off for a true sabbatical but COME BACK! How will your fans know how you guys are doing? You have made too many friends to just leave us hanging. :)
Lily says
Hi, love your blog all from Nairobi, Kenya. Change can be good and damn scary but sometimes its necessary. Take that first step confidently and do what you need to do. Will definitely miss the famous five ;)
Steph says
Oh…wow…This is kind of heartbreaking! I started following YHL in 2009, after stumbling across it from a Google search about backyard weddings. This is the first blog I ever followed, and it’s the only one I check every day. I have never, ever been disappointed in the quality or quantity of posts, even when I didn’t love your design choices. I am so so sorry that the thing you loved has soured for you. I hope that after some breathing room you guys come back refreshed and full of passion for blogging (if that’s what you want).
I guess I’m so surprised by this because it never occurred to me that anyone should have a say in what you post and share. It’s a free blog so I view it as a couple of long-distance friends sharing their DIY skills and tips, failures, successes and everything in between.
Excuse me while I go have a sniffle and a TimTam to cheer me up.
Steph xx
Autumn Beach says
First of all, I am SO thankful to see all of these positive and encouraging comments from your loyal fans. You need to see all of these. Not to change your mind. But just to hear. I fear that the voice of the minority produced the majority of comments last week. So thankful to see all of these heartfelt comments that you guys are totally deserving of.
Secondly, you owe us nothing! Never have, never will. You guys have made this blog what it is, because YOU guys are the experts. It always cracks me up when I read comments offering suggestions on how to run this blog. Really?!
C. I never felt like you guys hit a slump. You guys are AMAZING! It blows me away all that bloggers do. But you guys have always done it 1. In such a professional manner (quality-wise) and 2. With so much grace and class!
4. Even if this break is forever, I am SO incredibly thankful I discovered you guys when I did and have been able to follow your journey for as long as I have. Only a few years, but I swear they have been your best.
I think I have said it before, but you guys are SO talented, clever, witty and wonderful that I would not be surprised if the PERFECT opportunity awaits. One that best fits your talents, personalities and family priorities.
So excited for you guys! I will miss you GREATLY, but even more, I’m excited for your future. I have a feeling the best is yet to come!
Lots of love and BIG hug…
Mindy says
You both have poured your lives into this baby and I have truly appreciated every single post! This site was my favorite click of the day and I will miss coming here. My home is a more inspired place because of you, and I thank you for the large role you played in that. Your break is well deserved and I eagerly await your return! Please update, even if on a monthly basis or quarterly basis!!! You will be missed. Best of luck to you in trying to figure out your next steps. Thanks for always keepin it real. When you come back, can you give us another rap?? :) Love you both!
Cat says
Ugh. I love you guys. Been reading since 2011. It’s who you are (two very endearing and genuine people) that keeps me here, regardless of the content or frequency of posts. In fact, a lot of the content doesn’t directly relate to my current lifestyle- I’m in my mid-20s, I don’t have any kids, I rent a modern industrial loft in the city, and I have a different design aesthetic than you – yet I visit this blog every single day without fail to see what you’re up to. You’ve accomplished so much with this blog, but I feel like your greatest achievement is making your way into the hearts of thousands of strangers around the world, simply by being yourselves. You are widely loved, and we will be here when you return. x
Nicky says
Exactly! I only bought my own house in February but have been reading the blog for years even though I still lived with my parents and had no room for home improvement…
Desiré Brink says
Greetings from South Africa! :) I’ve been reading your blog for 5 years now…when I get home from work, I make a cup of tea and read YHL…:) safely to say you guys taught me to (1) not be scared of spraypaint…hello rustoleum! (2) if in doubt – add a white frame and (3) use bright colours! Thanks for the tips…all the best and happy sabbatical! :)
kara k. says
Like the thousands of others commenting, I am so sad because this is the very first blog I go to every day. Not only are your projects inspirational, you, your family, and your life in general are inspirational. You are real, genuine, good people. I’m having the same feeling (only much stronger now) reading this post that I had back when you decided to cut back–I feel like I’m losing something, but instead of feeling sad, I should take that inspiration I feel when reading all types of things you post and use it to make my life better. To fill my life to the brim, to stay real and true to myself, to live my life in such a way that people would enjoy “peeking in through the window” as another commenter put it. You guys have nailed this blogging (and life) thing for the past seven years and made many people better for it. What more can we readers ask for? Lots of love through wherever life takes you next.
