Considering that delivering The Washington Post was my first real job (because what 6th grader doesn’t like getting up at 5am everyday?), it’s kind of an “is this real life?” full circle moment for me that my current gig (this blog) has landed us in the pages of that very same newspaper. My dad (a.k.a. my newspaper delivery partner) has never been more proud. We had no idea it would be such a big write up (with a giant cover picture in the Local Living section, but after we got over our vanity (is my hair weird? does Clara look cute?) we couldn’t believe how awesome it was. Who are we and what did we do to deserve this? But enough blabbering. I gush when I’m excited.
Here are a few shots of the paper for ya (click ’em to enlarge) and of course you can see them in the flesh if you get The Washington Post. And you can read most of the article online here, here, and here (there are three parts to the story, but some of the pics are different than the ones in the actual newspaper article). And if the article has been archived, you can download PDFs of the text here, here and here.
We especially loved this cool call-out thing they did with our old den about where we got stuff/what we paid for it:
As for the pics, the Washington Post scooped us on a few things. Haha. It takes us a few days for us to do projects, take pics, and write posts – so they slipped through and snapped photos of things we’ll be sharing in the next few days. Should be fun…
Anyway, thanks to Terri Sapienza for the write up (us? really?) and for coming down to our house to hang out for the interview (which couldn’t have been less scary even though it sounded crazy intimidating when we first heard that she wanted to do it). She was a blast to have over and we realized that her husband and I lead eerily similar lives (beyond being married to women with rhyming names).
Oh and how insane is it that they actually called Nate Berkus for a quote about us (remember when we met him here)? Sherry just about died when she saw that. There were no words for about ten minutes, which is a total record for her. Consider us flattered (or too giddy for our own good if you’re Sherry- really she’s doing that uncontrollable giggle thing over here). Here’s his quote:
“First of all, they’re adorable,” says talk show host and designer Nate Berkus. In the fall, the Petersiks appeared on “The Nate Berkus Show” as DIY experts and judges for a design challenge. “Their delivery is particularly charming and endearing, and their information is delivered in a smart way,” Berkus says. “ . . . I think Young House Love could easily transition into a TV program.”
How crazy is that? Seeing the paper this morning was like an out of body experience for both of us. We also think it’s hilarious that Nate thinks YHL could be a TV show, because we’ve actually been approached a few times about that over the past few years but are always quick to decline. We’re definitely TV people (I mean we like to watch it) but we don’t want to actually be TV people (as in, be on it). We’re much more comfortable hiding behind the safety of our computer screens. And as Sherry likes to say “we don’t wanna Jon & Kate ourselves, ya know?!” Besides, putting the blog on hold for weeks of filming might leave us with a serious case of withdrawal.
Side tangent officially over. Anyway, you may have noticed some other paper-related news revealed in the article: we’re in the very early stages of writing a book! Like a real one. That they’d actually have in Barnes & Noble. How crazy is that? When a few book agents and publishers approached us over a year ago, we figured that with all of the writing that we’ve done online each day over the past 3.5 years (over 1,752 posts and 891,000 words published) perhaps writing something offline could be a natural side project for us – especially if the topic is DIY and home stuff. Because you know that does it for us. But don’t worry, the blog will still be priority numero uno. After all it’s our first baby (well second, the birth order goes: Burger, YHL, Clara).
So after over a year of fine tuning our book proposal (yeah, it took forever, and ended up being 150+ pages long) we sent it out, held our breath, and were shocked and awed to be signed by Artisan/Workman. For a few weeks we were scared they would come to their senses, realize we’re dorks, and say nevermind – but holy bananas, it’s a done deal. And the process was kind of crazy and interesting, so for anyone else out there who’s looking to write a book proposal (and eventually a book), we’re planning a post about how it all went down and what that experience has been like for us.
There’s still an entire manuscript to be written, so it would be premature to say exactly what the book will be about, but we do know that it’s not going to be some fancy interior design coffee table book or a sordid behind-the-scenes tell-all novel with shirtless Fabio (or shirtless me) on the cover.
