It’s time for: Secret Santa: Revealed. That makes me laugh because I imagine some man with a deep serious voice introducing a show with that name after Dateline or something. Anyway, since a bunch of you have asked for the Secret Santa dirt (and I couldn’t wait to spill who I had and to learn who had me!) here it is:
I had… (drumroll? anyone? can I at least some table slapping or something?)… House Of Smiths! It was so much fun to pack up two little surprise care packages for her. The first one included two decorative frames from Michael’s that I personalized with some paint in the name of some Christmas cheer (they were both originally dark brown).
I thought the red and the green combo was cheerful and fun for a Christmas gift, so the round one got a few thin coats of the glossy red spray paint that I also used to paint my paper maché reindeer and the rectangular one had such a cool wood grain (it kind of looked zebra-ish to me) that I painted it glossy white and dragged a dry brush with some lime green paint over it to catch just the raised part of the grain, while the sides remain white (then I sealed it with some spray poly). When I was at Michael’s I also grabbed a little ceramic container that I doodled on with a few permanent sharpie markers and filled with toffee. Mmmm. I heard it was devoured pretty quickly over there too! So glad.
It was amazing to me how many commenters guessed that I had House Of Smiths right away (how’d you guys know!). My second little holiday care package was more of a clue, I think. I went with a paint theme. Haha. See… that’s a clue. I couldn’t resist these sweet tiny paint can containers in the food aisle of Michael’s so I decided to fill them to the brim with red and green M&Ms and write a little holiday message on a paint stick.
I even used paint chips from my weird leftover paint chip bin (yes I have one of those) to cut out little homemade “tree” tags for the top of each can. And in went another little dish of goodies (this time I went with the famed cookies from Ukrops – they’re the best!). Any yes, my scissors do say “no John cuts!” in Sharpie. He kept using my good scissors to do things like cut sticky tape. Now he’s banned.
So that’s what I gave my sweet bloggy buddy, Shelley. Is it weird that I had so much fun putting these little things together? Oh Christmas, I miss ya already.
As for who had me, it was Tanya at Save The Date For Cupcakes! I was completely surprised by the way (not just saying that – I honestly had no idea). I actually had a hunch it was someone else but the postmark on the package shot that down – and being that it just said NY it was vague enough to confuse me enough to keep the mystery going until the big ok-who-had-who email where we all spilled the beans.
I already shared my first surprise here (a gorgeous little silver box with three glittery personalized ornaments):
And my second surprise was just as sweet! A box of vintage Vanity Fair postcards with another pretty glittery ornament for the tree (feathery wings)! It’s so much fun to flip through my new postcard collection – and I actually think I have a great project that I can do with them so I can’t wait to see where that leads! You know I’ll keep you posted.
A big thanks to Mrs. Limestone for organizing this whole shebang and all the other Secret Santa cohorts like:
Michelle at 4 Men 1 Lady
Bryn at Bryn Alexandra
Emily at Emily A. Clark
Shelley at House of Smiths
Melissa at The Inspired Room
Janell at Isabella and Max Rooms
Paloma at La Dolce Vita
Jacin at Lovely Little Details
Nicole at Making it Lovely
Marian at Mustard Seed Interiors
Lauren at Pure Style Home
Tanya at Save the Date for Cupcakes
Michelle at TenJune
Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick
Laura at You Stir Me
So much fun! Did any of you do any Secret Santa business this year? Did you know who had you the whole time or were you surprised? And how the heck did so many of you know that I had Shelley the second she revealed my frames? I thought it was so obscure and random that no one would know it was me! Haha.
Psst- Check out John’s weird little lighting obsession (and imagine what he’d look like in a Snuggie) here.
Update: You can check out all of our favorite holiday decor finds here – many of which are under $15!
Kristen @ Popcorn on the Stove says
I knew you had House of Smiths! It was the font you used in the picture frames. I love the vanity fair postcards … they’re so interesting!
Leslie Ann says
i agree. definitely the writing in the frames. it was cute, and it had a cute saying in it (“chica”), and it had a heart. heart’s are SO younghouselove, haha.
Morgan says
I love that your scissors say “Good Scissors”. I had to go buy a new pair bc my husband kept fussing at me about using his kitchen scissors!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- I had to claim those suckers as my own!
Sharon says
Ha, my sewing scissors are marked in Sharpie with SEW and my husband looked at them one day and asked why I had his brother’s scissors. His brother’s name is WES and he was looking at the scissors upside-down.
