Considering that delivering The Washington Post was my first real job (because what 6th grader doesn’t like getting up at 5am everyday?), it’s kind of an “is this real life?” full circle moment for me that my current gig (this blog) has landed us in the pages of that very same newspaper. My dad (a.k.a. my newspaper delivery partner) has never been more proud. We had no idea it would be such a big write up (with a giant cover picture in the Local Living section, but after we got over our vanity (is my hair weird? does Clara look cute?) we couldn’t believe how awesome it was. Who are we and what did we do to deserve this? But enough blabbering. I gush when I’m excited.
Here are a few shots of the paper for ya (click ’em to enlarge) and of course you can see them in the flesh if you get The Washington Post. And you can read most of the article online here, here, and here (there are three parts to the story, but some of the pics are different than the ones in the actual newspaper article). And if the article has been archived, you can download PDFs of the text here, here and here.
We especially loved this cool call-out thing they did with our old den about where we got stuff/what we paid for it:
As for the pics, the Washington Post scooped us on a few things. Haha. It takes us a few days for us to do projects, take pics, and write posts – so they slipped through and snapped photos of things we’ll be sharing in the next few days. Should be fun…
Anyway, thanks to Terri Sapienza for the write up (us? really?) and for coming down to our house to hang out for the interview (which couldn’t have been less scary even though it sounded crazy intimidating when we first heard that she wanted to do it). She was a blast to have over and we realized that her husband and I lead eerily similar lives (beyond being married to women with rhyming names).
Oh and how insane is it that they actually called Nate Berkus for a quote about us (remember when we met him here)? Sherry just about died when she saw that. There were no words for about ten minutes, which is a total record for her. Consider us flattered (or too giddy for our own good if you’re Sherry- really she’s doing that uncontrollable giggle thing over here). Here’s his quote:
“First of all, they’re adorable,” says talk show host and designer Nate Berkus. In the fall, the Petersiks appeared on “The Nate Berkus Show” as DIY experts and judges for a design challenge. “Their delivery is particularly charming and endearing, and their information is delivered in a smart way,” Berkus says. “ . . . I think Young House Love could easily transition into a TV program.”
How crazy is that? Seeing the paper this morning was like an out of body experience for both of us. We also think it’s hilarious that Nate thinks YHL could be a TV show, because we’ve actually been approached a few times about that over the past few years but are always quick to decline. We’re definitely TV people (I mean we like to watch it) but we don’t want to actually be TV people (as in, be on it). We’re much more comfortable hiding behind the safety of our computer screens. And as Sherry likes to say “we don’t wanna Jon & Kate ourselves, ya know?!” Besides, putting the blog on hold for weeks of filming might leave us with a serious case of withdrawal.
Side tangent officially over. Anyway, you may have noticed some other paper-related news revealed in the article: we’re in the very early stages of writing a book! Like a real one. That they’d actually have in Barnes & Noble. How crazy is that? When a few book agents and publishers approached us over a year ago, we figured that with all of the writing that we’ve done online each day over the past 3.5 years (over 1,752 posts and 891,000 words published) perhaps writing something offline could be a natural side project for us – especially if the topic is DIY and home stuff. Because you know that does it for us. But don’t worry, the blog will still be priority numero uno. After all it’s our first baby (well second, the birth order goes: Burger, YHL, Clara).
So after over a year of fine tuning our book proposal (yeah, it took forever, and ended up being 150+ pages long) we sent it out, held our breath, and were shocked and awed to be signed by Artisan/Workman. For a few weeks we were scared they would come to their senses, realize we’re dorks, and say nevermind – but holy bananas, it’s a done deal. And the process was kind of crazy and interesting, so for anyone else out there who’s looking to write a book proposal (and eventually a book), we’re planning a post about how it all went down and what that experience has been like for us.
There’s still an entire manuscript to be written, so it would be premature to say exactly what the book will be about, but we do know that it’s not going to be some fancy interior design coffee table book or a sordid behind-the-scenes tell-all novel with shirtless Fabio (or shirtless me) on the cover.
We’re aiming to capture the don’t-take-yourself-too-seriously DIY spirit of our site without regurgitating a lot of stuff that you’ve already seen slash read here (we want it to feel fresh and new). And of course it’ll have budget friendly ideas along with fast & easy projects that anyone can do (except if you’re tied to a pole). Since publishing a book takes much longer than publishing a blog post, we’re scheduled for a fall 2012 release – and we’re mucho excited. We couldn’t wait to spill the beans to you guys after lots of months spent biting our tongues and keeping cats in bags.
So that’s the news up our sleeve at the moment. I guess it’s only polite to ask – what’s new with you these days?
UPDATE: Check out this more recent post about the book-writing process.