We’re aiming to capture the don’t-take-yourself-too-seriously DIY spirit of our site without regurgitating a lot of stuff that you’ve already seen slash read here (we want it to feel fresh and new). And of course it’ll have budget friendly ideas along with fast & easy projects that anyone can do (except if you’re tied to a pole). Since publishing a book takes much longer than publishing a blog post, we’re scheduled for a fall 2012 release – and we’re mucho excited. We couldn’t wait to spill the beans to you guys after lots of months spent biting our tongues and keeping cats in bags.
So that’s the news up our sleeve at the moment. I guess it’s only polite to ask – what’s new with you these days?
UPDATE: Check out this more recent post about the book-writing process.
Tiffany says
Just adding my congratulations! Your success is much deserved. Oh, and I can’t wait for the post on a certain wall I spy in the WaPo galley. ;)
Redlilocks {Swoon Worthy} says
I’m so pleased for you both, I’ve been reading for what feels like a very very long time (maybe 2 years?) and have watched your success grow and grow and rightly so. Ya know, there are a million resources out there for doing DIY but what makes YHL special is that you add a human element to what could just be a step by step of how to do something. And not just a human element but a NICE human element (heh I just paid a compliment by calling you “nice humans”, bet yer blushing).
Anyway, I get so much inspiration from you both and the blog is a joy to read. So excited about the book (please be sure to tell them to distribute it in the UK)! Congrats to you all!
Anne says
Congrats to you both. Can’t wait for the book!
Erin says
so awesome! congrats!!
Emily M. says
So happy for your recent success. I can’t wait to have your book make it to Canada! The newspaper article was great, and boy, what a neat way to be ‘patted on the back’ by Nate Berkus. Props to you both and to Burger and Clara from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
Melissa says
AMAZING!!! Congrats!
News for us: In college, married, DIYing a student-living home. Nothing new, just an adventure every day.
YoungHouseLove says
Sounds like a good time! Good luck!
Karrie says
Love the book cover! Too hilarious!!
And from the sneak peek of the gallery wall, it looks amazing! I can’t wait to read the post on it.
Erika says
John and Sherry,
congratulations for being in the paper! Very exciting! You deserve it! I am already looking forward to your book!!!
I’ll have to have somebody send it to me to Germany. Or are will you conquer the world market? :-)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, not sure! Here’s hoping we can get one out to you somehow!
Kim says
CONGRATS!!!! So happy for you both and you really deserve every success – you’ve earned it! Can’t wait for your book to come out :)
Pamela says
OMG! How exciting! And well-deserved! See…snooze inducing DIY is interesting to more people than you could have ever imagined. Plus you guys are so humble…and cute to boot! So happy for you! And now I feel even more vindicated for being so obsessive about checking in with YHL on the daily! XO!
P.S. I spied a GALLERY WALL in the hallway!!!!!!
Sally says
Love the blog! Great newspaper article. Congratulations!
Colleen in MA says
WOW! You know why this happened? You’re creative, inventive, fun, honest, and talented. So happy for you!
Elizabeth says
Wow! You totally deserve all of the press and the rug looks great! I love hearing a little bit of the ‘behind the scenes’ work that goes on to make the blog a success. Y’all are my first stop every morning at work, don’t tell my boss, keep up the great work!
Relevant Notes says
I am SO EXCITED for you guys! Especially looking forward to reading your book… it’s going to be a long wait!
Crystal @Beautifulhaven says
Congrats! You guys make blogging look so effortless. I know a ton of work goes into each post and I love that you let us share your journey with you.
Jenni says
Yay!!! Congratulations! I know you’re book won’t be out for awhile, but I can’t wait! Now I know what to get everyone for xmas in 2012 ;)
I think it’s cool that you plan to share some of the deets on the process/progress with us sometime as well. I’d love to hear all about it. And, I also agree with some of the other commenters, it would be awesome if you guys could do a book tour! Anyways, well done! Virtual high fives all around!!
Roshni says
Awesome!!! So excited for you guys!!
Anne O. says
Congratulations on a wonderful article which I read over breakfast. I had never heard of your blog before, but you now have a new reader. We used to be big DIYers, but now with four active kids, we can barely make dinner. Someday again, we will be. Thanks for the inspirations!
