This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Kristine says
It makes me sad to read this only because it sounds like there is some heartbreak. Your blog has become (and has really always been) very personal. Look at all you’ve done! There has been so much work, sweat, failures, successful projects, and everything in between that is out there for the world to approve of, or criticize, at will. You often say you have read each and every comment. This gives people a forum to vent because they know there is a chance that you’ll listen! I can’t believe anyone would say something negative here just because they don’t care for how your blog has evolved. This is your business, and your life. It’s a wonderful piece of work & you should both be proud, and press on, however you choose!
Stefanie H. says
I am so sad! But for selfish reasons. I have been a regular reader for about two years now, and you are by far my FAVORITE blog. Your true-to-life and unsponsored posts show that you two really do this for the love of your home and DIY while keeping us readers in mind. Your blog has served as such an inspiration; we are buying our first house, and your projects are my jumping-off point for our new home. Hope to see more soon!
I hope you come back with a fresh new outlook that allows you to love blogging again. Enjoy this time with your family. It’s much deserved.
Frances says
My first instinct was “Noooooooooo!” But, you guys have had a great run and some awesome opportunities as you said. Take a break and come back stronger, more creative than ever! We will be waiting and I will continue to find inspiration in the archives…thanks so much for sharing your great ideas with the blogosphere.
Aryn says
Wow! Not sure you’re even reading comments anymore since we’re up to 64 pages of them, but I say good for you. Sometimes I’m amazed how long it can take to write a good email, so I can only imagine the work that goes into a blog post. With 2 little ones and a life to lead, I certainly hope no one will blame you for taking a break. Plus you’ve given me enough ideas to last a lifetime, so I could use the break, too! Have fun, relax, sleep in a little, and cuddle those kids!
Kat says
I don’t know you guys (only an occasional reader) but as another semi popular blogger I just wanted to say that I totally get where you are coming from, and applaud what must have been a very hard decision. It will all work out! No one gets how hard this job is on the emotional end – how thick your skin has to be – and I felt like I really lost a lot of that thickness after the birth of my second son (now 3.5 mo so I’m still there). All I can say is that I often think of this comic from The Oatmeal – if you haven’t seen it it pretty much nails it.
Enjoy your break and your time with your family!
Megan says
I will miss new entries while you are away but I’m glad you are able to spend time as a family and take a step back. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for over five years now, maybe this will give me an opportunity to go back and read it from the beginning. I feel like I have grown with you both along the way. I’m sending love your way.
Debby says
No!!!! I miss you already. I love your Listy McListern (???) You inspired me to start my own list. Sometimes you need to step back and re evaluate and the toddler years can bring that reevaluation even faster than you think. Do whats best for your family and I hope you come back to blogging. Forget the haters. Seriously forget the haters
Charleen says
John and Sherry,
I first learned about the 2 of you while reading the July/August issue of HGTV magazine. I found myself drawn to your home from the pics and learned from the article that you had a blog. I quickly looked you up and from that moment have been in love with everything you do. You have given me so much inspiration, knowledge and encouragement to get things moving in my own home. I bought a home in 2012 and had been somewhat stuck as to what direction I wanted to go. You gave me the motivation to start and complete many projects around my home. I have even taken risks with things I never thought I would attempt or know how to do. Your step by step tutorials, source lists, paint colors etc have been so helpful. I also have learned to incorporate color which I have always wanted to do…just never knew exactly how to do it. So I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and all the inspiration you have given me.
While I am saddened I will not get to read your post everyday I am also happy that you are taking time for yourselves. Shortly after I had my second child I was feeling the burden of having too many things on my plate. I am in the nursing field and was feeling burned out and exhausted…I wanted to more time to enjoy my babies and with the long hours it was very difficult. So after much thought I decided to simplify everything I could in my life. I took a break to relax and rethink things and changed things up in my career. I am still in nursing field but I now have the great opportunity of working from home. I also made a few other adjustments in my life to get me exactly where I wanted to be. And while family has always been my priority…I found myself in a spot where things were getting out of control. Taking a step back and rethinking things has made all the difference in the world. I truly wish you the best in all you do and I would be so thankful if you decided to return.
Beth says
Even though I’ve already commented once commending you on this incredibly brave decision, I feel the need to come back and tell you a big hearty THANK YOU!
