The office ceiling and walls are officially painted, which is good news because we’re at T-minus 48 hours until this baby’s scheduled delivery. Note: the trim is pure white in here (the same color as the desk in the middle of the room). No idea why it’s looking a little cream – maybe just the time of day/lighting?

It’s still looking really stark in here (holy cow, who watched Game Of Thrones last night?), so we can’t wait to add:
- a rug
- window treatments
- a fun pendant or two over the desk area
- art
- more storage along the left wall (and a craft table/photography zone)
- an updated kid-desk area on the right
- etc, etc, etc
But even though we’re only around 10% done, it has come a long way since its former days of blue-trim.
And there’s nothing like some final-hour pre-baby hustling to get your blood pumping.
In the past we shared this video where I demonstrated a few cutting in tips that work for me…
… and there were a bunch of requests on this post for video footage of John rolling a ceiling and a wall, so our office-painting update was the perfect opportunity to catch him in action. This is by no means the professional way to paint a room, it’s just what works for us. So without further ado – here’s how John rolls:
*We mentioned a few brands by name, but none of them were paid/perked, they’re just what we like (we curated color collections with Benjamin Moore in 2012 & 2013, but didn’t have time to do one this year – and never used them exclusively, were paid to mention them, or accepted free paint while we did).
For those who can’t watch the video, here are a few highlights:
- John likes to use a rod extender to take the strain off his back while painting ceilings
- we don’t have textured ceilings so we use a roller that’s meant for “smooth surfaces” – usually by Purdy, Wooster, or Ben Moore (we’re not brand loyal, and usually just grab whatever’s on sale)
- if this room were carpeted we definitely would have covered the floor, and if you have issues with splattering or just prefer to keep yours under wraps it never hurts to use drop cloths (pros would for sure)
- watch the speed, amount of paint, and pressure you put on the roller – upping all of those things can be tempting to get things done faster, but keeping them all in check can contribute to more even coverage and fewer drips/splatters
- higher quality paint is usually thicker, so it tends to drips less (we don’t use ceiling paint on ceilings, we just use good quality flat paint)
- we skip the rod extender when rolling the walls, but otherwise it’s the same technique
- our preferred order is for me to cut in so John can roll right behind me, then I’ll do my second round of cutting-in and John will once again follow right behind with the roller (that way the roller can get as close to the moldings and eliminate any brushstrokes that I might leave while cutting in)
We’ve shared a few time lapse room-painting videos in the past, so we thought those might be helpful to include here too. Here’s one of us painting our old master bedroom in 2012. You’ll notice we used pretty much the same approach back then (I was less steady with cutting in along the ceiling, so sometimes we used tape up there).
And here’s another time lapse video of us priming the kitchen (along with the overhead beams) from 2011.
Now that we got the “how” out of the way – let’s switch gears to the “whys” of choosing our office wall color…
- We wanted something light and refreshing (we’re both drawn to airy and bright offices)
- The dining room on the other side of the foyer is going to be dark and moody, so we didn’t want another bold or dark room across from it
- I was campaigning hard for a soft honeydew green, but John worried it could hinder the function of the room (we plan to photograph smaller projects in here on a craft table, and he thought too much green would reflect in our shots)
- We had trouble agreeing on colors in here, so we grabbed four test pots (in Daiquiri Ice, Lime Froth, Palest Pistachio, and Tint of Mint)
Oh and one more tip is that when we applied those test paint pots (couldn’t get an accurate picture of them, but just picture four blobs on the wall in a few different places around the room) we painted them from top to bottom in alphabetical order, which helped us remember which swatch was which, so we didn’t mix them up. After a few days of debate we finally agreed on Palest Pistachio. It felt airy and light, wasn’t too green, and it didn’t hurt that it was named one of ten “Happiness Inducing Colors” by Remodelista. So here’s the room all done, in Palest Pistachio. It’s photographing a little bluer than it looks in real life – but it’s definitely a happy color that feels bright without being bold or neon.
Don’t mind me, this is just my favorite picture ever.
We have big plans to make a larger bulletin board above this kid-desk area, most likely from window to window, so that should be fun (the screens are open so the windows look crazy here – just pretend you don’t notice).