Kiran says
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! Y’all are amazing :D
Katherine says
You guys are pretty awesome. Congrats on all your success!
mindy says
Congratulations! I will be one of your readers that definitely buys the book!!! <3
Amanda Jean says
Going to avoid spoiling your reveals by ignoring your links to the WP. Cannot wait to see the book! (hoping Barnes & Noble in Alaska won’t be slow on the uptake)
Loved the book cover by the way. You have a knack for making me look crazy at the office.
Selina says
I’m SO thrilled for you guys on your book deal! What a moment it must have been to find that out!!! I can’t even imagine how excited I would be…
BTW, they really hate you (now more than ever) over at The Nest’s D&R board. Talk about some serious haters. It’s obvious they’re trying to bring you guys down out of jealousy. I find it both sad and unnecessary.
Mel says
If this were Facebook, I would “like” this comment. ;)
Claire says
I couldnt believe it when I saw you on the front page of the Living section! My jaw totally dropped open and I was speechless! So excited for you guys – for this and the book!
Erica M says
Sherry! Nate Berkus thinks YOU are adorable!
(certainly the kind of thing I would read over and over again if I were you, haha!) :)
Charlene says
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you two! You guys must be just in awe that a blog meant for your family got you this far! On and also you’re both so talented lol! I also think its funny that there are a group of us folks on pins and needles waiting for you to put down a rug. That’s just too funny.;-) The book cover you made up is just icing on the cake.
L says
Holy bananas. Ok, so me and my co-worker are both big fans and talk about your blog all the time. She and her husband are young, have a little girl, and a chihuahua. This morning, another guy that we work with brought the paper over, put it on her desk and said “Hey this is like you!” Both of our reactions was “OMG I know them!” Which of course, we don’t, duh! Congrats guys. This is awesome!
Mel says
Wonderful news! So very happy for you guys. Please tell your publisher that there is another willing customer to buy your book (and I will pay top dollar!) :)
P.S. Looooooooooooove the photo wall and new dresser. And Clara’s mirror is no longer green! And the light in the living room is no longer blue!
YoungHouseLove says
Hey Mel,
Clara’s mirror is still green (must’ve just been the coloring of the Post’s photo that made it look different) but the living room light is no longer blue, as you noticed. We grew tired of the blue cast it gave that corner of the room when the light was on, so we washed off the paint. Luckily it was easy to to!
Mel says
I see!
Also, the way they shot your bedroom makes the walls look gray. I have to say, the gray walls look very appealing…makes the bedding pop in a whole new, interesting way.
(I hope I replied correctly here…)
Amanda says
I’m so so happy for you guys. Almost every night at dinner I talk to my husband about what you guys posted. It’s to the point now that my husband asks “What’s John & Sherry up to today?” I’m truly a fan – I’ve been reading your blog daily for about 6 months now.
Brandi says
So excited for you! I think it’s well-deserved and I am super excited to see your book when it comes out.
Kristina says
Congratulations! I find your blog incredibly inspirational. My husband and I are 28 (29 in a month) parents to two small children and in our first home. I love your fresh ideas and thrifty ways. Plus you introduced me to Nate. Your success is well deserved.
Laurie says
Congratulations on your book deal and all the good press! You really deserve it! I am so excited about your book! I’ll be the first to get it! I want to thank you for all your posts. They have so inspired me. I moved into my house almost 9 months ago, and just had no idea what direction I wanted to go in for decorating. Since reading your blog, I have decided on a color scheme and have been working on doing some diy as well as looking for bargoons here, there, and everywhere. I have truly been inspired by your enthusiasm. Thanks so much! And give Burger and Clara a hug from me (not to be creepy since you don’t know me, but just wishing them well, ya know?)!
ps: I’m so glad you are not going the Jon and Kate way! That would make me sad! You are giving enough with this blog!
Stefanie says
Cannot WAIT to read your book! Congratulations!
