Considering that delivering The Washington Post was my first real job (because what 6th grader doesn’t like getting up at 5am everyday?), it’s kind of an “is this real life?” full circle moment for me that my current gig (this blog) has landed us in the pages of that very same newspaper. My dad (a.k.a. my newspaper delivery partner) has never been more proud. We had no idea it would be such a big write up (with a giant cover picture in the Local Living section, but after we got over our vanity (is my hair weird? does Clara look cute?) we couldn’t believe how awesome it was. Who are we and what did we do to deserve this? But enough blabbering. I gush when I’m excited.
Here are a few shots of the paper for ya (click ’em to enlarge) and of course you can see them in the flesh if you get The Washington Post. And you can read most of the article online here, here, and here (there are three parts to the story, but some of the pics are different than the ones in the actual newspaper article). And if the article has been archived, you can download PDFs of the text here, here and here.
We especially loved this cool call-out thing they did with our old den about where we got stuff/what we paid for it:
As for the pics, the Washington Post scooped us on a few things. Haha. It takes us a few days for us to do projects, take pics, and write posts – so they slipped through and snapped photos of things we’ll be sharing in the next few days. Should be fun…
Anyway, thanks to Terri Sapienza for the write up (us? really?) and for coming down to our house to hang out for the interview (which couldn’t have been less scary even though it sounded crazy intimidating when we first heard that she wanted to do it). She was a blast to have over and we realized that her husband and I lead eerily similar lives (beyond being married to women with rhyming names).
Oh and how insane is it that they actually called Nate Berkus for a quote about us (remember when we met him here)? Sherry just about died when she saw that. There were no words for about ten minutes, which is a total record for her. Consider us flattered (or too giddy for our own good if you’re Sherry- really she’s doing that uncontrollable giggle thing over here). Here’s his quote:
“First of all, they’re adorable,” says talk show host and designer Nate Berkus. In the fall, the Petersiks appeared on “The Nate Berkus Show” as DIY experts and judges for a design challenge. “Their delivery is particularly charming and endearing, and their information is delivered in a smart way,” Berkus says. “ . . . I think Young House Love could easily transition into a TV program.”
How crazy is that? Seeing the paper this morning was like an out of body experience for both of us. We also think it’s hilarious that Nate thinks YHL could be a TV show, because we’ve actually been approached a few times about that over the past few years but are always quick to decline. We’re definitely TV people (I mean we like to watch it) but we don’t want to actually be TV people (as in, be on it). We’re much more comfortable hiding behind the safety of our computer screens. And as Sherry likes to say “we don’t wanna Jon & Kate ourselves, ya know?!” Besides, putting the blog on hold for weeks of filming might leave us with a serious case of withdrawal.
Side tangent officially over. Anyway, you may have noticed some other paper-related news revealed in the article: we’re in the very early stages of writing a book! Like a real one. That they’d actually have in Barnes & Noble. How crazy is that? When a few book agents and publishers approached us over a year ago, we figured that with all of the writing that we’ve done online each day over the past 3.5 years (over 1,752 posts and 891,000 words published) perhaps writing something offline could be a natural side project for us – especially if the topic is DIY and home stuff. Because you know that does it for us. But don’t worry, the blog will still be priority numero uno. After all it’s our first baby (well second, the birth order goes: Burger, YHL, Clara).
So after over a year of fine tuning our book proposal (yeah, it took forever, and ended up being 150+ pages long) we sent it out, held our breath, and were shocked and awed to be signed by Artisan/Workman. For a few weeks we were scared they would come to their senses, realize we’re dorks, and say nevermind – but holy bananas, it’s a done deal. And the process was kind of crazy and interesting, so for anyone else out there who’s looking to write a book proposal (and eventually a book), we’re planning a post about how it all went down and what that experience has been like for us.
There’s still an entire manuscript to be written, so it would be premature to say exactly what the book will be about, but we do know that it’s not going to be some fancy interior design coffee table book or a sordid behind-the-scenes tell-all novel with shirtless Fabio (or shirtless me) on the cover.
