Oh man did we party like it was 1999. Clara’s big birthday bash was so much fun, and even the weather miraculously cleared up for us (which I fully contribute to all the anti rain dances you guys did – so thanks). Of course you’re all virtually invited, so let’s get this show on the road. Here’s what the living room looked like decorated with some giant balloons and the fabric flag banner that I begrudgingly made for the bean just minutes before the first guests arrived.
On the other side of the room I hung a paper pendant that I made a while back above the hallway sliders and John taped up all of Clara’s 52 weekly photos (see the whole collection here) on the fireplace. It turned out to be a great place for people to stand and study them all (everyone had a different favorite) and it was so amazing to see how much she has grown and changed.
It had rained all morning but I refused to let the dream die (you know, the dream of actually using the patio that John worked so haaaaaard to build before the party) so I strung up some balloons that I got from Target for a few bucks to create a festive come-hither-and-enjoy-the-new-patio look. The forecast said it might stop raining by noon (which was the beginning of the party) but I snapped this picture around ten minutes before and it was still misting and overcast. Boo.
Pssst- Notice a privacy fence going on? Let’s just say John’s been busy. Details as soon as he catches his breath…
Thankfully, all that mattered to us was keeping Clara smiley, which didn’t hinge on the weather at all. We actually had to wake her up from her nap to attend her own party after a few guests showed up right on time. But she didn’t mind. Look at that happy girl. And isn’t her dress cute? It’s from Target.
Burger was possibly the best sport of the day to wear these ridiculous curly pink ribbons that I tied around his collar. I figured he’d immediately attack them until he got them off, but he didn’t seem to mind them at all. So he ended up wearing them the entire time. What a good big brother.
As for the food and drink set-up, we decided the kitchen was just waaaay too ugly to work as the main party backdrop (oy, that paneling) so we moved the kitchen table into the sunroom to create a little food and drink buffet. We even improvised and used a cute toy bucket of Clara’s for ice. Oh and here you can see the fabric runner that I made for the table using some of Clara’s weekly photo backdrop fabrics (I’ll have to share the steps for making that guy soon – it was really simple). And in the top right corner of the photo you can also see Clara’s special fabric that we designed on Spoonflower which we intended to use as a photo backdrop for everyone at the party.
Intended was the key word. We did manage to grab photos of a few guests in front of it (holding blank pieces of paper that we planned to later photoshop with their names so we could make an album for Clara to learn to recognize everyone). But the day was just such a blur that we didn’t get a chance to capture everyone. Maybe we’ll just have to make her an album with photos that we already have of everyone without that cute backdrop (which I plan to make into a beanbag someday).
As for the spread, we landed on a few simple crowd pleasing foods that work for babies and adults alike… and also had special meaning to us. We even made little cards to explain why we chose certain eats (just printed out on card stock on our own computer). For example, the pizza card said “Many of John & Sherry’s casual dates in New York City were enjoyed over a slice of New York pizza.” It was really nice to order five pies and call it a day (instead of slaving away making the food like we did for our backyard wedding – we must have been crazy back then).
We also had some of the most delicious chips and salsa in Richmond on hand – which also happened to have special meaning for us when it comes to our favorite girl. The card explained it all: “John was eating these Cafe Olé chips on his last day of work when Sherry called to announce that she was in labor.”
We also figured the other kids and parents would appreciate an easy little snack (one of Clara’s favorites). In fact when we held up a few things (Cheerios, Goldfish, these) she picked these (by pointing at them and saying “dis” – which isn’t a dis, but actually means “this”). And so the card read: “Clara loves munching on these veggie sticks and specifically requested them at her party.”
And although we would serve cupcakes along with Clara’s smash cake later in the party, we set out some cinnamon cookies with the food just to fill up the table with one more crowd pleasing treat (they’re also known as “labor cookies” because it’s an old wives tale that the spices somehow can start labor when you’re ready to pop – but it didn’t work when John whipped up a batch for me). So the card on these guys read: “John baked these ‘Labor Cookies’ when the doc said Clara was ready. They didn’t work – but they were good!”
Everyone ate their little hearts out and had a merry old time. Our party guest total ended up being 25 of our closest friends and family members, which was just about perfect. Here’s Clara taking time off from pizza eating to flirt with the camera man (our brother-in-law Todd very graciously snapped a lot of photos while we “hosted” and soaked up the day since he’s a pro photographer – and we’re oh so grateful).
And by this time it started to get nice and sunny out, so while most people were venturing outside onto the new patio (miracle of all miracles!), some people ate inside as well.
