This post was 3,000 words long. They all felt overly complicated and heavy and weird. I clicked delete. Then I just typed what we’re really feeling, complete with things we’ve never said out loud and even a few things we’ve never fully admitted to ourselves before.
The truth is that we love you guys. Like for real. Even for the tough love. We know you say it because you care (or hopefully you did at some point), and we want you to know we care right back. We want to do a good job. We want to do this with joy and excitement. We want to inspire you. We know this is an incredible way to have made a living and we are full of gratitude for the experience to have shared the last seven years of our lives with you guys online.
We would NEVER be here without you, and not a day goes by that we don’t know that. It’s why we asked for your feedback last week and read every last comment. We appreciate the honesty and the passion you guys have on the topic of making this blog great. And we agree with a lot of what was being said. We have been feeling off for a while – like we have lost our rhythm and we’re somehow missing the mark for ourselves and for you guys. We too miss the good old days when we did this for the love and were full of such obvious joy and spontaneity. This felt like a place we all hung out and it just doesn’t have that vibe anymore.
Over the years many amazing opportunities popped up for us. Things we never dreamed of doing in a million years, and things we’re incredibly grateful to have had the chance to experience. A book deal, curating paint picks with Benjamin Moore, a line sold at Target, a showhouse, etc. But in hindsight those things also made this feel a lot more like a business than a personal blog to many of you, and to us as well. We have actually ramped those down behind the scenes in an attempt to get back to our roots (we no longer do the BM color collection, the second book is mostly written, our products at Target have completed their run, and we finished the showhouse) but we never really made a big announcement about that – so it’s completely understandable that some of you might think we’ve moved on to those greener pastures and left the blog in the dust, so to speak. The reality is that our site propels the success of any outside project like a product or book, so we could never turn our backs on the blog and expect those items to continue to sell as well.
Not only have we felt this shift from “John and Sherry” to “Young House Love: The Brand”, but the blogosphere as a whole has become increasingly sponsored/corporate lately. We can see from the outside prospective as a reader, or even a fellow blogger, that it’s hard to read a blog post without suspecting some ulterior motive or money-making system behind it. Last week a few of you mentioned that we might need to keep giveaways around because they pay us well, which surprised us since they’re never something we accept payment for (we like to pass free things along to you as a thank you for reading).
Along with the whole business/brand thing that’s going on, and the side gigs that felt like they muddied the water for some of you, there are certainly other things we wish we had handled differently in hindsight. Just to name a few, there’s: being too defensive, over-explaining, letting things get in our heads and change our lighthearted approach, and the internal struggle between being transparent and oversharing personal details like a vacant new house without an alarm system (looking back we wish we’d handled our third house announcement differently). We know many of you felt insulted that we didn’t share more freely about that house, and we truly apologize.
Anyway, back to that whole “we’re sexy stumbling and you know it” thing. It’s endlessly frustrating to do a job that you love poorly, especially when it’s a blog baby that you’ve birthed yourself and nurtured for seven years. And especially when it’s such an amazing job that we once felt so inspired and joyful to wake up and do each day. What’s wrong with us? We know this is a dream job. We acknowledge it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. We know most people who have built something like this would be more inspired than ever. It’s not that we lost the gratitude, I think it’s that we feel like we’ve fallen out of our groove. We feel like we’re letting you guys down repeatedly. It got to the point that every time we pressed “publish” we braced ourselves.
So in an attempt to stop stumbling around and feeling like we just can’t get it back, we’re taking a break. We don’t know exactly how long we’ll be stepping away, but our guess would be at least a month. We will certainly be exploring other options for supporting our family (something we mentioned we were considering back in April). We had that fiery blog-spark back when we had day jobs and did this as a hobby, so we think it could be a good change. We’ll also be taking a break on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but the blog will stay public so you guys can access the archives whenever you’d like.