We’re aiming to capture the don’t-take-yourself-too-seriously DIY spirit of our site without regurgitating a lot of stuff that you’ve already seen slash read here (we want it to feel fresh and new). And of course it’ll have budget friendly ideas along with fast & easy projects that anyone can do (except if you’re tied to a pole). Since publishing a book takes much longer than publishing a blog post, we’re scheduled for a fall 2012 release – and we’re mucho excited. We couldn’t wait to spill the beans to you guys after lots of months spent biting our tongues and keeping cats in bags.
So that’s the news up our sleeve at the moment. I guess it’s only polite to ask – what’s new with you these days?
UPDATE: Check out this more recent post about the book-writing process.
Jessica says
You four (I’m including Clara and Burger here) are incredibly adorable, hilarious and inspirational. I will be one of the first in line to purchase your book when it comes out! I hope to some day be as successful in design as you are! It’s also nice to know that other people geek out over paint colors and shaggy rugs as much as I do :)
LauraC says
Waaaay to many congratulations to read through them all, but let me add my own, “Way to go guys!” So excited for you! Looking forward to getting your book. And I can think of 3-4 friends to get one for too!
And what’s with all the John comments today? Cool . . . ;-)
YoungHouseLove says
Yep, I came out of hiding today – partially because we had to double team these comments and the live Q&A on for a while. Thanks for noticing!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, he’s so sweet! It’s been a crazy day for sure so he stepped in to help with comments!
the S's Beach House says
You guys are awesome and deserve the success!
jim says
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Much MUCH deserved success and I just know this is just be the beginning!
Since this is our “share our love for you day” woot woot! :)
I found your blog (well actually your “Frame Arrangements” video) after we bought our first place this past year and I decided it was finally time to hang SOMETHING on my walls – we’re talking YEARS of neglect. Frame arrangements seemed perfect for a can’t-commit-to-wall-art person like me. And what can I say; you had me at hello…And had me on your site for hours learning of ways to turn my new little place into a home.
It’s getting there. Hubby is painting our bathroom with low VOC paint and an initial attempt at a frame arrangement is up (but somehow our frames always end up moving/crooked!!), baby steps right?
Thanks for teaching me a ton and putting a smile on my face day after day! Sending lots of happy thoughts your way.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Jim! Sounds like you guys are on your way to a pretty sweet bathroom. Have so much fun!
Kelly says
I’m DYING to purchase this book. I seriously have to wait until Fall of 2012?! Yay for you guys!!!
PS Just so you know, young house love has become the reason I give my husband for projects he’s weary of… “but honey, YHL did it and it looked great!”
Krista Haws says
That is a lot of exciting news! I’m so happy for you all and I can’t wait to buy the book! Have a great day!!!
Rose says
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but I can’t read almost 600 comments….I think you should frame your romance novel cover and put in in your bedroom to “inspire” tired parents to get romantic…..PS..I can totally see John tied to Ed… (uh oh was that coment too much…..ROFL)…….grow your hair John……..still laughing………………
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, Ed does sort of look like a ship if you squint…
Paige says
Seriously, the ONE day I don’t read your blog right when I get to work, you have a huge announcement! I’ve learned my lesson.
Congratulations on both paper-y things! I can’t wait for the book.
Rachel says
Yes, yes… the green rug but what I SPY was that GORGEOUS picture collage! ah! I’m drooling and CANNOT wait to read all about it! Congratulations on your continued success!
Jessica says
Just wanted to add my love note to the mix. I’ve been reading you guys for so long my bookmark still says This Young House, and you’ve totally spoiled me for other shelter blogs. Every time I find someone else interesting, I read through the archives and realize they only post once a month! I’m excited about the book and glad that you guys are getting more even more exposure, just don’t forget to drop the Richmond references for us locals! <3 <3
Aimee says
Wow! Congratulations!! How exciting for you all. I’m so proud/thrilled/you-name-it.
Sara says
I literally got teary-eyed reading the paper this morning. I was so excited for you, like I actually know you or something. Cheers!
