This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Katherine says
Please don’t leave us… not permanently.
This blog is a big bright spot in my day. I really look forward to new posts, and it makes weekends a little painful because I know I have to wait until Monday!
I loved that you were inspired to take on this huge laundry room project. It rocked my world.
Enjoy your break, but please come back!
Brenda says
Good for you guys! I’ll miss the creativity, humor and 90’s references but do what you gotta do. Like many have said in prior comments…i’ll be here when/if you return. Not in a creepy kind of way but in a “hey glad you’re back. how do you make a chandelier out of clothespins?” kind of way!!! Love me some YHL!! :-)
Dalia says
Enjoy the break with your babies! The people who truly care about your family and blog will always be there for you guys.
Michelle says
“I can’t liiiiiive, if living is without youuuuuu!”
Sorry, it just seemed so appropriate. Miss you.
Heather says
At 3500 comments, I just wanted to quickly say THANK YOU and wish you the very best in your decisions!
Catherine says
Sorry, with over 3000 comments I still feel the need to say this: I happened to read a comment that was made about the “quality” of furniture that you two choose, how you promised that you would have more “high end” furniture in your new home….The reason that the two of you have become so popular is that you take things that dont cost a fortune and turn them into something beautiful. If you just went out and bought expensive furniture and did nothing to make it your own, you really couldnt call yourselves “diy’ers” could you?? The first time I read about “Young House Love” it was in an article with Parade Magazine…in the article were pictures of the kitchen in your second home. Honestly, it was the most beautiful kitchen I had ever seen, I still look at in awe. You show the rest of us, that dont have “high end” money, that those looks can still be acheived if you are willing to “do it yourself.” Everytime you post something I can say that I could try that too…you two are artisits and inspirations, thank you for giving me the belief that I dont need to be a millionaire to make my home beautiful….I hope to see more from you soon!
Betsy says
Yes! She typed exactly what I would’ve.
Jenae says
So I have checked back each day as I always do to see if there is an update or a response. Not expecting one but I will probably check everyday until you return! I applaude you for making this decision for you and your family. You have always followed your heart and it has lead you to the success and happiness you now have. This too will lead you to a better place! Enjoy your time and I hope you come back energized and excited again!!
Ali says
I HAVE TOO Jenae! I think it’s just been part of my daily routine for so long … I’ll probably check back everyday until you guys announce your decision :) Guess it also helps your wallets too which is fine by me!!
Julie says
Yep, same here. Checking, just in case. :)
Lindsey says
I feel so sad knowing you guys are struggling with your blog feeeeeelings. I love you all and this is hands down my favorite blog. Feels so weird to start the day without one of your posts ! I hope you come back soon!!! Ps for what it’s worth I think you guys are such a sweet cute family and deserve all the happiness in life ????
Lindsey says
And those were supposed to be exclamation marks not question marks LOL
Bethany says
My first reaction was: NOOOO!!!! My next reaction was: TOTALLY get it!!
Life changes and you have to change with it. I hope that the break is just a break because I LOVE your blog and your family! But if it is not, and after a month off you decide to explore a different passion, I will understand. I will miss you guys, but I will understand. You have been an inspiration to me. I found your blog about 5 years ago after I moved into my very first home and so much of our home has been inspired by you. For that, I am grateful. I wish you the best in whatever you do!
Grace Y says
Aw you guys are so awesome! I have been a crazy fan since the beginning and I wish you guys the best of luck!! I will be returning to the blog every once in a while in hopes to see you have returned, but if not I know we will get the pleasure of seeing your talents someway somehow in in future! You guys are amazing… don’t feel guilty and please enjoy this time! Good Luck in whatever you do! I feel teary eyed.
Joy says
Amen to taking a break! Of course I’ll miss you guys, but 7 years of such hard, HARD work is incredible and I can’t believe you haven’t taken a break before now. You guys deserve the time to relax, think about what you really want to do, and hopefully have some fun.
I love your honesty about your feelings but I hate that you guys feel like you’ve let us down so much. You can only do what you’re capable of doing at the time. You guys have two little ones now, an amazing number of projects in the works, and I’m sure plenty of behind-the-scenes life stuff that we don’t know about. I say don’t be so hard on yourselves. Please! You’re doing great things and this reader appreciates all that you can give us.