Feels good to have one more to-do list item checked off. You know, until a newborn comes along and the whole house goes to heck again…
Our Favorite Paint Colors
If you’re having trouble picking the right color to paint your room, check out these detailed deep-dive posts about our favorite paints:
- The 12 Best White Paint Colors
- Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray
- Benjamin Moore Simply White
- Sherwin-Williams Pure White
- Sherwin-Williams Extra White
Psst- Wanna know where we got something in our house? Just click on this button:
Rachel says
Really pretty! Y’all are amazing for getting so much done right before baby boy comes along. Best wishes! :-)
Emma says
Thought I would check in early to see if there was a post and I was rewarded!! Thanks for keeping all of us updated even though you guys are so busy..
I had a comment about the Octopus in your Target collection. I LOVE mine, but when you hang keys on the side arms, the whole octopus tilts. I put a little piece of sticky tack behind to keep it centered, but it might be something you want to think about for future designs. Just some food for thought, it is adorable enough that I’m willing to work with it!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Emma! That’s the first we’ve heard about that (your feedback = so valuable!) so we’ll pass that along to the Liberty team. I bet providing something to stabilize the back would be awesome (like your sticky tack idea) so I’ll definitely let them know :)
Tempest says
Tighten the screw some more. Until there’s literally no screw left. I had the same problem, tightened the screw more and problem solved! :)
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks for sharing the tip!
Danielle says
I JUST bought paint this past weekend with the hopes of redoing my office soon (not sure how realistic that is with a six-month-old, but dare to dream… LOL), so I will definitely be checking out these videos. Love the color in your office!
You guys must be so excited. Enjoy every moment when The Barnacle arrives. I remember how slow time seemed to go when my 10-year-old was born. I was so busy waiting for him to reach his milestones that I kind of forgot to live in the moment and enjoy him while he was still bitty. Our second guy has brought us SO much joy. He was worth the everything we went through and I am soaking it all in. Even the late-night feedings. So tired, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Danielle, that’s so sweet!
Diane says
More Burger!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha! That dog sleeps all day, but he does tend to pop up on Instagram a lot (usually in sleeping photos…).
amyks says
Love the new mini update for the blog. It is so fresh looking. I have a question about the desk placement. Is there a reason that it is facing the wall and not the window?
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Amyks! We’re planning to make that a double sided desk (more on that here) and since there’s the big bay window to the side, everyone at the desk gets a window view, no matter which way they face :)
Isabel says
Nice! And the new banner looks really cute :) I haven’t been able to watch GOT yet, arrrgghhhh! Gotta get on that pronto!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Isabel! And as for GOT… OH MAN IT GOT CRAZY!
Nolanova says
Early posts are such a treat! I wonder how many other readers check even though it’s not expected until 10?…..
Looking great! The befores and afters are amazing. Somehow, it’s easy to foget how awful that blue trim was.
Mary | Lemon Grove Blog says
Loving the light and bright look you guys got going on in the office! It looks like an amazing space to work in! :)
P.S. LOVE the blog update! :D
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Mary!
Stardancer says
Aaaahhh, baby in 48 hours!!!
Oh, er, and the office looks great too! :)
YoungHouseLove says
Liz says
I love bright, neutral rooms. Looks/feels so clean!
Is the trim pure white? It looks off-white in these pics?
Also, is that oriental rug in the original pic yours or was that a listing pic? I feel like that rug would look nice in the room again – making it feel cozy and textured while still light and bright.
YoungHouseLove says
Yes, the trim is pure white (the same color as the desk in the middle of the room – Simply White). No idea why it’s looking a little cream here – maybe just that time of day/lighting? As for the rug, that was the original owners, so it was there during the walk-through (when we took the pic) but gone when we moved in :)
Lori says
It is unreal that visitors to your site don’t bother to read your words, but then expect to have their already-been-answered questions replied to in the comments section. It makes me sad that you have to spend your time this way.
Please enjoy these 48 hours as a family of 3 before you become 4. I can’t wait to see updates on healthy Mama and Baby Barnacle!
nadine says
Between the white blog and the basically white room the whole post is a bit hard to look at and sterile looking. You guys need warmth here…..
YoungHouseLove says
Agreed – this room is just getting started. Check out the bulleted list at the top of this post to see much we’re still planning to add (rugs, art, curtains – those all add warmth/pattern/interest :)
Katie says
LOVE the blog’s new look guys! The sunny pics of the office are amazing too…makes me jealous. ;) It’s chilly and gray here today.