Our internal struggle and the state of this blog is entirely of our making, and we completely own that. Please don’t get mad at anyone for being honest with their feedback last week or accuse them of sending us packing. We have been struggling with that “something is off” feeling for a while now, and after way too much denial and “we’ll turn it around” pep talks, we finally asked for your feedback because we truly wanted to hear what you were thinking. It was cathartic and helpful for us. It has allowed us to very clearly see that if we have any respect for this blog and our love of it, and for you guys and what you’d like to see, we need to take a break if we ever want any hope of getting back to that fun/real/spontaneous place it used to be when this was something we did for the love instead of the high stakes game of supporting a family.
In summary: we love you, we thank you, and we hope you understand.
Gwyneth says
Go easy on yourselves. You just had baby #2. You are working on making your new house a “forever” or at least “long term” home (or at least, as an RVA resident, I hope y’all are planning on sticking around), and you are dealing with whatever comes with being self-employed. Your blog is great. Your writing is personal, casual and warm. You are funny. You are creative. Take a break and treat yourself – because going from a family of 3 to a family of 4 is so HARD… even without all the dynamics you have got going on. I hope you have a good community to support you. We all need community (of the real-person variety). And best wishes to you, wherever this life may lead y’all! Thanks for the inspiration and laughs and hope to see you around :)
Ali says
This is all stuff I wondered if you guys were feeling. I think it totally makes sense. You don’t sound ungrateful at all and everybody needs to take a break sometimes!! And regardless of if/when you come back, know you’ve done a lot of great stuff. :) Best wishes to you and your family!
Kathryn says
This is like “New Coke”. You’re not really gone. I won’t believe it.
Marla says
I miss you already. I am old enough to be your parents and stumbled on your blog and thought–these guys are Me 30 years ago! Figuring out how to do things as you go along and enjoying the DIY process. I am really going to be sad if I don’t get to see Clara and Teddy grow! Enjoy them everyday. One day you wake up and they are grown and gone and believe me it is hard. I hope you and your awesome family and projects come back! I often reference your blog as I continue my DIY adventures in my new empty nest home.
Christina says
S&J – Don’t ever feel like you need to feel guilty or apologize for your success! Your loyal readers are proud of how far you’ve come, and we feel like we’re part of the YHL brand family (so, no, being a brand isn’t necessarily a bad thing!). I remember going into Target and feeling like I was part of some decorating secret when I spied your line. And a family friend came over and she saw your book on my side table and said “OH MY GOD YOU HAVE THE YOUNG HOUSE LOVE BOOK?!” Your brand is something we all feel apart of, and thats because you guys have included us in it as much as you could. You guys have made decorating accessible and less stuffy; thank you again
Teresa says
Some may call this break a sabbatical. I prefer to call it “How the Petersiks got their groove back”.
Mariangeles says
This Is really Sad but understandable. I’ve been reading every single one of your post through the past 3 1/2 years. You kept me company when my Dad got sick, during the 3 months I had to take care of him in Argentina while been away of my husband, you kept me company after he died and 2 months later I got pregnant with our first baby boy also born last April, Sherry and I shared pregnancies, I got your book and always get a smile while reading your posts.
I do have to say that the show house post were the least interesting ones I have read, I felt totally unrelated to those. We are the same age that you guys and I love seen what kind of crazies you are up to every time.
I will miss you but hoping it will be something temporary. The fact that you work together and earn money while renovating your house and watching your kids grow without missing anything it is truly a blessing. Try to rekindle the love that you had. It is the job ever! Love, Mariangeles
Mariangeles says
Sorry about my typos, my phone is evil. I wish I could edit them.
Kathy says
Wishing you a profitable time to discover new energy and directions! There’s something amazing waiting for you. I’ll miss you all. And just so you know, I’ve truly enjoyed our time together. Job well done, Petersiks!