Lisa says
So cool to see you guys in the Washington Post today! I opened the newspaper and thought, “Hey, I ‘know’ them!”
Laura says
I saw that newspaper today in my work break room! I said, “hey!! That’s a blog I read!” And then told my friend, who recently purchased a home, that he needed to check ya’ll out!
I am happy about this book news! I bought my house in Fredericksburg, VA about a year and a half ago and I love all of your diy ideas, witty writing style, and progress photos of your houses.
elaine K says
Congrats on the newspaper and the book! I think I better pre-order the book as soon as it’s available because it will sell out fast and I don’t want to wait for the second printing! It will be the only book I’ve bought for myself in years. (I’m an avid reader but am at the Bon Air Library at least 3 times a week). Such exciting times for you guys.
Michelle says
Congrats to you guys! Clearly you work your tails off and totally deserve it. And if I were you I might change the tagline under the Young House Love banner to “Nate Berkus says we’re adorable.” Kidding… Kind of….
YoungHouseLove says
Ha! That’d be hilarious. Wonder if we’d need permission from his legal department?…
Essie says
Congrats; so happy for you guys.
Allison says
You both seem like genuinely kind people and I love when good things happen to good people. YAY for you! You’ve provided me with loads of entertainment, inspiration and useful information so thank you. In a few years, the Wash Post will be calling you for quotes on Nate.
r8chel says
Wow – so much big news all in one day! Congrats on making it into a major newspaper. I thought the writer did a nice job with the article. And a book?! That’s awesome!
Barbara Lash says
John and Sherry,
Congratulations from your Burke fan club. We are very proud of all your successes. Can’t wait to see the book.
Laurie Gift says
Imagine my surprise when I sat down to read the Post this mornng, as I do every morning, and saw your faces! “Hey, that’s my blog!” You guys are one of three blogs I allow into my life (with Facebook, email, etc. I spend too much time at the computer as it is!), so I feel kind of possessive about YHL. I enjoyed seeing you in print, and catching some new items in the pictures (wait, their rug arrived!). Keep it up, and I look forward to the book!
Alissa says
Congrats!!! I flipped through the Washington Post at Harris Teeter in Charlottesville, VA to see your section in person today. :) You guys should be so proud of all of your hard work. Your blog allows people like me (who have zero home improvement experience) to gain the confidence to actually tackle projects that I never thought I could do. I refinished my bathroom cabinets last weekend thanks to *you*! Thanks for giving me the tools to turn my house into a home with my own two hands (and lots of trips to Lowes).
Jamie Rae says
So so so excited about the book plans. I will most definitely have one of those babies on my coffee table (whenever my husband and I get around to making one). I loved the write up in the paper and can’t wait to see that wall in the hallway when you post about it. Thanks for sharing your DIY trials and triumphs with us!
j says
I have to say that I really used to love your blog..and now..not so much. I have not been impressed lately.
And I know ‘you cant please everyone’ and ‘we just moved in’…but seriously…
I think it things youve done lately look cheap..I am all about DIY but not when it looks cheap…
I think people act like this is your really cool hobby, when in fact this is a job…two people do..and live off of…and support a child I just guess I would like to see a real project or something besides that you put cheap paper in a frame or got a new rug…
This is one book I will not be reading..and one blog I will be checking out of.. UGH. So sad to go.
YoungHouseLove says
Sorry to see you go, J!
Ashley says
Boo to J. I know you all don’t usually do the “web beef” thing but I think it deserves to be said that you guys do an excellent job of spacing your huge projects and little projects just like any other proud homeowner would.
I know we’re living in the “microwave era” where we can turn on a home show and see a house go from dumpy to stellar in 46 minutes flat (sans commercials), but J+S live in the real world like the rest of us and they are making their house a home one project at a time. It’s not like a corporate sponsor is dumping thousands of dollars on them to renovate their home for our entertainment.
We choose to tune in for a real REALITY check on home reno…and I guess it’s your loss J that you’re checking out. J, hope you come back in a few years to get your instant gratification!
cb says
I totally agree with you J. And I am sorry but yes..people are giving them money to do this..duh…thus why they both work on this blog…
foo says
I think it just shows grace on the YHLer’s part to allow differing opinions. What a boring world it would be otherwise.
