This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Mary says
Never commented before (on your blog or anywhere really!) but have been reading your blog regularly for a long time. It has been a total aesthetic inspiration to me over the years – to the point that I always kind of hope that people who come to my house don’t read your blog because they might think that I am a copycat! Ha!
You seem genuinely kind and fun and personable and real. I wish you all the best with everything, whatever you do, but I sure hope you come back to the blogosphere sometime soon!
Carmen says
Love you guys just the way you are writing this blog.
And thank you so much for all the things I’ve learned, felt and enjoyed reading this blog!!
Best wishes!
Lyndsey says
I am literally tearing up!!!! I LOVE your blog!! I love your honest, family-oriented personalities!! I’ve loved your transparency and felt like you were probably crying your eyes out over the lasts few days. Good luck to you. Please let us know what you are up too. I feel like you are family!!
Luda says
Dear S&J, I just wanted to give you a couple of words of encouragement.
First of, those people that made those rude and outrageous comments – they probably just don’t even have lives,… kids, passion, love… I probably sound rude myself right now, but believe me if they can say things like this to anyone, they obviously have really bad social skills and need to pick on someone for their own self-affirmation (and it’d better be online, so no one sees their face).
Well, anyway, people like this don’t deserve your tears, your time and most of all they don’t deserve you changing your life because of them. They are a very small % of the rest of the readers who love you and need you and are always amused by anything you post. Who cares how much money you make!? I make my own money and I am only going to be happy for you if I bring you an extra buck by reading something that inspires me and moves me and changes MY life!
You changed me. You changed my house. You changed thousands of people’s lives. You should be confident in what you are and who you are, because you are a great, moving, inspiring and amazing family. Your kids are lucky to have you and we are lucky that you decided to share your story with us.
It is sooooo hard to share your life with someone! Especially when that someone judges. But the thruth is that most of us love you. And we appreciate everything you share. We appreciate that you spend your time and life on this. This “job” of yours is equivalent to those motivational speakers, or those that help people find career, or those financial advisers – they all provide something to the people that help them move on and find their passion and make their lives more beautiful – physically and emotionally. You should be just proud of yourselves. PLUS – you just had a baby! Come on you, women who commented – do you not know what that is??? And I am sorry, but if you have two or three kids and “build a kitchen in three days” that probably just means that your kids were babysat by the TV the whole time, fed some nice junk food and never bathed – nice job! Sorry, this is really not meant to be offencive to others, I am just very unhappy on how people can discourage someone who brings light into their lives.
Just DON’T READ if you don’t care or if you can’t stay away from judging.
S & J, I am looking forward for you coming back. You really should not care about these comments. People are mean. But thankfully not most of them.
Take a break, enjoy yourselves and don’t listen to anyone who gives you bad feedback. You are not here to adjust to someone else’s preferences, you are here to be yourselves. People are different and they will always like different things. You can’t be liked by everyone. There always will be an audience for you, just follow your true passion. And those that don’t like it – just let them leave. They will find something else. Love you, hope to see you soon.
Jen says
I love this!
Picture Almost Perfect says
I will say I am sad- you guys are amazing and so fun to read. However, I definitely understand and your family deserves your time to enjoy life and be with those beautiful babies! Take care and best of luck! You both are an inspiration to all :)
Alanna says
you may never see this 3561st comment. so i will keep it simple… Good For you. self-introspection is an A+ move. May you have 100% confidence in whatever decision(s) you make… we, your fans, will be here!
Here’s to Change—
KathyL says
Ok, one more last comment —Oprah went through this too at one point, and she signed on for another 5 years….just saying….love ya!
Mindi says
I love your blog and will miss you. I read YHL because it is informative and I enjoy seeing the nuts and bolts (literally) of making a project happen. I can do without the feels and explanations simply because I don’t think you owe it to your readers. It’s your blog, do what you want with it. Pleasing the masses is impossible and will likely make you crazy. I wish you the best during your time off and I hope you come back.
Shelley @ Green Eggs and Hamlet says
Kudos to you for taking this well-deserved break! I can’t imagine working at a job that is so highly personal; you two have done it with passion and grace for seven years and I’m so happy to have been along for the ride. Thank you for sharing and I hope you all find whatever you need during your break and return with all of the vim and vigor you hope for. Enjoy your time with Clara, Teddy, Burger, each other, and your other love – your home. Good luck and truly all of the best to you.