Thank you for all you have given over the last 7 years! You have been a tremendous inspiriation to me and countless others. I’m sorry I didn’t say that more often. Your posts have been super helpful over the years and this archive that you have built up through hard work, sweat and tears is an *incredible* resource that you should be darn tootin’ proud of.
But what I most appreciate about you both is your ethos and kindness. You are truly good people and while I appreciate your technical guidance from painting to deck building, what I have learned the most from yall is how to live, work and love with integrity.
Thank you for your shining example. I wish you nothing but happiness.
Julie says
Thank you for being honest and sharing. Your blog was born out of something that you love to do and you have given such inspiration to me and my decorating and handiwork around the house. I have used power tools and built things myself because I saw that you guys could do it too!
It’s just sad because I think that the internet is getting out of control. People take things too seriously on here and think that this is real life. Who cares if your post isn’t the most creative or exciting that day? Are people seriously disappointed? Who cares if you guys are trying to make money? Who isn’t?? I hate to think that internet negativity has contributed to you not having that “spark” or joy in what you do.
good for you to take a break, we all need it.
But I really enjoyed checking your blog every day. I never cared if a post wasn’t “exciting” but was always psyched when there was something that I could relate to.
Keep up the good work and focus on your family. Hope to see you back soon.
Rachel says
John and Sherry,
I have never commented on the blog before because I didn’t want to add to the comments that you would have to read and respond to, taking away from your family time. I don’t read the comments either, because YOU GUYS are who I come to see when I visit Young House Love.
My sister introduced me to your blog a little over a year ago and I have been hooked ever since:) I love all of the projects and your beautiful family, but most of all I love your humor!!! You are both wonderfully talented humble writers, and pretty amazing parents too. I wish you all the best and hope that this is just a see you later and not a good bye.
All the best to your family,
Chesley says
I believe that when we are pregnant or nursing, our bodies put 100% of its goodness into growing and nurturing the baby. My two pregnancies and the year after birth that I nursed were the LEAST creative times in my life. All my energy went inward and every creative bone I once had was not present. Sounds like all of us readers want you to enjoy your time and CHERISH the moments that are just about you and not about creating and inspiring others. You know how awesome the Petersiks are. Not a single reader can head to a thrift store and see a figurine that wouldn’t look cuter with bright yellow rustoleaum spready paint… and we have you to thank for that. Happy sabatical, y’all! Your kiddos couldn’t be cuter.
Christina says
You guys are awesome. This is the only blog I read because you consistently inspire me to make my home better, more organized, prettier and safer. I love everything you do. I hope you come back, but whatever you do please know how much I have appreciated all your hard work over the years. I wouldn’t be too hard on yourselves, you did just have a baby and having kids is hard. Kids are also way more important than a blog so if you have to let the blog go, then let it go. I, for one, will miss it because you take all the hard work out of figuring out how to do things. I’ve always respected the way in which you think through things and do your research. Good luck to you and your family and best wishes!! Thanks for everything!!!
Gudrun H says
Oh how I will miss you though I can understand your reasons for taking a break (just a break) to get your groove back.
Look forward to your return.
Lark says
I have been reading your blog for several years and have been amazed with what you have done. As a mother of 3, I have admired you from afar for having built this to be something that could support a family. I stayed home for 12 years taking care of my kids and am now at the crossroads of becoming a single mom who has to return to the workforce after giving up my career so long ago. I totally understand questioning decisions we have made and wanting to do better in the future, especially when we have children counting on us. The best advice I have ever gotten in life is to go with your gut. Good luck to you! You have done a wonderful job and have inspired so many of us. We all face changes in life, and will never please everyone. Enjoy your family as you go through this process. That is what is most important!
Beth Sasser says
I completely understand where you guys are at. You took a hobby and made a career of it, which to the outside world that seems like a “dream job”. In reality it steals your hobby from you…you guys should explore day jobs or other income options. And let this go back to a hobby, write more about the family and things that make your heart happy. Write letters to Teddy and Clara, you will have your hobby restored…
I opened an Etsy shop two years ago, I had so many sells I couldn’t keep up with it. My attitude going into it was “this is a great outlet for me to make money while doing what I love” a year into it I HATED making door hangers, or the sight of a paint brush! I closed the Etsy shop and went back to doing things for me…
I hate to see you guys go, but completely understand why you need to! I hope you guys find the things that make your heart happy!
