This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Lori Ann says
I so understand where you’re coming from. My husband and I own our business, too (which we love). It is a struggle when you want to make everyone “over the moon” happy and still make a living for your family, while wanting your customers to know you really do care about them and aren’t just looking for an angle to make money off of them. The reality is that you do have to buy food and clothes for your kids. Every day I wish I could do my job for free, but I can’t.
All of us in this entrepreneurial venture go through learning curves, and sometimes business naturally tends to evolve in unexpected ways as you grow. Y’all are so smart to take a step back to figure out the best direction for your family! I just wanted to give ya a little encouragement. You’re awesome, and as long as you feel like you’re doing the best thing for your family, that’s all that matters!
Kristen says
Y’all will be so missed! But I admire your gumption for taking a step back and focusing on finding your joy again. CAN’T WAIT for your triumphant return. Thanks so much for all you’ve done to inspire this first-time homeowner. <3
Abbey says
You guys are awesome–enjoy your time and don’t for a second feel bad about stepping away! :)
sophie says
I’m currently on sabbatical from my university research/teaching position – 12 whole months away from my usual routine but still doing research on my own time and my own terms. I have often said that I think that all jobs should have sabbaticals. We can all benefit from time away to recharge, rethink, refresh. This is particularly true when you’re self employed (which I’ve also been). It can turn into a never-ending hamster wheel of work, work, work until you forget the bliss that originally brought you to that place. Take time, take care. Be well.
Ginger james says
The heart rock says it ALL. A picture truly does speak a thousand words.
Chase says
I’ll chime in with what I’m assuming hundreds have already said: I will miss you, but this seems like a great plan.
I don’t think it’s at all unusual to feel uninspired after 7 years of doing this- even if you still feel grateful for it and love it. Look how much your lives have changed in that time! It would almost be odd of you NOT to need to re-evaluate this aspect of your lives as well. I think a break is the best way for you to “reset” yourselves and decide if this is something you want to continue or not and how you want to continue doing it. We’ll be eagerly awaiting your announcement of your decisions. I hope this month (or whatever) is a time of peace and rest, and that you can feel our love without feeling obligated to us.
Pam Groom says
You guys deserve a break. You have worked so hard for so long, and we appreciate you. Selfishly, I hope you return. I LOVE your blog. With that said, if you do quit, there will be many tears across the globe. This blog is the one way an average gal like myself can be inspired by an incredible couple…..YOU! Thanks again for all the love and insights you’ve showered on us!
Beth Marie says
In my creepy voice…I’ll be waiting….
LOL, I think you more than deserve a break you all have given us so much of yourself, reached some out of this world goals. You definitely deserve time to re-group, re-focus and come back if you like. Lucky for us you do have archives and we can peek into your awesomeness whenever we desire. Wishing your family the absolute best!!
Whitley said it best, “Relax, relate, release.”
Frankie says
Although I am not happy to read this, I certainly understand your decision. I love your blog and will really miss it. My hope is that you will recharge and come back soon. You will be missed.
Virginia says
In every career one has doubts and makes changes for the better. You need time to explore what those changes are. I love every one of your posts. Even if I’m not going to build a wall, I love how you photograph and explain the process. Short or long, I’ve enjoyed them all. You have a crisp, clear perspective and a nice way of expressing yourselves. I hope your time off will bring a sort of evolution to your lives and careers. Don’t expect an epiphany to happen suddenly. I find my changes and decisions grow over time, sometimes more slowly than I want. Enjoy that growth. Good luck. I hope to read you again soon.
Kristy says
I COMPLETELY understand! I recently went through a major life change and my whole world and reason for my blog came crumbling down. I just shut it down. Now, I did not have anywhere near the readership you have, but I knew if I tried to continue to be out in the ‘cyber world’ it would have torn me up more.
I am so proud of you for stepping away. Blogs are a sort of a weird world these days. I have felt for some time now that they will soon be a thing of the past. Maybe not entirely, but it will take on some other form. Possibly you are feeling that too. Either way, again, I am proud of you both for making your life priority and not letting the ‘haters’ get you down, but making this decision because it feels right for you.
You are the type of people that whatever you do, whatever you touch there will be a magic to it. I am not even in the least bit worried about what direction your life will take – you will be amazing at whatever you do.
I have followed your blog for many years now. The thing I loved most about it, was how real you were. You could have been making toast for all I cared, it was who you are that makes your blog stand out. Thank you for being you, all the way through and sharing it with all us peeping Toms.
