This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Elise says
Just wanted to say… enjoy your break, I hope you come back someday, and yes things have changed around here lately, but I still always enjoy every single post. Best wishes and lots of love!
Mike Grant says
I wish you both the best. Thank you for a great 7 years. Each day I looked forward to see how your next project was coming along. By the way great job on the laundry room. Enjoy your family.
Sonya says
So sad… I will miss reading your blog and I look forward to your possible return. I guess this means I’ll have to do less looking and “more doing” (like Home Depot says).
Enjoy your kids! They grow up way too fast! Thanks for all you have shared!
Lauren says
Hi guys!
Discovered you a few years ago googling livingroom design ideas. Your first house’s livingroom picture caught my eye and it led me to your site. You had just moved into your second house and I’ve been reading daily since (definitely read all archives that first weekend!). Your blog is the only one I have continuely read and even shared with friends. I have to agree with a lot of other commenters that it was your realness, humor and relatable nature that attracted me to your site.
I couldn’t believe how much work you both were doing with the show house, book, target line, blog and being 8-9 months pregnant! I thought that was crazy and definitely think you deserve a rest and time to yourselves. I’ve only commented once (to congratulate the baby news) while reading and did not comment last week through all that craziness. I don’t think it’s up to me when it comes to what you produce on your blog. But I think you both are wonderful and inspiring at what you do. I would love to see you continue the blog but what you need to do for your family is number one.
Good luck reflecting and figuring out the next step!
Paula says
As a long-time reader and very rare commenter (who didn’t read the previous 3k+ comments on this post), I just want to thank you for all you’ve done over the last several years. Your blog and family have become like friends to many of us (lol, if one-sided virtual friendships exsist!). You have been one of my favorite blogs for a longgg time and I will greatly miss you during this time. I 100% respect it, but I honestly hate that you feel like you are failing. You are so far from it. There are very likely so many of people like me out there who never comment but love to follow your lives and work.
The only thing I will say is I do always love your more personal posts. The ones where you recap your breastfeeding journey or tell us about something you did as a family (and how you made it work). You may not want to share more of that, and I get it if you don’t (your celebs, it must get harder to do that the more popular you become, through no fault of your own!).
Y’all are awesome and I wish you would know that and stop feeling bad for a second. You are too humble/cool to ever feel bad about anything. But, guess what, your humility makes you even more likable.
Keep your chins up, you rock. And thank you for all that you do. It can’t be easy. (Apologies for any grammar/spelling errors).
Lindsay Y. says
I’ve been a loyal reader of your blog since 2008, but have never once commented. This post has inspired a lot of reflection on the strangeness of this “relationship,” as it were… I feel like I know so much about you and your family and yet you have absolutely no idea who I am. I can’t help but feel like I’ve done a lot of taking, and no giving. I hope that this isn’t the end of Young House Love, but if it is, I’d at least like to thank you for sharing your lives with me and everyone else who you’ve entertained and inspired over the years. I know you have a lot of great readers who frequently connect with you, but I hope you know that there have been other, silent readers who are no less invested in you and all that you do.
Karen says
I’ve been wondering when this was coming for the last six months or so. The spark has been gone for a while. You’ve obviously gotten past that point. Good luck in your next”whatever works out for you”.
Marcia says
You deserve a break to enjoy your new baby and rejuvenate. You both seem to have endless energy and need a chance to recharge. I love your blog and hope you will return after a month of relaxing. Your photos and narrative are inspiring! I can’t imagine how overwhelming it must be to hear from people all over the web who comment good and bad on what you post. You guys do a great job and I will look forward to your return!
JoDi says
Holy heck! WTF happened here last week? I get your posts by email and never saw the feedback comment thread until I clicked through after reading this post today. (Stopped reading the comments regularly long ago when they got too long.)
I’ve been around since early in house 1, and I have to say I felt the joy going out this for you a while ago, but it finally felt like it was coming back a little when you tackled the laundry room. I figured you’ve just been spreading yourselves too thin with all the other projects going on and was hoping that with most of those winding down, it would mean good things for the blog.