And Clara’s cousin John checked out our hallway frame wall with his new balloon friend. Btw, the giant colorful balloons were a huuuge hit with the kids. And two of them did pop, but they did so nice and loudly – which was helpful because one of the eighteen adults could quickly grab all the pieces (since deflated balloons can be choking hazards- safety first!).
We also mentioned that we wanted to create a birthday time capsule for people to contribute to at the party (we talked about it back in this post, which also has sources for a lot of our party supplies). What we ended up doing was grabbing a basket for people to drop notes and “artifacts” from 2011 into, which we would then transfer into a tin box for Clara to open on her 18th birthday. Oh and the note to direct people to contribute said: “Add something to Clara’s Time Capsule! We’re making a time capsule for Clara to be opened on her 18th birthday. So please write a note to be slipped in. (Something about her, about 2011, or even about yourself. Whatever!)” She ended up with lots of well wishes, a newspaper from that day, a party hat, and some stat cards full of gas prices and top recording artists and TV shows today. It should all be really fun to look back on when she’s eighteen.
See those little striped pens? Those were from the sentiment cards that people filled out for our wedding. I was so glad to spot them in the drawer when I went digging around for some fun little pens. And as for the note cards, they were just pieces of 8 x 10 card stock that I cut into quarters and drew a little heart at the top with pink, blue, and green markers. So the whole time capsule project was f-r-e-e.
And speaking of cheap thrills, these bubble containers shaped like ice cream cones were less than fifty cents a pop at Target (they sell them four per pack in the party aisle) and I used a silver sharpie to write each child’s name on them to create cute little favors. Once again, we printed out a little card stock sign to explain the whole shebang: Thank you for coming to my party! If you’re a young bubble enthusiast like myself, please take the party favor with your name on it. (This means you Laney, Elsa, John, Emanuel, Hayes, and Edison!) xoxo, Clara
Happily, they were a hit. Especially since everyone was gravitating outside to the patio (with rain clouds nowhere to be seen).
The balloon garlands were also pretty fun for the kiddos to look at, poke, smile at, and talk to (kids are kind of weird, but very cute). Look at my sweet momma and my sweet baby girl, living it up underneath them.
People even started spilling out into the carport, which is where some crowd rallying dancing took place. Here’s Clara’s cousin John getting the party started with some Macarena-ish moves.
We took the carport fun as a sign that it was time for my homemade piñata. That’s right the ugly goiter-esque creation that I shared on Friday actually worked out! I used a blow dryer to eliminate the moisture issue, popped the balloon, and then covered it with tissue paper “scales” for a fun girly effect inspired by this one I pinned on Pinterest a while back. I’ll be back with a detailed tutorial to share all the steps (I tweaked it to create a “pull string” piñata so the wee ones didn’t need a bat to get to the goodies inside, they each just yanked a bunch of strings to pop open the bottom and get to their treates – which were individually wrapped packets of Teddy Grahams and Goldfish). Long story short: it was lots o’ fun.
And because some of the party-goers stuck around in the carport for more bubble adventures (while others made their way back to the patio or the sunroom for more snacks/drinks/time capsule fun), we decided that it was time for some smash cake for the bean…
For those unfamiliar with a smash cake (my own Italian momma had never heard of it) it’s a tradition where you bake a tiny kid-sized cake for your one year old…
… and encourage them to dig in and make a big ol’ mess while snapping lots of photos and giggling uncontrollably. Clara was not shy.
It might have been the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
And she even generously shared some with us, so I ended up with a little icing in the hair situation and John got a cake goatee. Best time ever.
Here’s the cake carnage. Not a bad job for a dainty little girl, eh?
Then we pulled out three dozen cupcakes from our favorite bakery (Ukrops) and announced that everyone else should dig in too, since Clara set a great example. And did they ever. Oh and since all the other food got a label, of course the cupcakes earned one too: “These are the same cupcakes that John & Sherry enjoyed at their wedding, which Clara was unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts.”
And in some miracle of bulk cupcake ordering magic, three dozen of these pink, green, and blue babies came out to under $14. Yes, that’s less than 38 cents a cupcake. And I didn’t have to make them. I’m actually not sure I could have made and iced three dozen cupcakes for under $14, so it was definitely money well spent. And it freed me up to make Clara’s smash cake, which was lots of fun.
Here’s where everyone was outside and we realized that we hadn’t taken a wide shot of the sunroom with the kitchen table all set up with food (well, cupcakes and cookies at this point) so we snapped one (that table in the corner is where the bubble favors and time capsule stuff was set out for everyone).
And here’s a shot of everyone hanging out on the rain-free patio (there was even some ball playing in the backyard). We felt so lucky to end up with a nice day to celebrate the bean.