Brittany says
My favorite part of the whole article is John citing as one of his favorite sites! Mine too, it’s HYSTERICAL! I feel like a picture of Burger should totally be on there…
YoungHouseLove says
Burger is officially full of himself! His video from yesterday (weaseling under the covers) was on I Can Has Hotdog. Hilarious.
Ashley @ says
You guys are awesome. I’m in awe of your success driven by your passion! Keep it up!
Erin says
I am so giddily happy for you! Congrats!
Melo says
Super-duper congrats YHL! Very proud of you and certainly not surprised at all by the book. When John formally joined the YHL team, I told my husband “I bet a book is next!”. Not really, but I did think of it!
In the two years I have “known” you I’ve been inspired, impressed and “intertained” by your witty sense of stylish simplicity. Keep up the great work!
News with us? Well, we just wrapped up a road trip from NY to FL. My husband was happy that you keep your address undisclosed because, if not, our passing through Richmond might have included an unusual sightseeing stop… Just kidding! (Kind of…)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, we love long road trips so that’s our idea of a good time! Have fun and drive safe!
Carrie says
Congrats on the national press coverage and the book deal. Very deserved!!
P.S. Can’t wait to see the future reveals on the projects scooped by The Post…especially your gallery wall! Looks gorgeous!
Mandy says
Holy crap that’s exciting!! You guys are so famous ;)
I can’t wait til the book comes out, I will definitely buy!!
aimee says
OMG!!!! Sooooo sooo happy for you! I’d like to say I called it about the book deal since I have been reading almost from the get-go, and told my husband you guys should have a book, but since I didn’t share that with YOU guys, I can’t say I told you so! ;) Anyway, am so so so thrilled and happy for you all–virtual high fives from Lake Erie! :)
Lisa G says
Congrats!!! Lots of fun stuff going on over there!
Erin C. says
oh WOW. This is absolutely amazing news. Especially the part with the adorable Nate Berkus calling you adorable!!! haha.. ok everything else is really cool too. I’m so happy for you two– you deserve every bit of this feature in the newspaper and the book deal. I WILL be buying the book btw.
Were you freaking out at all about them coming to photograph your unfinished house? What you have so far is lovely and I know homes are always a work in progress, but I’m just thinking of my own OCD’ness and the fact that I still haven’t invited anyone to visit the upstairs of the house we moved into a year ago, because it’s “not finished.” I should probably get over it haha.
Anyway- congrats again!!!!
YoungHouseLove says
You know it’s funny, we were nervous of course but we told them like ten times that no rooms are done and we just moved three months ago so that declaration had sort of a freedom about it. I even had my clothes in a pile on the chair in our bedroom as Terri mentioned in the write up. Why didn’t I clean more? Haha.
Erin says
When the book comes out, would it be possible for a midnight release party a la Twilight or Harry Potter?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, how about a virtual midnight release party over Skype or something. Haha.
Kasandra says
Can’t wait for the book. Hope it makes it’s way up to us in Canada Tout de Suite! Well done guys!
Melissa says
Congratulations!!!!!! That is sooo fantastic! You guys look absolutely adorable.
Kristiina says
We’ve been busy getting our house rented (done deal–woohoo!), but I just had to tell you that despite being CRAZY busy for the last 2 weeks…I had to check your site at least once a day (I’m usually a twice-a-dayer!)..I didn’t even think about my other daily reads. I guess you could say that YHL would definitely be on my deserted island list LOL
Congratulations on everything–you guys are an inspiration–not only in home design, but in positive, grateful living. Love it!!
Jenny @ Bakography says
So excited for y’all on both fronts! I about died over the romance novel cover. I agree with Sherry, long hair isn’t really your thing John ;) Y’all crack me up! Thanks for helping me get through the day!
Katrina says
such wonderful news!!! I’m so happy for both of you!! Congrats on the book deal and the article, i really enjoyed reading it…as a long time reader of your blog!! It was a lot of fun :)
tara says
so excited for you guys! congratulations, you are inspirations to so many.
asha says
Congratulations!! That is awesome. I love checking in on your website. It’s an amazing inspiration. I admire how you aren’t persuaded by the “15 minutes of fame” and easy money. You two work hard and put a lot of time and effort. You practice what you preach and that is something hard to come by.
Can’t wait to check out the book! Put me on that pre-order list ;)
Tina says
What an awesome opportunity! I’m so excited for your book! Can we get a hyped-up-stand-in-line-until-midnight-like-Harry-Potter thing going on?!?! Maybe at a B&N in Richmond? I live in MD but I’d totally drive down for that;) Ok, I’m a freak I know, I’m just that excited for you guys about the book, and for me because I get to read it one day! YAY!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, that would be too crazy. I might die.