Prayers for a great delivery and healthy baby boy!! Boys are so much fun! :)
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much Katie!
Danielle says
Totally gorgeous and bright! The colour reads blue on my computer screen so I was shocked to read that the colour is actually green! I’ll have to take a look at the swatch the next time I’m at BM!
YoungHouseLove says
It’s definitely sort of a hybrid light/bright color (sort of a pistachio green tone without much grayness and a tint of robin’s egg blue going on too).
Eve says
I really like your site design so far. I’m due today, so totally feeling your baby-on-the-way vibe. Happy newborn week to us! No scheduled delivery for me though, so I keep waiting….last baby made it to 42 weeks whoppwhopp, cue fading trumpet!
How about you guys don’t blog for a couple of days and I don’t read and we get (hopefully) totally smothered in babysnuggles, take some rest and meet up here again soon to rock this family of 4 thing ; )
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, you’re so sweet Eve. Good luck with everything!
Pat S says
Good to see a post. I was becoming convinced that the barnacle had arrived sometime after your last post. :D
Meghan says
Looks great! Would you mind posting what the name of the paint color is?
YoungHouseLove says
Sure, it’s Palest Pistachio by BM.
Jen says
Really???? Why don’t you just read the post, where they name the paint color multiple times?
J&S your patience far outweighs my own.
Anne @ Planting Sequoias says
I’ve been in denial about painting our main floor ceiling, but after seeing your bright ceilings, it NEEDS to happen. I was just going to grab some ceiling paint over lunch today, but I’ll check out flat paint now as well–glad to hear that works for you!
YoungHouseLove says
Good luck Anne!
Heather says
First, I really like the new office layout. Second, that photo of Clara and John is so so sweet. Third, I know this is *totally* just personal preference, but the ad at the top is a bit jarring. It just feels a little spammy. I really love the new heart though – it’s super cute.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Heather! In an attempt to clean up our sidebar we’ve phased out 30+ ads over the last 6 months (and monthly sponsor shout outs). For the redesign we decided to put one ad at the top of the page, because we figure as soon as you scroll down to read the content it’ll be invisible (so our previous 30+ sidebar ads seemed more distracting and busy since they competed with the content area while you read). Hope that makes sense :)
heather says
Over 30?! For real. I didn’t even notice haha. I just had to scroll back up to see! I guess I sort of tend to gloss over the side bars haha *facepalm*.
YoungHouseLove says
You’re so sweet Heather! We had a bunch of private sponsors (like six in big boxes before the sidebar split and around 25 in smaller boxes after the split) but it was a lot to manage and our sidebar felt really long and busy to us, so it took a while, but it has been nice to pare things down :)
Jamie says
I agree with Heather. I’d much rather have the ads in the side bar. It really distracts from your header at the top. Good luck with baby this week!
Cathy C. says
I will throw in an agreement here as well, definitely prefer the ads in the sidebar than the top :)
YoungHouseLove says
That’s such a surprise to us, since you scroll down to read and it’s gone! Thanks for the feedback though! We’ll definitely think everything through, and will have to see where we end up :)
Jamie says
Whoops! Sorry for the double comment. I think it’s because it’s the first thing you see when you come to the site, whereas with the sidebar ads I’m paying attention to the post and I don’t really notice them. Plus I usually read on my phone so I zoom in and cut out the sidebar all together. You’re right though, once I scroll down it’s gone and I can enjoy the post. :)
Sayward says
Ladies, if you’re using Google Chrome, you can install AdBlock and never see another add on any website or YouTube video ever again. I have no idea if AdBlock is compatible with other browsers, but if you’re interested some quick Internet searching would tell you pretty quickly. Good luck!
rachel says
I would recommend visiting a bunch of your favorite blogs to see how many of them have banner ads above their site header. I bet hardly any do. We all understand that ads are a big part of the way blogs are monetized, but banner ads above the header just aren’t a classy look, which is why so many bloggers have moved away from them.
A reader’s eyes are immediately drawn to whatever is at the top of the page, and the first thing they see/look at should represent YOU and YOUR business, not some other company! The header of your blog is your big chance to showcase your brand and make a great first impression on a reader, and instead you are greeting them with spaghetti sauce and insurance. :)
If you have to explain your advertising decision to your readers, it’s probably not the best decision. Simplifying your blog doesn’t mean that you have to feature AT&T or discount iPads! You should consider joining an ad network that could manage a few sidebar ads for you and ensure that the companies are a good fit for your brand. And be sure to specify that you will not accept dynamic ads, i.e., anything that moves, blinks, or changes. Yes, they get attention, but they’re usually obnoxious.