And we capped off the event with a little year-in-review video that John made for Clara on the computer using iMovie (and then burned to a DVD so we could share it with everyone on the TV in the living room). Look how many people we can fit on good ol’ Karl the Sectional.
Oh and as for the bean’s presents, you guys know I made her this quilt (which she very cutely pawed and smiled at when I gave it to her) and we also got her this fun little stacking game where you make sandwiches from one of our favorite eco companies. She loves it! And John will be building her a sandbox any day now to complete the gift trifecta. She also got lots of books and some great “activity presents” like a membership to the Children’s Museum and a series of toddler nature classes from the family. And her boyfriend Will Bower got her a super fun bathtime bubble blower and an über stimulating book called First 100 Words and this gorgeous dress that she’ll wear to woo him the next time she sees him.
So there you have it. Our precious baby girl’s first birthday party full of food, family, friends, fun, bubbles, balloons, cupcakes, chaos, and laughing til we cried. And the cycle of babies continues! John’s sister Katie recently announced that she’s expecting again (you can see her cute baby bump in the photo above our Clara video). Congrats to Katie and Martin! I’m sure we’ll blink our eyes and find ourselves at that baby’s first birthday party before we know it.
Kia says
You two make me smile! Loved reading about all the prep and then seeing it all in place! Your baby girl is so blessed!
Sarah Beth says
Happy birthday, Clara!
Clara looks like the happiest baby in the world. And so beautiful! I’m expecting my first child and I hope he/she is just as happy-looking as your Bean!
Bec A says
Absolutely beautiful!! I love all what you guys do!! VERY inspiring x
Blaine says
Glad the rain didn’t put a damper on the fun, We were in Richmond and got dumped on while trying to go to dinner in “The Fan” Saturday night.
Débora says
Faz alguns meses que começei a ler o blog de voces e agora nao fico um dia sem ler. Eu não sei nem ler nem falar em inglês, usei o tradutor do google para escrever isso. Mas queria de alguma forma dar os parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho de vocês, e dizer que mesmo sem conhecê-los pessoalmente tenho um carinho muito grande por vocês e pela pequena Clara, e também por hamburguer, rsrs, eu sou brasileira e espero que esteja dando pra entender este inglês traduzido, rsrs… muitas felicidades pra vocês!!!
Por Débora Schiessl, Brasil.
Débora says
Sorry, forgot to translate the comment above. Here is the same comment traduzido.Faz few months that I started reading the blog of you and now I am not one day without reading. I can not even read or speak English, I used the google translator to write this. But somehow I wanted to congratulate you for the great job you and say that even without knowing them personally I have a great affection for you and the little Clara, and also by Burger, lol, I’m Brazilian and I hope you’re giving English translated to understand this, lol … best wishes to you!
By Deborah Schiessl, Brazil.
Sandra says
Yay!! So glad everything worked out weather-wise, and the party looked beautiful! My fav pic is of Clara cramming cake into her mouth! The after pic looks like she ate most of the cake…did she?? Wow! :)
Sandra says
Oops – forgot to add: I loved the video, too! Great job!
YoungHouseLove says
She “rearranged” most of the cake, but I’d say about 10% of it actually got swallowed. Haha. The rest was just mushed around and smashed.
April in CT says
You two = best. parents. ever. And I really mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Akina says
What a lovely party! I just loved it! I also loved the video. I felt some humidity in the eye area… Clara is getting prettier and prettier.
Y3ll0Rose says
Sherry you look stunning stunning stunning on the valentines day photo – and Clara next to u just makes the whole photo even more beautiful. After I got married I loved taking pics with my hubby because even if I was looking my best, being next to him in a pic just made the pic pop and we both looked even better ( well that’s what I think anyway) and now I always say my baby boy is my best accessory! Dont u think that any photo with ur baby next to you just makes you see it in such a beautiful light?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, yes. Now Clara is the first person I look at in any photo. It used to be me (just to check that I’m not making a weird face or that I don’t have something in my teeth) but now I just love seeing her in photos and videos far more than checking on myself. Hah.
Fiona says
Clara is such a cutie!! The video of her first year was just gorgeous….I’m still smiling :)
Has inspired me to take more photos/videos of my baby girl…time flies by so quickly.
Alicia says
Hi guys..
Ive been reading ure blog for over a year now..
And i think because of that and because i read about Sherry giving birth to Clara i cried the whole video..
I think u guys are amazing parents ans Clara is one of the happiest babys ive ever seen.
I hope when i get my first child i will be able to offer her or him what you guys do!
Thank u for this and for writing ure blog..