Stephanie says
So sorry to see you go for a while, but totally understandable. So saying, since I don’t drink coffee or smoke, you were my 10:00 morning “break”. I work in a large law firm in Toronto, Ontario, so you guys acted as my de-stressor. So sorry if some of us readers acted as your “stressors”. It is going to take me a while to break the habit of clicking on your blog every day (but probably won’t stop checking in the hopes that you changed your blogging minds).
Take care!
Manda Wolf says
I have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, great for you. Doing what is best for your family and your brand. I have noticed things don’t have the same feel anymore, when I started reading almost 5 years ago it felt like a small community of friends. Now it feels like the community of friends, your readers have gotten too big and you keep us all at an arm’s length. Like the house announcement. I understand why you didn’t want to share it but it felt like a few years ago you would have, you would have been so excited that you had to tell your friends.
On the other hand, I want to grab you guys and shake you. You are living the dream, and I know it is hard, I get that, but both of you being at home with you kids, do you realize what a gift that is to them? Maybe I’m jaded, maybe you can go back to your advertising careers and work from home, or have flexible house. In my mind and limited experience I have to compare it to my job where both my and hubby are gone at a minimum of 50 hours a week.
You have to do what you think it right, no one will fault you for that. I will admit it was a shock to see this today. And I do hope you come back.
But on the off chance you don’t, please don’t take down the site. I don’t know how many times I have an idea and remembered you guys did something similar and come for ideas.
Thank you for the wonderful ride, hope to see you soon,
Manda Wolf
(PS – even if you throw in the towel for good I’m sure we’d all be thrilled by random posts that have a few pictures and let us know how the house update is going)
Tamara @ Provident Home Design says
So well put Sherry! I’m so glad you guys are listening to your needs. I admire your honesty to yourself and to your readers on the matter!! I don’t think most people can really understand how super duper intense having a DIY /Home blog is. I know I didn’t until I began my own. I can completely understand why you would need a big break after 7 years!!! You guys rock!! Hope you know and feel that!! Xoxo
Jennifer says
I LOVE your blog and am mourning this loss. I, selfishly, hope that the break is temporary, but ultimately wish you the best in finding your happy groove.
In the interest of constructive feedback, here’s why YHL is my #1 blog read:
– The consistency of posts. 2-3 vs 5 posts a week doesn’t diminish the joy for me, but I’d probably lose interest if it fell to once a week.
– The emphasis on DIY and improvements. I’m not as interested in home decor blogs, and those that have “finished” their homes and now just feature decor have lost me.
– I love the price breakdowns and detailed DIY instructions. Even if I don’t read every word of a washer hookup when you post it, I know it’s there in the archives for when I do need it! :)
– Your price points/style. My style does not mirror yours, but we’re in about the same price range for furnishings and finish materials and that is INVALUABLE to me!
– And finally, of course, your writing style, personalities and openness. I LOVE feeling like I know you and being invited into your world.
I haven’t read every comment here, but I sincerely hope that you’re feeling the love. This is either my first or second comment ever… but wanted you to hear the perspective of this VERY SATISFIED reader.
Bethany says
“No other success can compensate for failure in the home.” David O. McKay
You do what you need to do and we will just have to do without you for a while! Good luck!
Angie says
I have read your blog for years and I will miss you guys terribly. It’s unfortunate that you chose this moment to take a break because to be honest it leaves me with a little “I’ll take my ball and go home” feeling. You asked for honest feedback and when you got it you totally shut down. Don’t get me wrong, I totally support taking a break to spend more time with family, recharge the battery, whatever, it’s just the timing is unfortunate and it leaves me with a negative feeling that I with I didn’t have. Wishing you all the best, angie
Angie says
Sorry for the typo, wish I didn’t have.
Valerie J. says
Ya’ll deserve a break! We’ll be here when/if you get back. :)
Leslie says
My husband does freelance web design on the side, so I never question people making money providing a service at which they are talented and have worked so hard to build skills and knowledge to do. I love that you are trusting your instincts to take the time you need. I want this to come across as a compliment (not a plea for you to not take a break) that ever since pinterest came along, I only follow a couple of blogs in their entirety – yours being one of those few.