Sometimes when a fun hobby becomes a job, it becomes just that, a job like any other, and it’s not fun anymore. I hope this break rejuvenates you, and if it means one or both of you get a different job and this becomes a fun hobby again, that would be great.
If/when you do come back, please stop reading the criticism here and on other sites. Some of it is just hateful and motivated by jealousy. This is always such a positive place. I feel like it’s been ruined by too much criticism. You don’t need to please everyone. Your blog got popular just because you posted what interested you. We were interested too. As the content changed, I missed some old stuff but enjoyed the new stuff too. For every 100 people who comment to say they hate X, there are another 100 who love it. And try to remember that people are far more likely to comment to complain than they are just to say they like something. You have far more supporters than detractors. The critics are just more vocal.
Oh well, I knew this wouldn’t go on forever, but I didn’t expect it to end quite so suddenly. I’ll miss you guys, not just your posts, but YOU. It’s been nice getting to know your family. A lot of us care a lot about you and want the best for you, and you will be missed. Take care! XO
acp says
Love you guys. And thank you so very very much for all your projects and wit. I’ve been reading since House #1 and learned so much. We have completed a number of projects entirely from your posts. Honestly, it has to be exhausting! I’m glad you guys are doing what’s best for John and Sherry (and fam, of course)!
shanna says
You guys are amazing!!! You will never be able to please everyone. Continue to do what makes you happy and what works for your family. I personally love your blog I tell everyone about it. I love it so much because you are normal down to earth people who have a family and family comes with busy lives. So not being able to post every day is no big deal even though I look forward toevey post. And your “cheap” style is what most of us readers would be able to afford so I think if you did a lot of the high end furniture it would turn more people away. I can’t wait for when you come back. Ps I’m not really sure what all the fuss is over you being paid to write a blog. You are doing something right lookat all the readers you have each post. Just remember no one will ever be able to please each and everyone.
Meghan says
I have felt like a weirdo for longer than I’d like to admit because of think of you both as if you’re my buddies that I’ve never actually met, who don’t know I exist even, but who are basically responsible for making feel capable of doing just about anything in the name of home improvement (much to my husband’s dismay). So glad I’m not alone. I’ve read your blog since it was called ‘he who will not be named’ and I’ve loved every minute. I’ve stenciled, tiled, demoed, painted, assembled and created because of you. I have appreciated your incredible thoughtfulness. It is so apparent that you spend a remarkable amount of time drafting and editing your work. I can’t imagine doing what you’ve done and how well you’ve done it -all with such enthusiasm and gusto- for seven years! I admire your work ethic and your effort to be genuine, especially relative to your swag policy. In a time and place when it’s so easy to find smut, excess, greed and terror it is so refreshing to read about the everyday happenings, ideas and effort of two extraordinary people who could live next door to any one of us. I had a baby shortly before Teddy was born (who I cloth diapered, btw, 100% because of you guys) and I have been so impressed with your ability to work your job around Clara and now Teddy. I forgot to buy toilet paper last week and we had to use paper towels and baby wipes, so maybe that will make you feel a titch better about your situation :) Just know how loved and appreciated you are, regardless of whatever decisions you make in the coming months.
Monique says
In the words of ‘pac (RIP), nothin’ but love for you.
Lisa S says
I think you guys are great. I don’t care if “Young House Love” is a brand, because I like it and you have so much integrity. I don’t care if you have long technical posts, short fun posts like Clara’s closet, giveaways, etc. I look forward to your second book, your book tour. I’m probably going to buy your light from Shades of Light. I bought your target set. It’s ok for me that you are taking a break because I am in process of reading the blog from the beginning so I have some Petersik clan to keep me company for awhile.
I am happy that you are keeping the blog live while you take a break (but I bet you will be super busy during that break with other projects and what not). I was working on my bathroom remodel over the weekend and I fully searched your blog for haze removal questions. As I work through my own projects, I always think “How did John and Sherry do it?”
