Let’s talk about some Shady Business. You know the $herdog in me wanted to make that title a Slim Shady reference, right? Anyway, we’ve actually been working on a secret project for over 14 months and we finally get to spill the beans. Jazz hands don’t even begin to cover it. See, back in October 2011 Shades of Light asked us to help them design a lighting collection. And we said “who, us?” quickly followed by a “yes please!”
When it came to our goals, we really wanted to keep things casual, playful, happy, and – the biggest challenge – within our budget. Which broke down to keeping the entire collection under $99. There are even $3 add-on items to spice up the lamps that you already have (you know we love using what you’ve got). But keeping prices under that $99 mark (especially on larger lights, like chandeliers that are 2 feet wide) was a tall order. Shades of Light sells a ton of fancy $400+ designs, but they were amazingly willing to get all hands on deck to inch prices as low as possible without compromising quality, and we LOVE them for that. It was hard to mash all of the lights our bundles of joy into this post, so you can click here to browse our full collection of shades, pendant lights, and decorative add-ons.
Not only do side gigs like this help us provide for our family, they’re some of the most exciting work that we get to do (you know when we’re not juggling house projects, blog posts, book stuff, and playing with The Bean and The Burgs). Switching gears keeps us creative and it’s always fun to try something new, so projects like this are the icing on the DIY cake. Well, playing with Clara & Burger land in that category too. Which is fitting because these lights are sort of like our babies.
Here are a few “studio shots” of some of our kiddos. The apples of our eye. Picture us grinning like proud parents watching their child play “Tree #2” in the elementary school play.
That’s not all of them, so here’s the whole collection for ya. The coolest thing about this collaboration is that Shades of Light is based right here in Richmond, so it was a local affair. They came over to our house and we dropped by their headquarters a bunch of times over the course of the last year to draw sketches, look at prototypes, sample paint colors, see the products in action, and even shoot them in our own home for their online shop and their catalog.
Which means many of the lights are made/wired/painted right here in good ol’ Virginia! But of course they ship ’em nationally on their site in case you’re not a local (you can even call them for overseas shipping rates). So… woot! It’s pretty exciting to think that our babies are going to be making little pilgrimages to other cities across the country. Well, assuming people buy them. Haha.
As for Clara’s job, she played the role of quality control. When we asked her to pick her favorite one of the guys in the photo above, she kept changing her mind. She’s like her momma. She wants to rub her face on all of them.
The most exciting part of the entire process was when we finally got to shoot some of the finished lights in our house back in November (right between two book tour stops) to see how they looked “in situation” and to use some of those images for the Shades Of Light catalog. This is a farmhouse pendant that comes in a bunch of happy colors. Doesn’t the pink one look sweet when it’s fake-hanging over our the sink?
How did we fake it? Well, see the green-shirted guy on the stool in our kitchen? He actually held the mercury glass pendant that hangs over our sink out of the shot while they snagged a picture of the pink one that you see in the photo above (clamped to a rod above the sink so it appeared to be hard-wired there). It was our kinda shoot. Grass roots and lots of laughing.
Here’s another shot to show the magic of in-house photoshoots. See that giant reflector in the foreground and those three lights all clamped up to a rod that was later cropped out of picture? It’s so funny how we look at catalogs like Pottery Barn and think “oh man those rooms are so amazing and clean” – but in reality they must look at least this crazy from afar, thanks to all of the magical behind-the-scenes gear.
Here’s how those drum pendants actually looked in the photographer’s final shot. Oh and spoiler alert, we bought the scallop pendant in the middle. We couldn’t resist. We’re actually planning to hang it right in the window that you see here.
And remember the chandelier that we gave you a sneak peek of in Monday’s holiday post? Yup, it’s part of our collection. He’s one of our favorites.
We bought it as soon as the catalog shoot wrapped up in our house. At $89 for such a large chandelier (it’s two feet wide!) we thought it was a great deal, and it looks awesome with the oil-rubbed bronze glass pendants over our nearby peninsula. It also comes in a bunch of other colors beyond the rusty bronze finish that we went with (they’re painted locally in colors like plum, dark teal, white, black, gray, and red by an awesome lighting artisan).
One of the coolest “special effects” from it are the shadows that it casts on the ceiling if you use a clear bulb (if you don’t love them you can use a frosted bulb for a softer look).
And you know Burger is our muse, so… this happened. Yup, dude has his own chihuahua-riddled shades in a bunch of colors. We wanted things to be flexible for someone who might just want a shade for a table lamp or floor lamp that they already have, so we asked Shades of Light to sell the shades alone as well as with a finished pendant kit for hanging them (the full pendant kit even comes with a ceiling canopy, so it’s all ready to hang). People gotta have options. And chihuahua shades.
And see those sculptural white metal diffusers under each of these geometric-ish ikat shades? Those were another add-on that we thought could spice up someone’s life light. Say you already have a pendant light at home but want a little more flair – one of these (in either the hex pattern or the quatrefoil pattern) can definitely up the ol’ lighting ante.
We loved adding small (and inexpensive) DIY options, like these $3 add-ons. They’re basically decals (fancy word: appliques) that we thought would be fun on a lamp base that you might already own (or one you could score at a thrift store and spray paint in a solid color). So whether you’re into a white, black, or yellow bee shape; a favorite number in black or white; or even scalloped patterns that you can use alone or layer like crazy, you’re covered. Can’t you see a big white #7 on a navy lamp base? Or a white bee on a cheery yellow gourd lamp?