Heather F says
You will be missed! I have always enjoyed your blog, regardless of what stage of life your family was in. I appreciated the fun and creative ideas you always seem to have, and you inspired many spaces in our home. THANK YOU for your blog! Enjoy your time together as a family! We have two boys (9 and 6), and just being a family can be a challenge, let alone running a business. If you decide to return I will gladly read whatever you post. Wishing you many happy days!
Kelly says
Miss you guys already but totally understand. Hope you find something soon and that we get to be a part of it!
Alysia says
I love your blog. I have learned to do so many things from you guys that I never would have tried on my own. I love your personalities and writing style. Enjoy the break but please come back after!
Katelyn Hickman says
Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that you’ll be missed, but it’s also pretty obvious how much you’re all loved! Please don’t stay away forever Petersiks! Also, just a suggestion, but we wouldn’t begrudge y’all a few weeks off from blogging throughout the year, you know, to recharge the old batteries from time to time.
Madeline says
Wow, I have no words. I feel like I am having a break up. I understand though and I hope this month off gives you that umph, you need. I have been trying avidly to start my own blog, and it’s really difficult, but i’t not my job and I can easily step away. I cant imagine how much harder it is for you to maintaing that “young love” feel when this is also your method of supporting your family. I could say that I understand if you decide to not return, but I would be lying and right now I am really hoping you have a wonderful uninterupted month where you magically realize you still love doing this and become re invigorated and return. What can I say..just speaking from the heart.
Carole White says
I’ve been reading your blog since either 2007 or 2008. Literally I have read your blog and gone onto your website nearly every single day that I have had Internet service sine I first came across YHL until the last 6-8 months or so. Heck- I remember when it was “This Young House!” I have quit reading regularly since moving into your third house. Why? I’m not exactly sure. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I too felt slightly insulted by the surprise of the 3rd home, by the grandiosity of the show home, by your expansion…. I’m super duper proud of you two and I want to see you thrive and succeed but I guess I too felt as though something was “off.” Ironic that today I came to your blog for literally probably the first time in 2 months or more.
I commend you for your honesty and I hope you find yourselves and your spark in your break! Life is short and for the enjoyment. Focus on the positives and just remember y’all have a huge following and support and when there are negative people/issues/things- take em with a grain of salt!
You two are awesome and literally now that I’ve not been a regular reader for 6 months or so… I have a new heightened interest in what’s to come. I suppose if you forced me to give you my humble advice I would say to chill a little. If/when you get back to blogging- appreciate the small stuff more. Posts on making artwork and planting herbs and how to organize a messy drawer are just as awesome as tile and doors and lighting lines and showcase homes to so many people, myself included!
I found myself again and got my spark back starting on January 23, 2013 when my husband and I changed our eating habits for the healthier. In your time off check out Vegucated and Forks Over Knives on Netflix. They’re both entertaining movies and very informative. At the end of the day we people are just fancy plants and our minds and emotions do well when we are nourished and watered very well.
Much love to y’all! Super proud of you guys and today’s post is why I’ve been your fan for 7 years!
Ginger says
I love everything you do and have shown. You guys are an inspiration! You are funny, you have good content and present it in a beautiful way, I will miss it.
PS-Thank you for posting the finished laundry room before you take your break! Truly beautiful and I’m insanely jealous of the new room!
Cathy says
Enjoy your break and I also agree a sabbatical is what the Petersik’s deserve and should be able to take! Your blog is my favorite (along with Bower Power) and I have been following since your wedding. I have loved seeing your family grow….enjoy this time…time goes by so quickly and you never know what tomorrow will bring. You and John are the best!
Elvi says
:'( But you deserve a break! Hopefully you’ll get your groove back!
keapdx says
Refresh, recharge… and please come back. YHL is the first blog I look at every day. Not to be all stalker-y but I am proud of all you have accomplished and would miss Clara, Teddy and Burger as well as your shining selves. God Bless
Shanee says
I’m praying for you guys! Prayers of peace and clarity!
Kristy says
As a blogger who also makes a living blogging, I completely and totally understand exactly how you feel. I hope you do find your spark again!