I notice that you already have over 3,000 comments from this post so this will also keep you busy. I hesitated on posting because I know you guys read everything and I think it will be good for you to actually take a break!
A few years back, someone wise told me how to make decisions in my life. She said to ask, “Does that sound fun?” “Would that be fun?” “Is that fun for you?” Since then, I have made every life decision for the most part by asking that question. Every time I have done it, things turned out well. When I made decisions out of obligation or from some other viewpoint, it’s not as good (or fun…). I think you guys know what I’m talking about because I already think you live your lives that way. That’s why I enjoy your blog and brand and products, etc because I feel like I have found kindred spirits in you.
So going forward, even though you have had a billion comments about how you “should” do your blog…just ask, “Is this way fun?” Please don’t let everyone’s opinions resonate too deeply for you. Just keep creating the work that feels fun and natural.
I feel that myself and so many other people will be loyal fans no matter what. And plus, you’ll pick more supporters up on the way.
You guys are more than bloggers and there needs to be enough time to be designers, writers, innovators. Maybe different careers feel fun for you.
You continue to inspire me personally, so thank you. Can’t wait to see what comes next.
karen says
i think a lot of these readers are happy to see you leave…they are jealous of all the rewards you reap. people are so flawed.
Deborah says
Darn! I’m going to miss your posts! Thanks for sharing and giving me something to look forward to the last few years. Best wishes!
Melissa says
I’ve loved you guys and your blog for the last 5 1/2 years (I found you when searching for wedding DIY ideas) and I’ll miss you immensely! You both have a genuine kindness that shines through. That and your hilarious and clever writing will always keep me a loyal fan. It has been a pleasure to be a part of your home journeys and family journeys! Looking forward to “seeing” you back here again someday!
Kim says
Dear Petersiks,
Thank you for inviting into your home and life for the past seven years. It is quite incredible for all of us readers to feel so personally connected and invested in your beautiful family.
I wish you a month of refreshment and clarify. Selfishly, I’d love for your direction to be somewhere that we can travel along. That said, my truest wish is for your family to continue to prosper and thrive in whatever way is right for you all.
Karen says
I feel like this whole thing is dramatically suspenseful!! Like a season finale that is leaving us wondering what is next! I’m a little sad, a little anxious and a little excited to see what is next for yall. Hopefully this sabbatical will be just what you need to refresh you and you will come back and the blog will be better than ever (if you chose to continue blogging). And if you chose a different route, we will be happy for you (and sad for us) but hopefully we will still be granted the privilege of instagram updates on your beautiful lives!
Miranda says
I am so sad to hear that you have been struggling with all of this. I have been a big fan and following your blog for the past 4 years. I think you guys are a amazing and creative. I also think it’s ingenious that you found a way to support your family with your blog. I hate that others are making you question that. It’s your blog, it needs to be what you want it to be, not anyone else. I hope that you have a peaceful rest, enjoy your family and hopefully come back to us. You are by far my favorite blog to follow.
Gaby says
Hey, Petersiks: you never let me down, I have never felt that you had sold your soul to the corporate world or lost your mojo, and all the side projects (book, showhouse) seemed nothing but the obvious result of your efforts and talent.
I haven´t read the comments on the feedback post last week. Everyone is entitled to it´s own opinion, and if they don´t like the blog anymore, they can stop reading it. That´s all, I have done it with many blogs, it´s no big deal. People come and go, never try to please anyone: just be yourself. You made it happen this way.
Really guys, you have inspired so many people. When I am tired and frustrated (about my job, my house, my projects) I often think of you: “how do they do it? How do they find the energy, the time, the happiness and passion?”. And it´s sad to hear that you don´t feel inspired by the blog anymore. But I am sure that you both will find soon a way to channel your talents. And I hope to hear that you are happy with your work again.
Kisses and hugs from buenos aires. ?
Steph says
I’ve been reading since before Clara, but after the 1st kitchen reno. You’re one of the few blogs that I don’t usually skim cause even if I don’t find the project interesting I usually find your writing to be witty and fun. I mean really, who else can make installing a deck a fun read? I’ll miss you this month, but I hope that you find your passion with it again. If not then it’s been an awesome run and I wish you’re family all the best.
