This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Kelly says
All I can say is thank you. Looking forward to your return, but if you choose another path we all understand. Wishing you all the best in your down time over the next month, it’s truly deserved. Thank you again.
Katharina says
Dear Sherry and John,
even though my post will be no. 3333, I wanted to add another THANK YOU for the incredible archive of good ideas you’ve put together with this blog over the past few years. I applaud you for taking a break and for slowing down. Here’s to inspiration and new ideas, in what ever form they may appear! P.S. Looking forward to your book!
Becca says
John and Sherry, You guys are truly amazing. For the past three plus years that I’ve been reading, I have marveled at all that you do, and how well you do it. My husband and I also share a home-based (craft) business, and last year we had a baby. We, too, have work meetings over the breakfast, lunch, and dinner table while simultaneously playing peekaboo and wiping little bits of mashed baby food from our faces. Carving out this kind of life and making it up as we go is not an easy path, and you have done it incredibly gracefully while inspiring countless others.
In a society that values “more, bigger, better”, sometimes the hardest thing can be choosing a balanced lifestyle and making that (plus the obvious food on the table, etc) the most important goal. Ultimately, as you know, doing what gives you that “spark” + your family’s well-being is the best thing you can do. The other successes are tempting and tantalizing – and yours are so worthy of praise- but when we’re old and gray, I think I know what we’ll remember more . . . be well. Thanks for all the inspiration. xoxo
Rhonda says
It’s absolutely imperative for you to do what is best for your beautiful family! That being said I will miss your posts, and hope you find your way back to blogging. Best to you and thanks so much for sharing your hard work with us for so long!
Lynn says
Everything, in life, comes full circle…I will certainly miss reading your blog…thanks for the inspiration. It will still be a joy to look back over what you have accomplised here, when I an looking for ideas! :)
Mary says
I’ve been reading for many years and I will be sad to see you step back, but we completely understand! Family first, always and forever!
María B. says
I will definitely miss you guys. I feel like I’m part of your family, reading your stories every week for the past couple of years. But I applaud your decision, everybody needs a break from time to time. So enjoy your time off and hope to see you guys back with fresh ideas :)… God bless you.
Rosalie Melichar-Haslinger says
Dear Sherry, dear John!
Thank you very much for sharing so many beautiful things. Your blog always reminds me to be true to myself, as you are.
Congratulations to your victory! You’ve made the world a better place by creating value, in your truly authentic way. And it’s so nice to see how you stick to your values and get rid of poisoning pressure. So I guess there is nothing you must worry about!
I wish you all the best!
Yours, Rosalie
Holly says
My sentiments exactly. You win! Be free! Enjoy YOUR lives. Sweet people. Impressive and rare to see family pursue quality of life over popularity and $. May God richly bless your family and give you peace. This is the only blog I read, but I couldn’t be happier for you if you let it go if that is what you choose. Thanks for everything!
Pat says
It’s a cliche, but: Life never stays the same and it often becomes hard to balance all the things we need, and want and enjoy.You may find it becomes even more of a struggle as your kids get older and their lives grow and expand. But what a blessed struggle to have! My wish for you is that you take this time to rest, relax,perhaps to brainstorm about your future… that you are able to move into it with the excitement and anticipation of 7 yrs ago…and in the end that you find peace and happiness whatever you decide(even if that decision takes longer than a month). In a society that has become increasingly fake and superficial, you are a breath of fresh air.
andrea says
oh wow, I was away for a week due to a death in the family, and now I feel like I’ve lost someone else. seriously love you guys and I hope you find what you feel like you’re missing.
since I didn’t get a chance to give advice when it was solicited, get ready for some unsolicited advice. do whatever feels right to you. you will never make everyone else happy, but you’ve got a real shot at making things great for yourselves! people do grow and change over time, and as long as you’re happy with your own evolution, don’t sweat the rest of it.
I’m sure there must be some pressure (from a business aspect) to keep your readers happy, but know that it’s not the end of the world if your readership changes and grows along with you.
wishing you peace and clarity while you’re on hiatus, and I will be anxiously awaiting your return!