Kym says
As always, I and probably most of us reading and commenting on this post appreciate your realness. That is what makes Sherry and John just that, real people albeit internet friends that we believe in, rally for and will be there to support if you allow us. I look forward to still coming to your blog every day if only to check archives and read stories that I haven’t read yet and look forward to hopefully when you come back. If you don’t come back, I and again I think all of us would completly understand. Heart you guys!
Nicole says
I’ve only ever posted a comment or two on your blog though I’ve been a diehard YHL-reader for years. I understand your need for the break, and personally I’m hoping it’s a restful sabbatical for you guys and you come back feeling refreshed and back in the game. But sometimes things don’t work that way either. No matter what happens, thank you for sharing your lives with us and all the journeys you have taken us on as you pour more love into your house(s).
Enjoy this time, whatever the result.
Melanie says
Going from 1-2 kids in the last year, I’m amazed anyone can do anything ;). Kudos for all that you have accomplished, and for taking time to figure out what you need and want for ALL of you. This is a tremendous blog and we love you guys <3.
Linda Flaherty says
Will miss you all. I have two granddaughters the same age as Clara and they love seeing her bedroom and the little projects you do together. Please enjoy this “quiet” time together and know you are loved. Hope to see you all soon. Be well.
xanthe says
Sorry for leaving another comment! I hope you switch off the comments from the blog while your having a break! Also don’t do any diy or post stockpiling in this time off, if you want to get some posts to have saved up then take another month off and sort that out then before you come back. Take care x
Cynthia says
Best wishes working through where to steer yourselves next. Listen to your gut :)
9/11 reminds us life is precious and goes by fast.
I do love checking in on what “John and Sherri” are doing next!
Mary says
Everyone needs a break sometimes. Please enjoy yours, find yourselves rested, rejuvenated and happy. I hope at the end of your break you’ll want to return to the blogging world. You offer such a wonderful space with fabulous ideas, humor and fun. It would be so very sad to see it come to an end. I hope you can find a solution that leaves you feeling back in the groove. Best wishes!
Kelsey says
Thanks for the honesty! I hope you relax and find some inspiration! Lots of love to your family!!
Lizzie says
First time commenting. Yours is one of the blogs I enjoy most. I wish I’d let ya’ll know before! I wish your family a good break, and (hopefully) an inspired return!
Laura Theobald says
I’ll miss you!! Have a good break. I echo pretty much everyone else’s sentiments here, that we all just want to see you happy.
Just a thought – and I don’t mean this to come off as negative, so please no one blast me – but you say your second book is pretty much written. I just hope that this break doesn’t diminish the sales/success of the book and that your publisher doesn’t ding you for that. I’d be sad if all that work went out the window. I know I’ll probably buy it regardless of this site being up or down, but I just worry for you guys. I hope it all works out in the end!! And of course, I hope you decide to come back eventually.
Alex says
As a reader that comes to your blog not only for DIY but to see your cute family it will be hard to not have you to come to everyday. I may keep hitting refresh a few hundred times for a few days before this realization hits that you may not be back. But it is understandable that after so many years you need a change of pace. Just please give us a proper farewell if you decide the blog is done or it will feel like something is missing forever. Y’all will be so very missed!
jan says
Nobody does it better.
Makes me feel sad for the rest.
Nobody does it half as good as you.
Baby, you’re the best!
Thank you for inviting us in for all these years. It’s been so fun! Enjoy the time off. Please come back! xoxo
Nikki says
You guys are great. Do what you need and come back soon! You’re the only blog I follow.
vanessa says
YHL, you have inspired me for 5 years – never went a week without reading your blog…in fact, my husband knows how much I love you guys he surprised me with your first book the day it hit shelves in Canada. I totally respect your decision to take a step back and as soon as you guys feel ready to come back, I’m sure I speak for many of us when I say, we’ll still be here.
Thanks for years of tutorials, inspiration and laughs and looking forward to your second book.
Mary says
I miss youuuuuuuuuuu!
Mary who John painted on my shirt at the book signing in Richmond.
Laura says
Am very proud of you. This is a tough decision to make, but one you will be (and probably already are) glad you made.