Valerie says
You guys! Long time listener, daily reader, possibly first time poster: Sending you all lots of love and blessings to follow your truth(s). And I’ll be here waiting for the next bit of fabulousness you come up with, in whatever form. xoxo
VickiP says
I’ve been checking in here since your first house, when Burger was an only child. I built curtained closets to flank my bed-just like in your first house. And when it’s time to paint something, I stop and mentally check in with what you guys might do. Love your corner of the internet. Totally respect your need to breathe. Whatever you decide, I am so grateful to have witnessed and enjoyed the ride. Thank you!
Marie says
$herdog-I had my third baby just four days before you had Teddy and have been reading your blog backwards during all my nursing sessions! …so I can totally understand maybe how you would be feeling overwhelmed because right now I feel the same way. Coming on to month five, and it’s still so hard! I love you guys–you do everything well. Hope you get some rest.
Hollie says
I have to say this is such sad news! I am so moved by the fact you are “leaving” the blog world that I was (finally) courageous enough to post something. I’ve never done that before on any of the blogs I frequent it somehow felt silly (?)… :( Anyhow, thank you for letting readers like myself peek into your ultra creative lives. Sometimes, I would realize I had left a tab open for hours (or all night) as I got distracted by motherhood, but it was so nice to hit refresh and see what you guys were up to in your day. It was a joy to watch your family grow and evolve, seeing similarities between my world and yours. While also embracing the differences. I hope you will be back, but if not best of luck in all future ambitions!!
Meghan says
we’ll miss you!
Caroline says
Noooooo! Why! I’m kinda sad you’ll be gone… but I’ll patiently wait for your triumphant return. In the meantime… Keep it golden.
Lynn @ Safebeauty says
So what you’re saying is…you are going to start a new blog about your newfound love of yodeling? I’d read that.
My best, Lynn
*I rock heart you guys too much to not let you go do your thing with any kind of guff coming from me. You got me through much, you still will in the archives, and life’s too dang short to do absolutely anything other than what you are absolutely doing right now. :) ((big big hugs and cue some hip indy NPR band song))…maybe this? <— not all lyrics apply to you. Like, anything that makes Sherry cry? Scrap it. ;o)
Natalie says
I completely understand and hope your family can find comfort and support in whatever you choose to do. I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few years and you inspired me to do mine own while I was renovating my home. Even when I did blog, it started to feel like an obligation to get that post(s) up weekly on progress. Finally, majority of the large projects were completed and I didn’t feel the need to blog. All good things must come to an end. However, if you kept your public site up forever, I will continue to refer to it for suggestions, tips, inspirations. And if you return, we will all still be grateful. Cheers to you and best wishes.
Cassi says
Uhmm ok. You’ve been gone long enough. You can come back now. No seriously, come back! Please?
Sara says
I have never commented, but I’ve been a reader a long time. I love your blog – and have told many, many people about it. Good luck in all you do. I can only imagine how hard it was to read some of those comments last week, but I am positive there are way more people like me who love the blog (and are too self conscience to ever write a comment… well, until today).
Hope its not good-bye forever, but don’t feel guilty if it is – you need to look in the mirror and feel like you are doing right by yourself and your family.
Kay says
My heart is breaking a little for you guys. I know this is a pivotal time for you two when you will be deciding which direction your lives will take next. My thoughts… A blog is a reflection of your lives where you are now, not where you used to be. Those who expect your blog to never evolve are expecting you to never change or grow. All these “extras” you’ve added on lately (show house, target line, etc.) are proof that people love you guys! You’ve made a name for yourself. If there is any point of concern in my book, it’s that you worry too much what people think. You ask for or listen to peoples’ opinion too much (including me…). When you started blogging, you did it for you guys, but somewhere along the line, the focus shifted to pleasing everyone else. I know that blogging is viewer based, so I understand your desire to please, but don’t put yourselves on the back burner!!
Lisa E says
So true!
Jessica says
Exactly my thoughts. You gotta be you. And y’all have grown & changed. That’s a wonderful thing. And your audience will change too. All good. I will be thinking of you often until your return.