Christina says
I’ve been a regular reader of your blog for years and am a big fan. Try not to let the negative things people say change your groove. You have way more fans than haters and you’ve inspired many people to make their home better; you’ve certainly inspired me. Looking forward to the second book. Best wishes to you on your future ventures. Take care.
Ellen says
I hope to see your posts again in the future, your detailed instructions and ideas have been great. Enjoy the break.
Averil says
Oh man, I am going to get some seeeeeerious withdrawal symptoms! No lie, your blog is the first I check out of the dozen or so I follow, so this is really going to suck!
But I do hope you have a good break, and only come back when you are ready and happy to! You guys are the best! =)
niki says
I just wanted to say, after reading your last post, that I think you guys are amazing. You have been so loving and considerate to your readers. I find it incredible that you ask for feedback and then don’t get defensive. You respond in an encouraging and loving way. Personally, I feel that you can’t please everyone. I think that the more you try to please everyone, the less you are you. And ironically, it was YOU GUYS who made YHL what it is. I think you are doing the right thing by taking a break to get refreshed, especially if you feel (not because of what anyone else says) that you’ve lost your groove. My only advice is that, after you have your period of rest, just come back and keep doing what you guys love. When you love it, we love it.
Jo says
Love you guys, such an inspiration!! Hope to see you back soon but enjoy your well-deserved break!
Liz says
I hope you feel you get your groove back sooner rather than later, because I’ll miss you and YHL. Congrats on having the guts to make a hard decision, I admire it and you both.
Janelle says
I will miss you guys!! I understand the need for change. I’m a military spouse who grew accustomed to moving every couple of years and now we have been at the same location for 5 years and I’m going loco!! Shake things up!! Travel with the kiddos before school becomes an issue. I enjoy seeing the world through your eyes and my morning cup of joe will now be not the same without you. See you soon!!
Amy says
After reading this announcement I went to my husband and exclaimed “John and Sherry are taking a blogging break!”…and then we proceeded to discuss this topic for 20 minutes, like we know you personally. You’ve inspired us for the past 4 years, and as we fix up our own home we turn to your blog for inspiration and tutorials. Wishing you a well deserved break to enjoy your beautiful children and the gift that life is!
God bless you!
Grace says
Well if you are keeping track of those supporting you and those not – you can firmly count me in the side of loving YHL. I have been reading you since just after you finished your kitchen in the first house and you are the blog I click on every lunchtime (along with a few others). You will be missed while you take a break, but I”m glad you are doing just that so you can recharge your batteries. I read a few of the comments from the last post and found them very upsetting so I can only imagine how disheartening they were for you to read. Please take listen twice as hard to the ones who love you. mwa!
Eilene says
I’ve really enjoyed your blog and I still remember the feeling that I got when I first stumbled upon it.
I appreciate all the effort that went into not letting us all down, and maybe your posts weren’t as frequent, but it felt a little bit like Christmas morning when you did post something. You’ve also helped me bring color and light into my home – And for something personal – My mom died a couple years ago in my home – bringing some of that light and color back in was something I’ll always be thankful to your family for. Enjoy the time off… You deserve it!
JB says
I know you have 3400+ other comments, but I couldn’t resist commenting as well. I am not really fond of doing projects around my house. We had our house renovated last year, and hired a contractor to do it all. That being said, I do enjoy spray painting things (that totally counts as DIY right)? Anyway, the reason that I enjoy your blog so much is that I get a good vibe from your family. You both seem to have fun and goofy personalities, which I can relate to. Having read a few other blogs, I also respect how you both conduct yourselves as bloggers. I will miss your daily posts, and hope that your time away brings you some clarity in terms of your next steps. I wish you all nothing but peace and happiness.
karin says
Miss you guys already! I think we all worried about how much you were both taking on and the hours you were working to get it done along with the hours you weren’t taking for yourselves, for your weekends, for your family. Take this time to walk in the woods alone and with your family, to go to the beach when it’s not as busy and crowded, to look inside yourselves and figure out what it is that you truly want, and to come together and decide what you need for YOUR family. We worry about you and miss you because you feel like family to so many of us who checked in on you on a daily basis. You will be missed. We always have the memories and the blog to check in on when we need a J & S fix! Do what makes your hearts happy and do it with love and humor like you always have. Best of luck!