A banner ad at the top of your blog is equivalent to keeping the ugly blue trim in your foyer. Sure, anybody who comes to visit you would walk past it in a few moments, but first impressions matter… and it’s just not a good look.
Hope that helps! ;)
YoungHouseLove says
I think comparing blogs is a dangerous thing. Many of our favorite blogs do sponsored posts but that doesn’t mean that feels right for us. We think no sponsored posts, easy giveaway entries (no extra liking/pinning), refusing free swag, and five simple ads that aren’t in the content area make sense for us. We completely respect that others would make different calls if this were their blog though :)
Lynn says
Well, I agree I really didn’t like the ad at the top. I felt like it was so “commercial”. I realize this is your business, but I guess I try not to think about that and just enjoy the posts. :) The header really detracted from the cute family vibe I normally get when I read.
Lisa in Seattle says
Replying to rachel in this thread: I took your challenge and checked the rest of my other daily read DIY/decor blogs. Centsational Girl? Same big banner ad at the top of the page above the header. Thrifty Decor Chick? Banner ad directly under header above content. Nesting Place? Banner ad above header (and congrats on the book, Nester!). The Inspired Room? Banner ad above header. The Lettered Cottage? Banner ad above header. Pancakes & French Fries? Banner ad above header. I think you can see where I’m going with this. You may read a completely different set of blogs, but my dailies *all* had this style of banner ad.
Ana Silva says
I miss the little hearts. I thought that was like our signature thing. It’s even in your new hooks. They are nice and big which I love. I bought two bees. Anyways, back to the website re-design? Are y’all done with it? I wasn’t sure from what I read. I actually loved the fact that you were one of the few blogs that doesn’t have that ugly add banner over yours. For some reason it’s just ugly to me. But it won’t stop me from stopping by everyday ;)
Maya says
I kinda don’t like the ad at the top either, only because it isn’t pretty and doesn’t seem to go with the site layout. I wonder if there is any way to visually integrate it a bit? Like, maybe put it in a wide box full of the old site background so that it is in a gray box as wide as the header? That might look horrible but I really want it to somehow look a little prettier (even if it’s just an ad :) and more integrated with the rest of your site. I really like the new header and I think I’ll enjoy wider pictures!
The office color is PERFECT!!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks guys! We’re definitely still open to seeing how this all evolves – so nothing is set in stone. We’d love to integrate the ad more seamlessly and are also hoping that soon it’ll pick up more relevant ads (read: prettier home ads). These ad networks always take a little while to figure out which images you guys respond to, and from our experience it’s the pretty ones. Haha!
Molly says
My little boy turns 3 in t-minus 48 hours and I am a crying mess over it! He is the sweetest little guy – so my hope for you is that your little boy (who sounds like he will be here on the 16th like my little boy’s b-day) is as loving and funny and my little guy – how could he not! Good Luck and early congrats!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, thanks Molly! Happy early birthday to your little man!
Abbie says
My niece will turn 10 on the 16th!
Colleen Wilson says
I’m impressed with your pop culture references. When do you have time to watch Game of Thrones? :)
YoungHouseLove says
Late late late last night. We were going to wait until tonight but heard people going nuts over it so we didn’t want any spoilers. And that’s how you find yourself up at 1am, riveted by the DVR. Haha!
Ginny says
Good for you – getting it done before the baby! The office looks great, I can’t wait to see where you guys take it from here!
Amy J. says
Looking great! So fresh and airy. I bet it feels nice to have a little order over the controllable things before newborn chaos commences. Good luck this week, I’ll send positive vibes to you all.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Amy!
Elaine says
I love this office! I think it’s the room I’m most jealous of. My office (let’s be real, craft area), has gone from an entire second bedroom (pre-husband) to a table in the corner of a tiny bedroom. That means that projects get splayed all over the house, especially now that I’ve started an Etsy and my crafting has increased exponentially. I think if I had a room that was this light and airy, the rest of our house would be spotless, because I’d never leave it! You guys did a beautiful job!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much Elaine!
elizabeth says
I love the plants in this room. They are such a nice natural element!