YoungHouseLove says
heather s. says
You shouldn’t use your good fabric scissors to cut anything but fabric! You can really dull the blade so I have a pair of fabric scissors and another great pair for paper crafts and then of course the household pair.
heather says
I looked over the other day while cooking dinner and my husband had my nice sewing scissors and he was cutting a meat package open. My fault, I left them on the counter. They have now been relegated to kitchen & other shiz scissors.
Note – always put my scissors away – and mark them.
Amy says
The “xoxo” tipped me off because that’s what you sign off with! That, and the typography within the frames.
Sandi says
Yup, knew which was yours all along!! Super-cute.
Julia @ Chris loves Julia says
I knew you had House of Smiths as soon as I saw those little trees drawn of the ceramic container. Those colors are YOUR colors. Can’t wait to see what you do with those postcards. So awesome.
Lindsay says
This is how I knew right away!
Melanie @ Mailbox Journey says
I think what gave it away that you had House of Smiths was that you made the same HO HO HO image for your frame wall :P
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- the funny thing is that was weeks later! We were instructed to send off our first gifts to arrive around the beginning of December. A few weeks later I thought “if I’m switching out 25 frames in the hall, who is going to notice that?” – but observant folks like you do!
Lindsay says
But, I didn’t even see House of Smiths’ post until after you guys posted about your Secret Santa gift and linked over there. And that was after you’d revealed the frame wall changes. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, true! Never thought about that!
Casey says
I think it was the HO HO HO picture ALSO in your hallway!
Penny says
I’m probably the 100th person to say it by now, but it was the holiday tweak to your hallway frame gallery that gave ya away. You did a lovely job! And I like the sharpie doodles on the ceramic dishes. Maybe I’ll try that next year. Do you know if sharpie doodles can survive the dishwasher?
YoungHouseLove says
Hmm, I think it depends how shiny your ceramic is. I think some sort of rough ceramic (like a mug that feels matte) might hold it forever. But something too shiny might wipe off with hot hot water and lots of pressure, so maybe just hand wash the inside after use?
Penny says
Thanks for the tip! Also, “sharpie doodle” now looks like the name of some breed of dog. Whoops!
YoungHouseLove says
Hahahahahaha- like a labradoodle. Hilarious.
bridget b. says
Your gifts (both given and received) were very cute! I really like the green frame. It kind of has a zebra print look to it.
p.s. I saw Clara’s kitchen over on Ohdeedoh yesterday.
YoungHouseLove says
No way! Thanks for the heads up Bridget!
bridget b. says
you’re welcome your royal highness of diy. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Ack- don’t make me get all clammy and awkward again. I feel the red cheeks creeping up…
Rebecca @This Nest is Best says
I love that they called you the “royal couple of DIY” :D
YoungHouseLove says
I totally audibly gasped and blushed while reading it aloud to John. Of course I stopped reading to gasp and blush and John was like “what? why did you stop” – I had to gain my composure. Haha.
Marie says
ohh, the vanity fair postcards are GORGEOUS! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to with them : )
tara says
I also guessed you were the one who sent the frames!! It was just so “sherry” :) I loved reading all the different posts about the gifts! You guys should do another one like “sneaky bunny” for easter or something!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- never heard of Sneaky Bunny! Sounds fun!
Regan @ RenovatingRothenbergers says
I knew you had House of Smiths! The color on the frames & xo gave it all away :)
Kathryn says
I love Secret Santa…especially at work. Makes my day brighter.
Heather C says
I knew it! I knew it! I totally guessed it was Save the date for cupcakes! :) So glad you had so much fun! I think I’m going to have to start something like this with my friends next year! I love the thought and craftyness of the gifts!
Cheryl says
Hee hee, keep us posted on the postcard project… I liked the unintentional pun :)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- I’m an accidental comedic genius. Not really.
GretchenF says
This comment SO doesn’t fit here, but I figured it would be better to put it here rather than add to your in-box. Anyway, I pinned this and thought of John. The post says that it could be printed as big as 16×20. I’m not talented enough to do that, but I printed it as an 8×10 and framed it and it’s a sweet zero dollar addition to our guest room.
YoungHouseLove says
Gorgeous! I love it so much!
Bernadette @ B3HD says
This print is so awesome! My hubby needs to get back on his bike again and this is such a great gentle nudge. Stylish to boot! The comments here are always so great!
Rebecca @This Nest is Best says
I actually have a deep rooted fear/hatred of Secret Santas from a bad experience in HS (how funny is that???), but this one looked like so much fun! And your postcards are gorgeous – I cant wait to see what you do with them!