Christine says
I have been reading you for years, since the days of mood boards and your first house. I finally just got a house (moved in 2 weeks ago) and now you want a break? I hope this doesn’t mean break up. And if you want inspiration, want to come visit me in Burlingame? :) I hope you find something amazing.
Laurie says
Congratulations to you both (well, all four of you)!!! I think mindfulness leads us to these kinds of decisions with grace and for the good of the self. I think it is always important to act when you need to, so good for you! I, too, love your blog/style/humor/tips/darling children, etc., but I applaud your decision. Enjoy your family and your time, and I hope you find just what you want to do. We all hope you will continue to blog, but obviously, if the feeling is gone, time to move on. Follow your hearts always. I think that has been the base of your success! Can we still access this sight and review stuff?
Thank you John and Sherry, it has been big fun!! Thank you.
Steph says
I have never felt anything but excitement for both of you as you encountered “commercial” opportunities. I think you earned and deserved them, and you have been supporting your family through this blog and the opportunities that have come from it, so all of it made perfect sense to me.
I actually think you did an AMAZING job of maintaining your down-to-earth style while keeping up with an impressive volume and quality of projects and posts. And while being parents to young children at the same time.
Enjoy this time to figure out what you want to do next. Whatever it is, I hope you have a blast.
j.oliver says
well, that happened. I re-read last week’s post last night and was all geared up to jump on and tell you to do your thing w/o trying to cater to everyone. the bottom line is that this is YOUR blog and we’re just along for the ride. if people don’t like the posts they can not read them. I was disheartened by many of the critical/negative/somewhat rude comments, and wanted to jump in and tell you that we’re not all like that. However, most of your reading public seemed to share the sentiment that you read what you want, skip the rest, and that’s good enough.
That being said, i agree with almost everyone else here – go, enjoy time away, and we’ll see you when/if you get back. good luck with whatever you’ve got lined up. And if this is the last time, please know that i’ve had several great years with you (i didnt find you till after you were established) and i’ve loved it all. Plus, it’s your fault we have the crib we do, and our washer and dryer. so there’s that, too.
I’ll end in petersik fashion…..”happy trails to you, until we meet again”
bd says
Thank you for the giggles and love and education over the past 7 years. I’ve been a reader from the beginning and have loved watching your hobby grow into something so meaningful and empowering. Enjoy your time away. Letting the entire internet peak through your window has its downsides, but its been a privilege for so many of us. Don’t underestimate the impact you’ve had on all of our lives. Sorry I wasn’t around to throw that into your feedback last week! Love to you all! :)
Jamie J says
Okay so I was just singing that song to my class of 3rd graders today. We were talking about understanding characters and how their FEEEEEEELLLINGS played in to their motivations. I digress. You guys are awesome, haters gonna hate. Take your time but know we will be here when you return.
Marty says
Tho I completely agree with y’all taking time off, family time really!!! All I can say is whayyyyyy! I’m going to miss you while you’re gone!
Gaidig says
I feel very sad that you have gotten such a negative feeling from your readers about the evolution of your blog. I don’t feel that way at all! To a certain extent, I think all thinks change. Attitudes toward what you do every day will not be static, no matter what that is, no matter whether it’s a hobby or a job. It may not be something you can go backwards on. It seems like some people may have given you some guilt and grief for becoming more popular and more professional, like somehow you’re not authentic enough any more, like it wouldn’t be acceptable if you *were* getting paid for these giveaways, etc., as though any of those would be some kind of moral failing on your part. Well, it wouldn’t be. Any way, you are still putting out good content and keeping it entertaining and personal, so I for one still find your blog to be one of my favorites.
Erica in SF says
oh gosh- Will miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best blog ever! I will have to just re-read all the old posts starting from the beginning to get my YHL fix several times a week. You guys are the best, you’ve done such an amazing job with this, like nothing else out there. Come back if you can!!