What kind are they and where did you get them?
Best Wishes on the new addition to your family!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks! Those are fiddle leaf figs. Haven’t managed to kill them yet (although they’re suspiciously thirsty).
Gem says
Aw, I like the office but I have to say I’m not a fan of the new logo. I feel like you’ve had the old one long enough that it’s become part of your brand.
YoungHouseLove says
After a few years we just like to switch things up, but we can always bring back the old hearts if we miss them :)
Mel says
You’re little baby bun is due on my favorite Nanny’s birthday! Any plans to have Clara with you for the birth or will she stay with family? Best of luck, Sherry! Will keep your family in my thoughts for a safe delivery. <3
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Mel! She’ll be with family since I’m having surgery (c-section due to my birth complications with Clara) but will come and meet him as soon as we are all stable and ready for hugs :)
Crystal says
Looks refreshing and clean to me (not sterile imo)! Clara’s dress definitely adds some fun color to the room and pink definitely looks good in here (including the octopus art). I can’t believe how clean her desk is! Our dining room table is usually half-covered with an assortment of notebooks, writing papers and stickers and various markers, pens, etc… I need to get my girl organized! lol
YoungHouseLove says
Oh I’m sure it’ll look like that in about ten hours, haha!
Stardancer says
Oh–forgot to say that I like the blog update. I do think it feels lighter, and I really like the wider content space–for me not so much for the photos, but for the wording.
Aaaand having fallen to the goddess of Pinterest recently, I’ll probably be using that Pin It button!
YoungHouseLove says
So glad you like it! I thought the wider content area made it easier to read things too! Feels less right I think.
Brad says
The site looks great as does the office, but that picture of John + Clara stole the show… frame it. Frame it now!
Seriously though, I wish you all the best of luck welcoming the baby this week; I’m sure excitement is an understatement at this point.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much Brad!
Anele @ Success Along the Weighn says
Wow, you guys push it right to the deadline, yes? ;-) It looks so nice and bright in there! Hope you guys are able to relax these last few days as a trio plus fur pup!
Cathy says
Why? Oh why did you reduce the size of the fonts? Pleas keep in mind, there are people with vision issues. Please, I beg, go back to the old size. Please. Ok, pretty please?
YoungHouseLove says
So sorry! We didn’t change the size at all but maybe it’s loading strangely? If you refresh a few times and it’s still an issue, there’s a command you can do to make the font bigger: try pressing the Control key and the ‘+’ key together if you have a PC.
On a Mac I think it’s the Command key and the ‘+’ key together that make the type bigger on your screen.
Kathryn says
Cathy, the key combination Sherry mentions is what I use on every single site on the internet as I have intermittent visual impairment from MS (and -8.5 contacts on the best of days). It always does the trick and I like the a la carte specificity of how much I zoom individual sites!
There are also other accessibility features depending on your operating system that you can permanently enable. I tutor senior citizens in the use of computing devices as well, so this comes up a lot!
Sarah says
Everything looks lovely! Hope everything goes smoothly for the next few days as the Barnacle joins an amazing family. :) (BTW I have a Clara too – 8 months yesterday. That name being included in our list of possible baby names = totally inspired by YHL.)
YoungHouseLove says
You’re so sweet Sarah! Thanks so much!
Summer says
When I was very little, I read a story with a Clara in it, and have been devoted to the idea of naming a daughter Clara ever since. I have to admit… I found YHL because I was looking up stats on Clara — worried that it was going to start getting popular again before I could use it. At first I kind-of-hated you guys for giving it exposure. But, then, I fell in love with you guys, and now I can’t even imagine begrudging you anything (especially now that I’ve seen that photo of John and Clara!).
YoungHouseLove says
That’s so funny, Summer! I loved the name George and was sad when the royal baby got that name, but I’ve since forgiven her. Haha!
Summer says
Ha, ha. Well, I’m excited to hear what you come up with for Captain Barnacle! I’m sure it’ll be adorable… you all are!
Jen says
I LOVE that photo of John and Clara! So cute. Good luck this week Sherry, sending lots of love.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Jen!
Karen @ Dogs Don't Eat Pizza says
Love the site update! My favorite pic is the one of Clara in one chair with the other chair open. Just shows you are all awaiting the arrival of the little boy bean. Good luck with the delivery – good health and the best things to you all!