Yours is the first (of 3) blog I look at daily. I have immensely enjoyed ‘visiting’ with you every day – and maybe will be lucky enough to again.
Family comes first – first and foremost. I will be praying that your path will be guided forward to something that will be the perfect fit to support your family. Just know, that even though I am not ‘visiting’ with you daily, I will still be thinking of you and praying for you! Blessings to each of you and THANK YOU! I love you too!!! Hugs, Laura in Lubbock, Texas! <3
Amanda says
Almost 3,600 well-wishes and counting. You guys are loved. <3 Enjoy your break and your family, the kids don't stay small forever.
Angelica says
SAD FACE! But, I understand. I wish you l
amber says
I have very much enjoyed your blog and do hope to hear from you guys in the future. Strangely it’d be like losing a friend if you never returned.
That said… good for you both for realizing that you either need something else or a at the very least a break. Sometimes it’s hard to admit to yourself that things need to change. Cheers!
Kathleen says
I’ve enjoyed your blog, learned many useful things, and enjoyed watching your family grow.
You need to do what’s best for you and the young ones, and not worry about what a bunch of people who you are likely never to meet will think or feel.
You are lucky people to know what you want and how to make it happen. It takes courage to truly follow what your heart knows to be best.
Good luck to you both. If you return to blogging I’ll still be a reader. If not, good wishes to you for a long and happy life doing whatever you decide to do.
carey says
Hi John & Sherry! I have been following your blog for years. I’ve been reading since your first house. You have seriously been a huge inspiration for so many people out there. Your work here has left a mark on so many in so many different ways. Do not doubt that for a second. Don’t feel guilty, sad, disappointed or any other negative feeling towards this decision. I really admire you for being true to yourselves and realizing what happiness is all about. You have obviously had some great opportunities and experiences because of this blog. I am sure there are so many more that will come in your life and it may or may not be through YHL. You are very courageous for taking this leap and making a huge change. I have no doubt good things will come to you because of it. Do what you need to do and take the time you need. Best of luck to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you for so much.
Susan says
It’s incredibly sad, and sadly incredible, that you feel bad about this wonderful blog. This post brought me to tears. This blog is the best of the best! I truly wish that I could convince you:
1. Don’t be so hard on yourselves.
2. Don’t let other people (e.g. commenters) be so hard on you either.
3. Don’t apologize for making money. You have earned it and deserve it.
If you TRULY reach a place where you do NOT WANT to blog for a living any more, then of course don’t. But if you still would rather blog than earn a living some other way, please PLEASE PLEEEEASE don’t stop blogging just because you feel you have lost some spark or camaraderie you once had.
That’s like getting a divorce because you don’t feel as much excitement about your spouse as during those early starry-eyed falling-in-love days.
Everything changes. It is inevitable that your blog will change and evolve.
As a reader for the past 1.5 years, the only things I’ve noticed lately is that you seem to put too much pressure on yourself to post at a certain frequency, and you seem to feel that a post isn’t good enough unless it’s an huge, epic accomplishment. Some of your posts could easily be 2 or even 3 posts. And, you might even let yourself feel pressure to decorate differently in this new house. Altogether, to me you feel rushed and pressured to do more sooner than you want to or need to.
Of course this has been a tougher time for your blog, because first of all, the move. You find yourself needing to do a lot of things that you just did in your previous house — like painting. But you don’t feel it’s OK to blog about painting a room, again. Yet it is still JUST AS MUCH WORK to paint as it ever was. Before, when you felt that “spark,” you just blogged about what you were spending your time doing, right? Maybe it’s OK to keep doing that, even if you’ve done a similar post before.
And this is bound to be a tough time with a new baby you are breastfeeding. I haven’t noticed whether you are able to get enough sleep yet, but if you aren’t, just know and realize that the neural chemistry of nursing hormones + lack of sleep does NOT allow for any energy production for sparks of excitement. There’s nothing wrong with you! This is biology! When my baby boy was nursing every 2 hours round the clock from 4-6 months old, I almost had a breakdown from the exhaustion. He gained 13 pounds in 6 months. I didn’t have enough motivation to wash my hair or keep the house clean, let alone renovate my laundry room. I don’t regret it at all; I absolutely know it was the best for him.