Gina says
Ukrops….yum!! We lived in Richmond for several years while my husband did his residency there at MCV and their bakery was visited quite often!!
Your gifts were great. Love that lime green frame especially!
Becca says
I do secret santa through one of the dog forums I’m on! I had no clue who had me until the moderator was updating everyone who hadn’t received their packages – she told me mine was coming a loooong way. Turns out, it was from Australia! I live in Syracuse NY :)
The girl I ended up getting was a perfect match – not only were we the same age, one of each of our dogs shared a birthday, AND she was a HUGE Syracuse University basketball fan! Made sure to send along some SU goodies complete with doggy bandannas :) Oh and she lives in Florida and I also used to live in Florida!
It’s funny, every time I do SS I end up having some crazy connection to my recipient.
Becca says
Oh and sidenote – I made those swirly glass ornaments for my recipient – I customized with silver glitter letters so I could personalize every ornament for each dog and her!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, sweet!
YoungHouseLove says
Wow- so much fun!
Mrs Limestone says
I was amazed so many people guessed you too. I guess your readers really pay attention to what you keep in stock :)
Thanks so much for playing!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks for having me Stefanie – it was tons of fun!
Jyl says
This comment is completely unrelated to this post, I’m sorry.
Perhaps you’ve seen that “Post the video of the #1 song during the week you were born” trend on Facebook. Well, my video was by Men At Work. And I realized something. John Petersik you look like a more attractive version (I say in a happily married way, Sorry Sherry!) of young Colin Hay! Check out Men At Work’s “Who Can it Be Now” video (Skip to 1:05 to see what I mean)
Do you see it!?
YoungHouseLove says
OH MY GOSH TOTALLY!!! I called over to John to watch it with me and seeing his face come towards me while this was playing was like watching him and his older twin. Now I know what he’ll look like in a decade or so. Cute! I’m down. He totally even makes the same dorky faces. Thankfully he doesn’t wear striped socks with no pants like that though…
Anne @ Twentysomething Trainwreck says
How cute! We actually have one of those Vanity Fair covers up on our gallery wall in the living room. It’s the orangeish one with the yellow dress, and it makes me happy every time I look up there. So cheery!
YoungHouseLove says
So pretty!
melissa @ the inspired room says
This was fun! I think we should do Secret Cupid and then Secret Easter Bunny next!!!
YoungHouseLove says
Love it!
Ethne says
We do SSanta at work and it’s our fave. I didn’t know who had me, but the person I had guessed me right away. I figured she would, and knew the presents I gave her would give my identity away, but I still wanted to give her those gifts. FUN!
Allison @ Quite Simply Home says
Definitely was the font in the frames. So straight and clean and so YHL! Love it!
Nora says
My mom has kitchen scissors I’m not allowed to touch anymore. She didn’t write on them, but I feel like there’s a sign above them that says. “No, Nora, no. Hands off.”
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- too funny. I love that you heed her wishes without marker threats. I had to resort to those!
Sara says
I must have missed the first post about what you were giving to your Secret Santa, but I just wanted to say, I never, ever, ever, thought about spray painting a Michael’s frame. I need to open my mind a bit, because they have awesome frames, but they are mostly all BROWN! Great idea!
Lauren says
where did she get those vanity fair postcards?
YoungHouseLove says
Maybe check somewhere like or Hope it helps!
Jen says
What a fun idea to do a Blog World Secret Santa! Looks like you guys had a great time doing it, too.
A quick suggestion on sticky scissors, btw. There’s a product you can get at Walmart and Dollar Stores called Goo Gone (I bet you could get it other places, too. Those are just where I know I’ve seen it before). It works like magic on sticky things! Just scrub the scissors until the sticky is all gone then soap them down and you’ll save your favorite pairs!
Happy New Year!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks for the tip Jen!
Eileen says
For me, the dead give away was the “Chica” :) It’s so very you, Sherry.
Jess @ Little House. Big Heart. says
Haha! I love that you label you scissors! The hubs keeps using my good kitchen shears to cut things like duct tape and old card board. I need to write “FOOD ONLY” on them!
I love the idea of a blog secret Santa! Maybe some of us “little guys” need to do the same thing next year! :)
Cherie says
I love that your husband is banned from your scissors. Mine is, too! I’ve had to hide them because he’ll use them to cut peel and stick tiles and other gross, sticky things. It makes me crazy! Glad to see I’m not alone. :)
Amy D says
I love how creative you are! I would not have thought to grab half that stuff and make it into such a cute gift!
