This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Jessica says
I was surprised by all of the opinions and comments that people had about how the blog has changed. I took it in stride with the fact that you have a newborn and things will look a bit different for awhile. I have followed for probably 5 years now and will always check back to see what’s new, even if this goes back to being a personal blog, rather than a business. You guys are clearly interesting and people want to know what you have to say. Not many people could have made such success from nothing. I have a three year old and am due in November and I truly realize that nothing is as important as trying to be as present as possible while your children grow. Enjoy your time away!! Much love.
Lacy says
Ditto! Great response.
Rebecca says
The 7 Year Itch! I am sure someone has said that in their comments already. Wondering if an email address capture upon exiting the site would be appropriate now, then you could blast us all announcing you are back (in whatever capacity that is) in a month, 2 months etc. Thats more “business” talk but that is how I think! ;)
I have enjoyed every post and effort you have made in the past 7 years. What you have done is pretty amazing. But now, possibly being at the top of the mountain and not wanting to climb further take time and enjoy the view. It can be transformative. Best of luck to both of you this month and onward!
Rebecca M says
Another Rebecca chiming in. I’ve already commented once – but had to do so again. I will still be clicking everyday on your blog, archives, and advertising links. I know you won’t be checking in (I hope you won’t – so that you totally both truly rest) – but I hope in some small way it will help support you while you figure things out. And even if one day you don’t return to blogging or blogging full time – I hope its because you’ve moved on to something even more fabulous that you’ll share with us via this blog. (I am needy like that….keeping in touch with people who’ve touched my life :)
And as someone who’s on her fourth month off of work after complete burnout – I am just beginning to feel ready to return. So please give yourselves time. We will not be judging on this end.
Janny A. says
I remember when I found your blog 6yrs ago and I remember thinking: wow! this couple is such an inspiration! they are doing what they love together and they will be successful! I even remember sending you an email to greet you and to which you so kindly replied (I was in cloud nine!)I’ve also thought about you getting burn out. Sometimes wondering how you could juggle so many things at once! I wanted to express my sadness but also my relief to know that you are taking a break. You will be missed! Wishing the best for you and your family! Mucho amor!!
amy says
you have to do what’s best for you guys – we all understand, though our days will be a little less bright without the YHL email/blog post to look forward to.
your family has also expanded recently and that within itself changes things a bit. do what you need to do and know that when you return we will all be excited, and if for some reason you don’t, we all have been and will continue to be inspired by the work you have done (I for one always reference your blog before doing anything, along with checking pinterest and houzz):)
take care!
Tristen says
Enjoy the break…you deserve it! Get in some extra snuggles with those 2 precious kiddos of yours, too! I can’t wait for your triumphant return! xoxo
Kirsten says
I haven’t read every comment on this post (52 pages is a lot) but from what I have looked at I think it’s safe to say that these comments represent the view of the majority of your readers. You guys rock and I am appreciative of everything you have chosen to share with us in this little slice of cyberspace, it’s been a blast following your family grow and your houses change over the last few years. Hopefully we see you back in some capacity but if not, thank you and best of wishes in wherever life may take you next.
Nadine says
I second that! I come back just now to check what people were saying and so for I have not read a single comment that isn’t supportive of your decision and doesn’t wish you the best! That speaks for itself, I think!
Gigi says
Oh no; I will really miss reading your sweet blog! I hope you will be back soon! Love to you and your sweet family!
Betsy says
I hope you take the time to spend time with your family and reflect on what you really want. Although I hope you continue to blog, as reading Young House Love is always a bright spot in my day, I hope you find what works best for your family.
Sherry says
Totally agree with other readers. Your blog is the only one I follow daily. It just strikes me as being real. With three kids of my own and an old home renovation I love to see all of your ideas and read about your family!! Wishing you the best and hoping you come back soon :-)
kylha says
I’ll miss you guys. I understand that you need a break, but I hope you’ll be back soon.
We all change, and that’s okay. I’d give tons of advice here, but it’s ultimately a decision/s only YOU can make for YOUR family. I would warn about trying to spread yourselves out even more- family + job + blog. From personal experience, it’s hard to balance that all out when you’re working outside of the home!
Hoping to see/hear from you soon-ish.