Bev in Oregon says
We love you – all five of you! We’ll miss you, but totally understand. The best way to deal with burn out,sometimes, is to just stop. And then breathe, and then hug the kids!
Amy in Pittsburgh says
Oh, man, reading this brought a tear to the eye of this cynical, world-weary gal.
I’ve been reading your blog since it was just John, Sherry, and Burger. I hadn’t really noticed a substantial difference to the point that I wanted to stop reading–to be honest, it’s how a lot of blogs evolve over the years. If it’s your life as well as your business, you gotta do what you gotta do. And to me you always seemed to strike a very good balance between keeping it real and taking advantage of the opportunities presented to you. I think a lot of us would do the same. Carpe diem, as they say. Your choices were always very thoughtful and never once seemed to me like you were “selling out,” especially since you continued to post so regularly with your usual humor and aplomb–and with a sincere intent to learn and to teach.
I give you both a lot of credit and thank you for sharing your lives with us as you have and being so open to the good and the bad that comes with running such a popular blog. I continue to be in awe of your dedication to us while also welcoming two children and maintaining a solid relationship (in which you are together 24/7–god bless, ha ha) along with everything that comes with your work. Whatever choices you make in the future are yours alone, and we out here understand and support you.
Kat says
This is the only blog I have followed regularity. I love your site! While I am a little sad I will be missing you, I completely understand the need for better work /life balance. I will be waiting if/when you decide to return. Best of luck!
Nancie says
DAY 2 – positive affirmation/letter writing campaign.
** This is not an attempt to bully you into coming back, because that is not my intention, but I have decided to send you a positive note every day until you feel ready to return to blogging. Perhaps to make up for years of reading and enjoying but never commenting…
Today’s comment – I was inspired by your blog to do Board and Batten in my powder room. It was a massive game changer. The bottom of the room with the Board&Batten is painted white and the top half of the room is a lilac purple (might have gotten that color idea from John’s grandmother’s powder room??). Anyway – I used to cringe when I walked in the room, and now I smile. I imagine you probably feel the same way about your laundry room.
Still miss you!!
Leslie C says
I miss you guys already.
Emily says
I’m so sorry to see you step away from blogging! You guys are so good at this! Your family adventures have been such a bright spot for me to read about. When I first started reading your blog I had two preschoolers and a baby to take care of. I used to love decorating and fixing up my house, but I had so many obstacles. Girls wouldn’t nap, baby couldn’t sleep, I wasn’t sleeping at night, my children acted like a three-man wrecking crew going room-to-room, undoing (or destroying) whatever I was trying to fix up. My work just seemed overwhelming… and there was no way I could manage a big handy-man project myself while caring for the children. I remember reading about little things you would change or fix, which I had long since stopped worrying about (because I couldn’t), and envying and admiring you. I also envied how handy and helpful John was to Sherry, failing to appreciate my own husband’s hard work and sacrifices for our family. You celebrated each little milestone and memory with so much love and sentimentalism, which I deeply admired. We took a page out of your book, and now for our anniversaries, we go big or go home–no more just going out to eat and calling it good (and certainly not with the children!). We take an annual picture like you, treat it like it’s a big anniversary, and carefully pick out a gift that fits the year as well as some sentimental purpose so that we will, hopefully, never forget how we celebrated each anniversary again. Previously, we thought of only doing things like that for the big anniversaries, but you never know if this year’s could be the last. Each extra year together means it is extra special and cause for a big celebration! You’ve been an inspiration to me as well as an example of family loveliness. And now, three days after your last post, your website seems so lonely–no posts and eerily no ads on the side. Your absence, while very sad for me (and everyone else, I’m sure) is also sort of validating. If you two, who are so put-together and capable of anything you put your minds to, are struggling at this stage in your lives, I guess we weren’t doing so badly. It’s probably just that life with a preschooler and a baby is so full. You, like a lot of women, are struggling to find balance working as a full-time mom and having a full-time job, but it’s unfair because you are then working two full-time jobs… and you feel guilty and horrible when things aren’t managed as perfectly as you would like. Something has to give… something always has to give. We love you and will miss you, but you’re doing the right thing. As the old saying goes, “God first, family second, career third.” God bless you, and look us up if you’re ever in Omaha! =)
J.Mill says
Good for you guys!