Christen says
Oooh! LOVE that idea, Tina! Release par-tay!
Congrats, Sherry and John! I’ve been reading for a very long time and love seeing you guys get “discovered” for a book- ha ha!
Amanda says
AAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKK!!!!! A good “OMG” ack, not a, that’s the largest hairball I’ve ever coughed up and I wanted to share with the world! That’s the COOLEST news EVER!!! And I think that should be the Book title and cover… REGUARDLESS! ;D Adding it to the list, buy the new YHL book the day it comes out!
Becky says
Well, that is exciting! Writing is one of my hobbies, so I always love to read that some relatively little (no offense!) people are going to write and publish a book.
What’s new with me – well I’ve had a streak of bad news lately so I’m not in the best of moods. However, I am healthy and I’m employed so I have things to be thankful for.
Alondra says
Count me in as another fan who is uber-happy and excited for you guys! I can’t wait to get my paws on that book and will pre-order it as soon as it’s available. Congrats!! You guys are the best!
MsAmanda says
Good on you guys! You know why we like you so much? Cause you’re both real. Just nice, funny, creative peeps.
Amanda says
I’m so excited about your book! Can’t wait for the Pre-Sale! ;) Your site is so funny and informative, and I love to see all the DIY stuff people my age can accomplish. For some reason I thought I’d have to be, like, in my 40’s before I could do stuff like this!
Shelley says
Congratulations guys! You definitely deserve it after all of your hard work. With all of your regular readers, your book will jump right up to the top of the best seller list! Cheers to you!
Kristin says
I can’t figure out how to comment on a comment, but I just have to follow-up on our virtual lunch date…
My first thought on reading “turkey sandwich with pickles and cheese” was, “You have that every day. And John makes it.” Oh dear. Why do I remember that? Remember to take out the trash or unload the dishwasher? No. Remember what Sherry has for lunch? Sure! I scare myself.
BTW, I’m having leftover turkey-and-spinach meatballs (that I actually cooked all by myself – I’m so proud).
Please pardon the talking with my mouth full and that one Diet Coke/nostrils episode. You’re just so darn funny! (“Gave me the willies,” indeed!) It was so great to finally meet you… :)
YoungHouseLove says
Hahahahahahah I love it. Your lunch sounds better than mine by the way. And as for how to comment on a comment, it’s wonky but you have to hit “reply” on the original first comment, and it’ll automatically place your comment at the bottom of the chain. Hope it helps! Wish it weren’t so complicated so you could just enjoy your meatballs. Haha.
Cara says
Even though I work for a bustling Advertising Agency (you all probably know how that is) … reading the Washington Post article that you all are featured in was the highlight of my day. Sherry’s “And don’t mind those, either,” she said. “We’re keeping it real.” quote made me chuckle.
Keep keeping it real, Petersiks.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Cara! I can’t believe she put that in. It was so funny to read it. We’re still reeling that it all actually happened. Haha.
Patti says
Congratulations! It’s karma I tell ya! You’re always so helpful with all of us so it’s only natural good things are coming your way. Rock on YHLovers!
MaryBe says
Wow what excitement! Congratulations! And I totally think you should use that for your book cover
Cara says
Even though I’ve already commented on this post – as I was looking through the gallery on the, I noticed the living room shot. I guess that spur of the moment teal paint technique didn’t last long on the glass pendant light? I’m sure Sherry doesn’t regret it – I can’t even imagine how fun it was to do something low-impact, easy, and spontaneously while John was out for a run ;).
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, it’s true. The shock value alone was awesome. We actually had to wash it off because in pics it was making the room have a blue tint. But the good news is it was so easy to get off in twenty seconds with a wet rag. Whew.
Steph @ Birdhouse Family says
Congratulations! Amazing news all around! The Washington Post stories and gallery, the scooped projects, the book deal, the Nate Berkus quote, it’s all a bit overwhelming even for a loyal reader, so I can’t even imagine how you must be feeling! I’m so happy for you!!!
Rene' says
Congrats! :)
You guys are fantastic. I will definitely buy your book. Can’t wait!!!
Barb says
Hi Sherry and John:
TRY getting this insert if you live in New Hampshire. Not possible. I went to B&N… Called The Washington Post, etc. Just short of ordering a subscription to this newspaper I don’t really care about (I JUST WANT THE INSERT!!!), they could send it to me for $10.00. Are they kidding me? FOR THE INSERT ONLY?
And who would have thought that B&N wouldn’t have this paper?
I almost wanted to ask you to send me one…….BUT I called my sister-in-law who lives in DC and she will get it for me. You gotta love sister-in-laws, right!!
So, I did find one.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh my gosh Barb, you are amazing. And so is your sister in law! Love it.