Mona Alicia says
Wow! How totally and awesomely exciting is that!? I will definitely be buying your book and can’t wait for it!
barb says
i am so happy for you guys. yesterday my hubs got me a mag and i spazed out when i saw your bathroom remodel in it….lol…i read your blog daily and well its almost like you guys are part of the family…when i tell my hubs we should do this like j and s did. so i want to take a minute and thank you guys for your blog. without it i don’t think i would have been able to take chances decorating or refinishing furniture etc. i love how you walk us through it. and i can’t wait to get your book!
Stephanie says
I AM SO HAPPY/PROUD/GIDDY for you both. You deserve all this and more! Congratulations!
Melissa says
Thrilled for you guys! Congratulations!
Erin says
Congratulations, you two!! I love to see my favorite blog writers going to the show (you have now joined two of my other favorite bloggers-turned-authors Jen from Cake Wrecks and The Fug Girls)!
Keep on keepin’ on, and we’ll be here to enjoy every last wonderful project.
All the best to you and yours. Oh, and by the way, Clara looks SO cute in the newspaper cover, but what happened to Burger? He’s usually so photogenic.
YoungHouseLove says
He was so freaked out. It was kind of crazy to try to get baby and dog in sync. In the end I guess they picked the picture of Clara that worked and Burger sort of got shafted. Haha.
Andrea says
Congrats on your book deal! I’ll ask a friend to mail it to me here in Europe so I can read that goodness too! Btw, I think you guys would be awesome on tv. But it would be such a bummer for me if I couldn’t be able to watch the show (I have boring Dutch cable)… Woot woot for choosing the blog over tv!
YoungHouseLove says
Heck yeah- YHL wins every time! And it’s probably because we love you guys so much that we’d never want to letcha down and get sucked into the bright lights of Hollywood. And because we’re shy and dorky and it sounds scary and not fun. Haha.
Aimee says
Congratulations! So wonderful to watch YHL “grow up”. The news here? Oh, nothing major, just getting ready to have our first baby in May ;)
YoungHouseLove says
Wahoooooo! We may be partial, but May babies are the best!
Jarrod says
Awesome!! You know I’ll buy it!
And since you asked, I’m working on some new graphic design print and web projects. Keep me in mind if you ever need a rebrand!
YoungHouseLove says
Ooh sounds like fun Jarrod! You’re cooking up all sorts of awesome over there.
Roeshel says
Congratulations! Great article! Super exciting news! Russ and I are so happy and so excited for you and looking forward to the book!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Roeshel! Creative people like you inspire us to no end!
Rocky Balkwell says
I’m incredibly impressed with the YHL blog and both of your tenacity. After a year of renovating our house my husband and I are finding it hard to keep the motivation to continue with our renovations/decorating. I feel like every room in our house is 50-75% incomplete. You are the first blog that has really inspired me to keep decorating and even start my own reno blog.
I can’t wait to read your book!
Tricia says
Congrats! Not sure though why you are so suprised….all of us followers already know how amazing and fabulous you both are! Can’t wait for the book (and TV show…hint hint). Again, congratulations, you both deserve it!
alison says
Wow! Wow! Wow! This is amazing. Congratulations to such an amazing team.
Hannah says
OMG!! Today’s my birthday, and what a better way to celebrate than to see you guys (my “blog friends”) in the Washington Post! And to see sneak peek pictures of future posts. Awesome!
I’m super-duper excited for your book! When you do a book tour (because the publisher would be crazy not to), I’ll totally camp out just to be first in line to meet you!
Thanks for being your totally awesome selves and writing an amazing blog!
YoungHouseLove says
Wahoooo Hannah. Happy birthday girl! Fellow Pisces unite. Mine is on Saturday!
Hannah says
Thanks. Happy (early) birthday to you! I hope you have a great weekend of celebrating. You definitely deserve it!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much!
Sarah says
That is such exciting news!! I live in the DC area so I read the Washington Post online. So cool that you are such a big spotlight in today’s issue! You guys have my dream job! Love, love, love your blog!
Angela says
You guys totally rock! Congrats on the newspaper article and on the book deal! That’s AWESOME! I love your blog and I will definitely be picking up your book! :)
Beeya says
Awsome news you guys.
I can’t wait for the framed wall reveal post. It looks great!!!
laura in indy says
Congrats! Super happy for you. That is one book I will definitely buy!