Olivia says
I really love the wider blog look and larger pictures – great idea! The office us really coming along too.
Today’s correction is in the disclaimer section about Benjamin Moore. I’m guessing you meant, “wereN’T paid to mention them, *Nor* accepted free paint while we did).
Thinking of you & your fam in the final countdown to Wednesday!
YoungHouseLove says
Yes, thanks!
Kate says
Just curious what the brown framed item is under the pink framed octopus area.
Your office redo is giving me more ideas for my impending office redo. Lookin good!
YoungHouseLove says
Here’s a post with all the info about those frames for ya:
Courtney says
Another post on painting a room? Seriously we know how you do it. Total snooze. And honestly, your after looks like a before in a tract house. I read the post so I know a bunch of things are coming, but since we also know how you do hen tape curtain couldn’t you have put the posts together so it’s not just a super bland post? I’m a loyal reader and know you just finished up the show house and have a baby on the way, but I’d rather have no posts until you have something worth sharing.
YoungHouseLove says
We’ve probably painted 30 rooms and they’ve all earned a post on our blog. In fact, we shared a photo with the office in the background on IG & Facebook last night and a bunch of people said they were excited for the details/post today. I also mentioned in our last post that Monday’s would be about painting the office (assuming we got it done) and many people on a painting post last month requested a video of John rolling the ceiling/walls (we linked to that post in this one if you want to read those comments). I’m sure many folks would rather we not post about certain things while others like that info, so feel free to skip any that aren’t your cup of tea :)
Christina B. says
To be fair, not everyone has been following their blog since day 1. I’m sure there are new readers daily. My point is that while you may have seen many posts about painting a room, this may be someone else’s first time to read about it.
I’ve learned that bringing a solution to the table instead of complaining about something you don’t like yields better results – not that I agree with your statement above. So instead of ‘I know you are so busy, but this is boring to me’, ‘I miss posts about [insert subject here]‘ would probably work better. Sometimes it is hard to get your desired tone across in text. So the way that you phrase something is very important. It will also prevent a possible backlash from the internet that you may not have expected.
I hope you keep checking back in, because YHL is great. I’m sure you think this too or else you wouldn’t be a long-time reader. I hope you have a good day!
eck1010 says
Wow, that was incredibly rude. I will never understand why people comment in such an ugly way. As Sherry said, feel free to skip a post you’re not interested in.
Michelle M says
Wow. Hello totally unnecessary rudeness. Just don’t read stuff you don’t like.
Jane says
Courtney , I agree where you are coming from. BUT , you have to remember that you are not reading a magazine that you are paying for and aren’t paying for their content. Just like how you would cancel a magazine subscription if you did not like their content , just dont read their blog on the days you do not like the content. But, I for one like how they cover EVERY SINGLE aspect of painting. There are bunch of dummies out there who like all this information. For me nothing is as annoying as when blogs do “oh here is the after” without giving all the nitty gritty. I think YHL is about details , details , details.
Manda Wolf says
I want to see each new room that has been painted. I personally don’t need to know how to paint a room (I have painted more than I can count) but I love seeing how the rooms Sherry and John are working on transform. To miss the painting step to me would be missing a crucial step. I will admit I scan through the how to, but I stop and look at the pictures. Stop and read what colors they were considering. Stop to pay attention to the future plans for the room.
Linda says
I totally love all the ‘how to paint a room’ and ‘how to cut in’ posts. When I was painting, I looked up ‘all’ their references to painting to give me a head start on my own project.
And, just trying to think of any paid subscription to any magazine or paper or TV show I’ve ever had that never, ever revisited a topic – hmm – can’t. Funny, that.
Anyway, more seriously, we’re all hoping for a safe delivery of the Barnacle, and that all goes well for you.
Rosie S says
You guys are just pure class and patience personified….
Paige @ The Room Kit says
OH MAN! 48 hours until the Barnacle! What’s left on your pre-baby list? (Also, I love this paint color. High-five.)
YoungHouseLove says
We just finished sealing the counters in the kitchen (prob won’t get that post together before the baby though) and are spending another day at the showhouse shooting it and trying to get a video for you guys. Also have hospital pre-registration and a few other house-tidying things to hopefully tackle :)
Katie says
Oh girl, please just kick up those tired mama tootsies and spend your last 48 hours smooching on Clara. Life with this babe is going to feel like a vacation after the crazyness you two have endured lately!