PrairieGal says
Wonderful News! I know it can be heart-wrenching to step away from something you love, and it can be a tough to finally make that decision to take a break. Enjoy yourselves. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your home. We’ll be here if and when you decide to come back.
MJ says
I’ve followed your blog since the very beginning. What you have accomplished in the past 7 years is tremendous and you should be so proud! You are some of the pioneers of this whole blogging thing, and as you went along you didn’t know where it would take you, and you’ve gotten to have some amazing experiences bc of the blog. Life changes and your passions evolve, good for you for listening to your heart! I too have recently become a mother, and things that I used to be so passionate about are no longer that important to me, and I have discovered all kinds of new interests and new things about myself. Give yourselves a pat on the back, relax, and I hope we hear from you again when you are ready :)
Sheralyn says
you guys have been inspiring in so many ways and like many relationships* in life if it has served it’s time and purpose and it’s time to move on, that’s okay. I would see you off amicably truly grateful for “knowing” you for the time I did. I do think it odd the level of expectation that becomes attached to *personal* blogs (which I do still consider yours even those it has eventually generated revenue which in my mind is a superb bonus!) and would never want anyone to feel as though they/you owe me; readership (like viewership) can be fickle and to live up to it would be, I presume, exhausting. I’m just thankful for you giving me something funny/helpful/inspiring to read! Your passion is contagious, I hope this time off allows you to redefine what is yours and embrace it with no regrets :)
(because as a reader being invited into your life I do consider it a kind of relationship, you are first and foremost REAL people :))
Heather M. says
Hi John & Sherry, I am a relatively new reader but I’ve been working my way through the archives (I’m somewhere in late 2012), and I absolutely love the blog. Your writing, intelligence, and personalities really shine and the information is so useful and inspirational. That showhouse was AMAZING. I am sorry to see you go, of course, but I imagine you weren’t necessarily planning on being professional bloggers forever. I hope your break is much enjoyed and that this site doesn’t disappear from the internet any time soon — I almost want to “download” all of the content just in case, ha!! Anyway, love you guys, enjoy your family and the coming weeks. I wish you the best, regardless of what you decide to do in the future!
Tara says
Is anyone else checking every day on the off chance they might post something??? I having major withdrawals…
Best of luck on the sabbatical! You deserve it!
Tara says
I’m* having major withdrawals. I can’t even type!
Carole White says
Yes! I am wondering if and hoping they’re reading these comments! I mean….they have to approve them, right?
Kristin says
Hooray for sabbatical! What a wise choice! Every family needs a vacation. Whether it’s a month-long sabbatical every other year, two weeks per year, whatever! I am a married, 27-year-old mother of two (1 year and 3 years), and the transition from one child to two children (without any other outside issues), would be great cause for a regrouping. I hope you enjoy your time away. Social media is exhausting. I think when you come back (and I hope you do), you find freedom in doing the projects you love to fit the needs of your family in that beautiful home of yours. And when you do those projects, I hope you share some slices with us. That’s why we fell in love with your blog. You were like us – having babies, fixing up old stuff, and being goofy. You haven’t lost it, you know? It’s just so very hard with kids and the expectations and opinions of thousands of strangers like myself(even though we all feel like your BFFs!). Best of luck to y’all and your two cuties!
Katie McMonty says
Aww we’ll miss you!! Love you guys!
Sara G. says
I will miss you guys! I have followed your blog for several years, and only check yours and Bower Power daily. Everyone needs a break! Enjoy your time off and I hope you are able to get your groove back.
Leslie Erickson says
To thine own self (selves) be true. You are kind and talented people. Follow your hearts always, and never apologize for adapting as life moves on. You have always been very generous with your time in this realm. I think you both already know, somewhere deep in your hearts, the next direction you want to take. Courage is feeling the fear and moving ahead within it, and you both have what it takes to be successful in any endeavors your undertake.
Kaylan McCord says
I never comment on blogs, not because I don’t want to but because I’m busy with two kids and working, etc. BUT I do want to post today and say how much I love reading your blog. I have noticed your gait has shifted a bit, but I thought it was just because God recently added Teddy to your family. All this to say, sorry for not providing positive feedback more often! I LOVE your blog and gain so much inspiration here! I used to blog and loved getting comments. I promise to do better!! Enjoy your break! You will be missed and I will be checking back each day anxiously waiting for your return!!