Katie says
Sherry & John, I’ve followed your blog for over 5 years. Back then I was a newlywed apartment-dweller looking to buy my first home and devouring DIY and design blog posts, but yours was the one that stuck. Now with two kids under 3, my time to even read blogs isn’t what it used to be, so honestly, I hadn’t really noticed you’d lost your groove.
Everyone needs a break now and then, enjoy yours. Thank you for every idea you shared, post you stayed up late writing, and giveaway you passed along! If/when you’re ready to blog again, I’ll have no expectations as I doubt most readers will. Whatever you want to write about, whenever you’re ready, I’ll come give it a read. :)
ashley says
Naomi says
I have always read your blog because it felt like the most authentic and personal spot on the internet. Your personal policies – not accepting deals not available publicly, offering the giveaways to readers, talking things through, being open about how the blog worked – gave me a lot of confidence in everything you said. I felt a connection – and because of that it is easy for me to say that I hope you do whatever is best for you and your family. Thanks for being honest with us once again.
Naomi says
OK, second comment… are you going to keep doing awesome DIY stuff and not tell us about it?! How could we stand it ;)
Marilyn P says
While I am disappointed I won’t be hearing from you for a while, I can sincerely appreciate a chance to recharge BTW – I miss the posts and comments from Burger. My cats could even write them as they see Burger living the “good life” while they dont quite have the same deluxe home accommodations. Maybe they’ll have to write Burger to check-in on you guys! ENJOY your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
BKonrad says
Such a bummer that we won’t hear from you in awhile! Turning lemons to lemonade…maybe now I can spend this month getting all of my YHL-inspired projects down to at least a reasonable number! I had no chance of catching up when you were so often adding so many cool things to consider tackling. So, I think my first to do is getting annual photo books done!!
Sarah says
Thanks for entertaining and inspiring me for the past several years…. so much time has been spent reading, re-reading, pinning and sharing ideas from your site. You guys are amazing at everything you do. I’m really going to miss you guys, but I’ll be here when you get back…… are you back yet? I’ll just sit here and wait….
Jenn says
So sorry to hear you have gotten negative junk from people. It is not deserved! Your blog was the one I always read last b/c it’s my favorite. You will be missed!! Hope you return someday (soon?), but regardless — wish you nothing but joy and continued blessings!!!
Mary O. says
Hi Sherry and John,
I have never commented here. I just visit and love it. I have been following you since the beginning when you had the blog about your wedding. I admire you. It’s hard for people that work like you to leave something for a while like work and refocus on their lives. That is what’s important. That is what brings joy and peace to one’s life. Enjoy the next chapters Petersik family. Hope you come back to Portland again.
ashley says
Thank you.
Thank you for this blog, for sharing your lives, and for your honesty. I came across your blog when looking for a no sew crib skirt, and fell in love with you guys completely (isn’t it crazy that I can make that statement and {I think} I’m not crazy?!). Anyways, I was pregnant with my first baby, doing part-time photography, and had several blogs I kept up with. You guys made the list. Now, a year after my second child, posting only 3 times on my personal blog, and maybe checking the other blogs about that many times as well, I can say life is different. The photography I had a passion for just isn’t quite worth it when it takes me away from my family time. Sitting at the computer posting about my life is outranked by my need for sleep. Having the opportunity to sit down and check a post creates mad havoc when my 3 year old lets the dog out the front door and my baby pours water on my cf card reader (yes, that happened while I was at the computer). I honestly don’t know how you even pick up a paint brush with 2 little ones. But you are blessed, you’ve inspired lots, and you’ve ended up in a place you could never plan on. The hard part about working at what you love is it becomes your meal ticket, and it’s easy to loose the love. I’ll pray for you guys as you step back, enjoy family, and check your options. So glad I made it to see this post!
KL says
Seems like a bit of a cop out. I agree that you are adults and owe us nothing….but like you said, where would you be without your readers? It’s like we are the nerdy hangers on who helped boost you to the status that you are at, then once you find fame & fortune (so to speak) you essentially say, hey forget you. You are right as well, you have a job and opportunities that others would die for…
In the words of Chandler Bing: My wallets too small for my twenties and my diamond shoes are too tight.