Erin says
I’m not surprised you two are going through a bit of a burnout. It happens when you keep up the kind of pace you have for so long. (I’ve been there and speak from uncomfortable experience.) Though I’ll miss your daily posts, I’m glad you’re taking the time to refresh and recharge. Pamper yourselves and take a well-deserved rest. You’ve earned it. Thank you so much for all your hard work over the years. Know that we love you, too.
Christine says
I like so many others I LOVE your blog, your family, and all the projects that you do.
I signed up for email updates from your blog and with all seriousness wake up every week day excited for the 6am email from young house love to enter my inbox!
I have been reading your blog for at least 2+ years now and feel grateful for every single inspiration you have given to me. There have been too many projects I have done and referenced your blog. There have been so many conversations I have had with friends and family showing off a post from YHL.
I’ve planned on referencing your DIY posts for when I own my own house, because of the simplicity, the detail (4000+ Worded posts make my day) and awesome humor in all you two do, you are an incredible couple!!!
I remember when your first book tour occurred and couldn’t imagine fleeing to a bookstore as I was a new reader. But now I had made a mental note that I truly hope I see young house love visit chicago because I would be at the front of that line ????
Take a break, all of your fans and I will be here for you, when you return. In the mean time I will happily explore the archives ????
kylha says
Oh, and thank Clara for her beautiful rock (I’m assuming it’s Clara’s rock anyways). If it’s not hers… Good job guys! lol
Keena says
You will be missed while you are gone! And I for one will keep my fingers crossed that you come back! It’s amazing what a little break can do sometimes :) I love what you two have brought to the internet, I have recommended this little corner of the blogosphere to many a person, all who turned into followers.
I hope you discover the fun in blogging again and can easily push publish and not worry about the critics out there (they will always be around) because your loving readers (who often times don’t comment) will continue to turn in, eager to hear about your life/projects/family/hiccups/little victories/etc.
Best of luck and enjoy the beautiful fall in Richmond with your family!
Please come back ;)
HeatherFromKC says
I will miss your blog, but please go and do you!! No hard feelings life is too short and kids grow up way too fast.
Stefanie says
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for being such an inspiration for DIY, design, crafty stuff, organization, and following your passion. I’ve always appreciated your writing style and funny pop references, too. I wish you all the best and hope you find a balance that works right for you!!
Anna says
You owe us nothing. Just remember that. It doesn’t mean you can’t be grateful for all that you have received from your hard work…but you gave first, then received.
To be honest you sound a little burnt out, and I’m not surprised. You’ve been going full throttle for quite some time. Perfect time for you to step back and reassess what you want for your family, whilst enjoying those short short months that you have a darling baby in your arms.
Good luck with whatever path you choose, whether it is here or somewhere else.
Karen hornsten says
I am wondering what your intent was 7 years ago? Did you have other occupations, other interests? There is a joy in new adventures and now you have learned about the luster leaving the excitement. I am 70 and that is definitely one thing I have learned in this crazy life, after awhile even the loveliest and most gratifying things are taken for granted. But, and this is a biggie, the love of family, your children, each other, grows in different ways, changes, amazes, propels us in different directions. Hang in there. Ignore the negative, shake off the improper ones, and stay true. After all, as an old philosopher once said, ‘what is it in the light of eternity’? Your influence has been great and you have touched the lives of many, thanks to the internet. Thank you from my little corner of the world!!!
Elaine says
I stood in line in Georgetown in DC outdoors in the cold for three hours to meet you and get your signature on my book. I drove two hours to Richmond, VA to see your show house. I am a total fan and, as many have said, looked forward to starting my day with your blog. I had wondered how you could possibly keep up the pace. You’ve worked hard to create the best of all the DYI blogs. You deserve a break.
Michell says
oh my heart is so sad! I am a granny when it comes to technology and yours is the only blog I follow! Ugh! You have done a fantastic job! I draw inspiration from you all the time! I hope this doesn’t become a permanent break! I will miss you guys and your weekly posts and snapshots into your lives! You guys are the bees knees and I truly hope to see and read about you all soon!
Wendy says
Best of luck to your little family! I have loved the blog, and I’m sure I will continue to search back on your site for items I have loved and want to duplicate! If you decide to come back I will be one the first to support you again..or know I support you if you don’t.
All the best Petersiks!
