As is the tradition, each year we like to take a video camera and walk around the house to capture what’s been done outside (and what’s still desperately waiting to be tackled – which is almost everything at our new house). You can see last year’s here, and the one from 2011 here. And by “we take a video camera” I mean “John takes a video camera” because I’ve been banned from holding any sort of recording device since I tend to Blair Witch everyone (yup, it’s a verb when I do it).
Enough jibber jabber. Let’s walk around the house together:
Hopefully that little video answers the “what’s going on outside?” questions from you guys and gives you a better lay of the land. As for our outdoor plans, there are a bunch of them listed here (they’re not at all fleshed out, but we’ll research/plan/think through each one as we get to it).
And since a not-actually-to-scale lot sketch has also become a tradition of ours, here’s one of those for our new house:
The funny thing about our new house is definitely how the lot is oriented (since we’re on the end of a cul-de-sac, we describe our land sort of like a baseball diamond) but it’s also pretty amusing to us that all three of our houses have had really similar lot sizes. They’ve all been “almost an acre” – but our first lot was long and skinny…
… while the second one was sort of square-ish (this one’s really not to scale since the house looks as big as a Target shopping center).
The other funny comparison for us is digesting that our last house and this house were almost exactly the same square footage (they’re within 60 square feet of each other) yet the lot just looks so different from the outside. We’re used to having a pretty low-lying house that almost blends in with the woods. But instead of an 1,000 square foot addition that’s hiding off the back of the house (which was the way our second house was set up), the new house has a second floor that’s in plain sight from the street, which makes it look a lot bigger and stand out a lot more from the curb.
One other sort of cool, full-circle moment was gaining a double garage. We had one at our first house, and of course had the carport in our last house, but it’s really nice to go back to a two car garage – just so that John’s workshop can be right off of the house (instead of walking around the back of our second house and down the exterior stairs into a separate entry basement).
Psst- We’re trying out a new little bonus feature on Friday posts by ending with four fun projects, chats, or questions going on over on the Forums. You know, just in case you don’t want to go back to work just yet…
by MayRicherFullerBe | by Tina | by hannaschelling | by lcraig1027 |
Barbara says
I love the “it’s kind of a big driveway”. YOU THINK? I have a one car driveway that barely fits my car, which doesn’t fit in my one car garage! Your driveway is HUGE!
Crewmom says
I vote that you collaborate with the fantastic landscape designer couple from Herndon whose house you crashed a while ago, you know, the folks who built their own cabinets, had the most fabulous garage ever, and that fantastic map of Rome…oh, and a new baby. Blog synergy!
YoungHouseLove says
It’s crossed my mind! But I think they do more high-end stuff than we could afford if I remember…
Emily says
How do you guys think about your entrances from a practical (vs. aesthetic) perspective? Do you actually use the front door, or mainly the side one by the garage?
I’m curious whether having a meandering path from the front door to the street discourages walking at all (since I know you mentioned you were looking for a walkable neighborhood). I’m also curious since I do some alternative transportation advocacy, and am always looking for more ways to get people out of their cars when possible.
YoungHouseLove says
We use the front door here more than our other houses. Since our side door is blocked behind closed garage doors (rather than be in an open carport) we receive visitors at the front door much more here. And we have debated adding a path that goes more to the street than just the driveway, even just for purposes of getting the mail. But I don’t think which entrance we use or where our path goes affects how we walk in our neighborhood, since we’re always getting the stroller out of the garage and walking down the driveaway.
Crewmom says
Our best design professional experiences have always been of the”May we buy an hour of your time?” varuety, then DIY at our own pace and budget. Couldn’t hurt to ask, just my 2 cents. Love your house and blog.
Michelle says
Your new home is beautiful!!! Is it fair to say I am a little envious of your lot?? Size and all of the trees. I have barely if that, a 1/4 of an acre. My husband and I hate it. Too close to neighbors. We would like a little space, a little breathing room so to speak. An acre would be wonderful!!!
Shell says
Just FYI – when you click on the Home Depot link from your page – says Error 414 “The requested URL /aclk… is too large to process”
YoungHouseLove says
Which link? Sorry I’m not sure which Home Depot link you’re referring to. Thanks for the heads up!
Shell says
On your home page, at the bottom right. It is directly under the “We’re Digging” section (specifically under the Ikat Dot Sheet Set picture) It is a ad for Home Depot – but it doesn’t take me to their website.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh, thanks. That’s not an ad we directly control so unfortunately it’s not a fix we can make. But thanks for the heads up!
Kris says
Truly a gorgeous lot; I love it! Also, the door color, which I didn’t fully appreciate at first, is REALLY growing on me. It pops in such a beautiful way; you guys have such great eyes. And I am going to try to remember “zoysia” so that I can ask my friends if that’s what their grass it. Gettin’ smarter!
Leah says
Hey guys!