Cheryl says
Dear John and Sherry,
I don’t know if you’re still reading comments, but I wanted to say thank you. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts, sharing your successes and struggles and knowing your family. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to constantly create the high quality content that you produce daily. Take care. Be well. Live happy.
Lisa G. in CT says
I love you guys! I hope you decide to do whatever is best for YOU! No matter what you both decide, wishing you the best, and love and PEACE and happiness.
Most things in life are just for a “season” – maybe this season in your lives is over. I do want you to know what a blessing you’ve been to so many of us -going through some hard times, it was always a break to read your blog – your humor and kindness shine through every time!
Ashley Crowe says
I will be praying for you guys as you figure out your next step. Whether you come back to the blog or not, you gave us all 7 great years of your lives! I support what ever decision you make because taking care of your family and being happy 2 of the most important things!
I think a month off to clear your head will bring you back bigger and better than ever! You guys rock!
Much love,
Ashley C.
Katy D. says
YOLO BABYYYYY!!!! Do what makes YOU happy! I’ll miss you (even though I don’t actually know you haha) and when you come back we’ll all be standing here with open arms!
Amanda says
Best of luck guys! I have been following your work since way back when (with the old name) and it is a joy to see how well you have done. You both will be successful in whatever you do – keep confident in your talents and – my goodness – your break is well deserved! Thank you for your honesty and openness over the years.
Diana says
I have been a reader since the first house. I have enjoyed the blog, but am very glad you’re taking some time to reassess the content and style of your postings.
Kathleen says
Noooo…I only found you two years ago I have gone back and read your blog posts and have been so inspired by your work and humor. I hope you find your way out of your funk, because I will miss your posts terribly. I wish you a fun, relaxed and rejuvenating time off and hope and pray that you will return with a newly rediscovered sense of purpose with fun! I will miss you and the house/family updates ….Please, please find your way back to us!
Holly says
I don’t know what to say! I was totally surprised when I read this post, but I also get it. I’ve been a long time reader. I have enjoyed your design inspiration, your honesty, getting to “know” your family, and your drive and passion for taking something you love and turning it into something that supports your family. I hope that your break is rejuvenating and provides you with the clarity you need to move forward… and that we’ll see you again back again and better than ever! Best wishes to you all. :)
Clover says
I wish I could take a month off from my job when it was feeling stale.
No, not being sarcastic, I genuinely do wish that! Good business decision guys. But, speaking as a geniunely selfish person who enjoys seeing your progress and fun style, please locate your mojo and come back soon! Or, if you decide to retire, you are obligated to find us replacement blogs to read instead. Yes, obligated. No, not being sarcastic again. ;-)
Kathleen says
Yes! Replacement blogs! This is the only blog I have ever enjoyed through and through. Nothing else compares. But, since you guys inspire me, maybe what inspires you will inspire me, too!
Kathleen says
Yes! Replacement blogs! This is the only blog that I enjoy! So since you guys inspire me, maybe what inspires you will inspire me, too! :)
Mary says
I have enjoyed this blog and I want you to know that you have inspired me to try things in my house I never would have if left to my own devices. I don’t usually leave comments or enter for chances to win things, so I have not been vocal here. Please know that I will be waiting for your return, whenever that is. Enjoy this time to step back and take in all the moments with your adorable children (Burger too).
Katherine R. says
Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves. I love you and don’t worry I’ll just check your blog everyday like usual until you come back! Holding out hope…still need some YHL in my life. :)
Meaghan Williams says
I love how honest and open you are!