Lisa E says
No words.
Amanda says
Is your comment supposed to lure them back into posting? Business owners have the right to change their business whenever they want, so either move along with them or don’t, but don’t spew anonymous crap because you’re jealous.
KL says
Amanda, be an adult.
Emily says
Thank you for your refreshing honesty! I used to be a loyal daily reader, since before Clara was born. Yours was the first and only blog I’ve ever read daily. I was drawn to the idea of you making it work as a young couple on a budget with no formal expertise but a lot of heart and hard work. It’s something I related to. I must admit as time went on I’ve lost interest and rarely read anymore. It always felt that your brand would lose its identity at some point–eventually that young couple grows up, and when you have a book and a Target product line under your belt, you can’t exactly claim to be inexperienced anymore. The projects have become more complex, the budgets higher. I find it hard to relate to that, as I’m still making it work in my modest starter house on a small budget, and probably always will. We’re no longer following a young couple just starting out with nothing but their wits and passion to get them by. We’re following a family with two kids in the suburbs. And to be perfectly honest, that story is ubiquitous. I don’t need to read a blog to know about that experience–it’s all around me.
From the outside it would seem that full-time blogging offers all the flexibility a young family would crave–setting your own hours, less reliance on full-time child care, more time with family, etc. I’m sure you’ve realized the grand irony that a typical 9-5 with nights and weekends to yourself would offer so much more quality time with the family, a steady paycheck, and less stress to boot. The more successful you are, the more time this labor–which you started out loving so much!–takes.
I say this not as criticism, but to explain my experience as a faithful reader over the years. You’ve done incredible things with your business–I’m continually amazed and impressed at all you’ve accomplished in just a few short years with a staff of only two! Your passion for your work is obvious and inspiring. I’m so glad you’re taking the time to find the right next step, and I hope that whatever it is, it brings you much happiness and joy, just as you have brought us much happiness and joy these past seven years.
Lynette says
You deserve only happiness :) and good thoughts your work is inspiring and your writing is poetry, the proof is in the 4,000 plus fans you’ve constintly managed to enthrall with whatever project you hosted on your little slice of the inter web!
Thank you for everything
I’m sure everyone will agree that you guys are the bees knees
:) take your time , you definitely earned it!
Best wishes always
Linnie says
Hi John and Sherry (and little ones and Burger!)
This is my first-ever internet comment! I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your blog. The energetic, fun, just-chatting feel of your posts was such a blessing for me during some not-great times in my life (overshare?). I hope you guys know how appreciated what you do has been! I struggle with anxiety/depression (definite overshare, sorry) and, without getting lame, it has meant a lot for me to have a bright, positive voice in my life every morning. This is bittersweet news, but I am so, so happy that you’re doing what feels right for you and your family. That’s so important! Here’s some wisdom from my mom: Sometimes, you need to be a friend to yourself. It’s good advice – I would never ask a friend to keep doing something that wasn’t working for him/her, and you shouldn’t expect it of yourselves, either.
Thanks for keeping it real with us, and I will definitely be checking in to see what you decide! :) I hope you find what you’re looking for with this break, be it inspiration, clarity, or just a change of pace.
P.S. My boyfriend bought me your book for Christmas, and it rocks :)
Yanira says
Y’all will be greatly missed on your hiatus! Enjoy it! Spend time with each other, your kiddos, family, whatever your hearts desire.
We will be here eagerly but patiently awaiting your return :)
Yanira says
On a selfish note, I feel like my best friend just moved away. Except not permanently; at least I hope.
Chandra says
Peace to you both as you process your future. Only wishing good things for you, whether it is here or elsewhere.
Elizabeth says
I’ve been following you guys for about 4 years. I totally missed the comments kerfuffle from the earlier post, and having gone back to read it, I’m confused by the reader drama.