Love alicia
23 yo living in the netherlands
PS: what camera is used for all the amazing pictures in the video :O omg omg
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks for the sweet words Alicia. As for the photos, some of these pics were taken by our brother in law Todd (who uses a fancy Nikon DSLR, but we’re not sure which cam and which lens). Some of them are ours that were taken with our Nikon D3000 and the stock lens that came with it. Hope it helps!
ChristinaD says
Looks like it was a great party! I totally got teary-eyed watching that video!! I have a 5-month old and it amazes me how fast time is already flying… and I know we will be celebrating his 1st birthday before I know it! Thanks for sharing!! =)
T.D. says
Happy Birthday to Clara!
What a wonderful party you both put on. I love the deck. The party seemed like a hit, esp where all your hard work payed off! I was rooting for a rain-free day.
JZB says
Beautiful party! Clara may be the happiest baby ever. Way to utilize the carport!
Sharon R says
This is the nicest 1 year birthday party I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for letting your readers “attend” through the beautiful photography. Great job all around! The video was absolutely the icing on the cupcake!! You daughter is precious and your family is truly blessed!
Layla says
And I too got all teared up while watching your video. :_-)
Thanks for sharing memories of this sweet day with us!
barb calkins says
Love EVERYthing! The fireplace chimney bricks deco — it must be before I joined your page so I can’t quite see the detail in the b-day picture, but …. Love it! Where can I find out more about what you did there?
And as for Kitchen Hardware, “Give Me Liberty” in an Arts & Crafts, Frank Lloyd Wright kinda way. Can’t wait to see what Liberty offers. xxoo
YoungHouseLove says
Those chimney bricks were like that when we got the house (we just painted the room a soft gray). So sorry we don’t have more details for ya!
Ashlee says
Hi Friends!
Side note…Your blog has BLOWN UP! I remember reading it when you only had MAYBE 100 comments, now your getting thousands!!! Geeez! Congrats!
So I’m having my Bridal Shower this upcoming weekend and I think I want to copy your balloon string idea. Can we huff and puff and blow them up the day before and string them? Also, how do you string them? Tape?
YoungHouseLove says
I actually have a tutorial that’s going up this afternoon on BabyCenter about those balloon garlands (I’ll link to it in the PS of the afternoon post over here so you can find your way over). Hope it helps!
Christine Schwalm Design says
Quick question, and I’m sorry if you’ve already addressed it, but where did you get the hot pink tablecloth on the pub height table (on patio)? I’m currently planning my good friend’s bridal shower and that looks like a good option for the tables. Is it plastic, paper or cloth? Also, the Martha paper pom poms–easy enough? I was thinking of doing some of them, too.
YoungHouseLove says
Yes- the poms were so easy! And so cheap. As for the tablecloth- that was from Party City for a buck or two (it’s plastic but of course I saved it to use it over and over again- haha).
Allison Jag says
Ohhhhh. Emmmm. Geeee. Holy cow – that is THE cutest birthday party ever! :) Leave it up to you guys! ;) And also – I just about died watching that video – that is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world, and I’m sure something she will cherish her whole life!
Erin says
I love y’alls website, but I especially loved these pictures from Clara’s birthday party! You guys are just the cutest family! Have a wonderful day!
Courtney S. says
Looks like you, Clara and everyone else had a wonderful time! That video is awesome and the part where she is sitting in front of the washer/dryer and turns around and gives the most beautiful smile…LOVE IT! That is the sweetest.
Isabel says
The video made me tear up — thanks for sharing that with all of us. :) What a wonderful day to tell and show to Clara in a few years! Also, love your sweater Sherry, and also noticed your awesome bracelet while admiring Clara’s cake destruction.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks! That’s from Target for like 5 bucks.
Wom-mom Ethne says
My fave pics: Burger and the Bow; Clara and the Cake. :) ~Ethne
Ev says
first of all happy birthday to your beautiful baby girl! everything looked awesome! you guys have an awesome eye for detail :) i especially love the smash cake. our little girl is turning 1 in october and we’d love to make her a smash cake. What recipe did you guys use?
YoungHouseLove says
I just used yellow cake mix that I had on hand in a small glass pan (I baked it around 40 mins) and I iced it with white icing, tossed on some pink sprinkles, and used one of those icing dispensing cans with the special tips to add the lighter pink icing around the rim of the top and the sides and the little number one and the heart on top. As for the sides, those cute little circle details were from a cupcake decorating kit I had (they’re calling Sprinkles cupcakes and they come in the can). Hope it helps!
Nikki says
Amazing job on the party! And not gonna lie, that video makes me want to go have a baby.
Jen says
Adorable party for the most adorable family! Plus, you gave me oodles of ideas for a big bash we are planning this summer so THANK YOU! Happy birthday to Clara, such a sweet peanut she is!