I, too, am on the precipice of huge life-change. I am so glad you are taking the time to figure out what makes you happy and pursue it. You are an inspiration and always have been. I’m going to go click through the archives (and not through a feed-reader!) so you guys get some more pageviews. :) Be well, Petersiks.
Wendy Q says
I just had to add my voice to the chorus of thank-yous for the inspiration that your blog has provided. YHL is the only blog I read and one that I looked forward to every day. Selfishly, I hope that you return! I look forward to whatever projects you may decide to pursue in the future. Enjoy your beautiful family – it’s not a cliche that they grow up too fast!
Jules says
I’ve read the heated comments and I’ve read the congratulatory comments and my feedback for y’all is…I’m so very proud of you. I know we’ve never met, probably never will, but you’ve been an inspiration for me to get down and dirty with DIY-ing my first house. I have some pretty kick-ass things in my house because I was inspired by your blog, so thank you.
I’ve bought the first book, will buy the second book and will continually check back here for inspiration from the projects you’ve done in the past. I applaud you for knowing that you needed to make a change; we all go through that phase in life…it’s human. I would love to see you come back with your fire-y spark but I will also understand if you don’t.
I wish y’all well in anything and everything you do.
Your friend whom you’ve never met but would LOVE because I’m pretty cool (at least my Mom says so). We’d be fabulous friends. :)
Amanda says
You two need a break- I hope you come back refreshed and inspired! Through all the blog changes, YHL has remained my favorite blog to read.
Nicky h says
I love this blog and hope you find your way back soon. I totally respect your decision to take a break. I have been reading for years. I keep coming back. I just bought a house (we move in 3 weeks!) and will be going back through your archives, I’m sure. :) I found myself re-reading some of your posts after finding them on Pinterest. Love you guys and hope you are happy.
megan says
broken hearted!!!! you’re still my blog first love. Thanks for all the laughs and inspiration. Please come back soon!!
Devon says
I dont know what was menitoned last week, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your blog for the past two years and congratulate you two on the success you’ve achieved through the blog and your outside ventures. It has been fascinating for those of us following you and I haven’t seen one false step or insinceren moment in that time. I do sincerely hope you guys continue the blog, but good luck with whatever you decide- and have a lovely vacation!
Mary S. says
You probably won’t read this with all of the other comments but I thought I would tell you how much I appreciate your blog. I am not forced to subscribe to any blog and I have not unsubscribed to your blog because I think it is still great. I have unsubscribed to MANY blogs that bother me. It doesn’t make sense to still subscribe if you aren’t interested. I hope you come back!
dawn says
I never minded the corporate stuff – I thought it showed you were growing up. It kind of made me proud: I’m reading an adult blog. You even inspired my husband and I to redo our bathroom floor. I say come back.
Judy G says
I don’t know if you are still reading these comments, but here are my thoughts. I discovered your blog about 4 years ago and have been a regular reader ever since. I even went back and read the first 3 years. I have learned a lot from you. For one thing, I am quite a bit older than you guys. Did you inspire me to go out and buy a bunch of animals and spray paint them yellow? No, but you did make me look at my home objectively. I realized it looked dated and a little “old ladyish”, so I made some improvements. When you redid your bathroom did you inspire me to take on my own? Good Lord, NO! But you did educate me on the process so I was able to speak knowledgably to contractors and successfully negotiate some repairs on my own bathroom. When you tear down walls, do I go get a sledgehammer and sling it along with you? No, but I looked at the layout of my house and found options I never saw before. Probably the most important thing you have taught me is that if you tackle something a bit at a time you can make progress on anything. A lot of things that I just blew off in my mind as too expensive you have shown me that it isn’t really that expensive. You have made me think about all aspects of a project before starting. Several time, even in your laundry room, you mentioned things that I wouldn’t have thought of until mid project. In short, you are teaching people in a lot of ways. You never wanted to turn us all into IKEA customers, though I do wish we had one nearby, you were trying to show us how to complete DIY projects. You were trying to teach us about responsible home ownership. In that you have succeeded beyond your wildest dreams.