Sarah says
You have been my favorite blog to read every morning for the last 5 or so years. I never felt like you ‘lost’ anything, but I could tell your lives were changing just as they do for us all. Nothing bad there! Your honest and extremely helpful posts on DIY have been revisited by us many times on our own house projects. I absolutely LOVED your recent laundry room! I have so greatly enjoyed the invitation to be a part of your home, thank you. You will be missed.
Rachel says
Super bummed as looking at your posts was the highlight of my work day but we all understand being burned out. Looking forward to your return!
Denyse says
A Fond Farewell! Best Wishes!
Before you go can you put up a list of other similar blogs that you like for us to read?
Let’s face it, I’m gonna need some material to read while you gone and in the event that you never return.
Lindsay Beeson says
I don’t think I’ve ever commented on your blog (even though I’ve been reading for years), but I wanted to say quickly how impressed I have been and continue to be with just EVERYTHING you guys do — including the grace with which you’re handling these inevitable changes that come with having done the same thing for seven years (also, is it a coincidence that you’re seven years in? Seven-year itch, anyone?).
In whatever way you move forward, I’m sure you’ll keep on impressing — even if it’s that you live quietly in your corner of the world and raise your beautiful family without a peep to us.
I’m so glad and grateful to have been able to see what you guys do.
Skye says
When I first read this, yesterday morning at 9:00 am, I was so sad. I teared up and truly felt like you guys had broken up with me. But after sleeping on it- and I can see it a little more from your perspective.
I have two young children too, and I am a full time working mom. Both times a new baby was welcomed into my life- I went through a flood of emotions- how could I ever go to work when life is so short and these newborn babies are practically grown? I got 8 weeks paid off maternity leave with my two- and by the end of the 8 weeks, I was ready to return to the working world. With this being your job- you deserve the time off to focus only on your family for a while. Enjoy the littleness and the smell of sweet baby head. :) Those times away from work were my most precious memories to date. Enjoy your time away. <3
Colleen says
I, like others here, have followed you for years. I have commented a few times, but those comments were mostly child-related–words of encouragement from a fellow “abruption” mom after you shared Clara’s birth story, suggesting the “they call babies a miracle for a reason” response to people who inquire about your family plans. Once again I feel compelled to comment and once again it is with words of encouragement. As a mom who just sat and watched (and fought back tears of joy) the other day as my daughter tried on her wedding gown, I can tell you that this ride goes much too fast. I applaud you for recognizing that. So…take a breath, take a breather, count your blessings, and I hope to “see” you soon. If not, thank you for sharing your amazing ride. It’s been a joy!
Kate O. says
That is such a beautiful heart rock. Perfect picture for this post.
But I hope you all are able to keep blogging even if it is very part time. You have great voices and I don’t want to stop “hearing” them.
jane says
Aww so totally bummed that you all feel this way-but also totally understand (I promise I’m not 13, just like the word totally! ha). I never noticed that anything was “off” or “lacking”. Haters gonna hate. Anyway, I absolutely credit you guys for helping me renovate and decorate my husband’s and my first home (a 1924 Florida fixer-upper!). Please know that you are such an inspiration- in renovating and decorating, but also in marriage and family life.
Heather says
What a sad day, as the Beyoncé of DIY blogs says goodbye. You guys will be sorely missed, even if just for a short break (I need to believe that if I speak this into the universe enough, it will be true). Thank you for being such a huge inspiration to me and SO many others – my apartment would be truly haggard without you! You guys are so easy to love; just know that your true fans will continue to love you even in your absence. Best of luck with your beautiful family, house and future! So many hugs!
Seaweed & Raine says
I DO understand. Although my blog has not been going as long, and although it doesn’t support my family or is anywhere near the size of yours (it’s in the teeny tiny minor leagues), when things just don’t gell… they just don’t.I’ve not written anything much at all this year. I applaude you for being true to who you are. For realising that things aren’t how you’d like them to be, and for being pro-active about it.
Enjoy the break. Enjoy re-connecting in private. Kick your heels up and do a silly dance – just because you can! :)
And occasionally, remember that we miss you guys. ;)
Rhonda says
You guys have done an EXCELLENT job at being bloggers, parents, etc, etc, etc. Do what you need to do for yourselves for a change and don’t spare the horses!
Jen_nifer says
Wow. I did not see this coming at all.