Jenny says
It all looks amazing, the site updates, too! OMG GOT was nuts last night. And SO exciting baby boy is so close! Wishing you a smooth delivery. xox
Kyrstin says
I always love your post titles…
I sang this song in my head while I read your post…. I think it’s stuck there for the day now!
Lizzie says
My first baby was born on 16th April, which is also our wedding anniversary. It’s an extra special date for us, and we were blessed with amazing weather for our wedding and a straight-forward, fast birth for my son. I hope it’s as lucky for you as it has been for us. It’s a wonderful time of year to have a baby. Sending best wishes from the UK for the safe and swift arrival of your bun :)
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much Lizzie!
bridget b. says
i like the way it’s coming along. what’s the backstory about the octupus art? it seemed kind of familiar. was that a Clara saying?
So excited about your upcoming birth, i have two other friends that had/are having baby boys this week, i’m so excited to see these little guys!
YoungHouseLove says
That’s a poster John got me from (they put any quote on a poster and some little girl on TV said that years ago and it cracked us up). Totally reminds me of a Clara quote now that she talks :)
Amanda Bolan says
I remember the last 2 days before my 42 weeker arrived in Sept of last year… man what a crazy emotional state I was in. My brain said, use this time wisely, my body said, GET THIS THING OUT OF ME. I see you chose the first option – Office looks great! It’s so crazy with kid #2, I have loved every moment having a little one again and not wishing time away waiting for milestones. Enjoy that sweet baby! I saw a GOT spoiler on my facebook this morning, I may have thrown my coffee at the computer…. must watch ASAP.
Christina B. says
I really like the mini update and the new paint job in the office.
As for GOT: After last night’s episode, I just said,”High five, GOT. High five.”
Korie says
Ok…. The office looks awesome… But wait…. Is your C scheduled for Wednesday???? That’s my birthday too…. Woohoo… I will LOVE sharing this day with the bun. So excited for you guys….boys are a whole new parenting experience…. But SO FUN!!! Best wishes!!!!
YoungHouseLove says
Yes, Wednesday is the day! Wahoo!
Lauren (in PA) says
So refreshing! Can’t wait for more “stuff”! Now you have two days to relax…
GOT – The King is Dead long live ????
I think Loras had the best line of the night!
Barb says
Have wanted to ask this painting Q to you for a long time.
Do you ever paint two coats on a wall/ceiling? What is your theory on this? You never mention a second coat…ever!
By using good BM paint, going slow, lots of paint….how do you make this call?
Just want to compliment you and Sherry on transforming this house into a stunning home. You excellent work and DIY skills have not gone unnoticed!
Genius work. Congrats.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks B! We almost always end up doing two coats (check out the last bullet of the summary from the video). Seems to be the best way to make sure we get everything!
Lily says
Love the office — honestly, what a massive change! and it’s so cute that Clara gets her own desk!!
x Lily
Allison says
A few observations/opinions:
1. I like the website updates, but I miss the background. The white is too stark!
2. John rolls slower than me, so that certainly plays into the paint mist factor.
3. Even if there was mist, we wouldn’t be able to see it on camera.
4. If you were…um…slightly older…I would need to send young eyes over to your house to verify the absence of paint mist. I feel like my mom would say, “I never get any mist!!” and then me coming over and saying “Mom, there is paint mist ALL over the floor!!”
5. I roll with increasing pressure the less and less paint I have left in the gallon (ya know, really trying to stretch it). I should probably stop that.
6. I use just a piece of newspaper/cardboard and drag it along with me as I go, so I don’t have to cover the whole floor.
7. Could we get a shot of Johns hand after rolling the walls? Mine always has paint mist!
YoungHouseLove says
Sure, we’ll share a photo of his hand next time. I tried to re-focus the camera on his face and the floor for you guys when I got closer in the video. We definitely wouldn’t continue to use this method for years (since 2011 as you can see from the time lapse videos) if we had splatter issues though. That totally would be a long-cut instead of a shortcut. Haha!
Kati says
So strange to me when people don’t follow the “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all….” golden rule. I bet you feel so glad that this is checked off your list! Here’s hoping the countertops are going well, too, and that you’re feeling great! I think it’s kind of funny, but I’m hoping for a baby feet picture for Barnacle to match Clara’s first shot on the internet. :-) Many blessings to you guys!