The only other thing I have to say is that in my many, many years of work experience I have seen employees become overwhelmed due to life issues. The problems with the children can be anything from child care to insolent teen to empty nest – and everything in between. You then add in some problems with other family be it divorces, parental illnesses, etc. and you have a mess. They come to me and complain about their jobs. Their job is all wrong. Their job has changed. Their job is unfulfilling. What it boils down to is that they can not change these other aspects of their lives. The issues are real and serious. The one thing they can control is their job and they then decided that they are quitting. A LOT of the time this is a mistake. They have taken the one thing that was stable and that provided them security & companionship and given it away. They have come back later and told me this so many times. I am not saying this is what is happening to you and your situation is different since you don’t have that personal interaction every day. I am just saying think long and hard before you make any drastic changes. It might be something else in your life that is making you restless and/or distracted. Best of luck to both of you whatever you decide.
HK says
I wish you well and hope you will still share your creative talents with the world.
I knew this was going to happen when you moved into your “forever” home. I was thinking what are they going to do now… buy rental properties to fix up? Too much I thought. So I am not really surprised, or disappointed. Life goes on, people grow, and learn to do other things. =)
So now you can do the TV show right? =)
Julia says
Your blog has been such an inspiration! I have enjoyed all of your posts and have learned so much from all you have done, plus your tutorials are the BEST! With that being said thanks for leaving them up so I can still get to them:) Also it is totally cool if you want to take a break, the blog is meant for you and not you for it:) Best of luck and thanks again!
Jonia says
I missed the other two posts regarding the decisions you’re struggling to make. All I can say is, I think it’s been enormously courageous of you to make so much of your life open to public opinion. For me personally, I appreciate so much of the info that your blog and others have made available that has enriched my life by it’s application. I do not feel you guys or anybody else “owe” me anything whatsoever. I love your blog and so many things you’ve done have been hugely inspirational to me personally. Thank you for everything and all the very, very best for whatever lies ahead for you and your family. If you continue online, I’ll be thrilled. If there’s something that’s better for the well-being of your family, I’ll be thrilled. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Lanna Hunter says
I love you guys, and I’m glad you’re taking a break before you get completely burned out. I will be anxiously waiting for your next post. Not gonna lie, I’m going to be checking every day. :D
Kristin says
Good for you! Take a break. Enjoy your family and life without the pressure of all THIS. You have a fantastic blog. Yes, I agree it has changed and grown over the years, but isn’t that a good thing? If the blog is supposed to be a reflection of your house love, then it should change and grow. Whatever you decide to do, I’m sure you will do it well and with passion. Best, best wishes to you!
Jessie says
I am going to miss you guys so much! I love stopping by to check in on what you guys are working on, and have used your tutorials for everything from cutting my husband’s hair to painting our concrete floor. I hope this break will reignite your passion. Enjoy this time with your beautiful kids and I hope to see you guys back sooner rather than later. Best wishes.
lauren says
I keep coming back hoping it’s not true! LOL
Mila says
It feels a little weird being this mushy about someone I don’t “know” but here goes. I totally get it. I loved my job as a teacher, and tried to teach part-time while my kids are little so that I could try to have my cake and eat it too. For a while, it felt so good! But, slowly, I started to realize that in MY case, it wasn’t working. I felt like my heart just wasn’t in it 100% anymore in my classroom and that feeling killed me. I so badly wanted to be the best teacher I could be, while also being the best mom I could be. I realized that it wasn’t possible for ME to do both and so I decided to be a SAHM until my kids start school, at which point I can go back to teaching full time and give it my all. Being a parent is awesome and the best thing in my life, but MAN it can be hard. I so appreciate your honesty. So many bloggers and people in general (on Pinterest, FB and Insta) only show the good stuff and make it look so easy and flawless, which just leaves the rest of us feeling like, “what the heck am I doing wrong?!? Why can’t I paint a room, style some awesome mantle vignettes, make a 4-course meal that everyone in the family loves AND do it while wearing my 6 inch heels?!” Logically, we all know there are messes and real life behind the scenes of all the cropping and filters, but still, it makes you a little insecure. You guys SHOWED us the mess and the reality of DIY and that’s why I checked in everyday. You are inspiring while being realistic; timelines, budgets, compromises, mistakes, do-overs, all of it. You showed us the process of DIY and not just the Before and Afters, which so many others do. We all love the before and Afters, but without the backstory, it’s easy to take it out of context. To be honest, I started to “really” follow you guys after my first baby was born and I was going though some pretty gnarly Post-Partum blues (well, more then just the ‘blues’ UGH! Not fun times!) Your blog seriously was a big part of getting me through that time because it gave me a distraction, and got me excited about making my home better and gave me confidence that I and the hubbs could actually do some of this stuff on our own; you guys gave me some hope during a time when i so needed it. Gahhh! Ok, too long and too mushy! All that to say, thank you guys so much for everything, good luck on finding whatever it is you and your family need during this next stage in life and I look forward to whatever comes, or doesn’t come next.