To summarize, there is NOTHING wrong with you, or your blog. You are great and wonderful people, doing a great job. The maturity of your blog and your DIY skills, along with current life circumstances, might make this time less fun and exciting than at previous times. Please RELAX and just be your authentic selves — which means DON’T listen to the critics. If you let criticism affect what you publish, or when, or the decorating choices you make, the authentic YOU gets lost. And it’s the authentic YOU that made this a great blog. It’s the authentic YOU that I truly hope we will get to hear so much more of in the coming years.
J Young says
Thank you for the last 4+ years of posts that I have been following! Full support of you guys finding a good life balance.
Vicky says
This news made me so sad :( I truly love you guys and your blog. You’re the only blog I read. I learned so much from you, and enjoyed every post, personal ones and diy/decor ones. Sherry, you’ve helped me out a lot with being a first time parent through your posts with Clara. Huge thank you for that! I will miss you SO much and I’ll be here if you decide to come back and will continue to read no matter what direction the blog takes. You guys are awesome and I miss you already.
Wanda says
I work in the mental health field and I have to say that many of you sound as though you need counseling. The mean spirited, inappropriate, judgemental comments are so unnecessary. People, it’s a BLOG If your happiness depends on the content of YHL you have major issues. People change, blogs change, get over it. Can’t you just enjoy what is in front of you? Wow, just click on over to another site and sign off. Sorry Petersiks that you have had to endure this.
Cheri says
You guys are awesome! I think your blog is so fun to read. I’ll admit, I am addicted.
This has been bugging me for days – so I had to write. In the same paragraph you say you shouldn’t let things get to your head and then you apologize for not sharing more because it insulted some people. DON’T BE SORRY! Own it. YOU get to decide what you share and what you leave out. Don’t let the select few get inside your head. I know…. easier said than done.
Also, peeps of our generation don’t work the same job for a lifetime – even if it’s a dream job. We like change.
That being said – I hope you come back. I will/do miss you!
Emma says
I stumbled upon your blog almost 6 years ago when I got engaged – I googled “DIY weddings” and the images of your beautiful yard, the wine bottles turned lemonade and water, the candles, the cupcakes. I read your blog everyday (or binged several days at a time when I got behind). I have asked you questions (and got answers!), used your ideas and made wonderful things happen in my home, and felt over time that I somehow knew you guys. Watching your life flourish gave me something fun to read, and something to be inspired by, home decor and personally. It feels like great friends are moving far away, but I can feel your need for space, time, and reflection. I wish you all the best and hope you will come back soon. And if you don’t, that’s ok. You don’t owe anyone, but I hope you know how much your sharing your life with “us” has impacted our lives. You’ are fabulous. So much love John, Sherry & family – so much and love and so much happiness I wish on you all! :) :)
Elizabeth says
YHL – you will be missed! I have always loved ALL your posts, and will miss your projects, videos, and photos! Your blog has inspired so many others (including myself!) to give DIY a shot! You are so loved – just look at the number of people you have touched with only one post! My prayer for you is that you will find your spark again! Life is too short – if you aren’t having fun doing what you do – what the heck are you doing it for?? Enjoy your precious children & good luck in all your future ventures!
Greg Zuercher says
John and Shari: Thanks for all the inspiration and great work over the years. I know the sabbatical will be brief and we look forward to many more great blog posts to come. Best of luck during this time of reflection!
Kristin says
I had to read your last post twice to make sure I got it right. I am another one of your readers who didn’t notice a loss of mojo in your posts, although I appreciate that you may now have other priorities or needs other than entertaining all of us. I never felt compelled to comment until today…I used to read several blogs but as the years went by, yours is the only one I still check on a regular basis. Nothing wrong with the others but yours simply continues to resonate with me; due to your interesting projects, your humour, honesty, and your humility. I’ll miss you, really :) Best wishes from a Canadian fan/friend.
Anna says
I have been reading your blog for many years and feel like I know you guys! My friend and I just refer to you casually by your first names to one another like we are all friends. I gave her your book for Christmas when it came out and she sent pictures of your show house to me when she visited. I don’t feel like it is goodbye, just see you later! I will continue to visit the site for archives, THANK YOU for keeping it up for us to use! I often read the posts about early life with Clara as I get ready to welcome my first child in October, your post about the bum genius cloth diapers will come in handy!
Every time I see an animal head I think of you all :)
I wish you all the very best, enjoy your family, enjoy your life!