Of course the blog has changed, your life has changed, and it’s not like we weren’t warned that you were scaling back. I personally haven’t noticed any significant change to the blog content other than fewer posts. Which when you consider how often some blogs update, is still many more than most. Perhaps it is because I’ve always been more interested in the nitty gritty how to posts anyway. And also – it’s your blog – post whatever you want!
I have absolutely LOVED the laundry renovation. It has been so cool to see it morph from concept to construction through to complete. I’ve also been remodeling a bathroom/laundry space so it’s been more relevant than usual to me which was a nice bonus.
I applaud your decision to take a nice long break. I hope you have time to relax, decompress and re-evaluate. You’ve been so committed to the blog for so very long, with very few breaks in between. I hope very much that you decide to return after this trial separation – in whatever form you decide upon. Your projects are always interesting, and your writing style is so much fun. Please don’t take too much to heart the comments demanding “this” or “that”. It’s not their place to make such demands and it is very inappropriate that they did so by jumping in on the original comment so aggressively.
It will feel like losing a friend if you decide to stay away. But ultimately, it is your family, your life and needs that come before blogging to entertain the many. Enjoy your beautiful family. All the very best.
Lisa E says
Hear! Hear! :)
Cindy says
John and Sherry,
Today I was out shopping at Home Goods and I cannot tell you how many times I thought to myself “oh, this reminds me of John and Sherry.” I realized that I must do that a lot, actually… I’ll be thinking about our home and planning some design and will be reminded of something you two have done. I know that seems weird, but when you consider I have read your blog every single day for the past six years or so, and you are the first blog I check after reading my email in each morning, it shows how important you are to me.
Just to make myself sound even weirder, I actually teared up in Home Goods as I contemplated not having your blog as part of my daily routine. :-( I never read the comments on your blog much, and I didn’t read all the comments that started this whole thing, but I can’t tell you how sad it makes me that people have said things that make you feel that you’re not doing an amazing job.
You guys, you are so, so amazing.
The effort and love and passion you have poured into this blog far surpasses anything else out there in blogland. I know I’m just one of a zillion other commenters, and you may not even read this comment, but I wish I could tell you that it doesn’t matter whether you post every day, once per week, or once per month. It is the quality of your writing and the love you do put into this thing that keeps your readers coming back. If you lose some jealous, entitled and rude readers, so be it. You will always have the core group of readers who appreciate you and see the good in all you do (which is not hard to see, believe me.)
So let me attempt to counter some of the negativity you have experienced lately and say a giant THANK YOU. Thank you both for the love you put into your blog. Thank you for the great design ideas you come up with. Thank you for inspiring me to continue to improve my home and to be creative. Thank you for your consistently positive attitude and your humility. Thank you that even in the face of snarkiness or negativity, you always choose to take the high road. Thank you for giving my husband the encouragement to tackle the big jobs in our house that he might not have been willing to attempt if I didn’t have your blog to point to and say ‘see, John built *their* deck…’ (this has worked more times than I can recall and I owe you BIG for that one!) :-)
As you take this time out, I hope you will realize how much you are appreciated and how much you are valued.
Thank you, John and Sherry for providing such a great blog. I’ll be here when you come back. :-)
Emily Ernst says
Good for you! I was thinking the other day how tiring it must be to do what you do- and I was wondering how much longer you would do it. I’m sure you have no privacy! Yea, don’t blame you. :)
Kesa says
I am so, so sad. I loved coming to this site everyday for whatever you guys had to share, just because of who you guys are and your amazing ability to draw an audience in. Seriously, you guys are amazing writers, business owners, diyers, and parents. I definitely understand taking a break while you figure out how to make it all work. I always loved what you guys did, no matter how big or small. The other thing that crossed my mind was that if you look at how many commented on “the post” last I check it was under 2k, when I saw something like 25k entries into the giveaway and only you guys know how many thousands viewed your site that day. Point is…the feelings expressed by those in the post were maybe 1% of your readers and only some of them wanted change. Again, you guys need to do what is best for you guys and you don’t need any of us telling you what is okay. But just know you are loved and so, so many people out there appreciate all you guys have done and continue to do. Best of luck! I know as a mom and business owner I would be thrilled if changing jobs meant more family time and less time thinking about work, so I hope you guys can find the perfect balance for your family. Take care!