Cameron says
Hi! I’m a Richmond native living in DC, and hadn’t heard of your blog till I picked up the paper this morning. I LOVED the article and love this blog – you guys are awesome! Y’alls house looks like it could be in my parents neighborhood – it’s so exciting seeing folks my age doing awesome things to houses in such a great place. I’m getting married this fall and hoping to convince the future hubs to move to Richmond…I’ll definitely be using this blog as inspiration!
Ashley says
OMG…I usually read while I’m @ work ***shhhh*** but I didn’t today. I would have totally picked up a WP on my way home. I’m about to run out to 7-11 as we speak to pick it up! Congrats guys. You all are the bomb cubed!
Shannon says
O.M.G. you guys!!!! I am so proud of you!
Laura says
Congratulations on the Post spread! One of the thing that makes your blog so great — besides the great decorating and DIY tips — is you are both excellent writers. Looking forward to seeing your book. Keep up the good work. :)
Amanda W. says
CONGRATS! I can’t wait for your book to come out! Fall 2012 seems so far away! I will be standing in the long line at Barnes & Noble to buy it! ;)
That is so wonderful because it will be great to have all of your advice and pics in a book I can keep on hand! I am so happy for you guys! Keep up the good work and thanks for giving me something to look forward to each day! :) I have learned so much from your blog and you two have helped me so much to feel more confident with decorating!! You have had a big influence!
Rebekah says
You just got that green shag rug, right? Or did you get it a while ago, and finally get around to blogging about it?
How come it’s in the Washington Post article photo?
Rebekah says
Here’s hoping I’m not coming across as a crazy person right now…
YoungHouseLove says
Hey Rebekah,
Haha- nope, you’re not crazy! As we mentioned in this post, The Post scooped us on a few things! They slipped through in a matter of hours and took a bunch of shots of everything we were just getting to. We definitely try to keep things as real-time as possible, but since we like to take lots of pics and write long explanatory posts about stuff, we usually have a few days of lag time between project completion/item delivery and post completion (since we have to find time to shoot it all and write things up). The Post is just too fast for us! Haha.
Susan Detzel says
Congrats from Brazil! You totally deserve this and more!
I hope you get international and release the book in Portuguese!
Much love,
Janna says
I love that you guys are so humble. It’s such a rare treat these days. Having your own tv show would make you rich and famous… But rich and famous doesn’t seem to bring any good to anybody. Especially if it’s reality tv! Cheers to you guys for keeping your priorities!
But I’m a little concerned about YHL being the middle child in the birth order… We all know that the oldest are the smartest, the youngest are the cutest and the middle child.. well has issues! Give it lots of love and compliments so it doesn’t feel neglected! (I’m totally not a middle child!)
Melissa Breau says
Hey guys,
As someone with a MS in publishing, if you get curious about the other side of the process (for example, why it won’t come out till 2012) feel free to shoot me an email :-)
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much for the kind offer, Melissa. We’ll keep your email on hand!
suzanne says
Congratulations to you both!!
Much deserved for sure. Wishing you much success with your book adventure!
Katie says
Congratulations to the two of you! I can’t wait to stock up on your book for future house warming gifts. If I had only found your blog right when I moved into my new home, oh the money I could have saved.
Jill S. says
Holy bananas Batman! Congratulations guys! You totally deserve this book deal. As humble as you are, which is great and totally endearing, you really do deserve it. Can’t wait for the Fall 2012. B&N is mine and my hubby’s favorite date spot (yeah, we’re total geeks) so as soon as they stock that baby, we’ll be sure to make a special trip out to grab a Cinnamon Dolce Latte and your new book. Can’t wait to bring that nugget of joy home!
And total side note…I always get excited when I see the photo of the glass front cabinet in your old kitchen with the J and S mugs from Anthropologie. My hubby and I are also a J and an S with those mugs from Anthro in our kitchen cabinet. :) I don’t know why but I’ve always wanted to share that with you guys. Congrats, again!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, that’s too funny. I wonder how many J & S couples are out there? Probably way more than we’ll ever know. But do they all have matching mugs? Nope. We’re linked for life. Haha.
