Remember when our living room was salmon?
Well, not anymore…
That’s just the primer coat, so we’ll be back on Monday with the full details of what color we chose, why we picked it, and a whole bunch of prep info, in-process pics, and of course the all-done afters. Today’s the last day of our Florida road trip, so we’re doing our best just to soak up the sun before our 14 hour drive back to Richmond. But I’m not going to lie… remembering that we’re not returning to a pink living room is definitely making us more excited to mosey on home.
It always feels crazy to eke out a last minute project before leaving (kinda like the kitchen flooring that we half-laid before our trip to Hawaii a year and a half ago) but it’s so much fun to come back to enjoy it since we barely had a second to soak it up before hightailing it outta town. Can’t wait to write up all the details for you guys.
As a little Friday bonus, here are four fun projects, chats, or questions going on over on the Forums. We also announced this week’s giveaway winner, so you can click here (and scroll down to the Rafflecopter box) to see if it’s you.
by courtmcg8 | by BurlapandLace | by karents | by DIYPlaybook |
Rachael says
IT’S A YEAR AND A HALF SINCE THE LEAVING THE FLOOR HALF DONE FOR HAWAII THING?!!! Oh my. I have been reading this waaaaay to long!! :D
Have a safe trip home.
Jean says
Congratulations on the feature on Oprah’s page! Way to go!!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks Jean!
Erin says
Do you ever feel tired? Like you don’t want to go on? Especially since you have a sort of accountability to others by doing this blog? I wonder sometimes because we all have lives and such and I often find lack of motivation right in the middle of a project.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, we’re definitely just like everyone else! Sometimes we’re flying along and super inspired and sometimes we’re whiny or stuck or as slow as molasses. Even though this is what we love (and something we did for free as a hobby for years before it became a business) there’s definitely still that ebb and flow of being excited sometimes and exhausted or frustrated other times. DIY is just like the girlfriend who’s nice to us sometimes and mean to us other times but we keep coming back- haha!
Stacy says
I’m so jealous that you guys seem to do such a great job and it seems to take you no time at all. I painted my daughters room today – 2 coats of Valspar Signature in a soft gray looks so much better than the kelly green gone wrong on the walls. I do have to say though that I definitely wish I had hired someone because between painting the ceilings of both the master and my daughters room, painting the walls of her room, taping, washing and all the other things one must do in order to paint with a 3 year old and an infant – well, I seriously should just hire someone next time and save myself the aggravation.
YoungHouseLove says
That’s a ton of work! Congrats on getting it done!
Bailey says
ERMERGERD the suspense.
Safe travels. Hope you’ve been wearing your sunscreen.
Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker says
Safe travels!! Excited to see what color you picked!
Ginny says
Stumbled across your blog since your first cute abode. Love, Love, LOVE what you two do to a house to make it a home! Can’t wait to see how this room evolves.
One question for you that is totally unrelated to this project. Where did you find the rug and lamps that are in your master bedroom?
YoungHouseLove says
The lamps are HomeGoods and the rug is from a local outlet called The Decorating Outlet.
Erin N says
It’s nice to see other people doing stuff like this too – we decided to go out of town this weekend, so of course I was painting our pocket door an hour before we were supposed to leave!
Robynn says
We moved when I was in middle school to a house with salmon in every downstairs room. Trim, below chair rails, you name it. Nice to see yours get painted over too!
You might enjoy this.
YoungHouseLove says
Really cute!
Carli says
Very exciting to see progress in this room! Can’t wait to see how you fashion this cozy den. Loved your first home’s den, but loved a lot of the design elements you incorporated in your second home’s living room too! Will be neat to see how your tastes evolve in this space. Hope Destin has treated you well!
Amy says
I hoping for pismo dunes or Palladian blue!
Amy says
Maybe someone’s mentioned this already, but there’s a great tutorial on how to whitewash given by East Coast Creative, and the pictures speak for themselves at
YoungHouseLove says
Love that! Thanks!
Katherine says
Ok…. so I went through the paint colours and if I was a betting woman, I would guess that you painted the walls Palladian blue? either that or Nelson Blue. It’s hard to tell using the colours on my computer. But either would look awesome with a whitewashed fireplace and white coffered ceiling. I am eager to see what you guys did. Hope you had a great vacation.
Katherine from Canada.
Jessica Moroney says
YAAAAYYYYY!!! I’m so excited about this post! I’m so glad the living room has been your next choice! I hate the salmon and am excited to see what you’ve chosen, although I don’t think the big change will really sink in, until the wood panelling and fire place are painted in their slick white (and white wash)!!! Yay for living improvements! :)
Amanda says
Oh, wow! Even just the primer makes the room look about a million times nicer than it did with the salmon. I’m excited to see the new color you chose! Since I live in a rental (with really picky property management), most of my decorating thrills are vicarious these days. Can’t wait until I’m in my own house again!
julia @ Cuckoo4Design says
Wishing you a safe road trip
jenn says
wondering if you’ll be styling the room around karl?
i know he’s still in good shape but do you plan on getting another couch for this house and keeping karl in storage until you you do the awesome attic room?
would you get a slip cover for karl or just keep him as he is?
YoungHouseLove says
For now we love Karl as-is (very durable for a kid and a dog) and we have seen lots of rooms on Pinterest and in mags with clean-lined dark couches in traditional homes, so we think we can make him work. We’ll have to see where we end up!
Jennifer R. says
Wouldn’t it be easier to paint the trim before painting the walls so that you don’t have to be as careful? I guess I am just confused by the process but I am sure it will look great!
YoungHouseLove says
We have done it both ways (trim first and then walls or walls first and then trim) without too much trouble, so we just pick whichever project we’re in the mood to tackle. We never could have completed all of the wainscoting, trim, beams, mantel, and built-ins before leaving for our trip, so instead of doing them a quarter of the way, we opted to nix the salmon.
betty says
I had a salmon (more pink, tho) room growing up. I picked out that color and everything. cant wait to see what color you picked out of the pallet!
Sarah T. says
Do you normally sand the walls before you paint?
YoungHouseLove says
Only if I spackle something or there’s something on them that’s making them bumpy.
David says
I actually didn’t mind the salmon colour, I think it went nice with the brick. But I do like the white as it really opens up the space, and white is clean and classic.
sarah says
i usually get paint with primer all ready in it