Good for you for taking a break to decide what is best for you and the family. I hope the blog continues in some way after the break, but if not, I’m sure it’ll be the right decision for you.
Julie says
I know I am just one voice in a sea of all the other voices here….but I also know you guys truly care and take the time to read everything said to you. So, here are my two cents! I have read your blog since before Clara, before the blog name change, way back to close to the beginnings of your first house! You are the ONE blog that I have stayed true to, that I go to every day, that I never fail to read. I have loved watching you guys evolve, loved seeing the success you have enjoyed, loved watching your family grow. I read a lot of the comments from the other day and cringed, knowing how hard you guys have worked, knowing how deeply you care about us, the readers, and knowing that each comment was going to be something etched right into your hearts. You must be exhausted from the emotions pulled up by all those comments, and your brains must just be swirling! I know you guys want everyone to be happy….and it is so hard to know that it simply isn’t possible to please everyone. I hope this break gives you some time to refresh! I hope you will do what is best for you and your family! I hope, for my own selfish reasons, that you come back. And I hope you give yourselves room to just do what is right for you. I truly care about you guys. I will be praying for you. God’s got this. ;)
Francesca says
Grazie di tutto e spero a presto. Francesca
Barrett says
I will definitely miss my regular YHL updates but totally understand your need to step away and take a break. I feel like we’re BFFs, even though you have no idea who I am :) Best of luck in whatever the future holds!
Robyn H says
I totally understand the need for a break, it doesn’t matter how much you love doing something (anything!), it can get a little stale and a break is all you need to find a renewed passion for it! I just hope for all of your readers that you don’t make the break permanent as you’ve would leave a MASSIVE hole in the internet! I’ll miss you guys whilst you’re away and will probably think about you more than is normal for a stranger in another country! ;-)
Sending much love xxxx
Jessica says
Love the blog. Love the honesty. Don’t forget to be compassionate and loving to yourselves through all of this. Nobody can be “on” all the time…especially “Creatives.” Your next phase will be hard I’m sure but take care of yourselves first. You know how in the airplane they say to put your oxygen mask on first before helping someone next to you…put it on and breathe.. ????
Jill C. says
While I am so, so sad that I won’t have your blog to wake up to each morning, I totally understand and want nothing but the absolute best for you and your family. I’m gonna miss you!! Bonne chance mes amis!!! xo
Jen says
As a loyal reader for over 3 yrs I’m definitely sad to see you taking a break that we all know could lead to the end of this adventure. But as you have shared so openly your personal life I , and everyone, can easily see and know you are real people with a real family and real life. Life doesn’t happen on a static line of home projects big and small. Life is ever growing and changing needs and interests and goals and priorities. Having 4 kids myself I have felt change in these areas of my life and my family with the addition of each person and as we enter new life stages. I’ve also been in the same career with the same employer for 10+ years and I’m very familiar with changing priorities and interests there as well. As challenging as this can be in a corporation, I’m sure it’s equally challenging in a self directed career such as yours. Wherever this break and re-grouping takes you, I do hope you continue to share yourselves with the world in some way. I know you’ve been called an inspiration like 3000 times now, but really – you are. You remind people how to be creative, take risks, try new things, love their home, love themselves (including this break), live responsibly, love our families, and do for others, just to name a few ways you inspire. You guys are a positive light in media of all sorts. You are gifted writers and DIYers. I still enjoy reading your posts even if it’s a project I don’t see myself tackling (though when such a job does come up I have gone back and tried some). I may take this month to do some laundry area updates (a shelf over the back of the appliances? So simple, so genius!), but I’ll be thinking of you and hoping only good comes from this process, whatever that may be. Know you’re loved and appreciated – we all want good things for you!
Erin M says
I love you guys!! A friend directed me your website not long after we bought our first place. You have inspired my husband and I to take on projects we weren’t sure we could do! Your honesty and ideas were always insightful.
We will miss you guys. I’m not sure what website I will check over my morning coffee.
Enjoy your time away. Have fun with the family, maybe do a few projects for you and know we will welcome you back with open arms if and when you decide to return.
Best of luck with all that you do!!
Pam says
Sending best wishes to you as you take a break and refresh and recharge.
I have so enjoyed finding your blog posts in my morning email! I love your writing style, and your sense of fun and adventure as you led us through projects. All the best to you!
KelsieW says
Sad to see you go!! Enjoy the break! I hope it brings lots of rest, relaxation and inspiration :)
Angie says
I’ll miss you!