Erica in SF says
Oh, also thank you for everything! You’ve always been such an inspiration, it goes without saying….. thank you for all you’ve done!
NIc says
Wow. I am inspired by your response. Unfortunately, I agreed with the “infamous comment” but I think it really came from a place of love for your blog. How you’re handling it is self aware and full of grace and I know it couldn’t have been an easy decision. We love you and wish you luck. Hopefully you come back with guns blazing, but if not, best of luck in the future. Maybe you should start a parenting blog instead??
Claudia says
I have no idea what you are talking about…who said what? Don’t get it. No problem, do your break, do what you feel you gotta do, but I have to ask could you still post pictures of the kids and burger while you regroup…or maybe just have Burger let us in on what’s happening.
Franky says
You wrote: “it’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years.” Please know that you are wrong about doing your job poorly. No one could generate thousands of comments full of this much passion based on a job poorly done. You guys have talent, integrity, and originality. Are you perhaps a little tired of 24-7 home decorating after 7 years? Maybe, I don’t know, I still love your site. But what I do know is you have a lot to be proud of and if you need a break or a fresh start, then go for it. Just don’t feel bad about it, because you have too much to be proud of. And we have plenty to be grateful for, so thank you. Now go have some R&R and decide what you want to do next with all that talent you have.
Stacey F says
Maybe I haven’t read long enough (2 years), but I haven’t noticed a difference. Honestly, when you posted about slowing down after baby #2, it hasn’t seemed like you actually did what you wrote about and things have seemed about the same. I envy that you are able to do what you want to do and do it we’ll enough that you work for yourselves, work from home, and can support a family of 4. As someone who is a full time working mom who is trying to find passion in a hobby/small craft business outside of my “real” job, you two are completely inspiring that you had and still have the balls to do what you do. I will continue to read you grow, progress, and figure this thing we call life out!
Keelan says
You do you. :)
Pam Heggie says
I NEVER comment! Lol. But I had to after catching up on all the drama. :) Your biggest fault has always been loving your readers too much and trying to please them! (And that’s not a fault). I’ve followed since the very start ! I don’t tune in every day or read every word, but I will never, ever quit following! Regardless of how techy or wordy or giveawayish or small-post-lacking your blog could ever be. You’re just too good and full of brilliance and we don’t expect that brilliance to grow on trees over there so I hope you don’t expect that of yourselves or your blog. Don’t worry about a darn thing! And remember to be a thousand times easier on yourself in every single regard when a newborn is in the house! Enjoy your break. :) In Canada we take a year break for every babe and I think we’re onto something. ????????
sonika says
Wishing you all the best on your sabbatical. Looking forward to your return. Enjoy your beautiful kids.
Diana says
We’ll miss you…you’re like family. Love watching your children grow, but we understand your need for a break; take time to figure out what’s best for you and your family. Hope you’ll be back.
Barbara says
Well damn.
I think the big word here is “opportunity”. You two were having a great time with your blog and were presented with many opportunities that were exciting and fun. But the result was more traffic, less fun and a heck of a lot of pressure. Add into that “Hello, Teddy” and suddenly you look around and say “what happened to that cool life we had before all these “opportunities”.
What I believe is that you’ve never lost your love for this. I think you saw the result of having it all (to us, anyway) and you stepped back and said “but is this what we wanted?” Good for you!
I have to ask however…PLEASE DON’T GO AWAY. All of those things that presented themselves to you came BECAUSE OF YOUR VISION. Maybe for you and your family it was more than what you really wanted. Now you know.
Take a break. Refresh yourselves. Make sure you write down all the things Clara says and please be back before Teddy starts saying them too. We love you, we’ll miss you but you know what you want for balance. We’re happy you did so well!
It’s kind of like the nobody who suddenly gets fame and is left alone in a hotel room because the fame restricted what they loved in the first place. No balance.
I personally would laugh like crazy if you posted a “We’re at the amusement park so you’ll have to wait on the laundry room” posts. Don’t be afraid that you’d be disappointing anyone.