Did you ever use a cleaning solution on the sunroom floor? Also, would you ever consider shortening the width of the driveway? At one point it looks pretty wide and you could have more grass that way!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks for the tip Leah! We definitely have thought about ways to alter the driveway. Will keep you posted! As for the sunroom, we got something from amazon called Anti-Icky-Poo. A bunch of people recommended it but we haven’t tried it yet. The name cracks me up though.
Rishia says
John and Sherry! Video so great and with the really nifty layouts of property drawings give a really good ‘take note and dream for them’ potential for all of us(:
1. great drainage around perimeter of house from what could see. ALWAYS SUCH A GOOD THING..
2. front yard will be awesome, so expansive and welcoming as you come up..yet private too. About lawn below.
3. THE WOODLANDS surrounding the 2 sides of home are what really got my imagination going, as I so love woodland gardens: easy to slowly develop pathways to special spots. Mulch already there and shade loving plants chosen well, divide easily after first year and require only initial water/fertilizer.Not to mention the diversity of daylilies!
4.I suggest, unless you 2 hate it, to save the slate for the woodland garden as highlight of main entry path along with perhaps pea gravel or my favorite now $ wise natural sliver wood mulch ….. a woodland garden will provide many hours of enjoyable nature watching …bean will grow up loving it once done..heck while being done! AND IMPROVES HOME VALUE.
5. IF you do a woodland garden over time (best and most fun way to do it…planning in winter etc.)remember how inexpensive and diverse solar water feature pumps and so much more that previously required electricity …would be so pretty at night …fun for all on hot days during the day.
6. Any plans for a future vege garden? flower gardens? IF SO
START YOURSELF A COMPOST PILE ASAP! Choose one to suit your family, make it have a big property…make it easy and if you do not know yet where you will need to use it, place in the last place you will ever tackle.
8.WHEN YOU GO TO SEED THAT YARD DO YOURSELF A BIG FAVOR AND SOW ‘NO MOW GRASS’. GOOGLE. You will agree once you read aabout it. Beautiful grass year long!
9. The deck, yeah it needs will get it done…works and since on the side, looks fine for now.
10 Such a beautiful home period. Truly good choice Sherry, I can see how you loved this place from a far.
11. Give this a thought …. this whole property is truly great and will serve your family well for years and you will never finish doing projects till age 105, as for this property they could be ongoing outside and inside as family dynamics change……sooooo….instead of fixing this beauty up, live there awhile then sell… about stay there, as said projects galore for years to come for blog and general happiness and JOY JOY JOY (ha ha ha)….and save bucks on set basis for set goal amount over set time frame (garden + small greenhouse = save mega bucks on NUTRITIOUS ORGANIC food YEAR ROUND)….AND THEN….buy and flip a house the YOUNGLOVE WAY! Get a storage shed once interior of home now done then start hoarding…doorknobs, kitchen hardware, darn near anything on CLEARANCE OR FREE/SALVAGED for ‘when we find the right place to flip (:= one a year = probably a years worth of income for 2 – 3 months misery and blog reports (that would be so great)….
NOW you guys will get top dollar for your flipped homes with a signed copy of your book at signing of sale!(:(:(:(:…….just give it a little thought.. i bet millions you already have considered something similar. If not I am surprised….
Saving money for move= all new deco/mini reno coming up .. going to sell this 120 yr ‘Old Vic’ and move in with son.. and hopefully in 2 yrs BUILD ‘ THE STUDIO GUEST HOUSE..OR THAT IS WHAT IT WILL SAY ON THE BUILDING PERMIT’… HAVE A BOARD AND NOTE BOOK FOR THAT(:ALREADY(: …
As always you two, sorry so long a post..Take care Youngins!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, I love all the tips!
Bethany says
What? No liriope? Are you having withdrawals yet? ;)
YoungHouseLove says
Only the best withdrawals of my life. :)
Annie R says
Love the lot! So much potential!!
I’m curious though- why if you have such a huge garage {insert garage envy here} do you keep your lawn mower outside?? Is that good for it?
I’m excited to see what you guys do with this lot!
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yeah we’d love to get a shed! Keeping a mower in the garage without a door to the house that’s metal/fireproof (ours is just wood) isn’t usually the safest, and it seems to be ok outside for now (we usually tarp it).
Lindsey says
Thank you for this! I always love your house tour videos because it helps me visualize everything. You rock!
Kelsey R. says
Your property looks so nice and private; and that lamppost is so charming! I’ve seen some on Pinterest with a Christmas wreath hung on, and it’s just lovely looking. I hope you guys keep it!
Andy says
I realize you are not the help desk, but I don’t know of any other way. Bower Power is down and showing error 522.
YoungHouseLove says
Will tell her! I think her server/host has been crashing a few blogs today. Hope they’re all up soon!
Trish says
I cannot wait to see what you do to your yard. I’m working on some yard planning and I’m a bit stumped on some of it. Your backyard is similar to mine, so please come up with something spectacular I can shamelessly imitate at my house.
Teresa says
Sherry, I don’t know if you know this yet but the latest buzz at HouseTweaking is that IKEA has come out with DOLL HOUSE FURNITURE! How cool is that…I’ll bet Santa will be bringing some for Clara this Christmas!