That being said, I applaud you for your decision. I felt kinda similar last year and was no longer happy with my job. Stepping back was a huge relief, like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. It’s not easy to take the plunge, but sometimes you just gotta do it.
Take all the time you need, relax, relax, relax, refocus and then figure out slowly what path you want to take from now on. To be honest, I was wondering on the weekend how you were able to keep your drive for so long with so few vacations mixed in. It felt like you were here all the time…
Although I would love for you to come back, even with just one post per month, I will fully respect your decision. After all, it’s your life and I’m thankful you shared so much of it with us so far.
Pam L. says
I have loved every single thing you have ever showed us. You have to do what’s best for your precious family. I will be watching and waiting for your return. You have made so many of my days brighter just “knowing” you and the ideas you have given me for my home are endless. I will cherish my key holder and my Burger hook even more now. I hope to see you all come back with gusto, if and when you are ready.
I will miss you all!
Emily says
While I have thoroughly enjoyed the years of your blog(…it’s always been an early morning read along with my coffee), it is completely understandable that breaks need to happen. Being home owners and parents of newborn twins, I feel inspired by your blog and all your projects to make our new home ours. I reference your site for how to’s and inspiration. But more importantly than the house and the design of the house, comes the home and the people who live there. So enjoy your time with each other and love what you have together. When it’s time to blog again, I will look forward to those morning reads again!
Katie C says
Thank you. Thank you for being real and for being honest. Thank you for demonstrating something that we all should do from time to time: taking a break to rest, reflect, and renew. I heard about you guys years ago, but really starting following last year when we bought our first house. Your blog has been a wealth of ideas and resources for me and my husband! Enjoy your time off! Again, thank you! Grazie! Merci!
Cristen Cox says
J and S (and B, C & T too!) – I don’t comment often, but I’ve been following your blog for about 4 years. I came upon it one day while searching the internet for a tutorial on painting furniture white (wow was the helpful!) and there was no turning back =) I just want to tell you guys how much I love love love your blog and you! I am so grateful that you allow the world to be a part of your daily lives. Your humor, talent, originality, creativeness and grace (just to name a few) are so inspiring to me and clearly so many others. I have gotten so many amazing ideas and tips from your blog (hello Pinterest!) And let’s not start on the eye candy: decorating, DIY projects, house tours, cute pups, babies, kiddos and husbands ;-) I mean what’s not to love!?
But in all seriousness, how you guys manage to create so much original content and tackle so many projects (BY YOURSELVES) all while raising a family, running a business and just being generally awesome is totally beyond me!!! Part of the reason I keep coming back to you guys is that you have always stayed true to yourselves and this blog, it’s all YOU!! So, kuddos to you for making this (very tough, I’m sure) decision. Rock on and I really hope to see you back soon! Much Love.
Olivia says
What is it they say? “Haters gonna hate”? There is no way that you can please all your readers nor is there any reason that you SHOULD. I could just cry that a few snarky commenters have you doubting your blog and yourselves. Ok, obviously it’s bigger than that, but really who CARES what you write about? This is your blog, if someone doesn’t like it they can go find another blog they like better. Now if you feel that things have spiraled away from your blogging intentions then by all means, take some time and get back on track, but PLEASE. Don’t cater to us, your readers. Who the heck are we? You give us way too much credit. Write about what makes you happy, as often as it makes you happy, and forget about the rest. The people that say that they come to your site and are disappointed to see that you haven’t posted, or worse, are disappointed about what you HAVE posted about? Come on, those folks aren’t worth your time. The blog world doesn’t center around them, nor should you allow your blog style to be influenced by such self-centric people. You guys are amazing. Really. Don’t change a damn thing unless it’s really in your heart to do so. End rant.
Lindsay Hutchins says
Pleeeeease come back! I totally respected your decision to cut back after Teddy was born, and will be a loyal follower for as long as your blog exists (hopefully for forever!) regardless of how often you post each week. I love you guys and I honestly believe this is the most sincere blog out there. Every other blog I currently follow, or have followed in the past, are so heavily saturated w/ sponsored posts and those don’t really feel like they’re coming from an honest/sincere place. You guys are the real deal, and have loved you since I first started reading 5 years ago.
And you guys should be, and are allowed to be, proud of this blog and all that you’ve accomplished in the last 7 years. I don’t know why it’s viewed as a negative thing to have created a brand for yourself. I give you all major props for that – and you deserve a pat on the back.