Momlady says
Sherry and John…
My first reaction was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…you can’t leave us!!!
Having gotten that out of my system…I want to tell you that you MUST follow your heart!
I’ll miss you and you can be sure I’ll be checking back here in 30 days!
I’d like to leave you with this:
I’ll Think of You
Sylvia says
I hope this all works out really well for you and you have a nice break and everything starts making sense in your heads.
All the love!
charlotte says
So happy for you guys that you could take the right decision for you and your family! And so sad for me… And my family! I read your book twice a month with my 3 daughters and we always find something new to be in awe of!
Hope you’ll enjoy the break and eventually come back with whatever you want : I’ll be there and glad to read!
Neen says
Relax guys, enjoy your life, things happen for a reason. Cheers from Australia, Neen :)
Jess says
I have enjoyed reading your blog so much and feel like I’ve learnt a lot from you guys – the phrase “Sherry and John say to do xyz” in our home is pretty familiar to my ‘new to DIY’ husband and me :)
As someone who is self-employed I can really sympathise with your situation. It can be really hard to keep the momentum going as there is no one else pushing you other than yourself. Sometimes the best thing can be to take some time to reflect on where you want to be rather than were you think you should be. I hope you really enjoy your time away from the ‘internets’ and I wish you all the very best.
Julie Cowley says
Wishing you all the best – I have been reading for about 4 – 5 years now and I hope you come back in some form of another!!! Even just once a week or once a fortnight with a – hey we did XX project because we felt like it!!! I totally get not wanting to put family stuff online. I’ve loved your blog and will miss you guys.
Just wanted to say that there is a little house in Australia that has gotten some fixer uper – aussie house love done to it thanks to you!!!
I would never had the ommph to do it without your brilliant step by step style and enthusiasm for making things a little bit better!!!
Aliese says
I struggle to find the time to read your blog (even though I completely love it and find it so inspiring and helpful) but I’ve always wondered how you find the time to complete the projects, post them all, reply to comments, all while raising a beauitful family and loving each other.
I am very sad that I won’t have your posts to open, but I don’t think you owe an explination to anybody. I was shocked at some of the feedback you recieved last week, and felt sad that you had to read it. You are not, after so many years, going to continue to style little tables and complete art projects. People want bigger and better and I think you have done an outstanding job at keeping a community interested for so long. That, in itself is an amazing feat. Enjoy your much deserved time off, and especially enjoy your beautiful babies. We’ll be waiting for you if you ever come back, but we’ll also be completely ok if you choose not to. Thank you for the past few years, it’s been a blast. xxx
Lindsay says
Hi to you lovely people from across the pond in Norway. I am another long time reader who rarely comments (only once I think!) I came across your blog when you were in your first house and have read you ever since. You, Apartment Therapy and Manhattan Nest are the only home/decor/DIY websites I read on a regular basis and you definitely have that intangible, charismatic “something extra” and a wonderful, open, upbeat writing style that keeps me coming back. But you deserve a break! If you come back, that would be fantastic – it’s always a pleasure to see you pop up in my reader, but if you choose to go back to “normal” life and jobs again, I would not blame you in the least. Best of luck with whatever you do :-)
Bethany says
I never noticed anything was off either. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and thought you were doing an amazing job, especially having just had a baby! You don’t owe us anything, and we are just so grateful that you graciously let us into your home to see the incredible things you do and always with a fun, joyful spirit. Thank you for giving SO much, and I hope you have a wonderful break with your precious family and can soak up lots of time with your beautiful new baby.