Tracy says
You have put your lives out for display for 7 years– Open season on the Internet, which is both courageous and scary. You’ve opened yourself to the opinions and judgement of others, sharing your family and your love of DIY with innocent exposure. In doing so, complete strangers who consider themselves your friends have taken ownership of your lives. If you do something that they don’t approve of, I know you’re being reprimanded with no restraint or filter. What a way to live. You’ve handled such exposure with such grace. But how nice it will feel to pull down the blinds and have some privacy for awhile. I think 99% of your readers adore you and your site. But even with friends, there comes a time to send them home, turn off the porch light, and rest. I wish you the very best and applaud your decision to enjoy your lives and family under the radar.
Jennifer says
For what it’s worth, I haven’t really thought that your blog has gone downhill at all. And I’m super critical.
You will definitely be missed and I hope you find your way back!
Hollie says
I have been unplugged for the better part of the past week, so I completely missed your poll asking for blog feedback. For what it’s worth, I haven’t noticed anything “off” of late. I have very much enjoyed watching your lives and careers flourish over the past few years and consider it a privlege that I have been taken along for the wild ride.
In the end, what matters most is what you’re feeling. And if you think that things aren’t clicking on all cylinders and that it’s time to step back and reassess, then you can add mine to all the supportive voices here in the comments.
Please know that your blog (the only one I read) and book have been instrumental in helping me create a beautiful home for my family. I look forward to the day when a newly reinvigorated YHL returns… but even if this doesn’t happen for quite some time, I will continue to be inspired by what you’ve already accomplished.
Jm says
You guys rock my world! I don’t know if you know this, but we are on a first name basis. Most days I say something like this to my husband, “look what John and Sherry did today!” Borderline creepy? Ehh…whatever :) I’ll miss your presence here, but will be awaiting your return if that’s what you decide is right for you.
Janelle says
Props to you two for taking time for yourself and your family to reevaluate. Of course I, like many, will miss you but the most important thing is that you guys are happy and on the path that is best for you and your kiddos! I pray you find the inspire you once had, whether it be back in blogging or a different avenue. Whatever your choice, I thank you for the years I have followed you and the peak you have given me into your adorable little life!
Thank you!
Liz D. says
I feel like I’m losing a friend. I hope you find the perfect way to support your family but still post an update every now and then. I’ll be here to read whenever you do. May God bless your family and light the path you are to take. May He give you peace and joy in the days to come.
Valerie says
I am actually new to your blog and to decorating/DIY blogs in general since I find that, many times in the past, I let them steal my contentment with what I have and where I am at in life. However, your blog does just the opposite- encourage people to try new things, be authentic and live with what you have, trying to make more beautiful & liveable spaces within your means. I look forward to reading more of your archived blog posts. I wish you both the best as you step back and determine what is best for your family. In the end, determining what is most important IS the most important thing and I admire you for taking that step!
Megan says
Everyone needs a break and a chance to step back and analyze with a clear head where you need to go. I have enjoyed reading daily of your creative projects…I lived vicariously through you…as I wish I could have done what you guys do for a living. I also have 2 small kids, so I know how hard it is to give 100% to both.
Your first and most important job is your family. I hope you get the rest that you guys need….
I will still keep YHL as my homepage!!!
Lindy says
Hi there. Long time reader here. I don’t know if you’ll ever see my words since they will be sandwiched between thousands (literally, thousands!) of comments from people who admire and support you. Mine are more of the same — you guys are lovely, authentic, kind people. And that has always come through in your posts, whether it was a giveaway post, and major DIY post, or a minor decorating post. The type of post (I enjoy them all, FTR) is immaterial to who you are. That’s what I love about you guys. You’ve blessed so many people; you’ve been an inspiration to me, not only in WHAT you do, but HOW you do it. So I want to say thank you. Thanks for putting yourselves out there for all of these years. Thanks for sharing with us, the great sea of internet readers. I appreciate you both! You’ve given me the courage and confidence to do things I never knew I could do; and you’ve given me the inspiration to do them happily, without fear. Thank you, John and Sherry, for every post we saw and for all that goes on behind the scenes that we’ve never seen. You guys are the best.
Kayakgirl73 says
Good Luck and enjoy your break. I hope you come back to the blog in some form or other. I know I’m very late to the comment party, but I wanted to let you guys know I’ve really enjoyed the blog over the last 4 and half years I’ve been reading. I started reading not long before Clara was born. Hopefully you guys find your jam again.
Maybe your jam is an old direction again or something entirely new I don’t know but take time to take a vacation.
I know some bloggers take vacations where there are no posts for a week or so APW did this before she hired staff and I think they still shut done for a week or so around the Winter Holidays.