Sophie Luck says
I have loved you guys ever since I stumbled on an image of your second house on Pinterest, which when I clicked through found this brilliant couple with a brilliant blog which seemed to hit all of my interior style buttons into overdrive.
I then became hooked and would religiously come back to see what new project you’ve been doing, even reading tips on how to save money and live frugal, my boyfriend began to get tired of hearing me gush about all these new ideas I’d picked up from you! I’d even get work colleagues question me about what I was reading every day, and I would try to explain how it’s this great blog by this really cool and inspiring couple who do what they love and share it to the world.
It would make me really sad if I don’t get to continue to follow your journey on doing up this house. I have picked up so many tips, ideas and inspiration for life thought that it would be ok. You have given and shared so much already, and I think anyone that truly loves this blog would be happy that you’re both looking after number 1 by re-thinking what’s next.
I hope you make the best decision for you and your family, because that’s all that really matters!
Thanks from across the pond
London, England
Jean (notsupermum) says
This makes me sad. I love your blog and hope you will return refreshed and renewed. I hope all of the positive comments on here will convince you that your blog is still very popular, and still very much loved x
Sandra Ferreira says
Please do come back! From a portuguese fan in angola!
Meesey says
Don’t leave!
Kristen B says
You guys are the best. By far my favorite blog ever – for years I’ve been in love with how awesome you’ve made all three of your homes. I feel like we are good friends and tell my husband all the time,”guess what john and sherry did with the _______ they’ve been working on!” You have always been honest and from the heart and continue to be. Of course you need a break – who doesn’t! And especially after the craziness of the last year. Good for you guys. Enjoy your time away. We will miss you, but we’ll still be here when you return!
Emily Torgerson says
I’m sad to see that I’ll be without YHL for a while, but it’s also important to do what’s best for you and your family. Best of luck! Are there any other good quality blogs out there that you recommend? I’ll miss my (almost) daily dose of down to earth home improvement.
Aya says
Amazing. I literally discovered this blog, by pure coincidence, the day after you announced your hiatus. Best of luck with everything and I am enjoying scrolling through the archives in the meantime, your projects are really fabulous!
Celia says
YHL is my absolute favorite DIY blog and you will be missed during your break! But I can understand the need for a break and time to reevaluate the blog and your relationship to it. I hope the next month is restful and helpful to you all! And I selfishly hope you decide to return to blogging :-)
Jessica @ The Desert Abode says
I’m a longtime reader (2009?) and I’ve loved your blog every step (and house!) of the way. I hope you find the right balance for your family, whether that’s blogging a little or a lot, doing side projects or not, or even doing something totally different! (I remember you guys dreaming of designing kids’ furniture at some point–I would totally buy that btw!!!) Be true to yourselves and the rest will work itself out.
Good luck, best wishes and happy break.:)
P.S. I’ve never needed a regular posting schedule from you guys or any other site. Happy to find new content here whenever it’s available. Otherwise, no biggie.
Nicole says
I’ll just add my two cents that I didn’t think you guys were off lately – I still enjoyed the posts! But bravo to you for recognizing you need a break and having the guts to take it! I wish you the best and will eagerly await your return, whether it’s a part-time, full-time, or just occassional basis!! xoxo
Penny says
Let me explain. No there is too much, let me sum up. Your blog even on its “off” days is still so far above the other blogs I read. Thank you for the entertainment and inspiration. Have a good break. It will all work out.
Betsey says
I love reading your blog, but never commented before. I am going to miss reading the blog for the next month and hope you guys are back soon!