My office does secret santa. This year I did a movie night at home, with a copy of Princess Bride, a popcorn box from Target, a cute penguin mug, and some hot chocolate, popcorn, and candy. Last year I gave mine homemade hot chocolate and homemade marshmallows with a pretty mug.
YoungHouseLove says
So cute!
s says
Love those vintage postcards- I can’t wait to see you guys incorporate those into your home somewhere (as I know you will)!
Jess says
Love everything you made! But my husband’s (very Richmond) grandmother is probably rolling over in her grave at you calling those rainbow cookies.. those are butterstar cookies! Though they are both tasty so wins all around. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha – we have always heard them called rainbow cookies! Whatever they’re called, they’re delicious!
Court says
The rainbow cookies are the ones that are red, yellow, and green and look like this:
Jen @ The Decor Scene says
Love both the presents you gave and received!!! Looks like it was lots of fun. :)
Allyn says
I love your Secret Santa gifts (given and received)!
As for the whole Dateline revealed thing… may I just say that I saw soome people take pics with some EXTREMELY creepy looking Santas this year. Wouldn’t be surprised to see one of them revealed at all.
Veronika says
I would know those frames were from you because of the font you used! It’s a popular font here in YHL!
YoungHouseLove says
You guys are so observant it’s crazy! And I love it.
amanda says
My best friend, Simon, brother, sister, our mom, the three girls we grew up with, Shayna, Hunter, and Raven, and their mom all did a secret Santa this year. It was a good success. Raven had me and gave me a bag of chapstick. It was sort of an inside joke because one time I had a dyslexia moment with my speech. I meant to say, “my lips are making me ugly.” It came out as, “my lips; I’m ugly.” Since that moment everyone has quotes me about my chapped lips. Curse you MA winters!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- I have a thing for lip balm too! Addicted. And when I don’t have it, my lips totally make me ugly. Haha.
Lauren says
We love secret santa at our house so much! We’ve participated in a pet forums secret santa for 4 years in a row and it’s great! I love shopping for animals I don’t have. One year I had to figure out how to send live bugs to some iguanas, and last year I had rabbits and parrots!
This year we also go in to a fashion/nail polish swap with our online group and it was great to get nail polish from Belgium and Australia!
YoungHouseLove says
That sounds like so much fun!
Bernadette @ B3HD says
Those postcards are to die for!
If you have the space for another (different) take on a gallery wall, I think you should frame them all up somewhere. Although I liked the picture/knick knack ledge from your first home office too.
I did the frame up gig in my most recent blog post. I had a collection of really neat Native Americana postcards that I just COULD. NOT. stand to not look at. Every time I have to visit the powder room (smile).
Happy holidays!
heather says
If I received any form of bright green/grellow gift and you were on the potential list, I’d have you pegged in a second haha <3
I'm apparently not observant enough to note the switch that everyone else noticed to give it away though.
Ryan says
Great little gift ideas! Good job on the frames. They look really nice compared to just plain old brown!
Shelley Smith says
Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU for your sweet gifts!!! They were so fun to get in the mail, and the second I posted about them, everyone guessed you! haha! That’s what you get for having awesome ‘defined’ style eh!?
Thanks again! Now to just hook-up in REAL life…someday…! :)
YoungHouseLove says
So glad you liked ’em. Here’s hoping we can meet in the flesh one of these days!
mp says
The butterstar cookies are a Richmond tradition — does the bakery still give them out to tiny customers? My daughter made sure we always detoured by the bakery so she could score her cookie!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, that’s cute! I haven’t noticed that but I haven’t loitered enough in the bakery aisle to know for sure! I should start doing that!
Shelby P. says
I love that John pays so much attention to photo details. Speaking of lighting-What lighting plans do you have for the new and improved kitchen? Will you keep the fan? I just remember on Trading Spaces how they took all the ceiling fans out. How does anyone expect me to sleep without a ceiling fan?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- the fan’s dead! We’re bringing in four can lights in the kitchen area and two pendants over the peninsula!
Jess says
Rainbow cookies are yellow, green, and red. You definitely need to try some!
Look for these:
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- mmmm! Thanks!
Teresa @ wherelovemeetslife says
That just looked like so much fun! :) Glad you shared and thanks for the great ideas!
Sarah B says
I get excited about giving gifts too! I got the best compliment this year when a recipient told me “You always give the best gifts!”
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, that’s the best compliment ever!