Lexi says
Wow! When my Dad read the article in The Washington Post this afternoon he handed me the paper and suggested I “Do that” with my blog (if only it were that easy, right?) What he didn’t know was that the bathroom I tore apart (and put back together) was a copy cat of your bathroom at the old house. (Stripes) So YHL kind of came full circle for him today! Congratulations! I absolutely am thrilled for both of you, and can’t wait for the book! (And hey, let me know if you need extra copies of the paper! I can certainly round up a few if necessary)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, that’s so funny! I bet your bathroom came out awesome. And you’re too kind about rounding up extra copies. I think our extended family bought like 500 copies already so we’re set. Haha.
Lindy says
Congratulations! That’s like good news overload. Wow! So happy for your guys. I love, love, love your blog! Congrats again!
Nicole (Making it Lovely) says
Great article, and major congratulations to you guys! How exciting! You both work so hard — it’s nice to see all of your successes.
Karen says
I just found your website last night (by accident). My husband and I were “discussing” what height to hang curtains. I googled the question and one of the “answers” was from your site. I spent way too much time last night going through all parts of your website. What a gold mine!! Then this morning, I opened my newspaper and there you 4 were. I took the paper to work and told so many co-workers about your site. I am so happy to see great decorating without having to shop at expensive shops. I love a bargain and am so proud when I score a good one. By the way, I LOVE your round dining room table. Thanks for all of your info. Luckily, my husband is a DIY guy. He loves a new project. Thanks again.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks so much Karen. So glad you found us!
sandra @ eastern journey says
Congrats on your Post article and book deal. I love the energy you write with and the creative ideas you generate. hugs.
Kathy says
Congrats!! but just let me say I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! Don’t you remember my post (haha) about a year ago when I said “you guys should write a book”? You’ve got the best written blog on the block!! So happy for you and can ‘t wait to buy my copy.
Rocky says
Just saw your comment about your birthday being on Saturday…so is mine! No wonder i like your posts so much (j/k)!
What a funny coincidence! 28 here I come ;)
YoungHouseLove says
Sweet! I’m creeping up on 30 (turning 29)! Love it.
Elizabeth says
Congrarulations! You are getting an international following (I’m reading you in New Delhi, India) and a book is a natural next step. Can’t wait to buy a copy and look forward to reading your updates here every day. You may have already blogged about this, but do you have a “favorite project ever?”
YoungHouseLove says
Ooh that’s a hard one. I think we’re still very much in love with our bedroom built-ins from the last house. It was all John’s idea and I love how we gained two secret closets in about 24 hours. Here’s that post for ya:
Laura says
Wonderful news! Congrats! So many great things are happening for you. You guys plus Burger and Clara are adorable.
Kel says
Congrats to you both. You must be very proud. It’s not just you DIY adventures that have lead to your success, but your skills with words that have made this blog a daily read for many.
Violeta S. says
Can’t wait to read your book (wow “your book” sounds pretty sophisticated, isn’t it!) I’m veery happy for you! Hope it will be selling on internet (amazon maybe), so that i can have it here in Bulgaria too.
And thank you so much for your blog, you are a true inspiration!
Nicole says
I just can’t fathom why Sherry is barefoot on the deck… she could get a splinter or at the very least a wicked case of athlete’s foot… ; ) Best of luck on the writing endeavor!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, seriously! The rules are simple: wear shoes on sinking ships. Preferably something practical. Haha.
Renae says
I just discovered you guys from reading The Post yesterday. I’m going to get nothing done for at least the next week and a half while I read every single post you have. HOW have I never found this blog before?? Love it!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Renae! So glad you found us!
Julie says
I liked reading about the reality of your job with the blog. You make it look so easy I’ve thought maybe I should start a blog…the hours and work involved gave me a reality check. :) Great job – I appreciate reading it even more knowing how much work you do on it daily.