Jenny says
YIPPEE SKIPPEE! You guys rock and deserve all of the kudos and accolades you receive! Way to go, kiddos…LIFE IS GOOD!
- Sarah :-) says
Holy goodness – that’s so exciting!! I can’t WAIT to buy that book.
Margaret says
What day did this print?? Was it last Sunday’s paper??
YoungHouseLove says
It was today’s paper. The insert that says Local Living. Hope it helps!
jamie says
Wow, y’all! A big fat congrats to you both on the Washington Post spot and on the yet to be written book! It’s not often that people can take something they love and make a living doing it (at least not without losing their enthusiasm!) You two are, for lack of better phrasing, living the dream! And the fact that you can stay light-hearted and not overly serious is so refreshing! You’re family is ADORBS and as a fan, I thank you for sharing with us!
Steph says
Hooray! Hooray! Congrats on the article and book deal!
Question- While perusing the pics from the article (specifically this one:, I noticed something different about the lamp hanging in the corner of the living room. Didn’t Sherry paint it blue? Did you decide to un-paint it?
On an unrelated note, I just got engaged on Monday night and I’ve already revisited your wedding tab a bazillion times. Yay for YHL! :)
YoungHouseLove says
Congrats on your engagement! As for that light, yup I wiped off the paint since in photos it was giving the room a weird blue cast. Thank goodness it was as easy to undo as it was to do in the first place!
Jaime from Design Milk says
Congrats, guys. I was waiting for this post :)
Wishing book publishing didn’t take so long…but hope you have a great experience with your publisher! How exciting.
Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top says
Wow! Congrats! This is amazing news! You guys totally deserve it. You are awesome.
Jessica says
Can we hold hands and jump up and down together?!?!? I know I don’t KNOW you, but I feel like this would be appropriate. As everyone has said, there really isn’t anyone more deserving. Can’t wait to buy the book when it’s out!!
On a side note, I really thought for a second that Sherry had a pirate leg and the cat just got out the bag. Haha glad I took a second look. You are such a beautiful family! So happy for your success. You have worked hard for it and really do deserve the best!
YoungHouseLove says
Hahah, I am loving the pirate leg thing. Let’s jump up and down about that! Hilarious.
Ginger says
Alright you two…show us that gallery wall in the hallway…I’m dying to see it! Seriously, I cannot think of two more deserving people. You two are cute, funny and a blast to read. Congrats on the article.
Rachael@Lovely Crafty Home says
Great stuff!! Can’t wait to see the book!
CarrieK says
Yea, yea, and yea! =) So happy for you guys!
What’s new with me??? I’m in ‘Annie’ and it opens TOMORROW! Yikes! Oh yeah, and our kitchen will finally get some love (once the musical is finished). We tore it apart 2.5 months ago… s l o w l y making progress.
YoungHouseLove says
Wow- that’s awesome! Congrats and good luck on your big debut tomorrow!
Stephanie says
Congrats! So here is my plan for you… first a book and then your own TV show. Sound good?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, no thank you! We’re very happy to avoid that limelight and hide behind our laptops! Haha.
Deirdre says
So awesome for you two! And you ALWAYS make me laugh, so I come for more than just advice, I come to find out what your crazy family is getting into each day!
What’s new with me? We are tackling a basement remodel…it was finished in the 1970’s with teal shag and knotty pine paneling. I know, you’re jealous. We’re starting with cleaning and organizing the utility room and building shelving so we can move a lot of the “stuff” lying around the basement into that room, so we can eventually have a den/play room. Nothing fancy, just new carpet and drywall and paint and new lighting to start so it ends up clean, bright (as a below ground basement can be) and functional. Then I can try my hand at decorating with all of your great tips!
Deirdre says
I forgot to mention, we’re doing it all but the electrical ourselves, in true YHL style. We’ll learn as we go!
YoungHouseLove says
That totally sounds like a good time! Have fun and good luck!
Gabby says
Congrats guys!! I read your blog as often as possible and as a broke-ass newlywed with a whole basement to renovate I can honestly say you guys are an inspiration in many ways! You deserve all the positive things happening in your lives!! I can’t wait to read the book :)
gemma@thesweetestdigs says
Congratulations you two. So looking forward to hearing more about the book!
Kris @ the expat diaries says
Amazing! My Domino book has been longing for a good home design/DIY neighbour on my bookshelf, so I’ll be clearing a spot for yours! I’m so thrilled for you both (and Clara…and Burger, of course). Your hard work is paying off, and you really embody “do what you love”, which I find truly inspiring.
This is fabulous news. Congrats!
Kris says
Wow, what fantastic news. Congratulations galore.
A book to wait for patiently….yay!
Jen says
Congratulations on the article and the book!!