Karin says
Your blog was the first blog I ever read and years later it is still the first one I read every morning. I understand it is a tremendous time of change for you guys with Teddy coming into the world and other big exciting things happening. You have inspired me so much that I am now working on launching my own blog! Take a well deserved break to regroup, but I will tell you from the bottom of my heart it won’t be the same without you and I will continue to be a loyal reader when you’re ready to come back!
Sarah says
You guys are just the greatest and I will always love anything from you two. I’m so grateful you guys are doing what is best for you and the family, and are willing to be so honest with us and yourselves about that. Kudos to you Petersiks!
Alexandra says
What am I supposed to do now? Actually update my home now that I can’t just vicariously live through you?
Honestly though I wondered many times how you guys could stand to keep up that pace!
In some careers every 7 years you are supposed to take a sabbatical/break for three months.
Also I agree if you return a Eminem video is a necessity. And some Claraisms.
Larissa says
Dudes. I keep clicking over to your website just to make sure I don’t miss a “HAHA! April Fools!” post. I’ll miss you terribly, but I am incredibly proud for all you’ve accomplished and the many people you’ve inspired.
Kelly says
I’ve been reading since you were pregnant with Clara and have always been impressed with how you handle this stuff.
I’m sad you feel you’ve lost your mojo. I’m so grateful you chose to share your inspiration and hard work and quirkiness with us all these years – it’s been such a pleasure!
If you come back, I’ll be here; if not, I wish you the very best in all your new ventures!
MichelleS says
I’ve been a loyal reader for about seven years–right as we were buying our first home–and this is maybe the second or third time I’ve left a comment. It is certainly the first time it has been more than a handful of sentences, so while I apologize for the lack of brevity, I’m not sure how to shorten this.
I’ve often wondered how you both manage to share so much and work from home but still maintain that balance that is needed to not feel like your house is your place of employment rather than your home. In fact, I’ve thought about offering proofreading services or something to help take some of the work off your plates–which I would totally do, by the way! :) As a high school English teacher who grades papers and plans on a daily basis, I can completely empathize with how it must feel to know that what you love to do has become your “job” and has, in turn, become ubiquitous. I entered into my ninth year of teaching this year, and while I absolutely love what I do, these past few years I’ve had to remind myself to carve out me-time and family-time.
In essence, what I’m saying (and, man, did I take a long time to do so) is that I understand and am glad to see you taking a much needed break. Who knows? You may feel refreshed and get the blog heading back in a direction with which you’ll both be comfortable, or you may start on an entirely new road. Either way, we’ll (I’ll) understand. I’ve enjoyed reading and will continue to do so if you choose to keep on blogging. You’ve managed to make me feel like we’re long-time friends; thank you for sharing your life’s journeys with us.
P.S. Thank you for the well-written posts! The English teacher in me appreciates it.
A Canadian long time reader says
I can’t imagine if/how you would read 3600+ comments, but I want to leave a small note:
Vacations from work are only meaningful if you leave work behind, and from what I’ve seen in 7 years you haven’t actually fully done that. Family vacations – sure – but you always came back with posts, and photos, and window browsing posts.
I think a meaningful vacation is wonderful and exactly what you need. I hope you find that spark. It must be scary to lose it.
I can’t imagine the pressure of working in front of millions – kudos to you for making it work.
Thank you for all your hard work – I am confident you will be back (you are fundamentally EXCELLENT at what you do and that will always be a huge motivator to come back! as it should be! mis-steps aside, you are terrific.)
And my RSS reader ain’t removing your feed, ever, so when you’re back so shall I.
Maja says
Whaaat?! How dare you? :)
I don’t understand, it is not ok and I want you BACK! Like right now!!!
I know you are blogging just for me, and me alone. As it should be. Cause you know, I am that important…
(Seriously though, do come back! No pressure, or anything ;) )
Jennifer Bowers says
I’m going to miss y’all and reading about the progress of your new home, BUT y’all deserve a break to figure things out. Do what works for your beautiful family. I never comment of blog posts, but just had to let y’all know how FREAKING AWESOME y’all are and let ya know how missed you’ll be. Take care, and enjoy those beautiful kids, and all you’ve accomplished together. Best wishes
Tiffany S says
Thank you for letting us into your home and your sharing your passion with us!