Having two kids is really awesome, but it definitely changes things! When you announced you were having another baby, I secretly cursed you because I thought somehow you two were going to effortlessly manage your growing young family and – what I assume to be – an extremely busy schedule without missing a beat. But when my second child was born, I quit my job, we decided to scrape by so I could stay home for a while, and now, almost 5 years later, we’re still making decisions on the fly to keep our children as priorities and not let our busy careers leave them shuffled from babysitter to after school day care, etc. (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it just doesn’t work for my family).
I totally feel for you guys.
For what it’s worth, I have never felt disappointed in your blog! In fact, if you look around my house, half of the projects and inspiration around here are from your blog. My sister-in-law just told me over the weekend, that she loves how my house feels so “personal” and I owe that to you two.
I wish you the best of luck figuring out your next steps. If I lived in Richmond, I’d have you over for coffee and a playdate! Great job :).
Beth Sasser says
I felt the same way. When I went from one kid to two some one said “welcome to real parent hood” I was slightly insulted…until I brought my second child home. It is a game changer for sure! I wondered how John and Sherry were going to adapt to everything with their new baby…their decision to step away right now is a good one. (sad for me…but good for them)
Their life will be easier when Teddy is about a year old…I swear the whole first year of my second childs life it was a whirl wind!
Olivia says
I haven’t read all of the comments, so I apologize if this is a repeat but why not just hire someone? This was my first reaction when you both were so crazy busy with the show house—“why don’t they at least hire someone to edit posts and run the site/advertising/sponsors/cropping photos?” and again what I thought when you announced you were taking time off after Teddy. I hate to see you throw away all that you have worked for but everything grows and every business hires more help when they grow. Take care.
Christine says
I miss checking your blog every day as part of my morning routine. Please come back in any capacity that works for your family.
kristiina says
You guys have certainly earned a break…I’ve always wondered how you’ve managed to keep up (with nearly zero maternity/family leave?!). I can’t wait to hear/see what the next chapter brings. I hope you’re putting your feet up and relaxing and not even reading these comments :)
Carlie says
I’m not sure where all the Taylor Swift lyrics and ‘haters’ talk is coming from…
From what I read on last Thursday’s post, people were commenting on how the blog has changed recently. I didn’t see disrespect or hate (okay, I didn’t read EVERY comment) but honest thoughts as to what types of posts are most enjoyed. There are always a few people with, um, strong opinions that are less than tactful, but J&S have always had that and dealt with them oh so gracefully.
I’m sure J&S aren’t taking a break because a few people said they didn’t like the blog anymore. They knew that was coming with the changes they made when Teddy was born. Some of the comments here make it sound like they have hurt feelings and are picking up their blog and going home. Come on, let’s give them more credit than that!
This is a fantastic blog with a HUGE following; that’s evident from the 3400+ comments here. Everyone recognizes that it isn’t the same as when it started and it will continue (fingers crossed!) to evolve as the Petersik family evolves and priorities change.
So pile on the love and best wishes while they step back, and stop the ‘haters’ talk. That’s just divisive…
And to J&S… love the blog so, so much, but it’s time to for you both to breathe! <3
Lisa says
Wishing you and your family all the best. I have a daughter (born the day after Clara) and a 2 year old son. Changing our family’s focus to them was the best thing we could have done. Looking forward to and hopeful for your return to the web in any form.
Jamie says
I am sorry to hear about you two taking a break. I will continue to visit the blog and support YHL. I have told so many people about this blog and your book. I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback after they’ve checked out the blog. I am looking forward to the release of the second book. I was unable to attend a book signing for the first one, but was able to ordered a signed book from the small bookstore in Richmond. If you guys are doing signings again, I hope to make arrangements to come to one. I’m sorry for some of the harsh comments people wrote. Of course the blog will change…it’s only natural because your lives are changing. Your real fans will continue to be loyal and love you no matter what. I hope you enjoy this time with your family which is what is most important. <3
Emily says
Haha, now you have 3,000 comments! :) You guys are surely loved.
Will you still continue updating Teddy’s photo project? I love seeing all the new photos come in!