Liz Ward says
Have been reading and enjoying since your inception. Sad that you won’t be part of my day. Feels like I am losing my internet daughter. My own grown daughters make fun of me, but they too are avid fans. Good luck in all that you will do.
Jen says
I plugged through the archives at Bower Power and am now making my way through yours (so, selfishly, I thank you for leaving them up). I have found such inspiration through both blogs for ideas for our house that we bought last year. Like your first home, ours is a brick ranch with outdated style that we are slowly going through and updating on tight budget. Whether you return to blogging full-time or part-time or not at all, your work/life have been an inspiration. So, from one DIY couple to another, thank you. I may send you some before and after pics anyway and just pretend that you care…
Linne says
I’ve always said that I “Work to live not live to work”. With that being said, I miss you something fierce.
Elizabeth says
Please don’t take down the blog altogether — we’re fixin’ to use the post on your upstairs hallway lights to install the same lights in our hallways! I’m a late comer to your blog and have enjoyed it. Best of luck and warm wishes as you mull what might be next for you. I know my own life and work, and my feelings about them, changed dramatically and unexpectedly after my daughter came along.
Vickie says
Love you guys and your family (not in a creepy stalker way, only in a “We’re totally BFFs because I read your blog every day way.” lol). I have been a reader now for years. I love hearing about your projects, your family, and the wonderful opportunties that have come your way because of your amazing and hard work. Enjoy a break (because you HAVE to come back and entertain me during my work breaks and motivate me to do projects around my house, only joking, this is your life, you choose what is best for you and your family :)) and enjoy that beautiful family of yours! Just know, through it all, you are loved and appreciated for your work here on this blog!
Jen C says
I rarely comment, but just wanted to add, that I’ve been following you since the first house, looked forward to 10 a.m. every morning to get my YHL fix, and think you are all the best. I’ve been inspired and motivated by you. Enjoy your break and I look forward to see what you will be doing next. I’ll be here.
Trey says
I mean… do you guys really want to take a break??? Y’all don’t understand. Your blog has meant so much to us. Because of you guys, we started doing projects in our own homes, and that has even sparked a business venture in the making right now. I completely understand you guys wanting to take a break, but the selfish part of me wants to scream NO! PLEASE STAY! :)… You guys…my wife and I started following your blog shortly after Clara was born. Every morning, I get up, grab a cup of coffee and read your blog. It’s really incredible. Please don’t let a few unthoughtful, uncaring opinions distract you from what really matters here and the lives you guys have touched. Haters will hate, but you guys really have something special here… don’t let anyone take that away!
Lindsey N says
awe, I love you guys I talk about you all as if you are my own. I will miss you while you take a break and hope that you find that spark again. Enjoy the family and we will be here if and when you come back. Thanks for being so awesome at everything!
Heather says
I’ve never left a comment before, but I really love your blog. It’s actually the only one I read, and I loved your book as well. I really do understand burn out, esp from creative people who put their heart out there. But please know, even if you don’t hear it, you have helped put good out there in the world and brightened by day many times. I would love for you to come back but you always have to do what is best for you and your family. I wish you the best of luck and recovery. Also, if you want a little inspiration or self-discovery- “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron is an amazing book for creative people. Highly recommend. Hope you get some good sleep too.
Alleene says
Dear Sherry & John, I have been reading your blog for years. You have inspired me to make so many improvements to my home. You have given me the confidence to do many of the improvements myself. Your energy and enthusiasm have been contagious. Thank you.
I, too, have noticed the change in your blog. And that is exactly as it should be. You are parents of two young children, and your focus is and should be on nurturing and enjoying them. Everything else in your life should come second. You do not owe your readers an endless and unchanging amount of inspiration and entertainment. And, besides, I know from experience how young children can consume all your energy and brain function, and you just learn to live with what’s left over, and if what’s left over cannot support blogging full-time, then so be it. This won’t last forever, and when and if you can devote more time to blogging, I’ll be grateful to see you back!