Emily S. says
So, I’ve been reading your blog from the beginning. It is the only blog I read regularly. My sisters and I enjoy catching up on the blog from our separate locations and then gabbing about it later. I have never posted a comment before, and not sure why I feel compelled to now. I think the blog is wonderful, and has been from the beginning. It’s refreshing. It’s design for families! There is no need to explain or defend yourselves- though I imagine that’s difficult with the comment section on.
I would say a majority of readers appreciate each and every post and don’t really care if you post 1, 3, or 7 per week. We just love that you do post and that projects seem like they’re attainable and affordable. I also love the personal, funny, quirky aspect to your blog. Quite honestly, many of the side-project posts have been favorites.
I hope you do come back, I know my mornings will not be as enjoyable without a little YHL!
Allison says
There’s a bit of selfish fear in me that you won’t come back – you’re my favorite blog hands down – but I totally understand your need to step away. You’ve been my inspiration for so long, and I actually popped back on the blog this morning to look up the name of a table in your house that I’m getting for our nursery. (We have our first little guy coming in 3 months, so I’ve loved the Teddy posts lately :-) ) But everything aside, we all want you to take care of yourselves and your family, and do whatever you need to. We love you like family, and we’ll be here if/when you come back!
Bethany says
Life is made up of seasons. This is just a new one for you. Whatever the future holds for you both, I have so enjoyed reading your blog with my morning coffee. It’s been such a lovely habit that I haven’t even realized how many years I’ve actually been at it!
I’m a momma of four and with a similar situation to yours, Sherry. I’m extremely close to my sister and watch her daughter before and after school and during vacations. So with 5 kiddos around and a house I finally got to make my own (purchased about the same time as you did this last one), why have I not made much progress? Because people are more important. The more people you add the more complicated and busy life gets. We have to include ourselves in that people count. I think it’s obvious from scanning the comments that we all support you. You are our people. Thanks for inspiring us!!
Jenny Park says
Nooooo!!!!! Oh I love reading about your adventures in home renovation on a budget with kiddos and yet still striving to make a house a home. I have four kiddos (and one about to pop out anyday) so I totally get that overwhelmed we need more family time and less projects. But you taught me how to paint my laundryroom cabinets…which are almost done three weeks later (again four kiddo and Preggo timelines are long), and I bought my washer and dryer upon your recommendation when ours broke at the same time…an dee love them. Also my hubby loves your blog because of the detailed we can do it flare. I hope your break makes it fun for you again and you can come back with renewed zest. As for me I get excited when you post you changed a lightbulb…because little things count when making your house a home. Please hurry back! And of course a big thanks!
Julie. says
I didn’t go thru all the comments, but yo, you guys just had another baby. That’s a huge life-changing, sleep deprivation situation. When my 2nd was born I kind of put my life on hold for like 8-12 months and I don’t even work outside the home currently. Be gentle with yourselves and know that life is full of tons of cycles and changes. You guys are so *young* (I just turned 42 so I can call you two young) and you will have so many times in your life you are full of inspiration and energy and ideas… and then sometimes we all fall off that “groove” but IT ALWAYS COMES BACK.
Simone says
I am following you now for more than 6 month so I can’t compare how your style was a few years ago. I just love your blog and you inspire me every day. I hope this is only a break and not a break up. This would be a bummer.
Linda D. says
Good for you! I applaud you both for having the courage of your convictions to take care of yourselves. I honestly believe whatever comes next will be better for it.
While I ALWAYS enjoyed the blog and did NOT sense any loss of energy or focus, only you two are in the best position to create the ‘business plan’ for your lives. I sure do hope that includes more how to’s and look what we’re up to’s eventually, but if, when and how that happens is up to YOU.
Thank you for leaving the older posts up – they are the first place I check when I want to fix or upgrade something. Thanks to you, I’ve tackled much in my house that I may have once grumbled cluelessly about.
Enjoy those kidlets. Here’s wishing you every joy as you figure out Next Steps!
Kathleen says
Dear John and Sherry,
If you actually get to read all your comments on this post, be assured, you are amazing!
Almost enough said. But, I have been enjoying your blog for some time now and it’s my turn to be “wordy”.
You must know, it is hard to operate at full throttle and hit all the marks you have set to reach…all the time.
Perhaps it is time to recognize how vital and important breaks, vacation and privacy are to a healthy state of mind, confidence, reenergizing your creativity and overall quality of family life.