Like I said, I’ve been here before Clara and everyone grows with each new event in their lives. You couldn’t possibly stay the same, but you haven’t changed much at all. A breathless couple embarking on their new marriage. Having a baby. Quitting the rat race to work from home. Becoming beloved and respected. Thrown opportunities that were exciting and unexpected. Then another baby. How could you POSSIBLY not change? But you never lost site of who you really are, you just grew older!!
We’ve learned so much from you, and I hope in time we will continue to. And since you are on a break, I have to ask Sherry again…PLEASE SEND JOHN! :)
Don’t give up. Just take the time necessary to light that spark again. You don’t really want to go back to your old jobs…do ya?
We love you, we’ll miss you and we’ll all hope you find your hearts desire. We’ll be waiting for you. And as they said to Johnny Carson……DON’T GO!!!
You really are a dynamite couple. We can learn from you.
Robyne jane says
Oh. I just got shivers and a bit tears. I’m a long time reader, but seldom commenter. But wanted to say I’m sure you guys will work out what is best for you and I hope to see you back. But most of all I hope you find peace and happiness. xxx
Kimberly Dickerson says
If anyone deserves a break, it’s you two! Your family comes first and you need to do what you gotta go. Between your two kids and DIY projects, I don’t know how you two keep up. I blog as well and I know there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes….it can all contribute to burnout. Be kind to yourselves and if you need to take off more than a month, do it for yourselves. You owe no one an explanation {except to each other of course ;)}. Fall is a great time to relax and refresh in Richmond. Enjoy your break!
Annika says
If you’ve taught us all anything, it’s that decorating and remodeling and family are things in process, so please take the time you need to care for each other and tune into your hearts. All the best wishes from here!
nerr says
i love that you guys never stop being honest and being yourself. hope you’ll enjoy your time away. we’ll always be here waiting! ( no pressure though :) )
Melanie says
I honestly was a bit worried about your daily routine when i read that blog post some months ago.
So I totally get yout point. Take your time, enjoy family life. Do whatever you want. Your sanity and the happiness of your family is so much more important than the expectations of your virtual followers.
Hugs from Germany,
Jackie says
I hope you come back. Take care.
Si says
I have been really impressed with your blog since I first discovered it a few years ago. You guys always keep things light and funny and it is a joy to read after a tough day. It’s often the highlight of my daily internet reading. I think you guys are amazingly talented and have done a great job turning this into a way to support yourselves and your family. Your posts and the ads along side them have been great to look through and to find truly interesting and unique items. I think you guys are great and you should take all the time you need to regroup. I look forward to reading more of your blog if and when you decide to come back. Take care!
Nadia says
Go for it. If it makes you guys happier, do it. I have been reading the blog for about 3 years. There seems to be little slippage to me! The posts are probably more detailed, with more how-to, and so many honest ‘whoops’ moments across your various projects. Also the photography is amazing, I cant imagine how tough it would be to be manuevering the camera AND the projects you undertake! I am about to embark on buying a house soon, and your blog has given me the confidence that normal people with little experience can learn & teach themselves to be handy! Thanks for everything, we will be here when you get back.
Cara says
Hi there, I love your blog. It’s a lovely little but of inspiration in my inbox :0)
I’ve never felt the urge to get in contact before but I wanted to today because there was a lot of thought and heart in your post and I wanted to say something to acknowledge that.
You have two young children and that’s a huge adjustment for most people. Be nice to yourselves work wise and family wise. You deserve it all. Everything is a learning curve and this seems to be another one. It doesn’t matter that you keep everyone on the ether happy, you just need to work at what you do best and martch to your own drum because it’s worked so far.
Please don’t apologise for doing the job that you do because you really do put yourselves out there and it’s your life and you answer to no one but yourselves. I truly hope you know that.
Anyway, I’m sure that you don’t need a lecture from me but I wanted to share my thoughts because you have been so generous sharing yours.
Thanks for the blog. Whether it continues or goes, I love it x