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yeah, it’s in their new catalog! Can’t wait to check it out in person.
Whitney says
Your current yard is definitely my favorite yet! It looks like it has a lot of potential, and I’m sure you guys will make it look amazing. I especially love the wooded area and the huge driveway! It must be nice to come home with that beautiful crepe myrtle greeting you! :)
Tracey says
I’m surprised you don’t have a paved driveway. Is that common in your area? Do you back up to woods or are there houses behind you? I ask because the deer.
YoungHouseLove says
It’s a pretty even mix of paved and unpaved, I’d say. We back up to other houses, but there’s lots of woods around us.
Chaucea says
OMG SOOOOO love all the yummygreenylushness of the trees and ferns n stuff (read: jealous!) :-D
Brenda says
It’s amazing how much less time it seems to take walking around since it’s two stories instead of all spread out like at your last house. I have to say it’s nice that there’s not crazy monkey grass growing everywhere!
Christine says
Love the new house. I was wondering though how you’ve managed with what looks like three properties that don’t have fully fenced enclosed back (or front) yards. We have a very adventurous and strong willed 4 year old Shih Tzu/Lhasa Apso cross that if he sees open space will go running and not necessarily follow all of his puppy training.
YoungHouseLove says
Our first and second houses actually had fenced areas for Burger, but the new one doesn’t. We’re thinking about possibly adding one somewhere but so far it has been ok. He’ll chase a squirrel for a second but seems to stop at the woods or the driveway or the curb.
Suzanne says
You are very lucky with B’s personality, but fences for dogs ARE so very important in almost all cases (Burger is very unusual, and you have a lovely no traffic area). But many many pets are injured and killed every day from suddenly bolting from their owners. It’s not safe for the average pet.
Heather W says
Love the tour of the outside of your home. So much potential! I did have a quick question. Do you leave your garden stools outside during the winter? I just bought one for my front porch and just wondered if it’s OK to leave out. Thanks!
YoungHouseLove says
I worried about that too but they do great. At least in VA winters. Maybe because they’re just like ceramic pots that can usually do ok in the winter on the porch/deck?
danielle says
i can’t wait to see what you do to fix your lawn. we have been battling our lawn since we moved in and we are losing. by sort of a landslide. it’s really pretty pathetic.
BEAUTIFUL lot– love your deck!!!
Heather says
The first time I heard John’s voice (a few weeks ago) I called my sister all freaked out stating “That is no how John sounds in my head and it is totally throwing me off!!” Even now watching the yard tour…I feel freaked again!! John time to change your voice to more of that I had in my head!! Sorry if that is an inconvinence!
YoungHouseLove says
So funny!
Eliza_Do_Lots says
I can’t quite get my head around how huge houses and gardens (yards) are in the USA – here in the UK space is far more expensive and a house like that would be so insanely out of budget – I kind of want to move to America and get myself a big pimp house with a pool ;-)
As it is right now we’re looking for a crappy little rental house that our budget can stretch to without us all having to share a bedroom. Yey UK!
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yeah, here it really depends where you live. We were in NYC and it was crazy expensive for tiny studios (aka flats).
qs777 says
Re: stairs
Growing up, we had a basket that was specifically made to go over a stair that we kept at the bottom of the stairs. Anytime we just had a small item that had to go upstairs, or something my mom found that belonged in our room, she would put it in the basket so if we were going upstairs, we would take it with us. Kind of helped, although, today, I would prefer to just go up and down and get more exercise. HTH
YoungHouseLove says
Sounds cool! Thanks for the tip!
Jodi says
Way off topic, but…I was watching Lord of the Rings and there was a scene where I thought to myself, “Where have I seen those same stone floors?” and then it dawned on me, the stone in your entryway. The scene to which I refer is fairly early, in the first movie, when Frodo is at the inn, waiting for Gandolf, and he falls and the ring falls onto his finger, making his disappear for a minute. Anyway, if you have nothing better in your whole life to do, you could look at it and see if you see the similarity. That being said, your stone floor is AMAZING!!!! I hope you are able to keep it with all the renovations you do. I mean, who gets to say they have “Lord of the Rings floors”?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, so funny!
Priscila says
Missing heart drawing inside the new house :)
Tarnya Cook says
Looks like a little peace of heaven, that you guys will do wonders with!
Kate in New Zealand says
You forgot to point out where Sherry’s in-ground salt water pool is going to go… ;)
Btw I think Kate Middleton must be a YHL-er, she bought the same aden + anais swaddlers as you guys!
YoungHouseLove says
Wahoo! She stole one of my favorite boy names too (George) buried love her anyway. Haha!
ev dizayn? says
really beautiful thanx..
April was in CT now CA says
At the very beginning when John said “tour” my husband said “Did he just say twerk?” and it doesn’t even sound anything like twerk. I think he’s (my husband) been watching too many YouTube videos.
Love the tour, really helps give a better idea of how it’s laid out.
YoungHouseLove says
Bahahahahah! That’s hilarious.
Lily says
have fun, guys!