Over time, we learn and recognize that our lives are a journey of trial and error, and achieving balance in the midst of our extreme adrenaline highs, delightful and expansive opportunities, professional successes and…Oh yes, let’s not forget, starting an amazing family! ….is a challenge to navigate – period!
With rest, the mind clears.
With clarity, we free ourselves from the emotions of fatigue.
Gift yourself the time you néed. Decide what is best for you. Be confident. We will love you anyway!
Fatigue is natural, but be cautioned not to let it drive your mind set or emotions. ( I think I said that twice?)
Please just do not underestimate the value of what you have achieved.
It is remarkable. You two have provided such a contribution to your readers, the blog world, diy’s and, the may I say it, “global” design stage.
And the possiblities are still endless.
I love your energy and zest.
And just F.Y.I., In my opinion, it has not been lost in your blog.
Rock on with where ever your heart takes you.
Jen says
^^^ I second that emotion!!! ^^^
Karen says
You are my favourite people on the internet, and I’m so sorry to hear you are having this struggle. You have a beautiful, loving family and adoring friends, and you are talented beyond measure.
I am one of the many who will be eagerly awaiting your return to our lives, regardless of the form that might take.
Lots of love x
Natalie (Australia) says
I just wanted to put this out therein case you didn’t already know, there are so many reasons why you cant go!
1. For many of your readers you are a stable routine. We read this blog everyday it has became part of who we are.
2. Even when our own lives are hard, boring, stressful or complicated, we can log onto here and escape into this little world you have created. It is our happy place.
3. For many readers, in the last 7 years, we have shared so much together. Babies, weddings, first home. You have been there. You let us share in birthdays, Christmas’ and family vacations. You are a part of who we are.
4. We feel like family, yet we have never met.
5. You let us see Clara grow up and we would love to see the same amount of Teddy.
6. You are truly inspirational.
7. Your home and photos makes the world a little more colourful and our dreams a little more achievable.
8. If we ever saw you in the street, we would hug you because your awesome.
9. Don’t worry about the haters or your inner demons, be like T.Swizzle and ‘shake it off’. You are setting yourself high goals and standards and that shows true integrity so please go easier on yourself.
10. We love your family posts and seeing your life through Instagram and Facebook.
11. We love that you use affordable and accessible furniture, décor and materials. Most of us are watching our dollars and we feel like we all have this is common. Your advice on saving money is so relatable and we love it. Were not high class here.
12. If you go, we will actually have to get a life of our own.
13. Between you, us and Bower Power, daily life is pretty much like a beautiful peanut butter and jelly sandwich of friendship.
14. You are doing an awesome job juggling it all.
15. All of us work full time and try to balance home life and we applaud you for it. Truly, we stand up and give you an ovation.
16. We need weekly Teddy pictures like we did with Clara!
17. This blog is like a novel, we need to keep reading and see it through and finished.
18. The reason we love this blog so much is because in reality all we do in life is work to own a home and spend most of your time in that home. But you make the process seem so enjoyable. You teach us that its a journey and not a destination.
19. We all live somewhere and home decoration and renovation is universal, that’s why there are so many readers from so many countries.
20. Most of us have at some point wished our family, marriage and house was more like yours. We look up to you so highly.
21. You teach us stuff we cant learn anywhere else.
22. Your sentimental and we love that.
23. Mainly we are all sad because this feels like a break up and we have no say in it. On that note Taylor Swift is probably writing a song about this right now.
24. Thanks for the memories we hope there is more to come because we are in this for the long haul.
25. We haven’t noticed a difference in your blog quality at all, there are not many websites that are as productive as yours without a full staff of people!
26. We will take 1 post a week rather than none!
27. If a friendship lasts longer than 7 years, psychologists say it will last a lifetime.
28. Please don’t disappear off the face of the earth, please don’t isolate yourselves too long.
29. “Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul”. You make our days and our souls happier.
30. Just know we truly appreciate all your hard work.
We are all sending BIG BIG internet love your way!! Xoxo
Rebecca says
Beautifully, awesomely, perfectly said Natalie. :D Add my Ditto!
Robyn says
Well, I have NEVER commented on your blog because I just don’t do that much, but I have read every day for about 5 years! I just want to say thank you!!! You have pretty much taught me and inspired every thing I have done in my house, from picking colors to tackling small projects to decorating a room. There have always been parts of your blog that have been more of my favorites than others, but to me, that’s just how a blog goes and not every part is going to be everyone’s favorite. I have four kids of my own so I can only imagine what it has taken to mange your two sweet kiddos along with all of the work.