Yoshie says
Clara’s smile makes me happy.I just can’t stop watching the video over and over again.
Travelstovegas says
Happy First Birthday, Clara! It was great of your Mommy & Daddy to share photos of your celebration with all of your virtual friends. Your birthday video sure made this 6-month pregnant lady tear up – you are getting so big! Here’s wishing you & your family another happy, healthy & wonderful year together!
Erin says
Do you have a slideshow of just Clara’s weekly pics? I think it would be neat to show a “flipbook” of her pics on your blog. If there is an app for that – it would be really neat to see. :)
YoungHouseLove says
We don’t have one yet but that’s a fun idea! You can see all of them and scroll through them by clicking the sidebar box with her face on it though!
Lili says
My God! That video was so precious! I even got teary!
Kim says
Happy Birthday Clara! You daughter is so cute and you are such a great family. It brings back a lot of wonderful memories of when my kids were young. I have learned so much about decorating my house from your website. Thanks very much.
Shauna says
Happy (belated!) Birthday Clara! That video was just adorable. It had me crying in the first ten seconds of it! You guys are so lucky to have such an amazing daughter just as she is lucky to have such amazing parents! It feels like just yesterday you were posting her arrival on the blog :)
Susan says
That was really a lovely party and such a sweet video of her first year of life. It makes me sad that I don’t video my children more :O( I’m so glad for you guys that everything worked out and turned out so wonderfully. Yay!
Beth says
What a lovely party! I’m loving the Baby P bucket–where did you find that? I’d love to get one of my own. Thanks!!!!
YoungHouseLove says
That was a gift from a craft fair from a friend of mine. It was a local Richmond craft show I think – but maybe try etsy for something similar?
Karina says
This is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love, love, love your video at the end. Aww, really made my day :)!
And it is a weird question to ask, if you guys bleached your teeth? wow, I am super jealous haha :)!
great job!!!!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, nope. But thanks for the compliment! We use Tom’s Of Maine toothpaste if that helps. And we don’t drink coffee, which probably doesn’t hurt (although I love tea and John has been known to drink soda from time to time).
Ana Silva says
She is an amazing little girl! She is just too cute. The birthday party decorations looked great. It was a great amount of things for a 1yr birthday party. Glad you all didn’t overdo it. I am glad it all turned out like you planed. Great video, so sweet.
Ashley @ sunnysideshlee.com says
best.video.ever. you guys are soooo freaking cute and you definitely have some AMAZING shots I’m sure Clara will love once she hits 16! :) Awesome party guys!
Ann says
What a precious baby girl !!! The video was the BEST !!
Meghan says
Love the WHOLE video. I’d have to say my fav little snippet is the big ‘ole pinch she gives to Burger :) He very adoring looks back with some kind of “knock it off” ‘tude. :)
Tammy says
And where might one find that amazingly huge but sleek sectional?
YoungHouseLove says
It’s from Ikea! Called the Karlstad. So cheap but comfy and good looking to boot!
Claire @ Claire K Creations says
What a beautiful party and so perfect! You guys have some amazing photos from her first year. John’s video made me shed a tear too, so gorgeous!
Jen F says
Thanks for sharing everything on this post, especially the fun video. That was extra special!
Karla @ {TheClassyWoman} says
What a beautiful party! Clara is just the cutest, I’m sure you hear that all the time! I love all of her facial expressions. :)
You guys do such an amazing job of capturing everything in the most unique ways. I’m getting so many great ideas for when I’m a mom one day. Thank you for continually inspiring us and enjoy every moment with your precious girl!
E @ act fast chef says
I have only been following your blog for a few months and don’t even know you guys, but I cried at Clara’s video. Such a nice job! They grow up so fast, right?? My Toddler is 2!
Van says
wow, guys!
everything was so colourful and thoughtful, a memorable first birthday for Clara (which she’ll certainly appreciate in years to come by all the photos and videos of the event – and the time capsule)
thumbs up!!! ^^
ps.: the video you made of her is a lovely keepsake, if I were a child I’d be happy to be your daughter…
Angie Jones says
I’ve been waiting to see the review and somehow missed it! Thank you for sharing…
Tricia says
The video made ME cry and I don’t even know you guys, lol. :) I just find it amazing how creative you guys are as well as how you find the time/money to do all the things you guys do to your house with a 1 year old.
Amanda @ Still Life with Duck says
I’m sure you get this all the time, but Clara is quite possibly the cutest, smiley-est baby I have seen in my life. Beautiful video of her first year! My birthday is May 14th too. Happy birthday Clara!