And in the words of Taylor Swift – “The haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate.”
Ignore the haters, and those with the negative opinions. They should all write their own blogs if they think they have all the answers…
Enjoy your break & I hope you guys find what you’re looking for. I will be here keeping my fingers crossed for your return!
Ryan says
This is a great decision. It’s been obvious for awhile that your mojo was off, and that definitely impacted my interest as a reader. I’ve been with you guys since the early days (before the name change) and I’ve always loved how witty and relaxed your writing was. There’s been a noticeable shift where it seems like you’re approaching this as a job you’re burnt on (or a bad relationship where you’re staying for the awesome apartment).
Most importantly…I’ll miss the pics of John’s cute butt in all of the shots. (Thank God we still have Jeremy Bower!) :)
I hope you take a breather and find your mojo because in a totally creepy and bizarre way, you feel like dear friends, so it’s sad. But, because of our creepy and bizarre virtual friendship, beyond that, I hope you find what makes you both happy and fulfilled.
Sarah says
I will miss you! I completely support your break. I hope that in a month we see you again, refreshed as ever. Turning something ugly into something beautiful and encouraging all of us that we can do the same! But if not, that’s ok, too. I wish you and your family the best! Good luck!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your family.
Shelby says
Hi Sherry and John, I’ve never posted a comment before but I want to share my support today. I absolutely love your blog and have gotten so much inspiration from it over the past few years. I’m truly sad not to have it for a little while. But nonetheless, you must do what is right for you and your family. That’s what life is about. Don’t worry about anything else.
Stacey says
Thank you for sharing your feeeelings with all of us. You will surely be missed, but family life is top priority, so I applaud your decision! You will never regret taking time to stop, reflect, and adjust priorities when you’re feeling things may be out of balance or just off. Wishing you the very best and hoping you’ll come back again if it’s the best for your family!!
Thank you for all your wonderful humor, fun, wisdom and the chance to learn from you!!
Maddie says
I am not sure you will get to a chance to read all of these comments, but it is obvious that a lot of people enjoy you and your blog. I feel as though something is missing this morning…well, because something is! Your blog was a piece of my morning routine. I would get my kids off to school, get myself ready and do a few things around my house. Around 10:00 a.m., your blog was the perfect few mins. I needed to sit down, relax and enjoy. Of course, I totally understand your decision. But selfishly, I hope you return! If you do, and then decide to end at some point, I think maybe it won’t be as difficult on your readers knowing you will be ending. Enjoy your break and know that I (among many others) will be checking back frequently.
Katie Rose says
I feel like a concerned parent: I don’t like your decision but I will stand behind you and support your choice. Hope to see you guys up and running again soon!
Ramona says
I am one of your more recent followers and have only been reading your blog for the past 1 1/2 years. But every time I see YHL posted in my email news feed, yours is the first one I read. Obviously this time in your life and career is a transition period and requires pondering and prayer about what is best for your family, present and future, and your priorities. I hope you can receive the direction and clarity you need to make these decisions. Until then, I will miss your posts, John and Sherry, and I look forward to learning what you decide. Blessings to your family!
Lee Ann says
Had to add my voice here, as well. I’ve loved your blog ever since I found it (2 years ago?), and I’ve loved whatever you’ve written, simply because it was always well written. I’ll miss you, friends, but I’ll always be looking for your return. As for people who don’t like whatever direction they think the blog has taken, etc.,: It’s your blog; you can write whatever you want. No one is forcing them to read your blog. I, for one, love your blog! Thank you for all your time and sharing.
Jen says
Remember that Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan movie “You’ve Got Mail”? Meg Ryan’s character would get a thrill each time her computer announced incoming mail?
Meg Ryan had AOL but I have John and Sherry Petersik. Each day at work on my 10am break, I will punch in your address and get a glimpse into your life and what you’re working on. If there isn’t a new post, I move on to the news but I really prefer Petersik news most. This has been a habit I have had for years! Thank you John and Sherry!
I feel badly that you are feeling a bit over exposed and over committed. No worries! This is the season of your life, enjoy your kids, call the real estate agent, sell this place and buy another where you will have anonymity and no need for a burglar alarm. Never blog again :)I dare ya!
Sherry says
John and Sherry,
Just wanted you to know that you will be missed. Yours is the only blog I regularly read. I think you have a pretty cool family, and I wish only the best for all of you. I hope you get back to blogging, but understand if you don’t. Take care.