In short, thank you again for being such a great couple and having such an awesome blog. Wherever this month takes you–you will be great. If you return here, I will be thrilled, and if not, you will be missed, but I totally understand! God Bless.
A Pereira says
Wow, congratulation for your honesty and being real. The truth will set you free. Now I love you guys even more :)
Michele Jacobs says
I really hope that you guys find the balance that you need, but I really hope that you come back to the blog. I subscribe via email and the YHL email is the one I save for last because it is inevitably my favorite. I am inspired to tackle projects in my own home after reading some of the projects you have tackled, especially since I also have 2 little ones who are always wanting to “help”. Come back soon!
Lisa says
I have rarely commented before, but this news really affected me. I am not your usual follower (I’m over 50, my children are teenagers and we have been homeowners for almost 30 years). But, your style (both personal and decorating) are the perfect fit for me. With two in college, we do not have a lot of money to spend on our home right now, but we always are trying to improve it. I cannot tell you how often I mention you (you’re like part of our family!) or refer to something I have learned on your blog. I always say if it works for YHL it will work for us. We frequently refer to your archives when we are looking for the best product to use or the best way to do something. (As we speak, we are redoing our stairs and runner and I refer back to your post several times a day!) I also am desperately trying to find the same hardwood you put on your second floor because that is the exact color I want! You guys have always been so real and funny! You truly have been a bright spot in my day for years. I so respect how you have handled yourselves and you have shown such integrity as your little blog boomed into something huge. I don’t have time to read comments so I’m not sure what “haters” are saying, but know that you have been a very important part of our lives, and I hope you find the balance that works for your family. I will continue to use your site as a wonderful reference. Thank you for all you have given through the years.
Aimee says
I hear you!! I just changed jobs myself and it was a huge improvement in my happiness. Sometimes you just have to make a change. Wish you luck on your break or new venture. I have enjoyed the blog, but totally get that you guys may need to do something else. Again, best of luck!
Émilie says
Love your blog and read it daily. That being said, I’m glad you’re taking a much needed pause and I was surprised you didn’t take a break when your son was born. I enjoy the personal side of your lovely family (not the super personal details, but how you’re very approachable…maybe personable is a better word?), your sense of humor and your design and life adventures. I would seriously watch you guys on a TV show. Can we petition for that? I hope you do come back, even at a much slower pace. I’d be ok with once a week and would wait for each post with much anticipation. Cheers and happy resting.
Charlotte says
I’m a new reader here, I only found interior blogs about a year ago, and your blog about 6 months ago? (Just before you purchased the new house) But even so, as an “outsider” I think you’re being too harsh on yourself. The reason your blog, together with 3 others made it into the start up of my browser, is because you don’t push products as badly as 95% of the other interior blogs I have seen. Yes, you did the showhouse, yes, you had a line at Target and other cool things. Not ONCE did I feel pressured to purchase. I actually felt sad for you guys when I saw your stuff on clearance at Target.
Maybe I have a different perspective, as your blog is as it has always been to me, but I don’t feel it is too overly commercialized. I realize that this is your baby but also your business. This is what you live off and how you feed, clothe and house your family. And yes, I’m slightly envious ;)
I hope you guys have a nice break, and I really hope you will be back after it. Until then, I’ll open your blog daily to see if there are any updates. And if you DO decide to call it curtains (gently wafting, lace curtains), please let us know and don’t let the blog hanging. That always makes me sad when bloggers don’t have a goodbye post.
Jeannie says
Well I love you guys and think you do an amazing job, and will truly miss you… BUT you need to do what is best for yourselves and your family, just like everyone does! It’s lovely that you’re thankful to your readers, but don’t ever forget that you got where you are today with your amazing hard work and talent, and you really don’t owe anyone anything! Best of luck with whatever you decide to do in the future!
Karen says
I was so worried this post was coming and I’m sad beyond words. I feel terrible that you’ve been made to feel that anything about your posts isn’t up to scratch or good enough. I’m so appreciative that you guys have let us in to your homes and lives and will miss you all terribly. I too will check back everyday in the hope that your time away is only brief. Take care of each other and know that your loyal readers and fans will be eagerly awaiting your return. Enjoy each other xx