Cecile Blake says
Hello John and Sherry
I don’t think i have ever commented before, although i have been reading your blog for years. Its is one of the very few that i continued to read post kids, because you made it so personal and genuine, but it must have taken it’s toll. Whenever i read your day-in-the-life features i thought you were insane. It is really good to hear that not even you cant keep up that pace. It makes the rest of us feel less inadequate for not being able to juggle kids and work and then be so ok with ourselves that we can still make our vulnerabilities public like you do. ( I mean this in the best and most kind way) I will miss your blog, but the world (mine and yours) won’t stop turning. Do something, anything that makes you excited, without putting yourself on the line like that. I am quite sure it will be a smashing success!
Tonya says
Enjoy your break! I hope you come back, at least as a hobby. It is really fun and inspirational to read about your renovations.
Vanessa B. says
That felt like a good-bye. Not a “we are taking a break”. :(
I sincerely hope you are not letting those morons get to you. Whatever the case, I hope it all works out for you.
You have been a joy to read. You have something nobody else has in the blogosphere. I’ve looked! It’s not there! I don’t know what’s it called exactly, but you’ve got it.
Ultimately, I hope you find peace, joy and fulfillment in whatever you decide to do.
Thank you for being a part of my life for the past five years. xo
Elaine R says
I felt exactly the same way! My initial thought was… “Are they breaking up with me?”
I will miss reading everyday.
Emily says
I’m sorry to see you guys go. I hope you’ll be back soon. Your blog was the first I ever read and the best by far. I looked forward to checking in with you each day. However, I understand that you have to do what’s right for the two of you and your family. I just hope it still includes sharing your day to day adventures with us :)
Micalla says
Hi there,
Been following y’all since 2010. It’s like you’ve always been the cool older siblings (not calling you ‘old,’ I promise! :) I simply want pop in to join the thousands of others who send well wishes. You owe us nothing! You have brought so much beauty, joy, and even, as weird as it sounds, friendship over the past 7 years. We have been lucky to be a part of your world for this long. Whether we see you again here, in another form, or if we ‘part ways,’ I think we can all say that we were impacted…in a positive way!
Again, you owe us nothing! We don’t pay to view your blog. We don’t pay to read a DIY post. We don’t pay to watch hysterical music videos. And even if we did, you run this blog/home/’business’ with integrity. (Okay, I guess we pay to buy your books or maybe get a ticket to an event you are speaking at, but that doesn’t count.)
Best wishes and kind and warm thoughts sent your way. Enjoy time with your family. Enjoy time pursuing the next endeavor, that gives you that ‘spark’ that you experienced when first blogging as a hobby. Everyone deserves to do something that makes them happy. Do that!
Lastly, for the first time, I just noticed a :) at the bottom right hand of the page. Not sure if that is intentional or not, but I feel like it fits you perfectly. You surprise us with joy. Always.
Best, best, best,
Mary Bess P says
John and Sherry,
Enjoy your time away from the blog! I will certainly miss the updates, but I’m glad I’ve got your book and the archives to inspire me in the meantime. Just recently, I showed my husband the fold-out sleeper sofa from your first house’s office/guest bedroom as an inspiration for a similar space in our apartment. I’ll be anxiously awaiting your return!
Mary Bess
Theresa says
We’ll miss you guys!
I had a very demanding job and took a year off after my baby was born. It was the best decision for me and my family. I returned to work last week at it was wonderful! Everyone is happy! Do what is best for your family! Take a month off, or two or ten months! Or longer.
You have inspired me many times and my house is much more welcoming, pretty, and cutesy because of you guys! However! This is only the second time that I have left a comment. The first time I left one you replied to it and I was a bit surprised and worried! I assumed at that point you guys were working a little too much. :( I hope you have a great time off! If this is the end I need to start copying and pasting a few projects :) and run out and buy your book!
You guys are an inspiration! Don’t feel bad! AND PLEASE KEEP OUR EMAIL addresses and send us an email when you return ;)
JR says
It’s a shame that some of your readers feel the need to make rude comments or demand too much of you. You guys are genuinely lovely people, and you work hard at your job. We all need to step back sometimes and reassess and reprioritize. Wishing you all the best!