Rachael says
You guys absolutely deserve a break to regroup and recharge. Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus and say how much I have enjoyed your blog over the years (though I’ve never commented until now) and that I really hope you will find your way back. It’s been hard to break the habit of checking your site just after 9 am CST every day :) Enjoy this time with your adorable family!
Vonda says
I stumbled onto your blog sometime in 2008 (& read everything prior to that in a day or 2!!) I’ve bought your book, gone to your book signing and bought a couple of your Target hooks and live in RVA. Having said that, I’m not a stalker –I promise!!
I find your blog extremely enjoyable and your posts opened up my creativity and expanded my love for decorating. It’s my break in an otherwise mundane work day.
I used to read about 60 blogs, but as the job got busier and we had a sweet baby my spare time disappeared and now I can only fit yours in regularly, while visiting a few others here and there.
I’m so sad, I feel like I’m losing a friend, but I’m also so happy for you to be able to take a step back and enjoy a well deserved break. You worked too hard (albeit on something you love) and when you work too hard on anything you get burned out. Rest up, gain some fresh momentum, but PLEASE come back soon! I will miss y’all.
DD says
It feels as though this has been planned and you asked for feedback last week knowing you would get a lot of complaints and you are now using it as a reason to take a break. It does not feel genuine and it’s a business so it doesn’t need to be, but the façade is unnecessary.
Anne says
Well enjoy your sabbatical and if you have to paint anything the Sherwin Williams store near me is advertising the 40% off paint sale Sept. 19 thru 21. I was in to pick up a gallon to paint my garage door. This sale makes their top of the line Emerald exterior paint less than $40 a gallon, Duration even less.
Jan Gardner says
I am sending only love and appreciation for all that you do, and have done, to enrich our lives.
Blessing and joy to your family!
Lisa says
John & Sherry,
I visit your blog 2-3 times each week and while I’ll miss reading about what’s happening in your lives, (and around your house), I really respect you for recognizing that you need to take a break. I’m a firm believer in having good balance in life! Taking time off to gather perspective, rest & reflect, and cast a {new or revised} vision for the short & long term is applauded.
Blessings to you both as you reconnect with your passions and calling!
Rennie says
Robin says
BUMMER! :( I totally understand you guys needing a break, but I’ll totally miss reading. Even if it is 1 of 30 posts about your laundry room. :) I feel like people expect WAY too much of you, considering you also have other projects, two kids and a marriage to figure out! I don’t know what everyone else is looking for, but I enjoy more personal posts, sprinkled in with some DIY, you can’t remodel your entire house in a month, and if you did, you’d have nothing to blog about after that. Definitely take your time, do things at your pace, and share when you can, you shouldn’t have to stick to a schedule.
Bethany says
I know you guys read comments, so even though there are already 3000+ of them, I just want to offer my support too!
I totally respect and understand your decision to take a break. You’ve gone through some major changes in your family, after all! Even so, I didn’t feel like you were out of your “groove.” Your blog is so refreshing and real compared to so many others where nearly every post is a sponsorship for NatureBox, some paint company, etc. The reason why I always come back to your blog is that I know you’re decorating your house on a REAL budget. You shop at Target, like the rest of us. It’s so inspiring.
If and when you do come back to blogging, please just continue to be YOU. You really don’t need to please everyone out there, because not everyone will appreciate your style — plenty of us do, however! You also always made it a family thing, which I loved. I’m cloth diapering my son in BumGenius and loving it, thanks to you guys! (Was wondering how it was going with Teddy.)
But most of all, I hope you take away from the comments (all that I saw so far were positive) — PLEASE don’t step away from blogging feeling like failures. You guys are incredible. You have delivered huge amounts of content, done zillions of projects & busted your butts to share decorating inspiration with the world. No one does it like you! Please feel free to re-imagine the blog in a way that works for your family as it is now — whether that is a lot of blogging, a tiny bit of blogging, or whatever brings you a sense of joy & doing what you love.
Hugs from Ben, Bethany & Sam in Virginia Beach <3