And now for a Burger story. Remember way baaack when we posted this picture of Burger for Thanksgiving in 2011? Well, that half-loaf of Panera bread that he snuck off with was actually from one of our first meetings for this project. The Shades of Light team was over at our house and we were excitedly talking about colors, fabrics, and shapes when Burger snuck ONTO THE DINING TABLE and grabbed it without any of us seeing him until it was way too late. Sneaky little bugger. It was the first and last time he had such brazen food-stealing confidence. Thank goodness. Just look at the regret in those big brown eyes…
So that ends our little 14-months-in-the-making collection o’ lights, shades, & add-ons. Oh and to anyone who isn’t currently shopping for lighting or doesn’t have any money to spend, we also hoped this collection would inspire the DIYers out there – perhaps just to paint a metal pendant or lamp base that you already have – or even to make little personalized decals to spice up a lamp base in some personal way.
And now for some gushy love for you all. We’d never be “here” without you, and for that we’re eternally grateful. To think that this all started with one little blog post back in 2007 is crazytown, and we’re so grateful to you guys for making it possible. Oh heck, you guys are like our babies too. Come to momma, I feel a hug coming on…
Amanda - Small Home Big Start says
Love these! I was just looking at lamp shades the other day when trying to spruce up our living room. Now I know where to go.
Also, I just got my copy of your book in the mail last night. Can hardly wait to crack it open and read it all.
Such an exciting time for you guys, and so great to see it all as a long time reader. Keep up the good work!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much Amanda! Hope you love the book!
Kenz @ Interiors By Kenz says
What a sweet deal! You guys are such a big deal :) I’m excited for you and your new collection! I LOVVVVVVVVVVVE the chandy over the table. I’ve been looking for something like that to hang over my stairwell. Thanks for always being budget friendly AND fun in your work. You make a difference.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Kenz, you’re so sweet!
Suzanne says
Affordable drum shades? You guys just made my day. Now I just have to decide which one I like best…
denise says
Very impressive–congratulations! I love the wire and glass pendants! I might have to snatch them up!
Sheela says
This is so wonderful! I’m so excited for you guys! I love the designs, and I’m sure that I’ll order one sooner than later. I recently told my hubby that I wanted to replace the kitchen light with a drum pendant, so I’m sure one of yours will fit the bill. Congratulations on all of your achievements! And I’d like to add that it’s exciting that some of the shades are made right here in the USA! I love that!
Rachel says
Yay! We just ordered the metal strap drum pendant in hammered gold for our dining room table…can’t wait!
What fun styles, colors and great prices!!
Yay for you guys!
YoungHouseLove says
Wahoo! Send pics! We’d love to see our babies all hung up in other homes :)
katherine says
yesterday I had a mini breakdown. We desperately need a new kitchen light, so I went to Ikea. Everything was too dim or not the right look. On to home depot…everything was so generic looking. I told my husband…well….guess we just won’t allow anyone in the kitchen and I’ll have to keep my eyes on the floor! Then I woke up this morning to this post. HALLELUJAH!!! Looks so awesome, so excited for you guys and all these great opportunities you are working so hard for. Keep it up! Now, I’m off to shop the collection:)
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, that’s so sweet Katherine! Hope you find something you love :)
Beth says
I was already anticipating the details on the lamp you barely showed in an earlier post, but this is way way WAY better than I’d hoped. Congratulations on another amazing and successful endeavor – I’m now going to find a way to get one of your lights in every room of my home.
kara says
Congratulations! What a great project– they look amazing, and I’m excited that they are so budget-friendlly. In fact, maybe I need a new lamp, or two, or three… Off to check out the full selection!
Cathy says
Love the collection! Ordering a small globae today…I have been pricing these and your price beats all!! Love them all!!
Mary says
So happy for you. We are putting in an overhead fixture in the kids new tiny little video game loft room. Was just mulling over choices over last night. These are perfect price point and very lively. Good job!
Cathy says
oops so excited…I meant globe!!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, thanks Cathy!
Hilary says
Just went to the site- these are GREAT! And so happy, too!
Meghan says
Congrats guys!!! These are so great! Add another reason to buy a house to the list. (Our apartment has all recessed lighting.)
It might just be me getting used to the iPad, but it looks like your blurb on the collection page was cut off. I didn’t read through ALL of the comments, so maybe you’re already on that.
Congrats again! It’s awesome. Long distance hugs. Air hugs.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, there’s a little scroll bar on that page for the blurb (to the right of it) so just scroll down to read it all :)
Bridget says
Local and affordable! Good work you guys!
Jenny says
They’re great guys! LOVE THEM :) Congrats on your newest project(s)!
Paige @ Little Nostalgia says
This is SO COOL! Congratulations! Now I’m off to peruse the collection, because we don’t have a light above our dining room table either. :-)
Britta says
Looks amazing! We just hung our new lights from Shades of Light last week and we were impressed with their shipping style and quality. Looks like I should have hung on to that gift card two weeks longer!
LauraC says
Just want to add my congratulations!!! Now off to browse the collection . . .
Anita says
I LOVE how you made sure they were affordable. And you got to use the YHL graphic! So cool – now to decide which one to get…
Wrenaria says
Congrats on your new collection! What fun! It’s so cool that what started out as a little personal blog has opened up so many awesome opportunities to you guys.
Breanna says
You guys amaze me! These rock my socks off! Can’t wait to get one in my home!!
Deborah says
Love your new line of lights and love the fact that they are so affordable!
On a DIY note – I have a pair of brass lamps that I am trying to spray paint. I wiped them down with water, primed with Rustoleum Painter’s touch primer & painted with Rustoleum Painter’s touch (2x coverage). The paint easily comes off the lamps. So I need to start all over. My question is what is the easiest way to remove the paint & primer? The paint scrapes off fairly easy but time consuming and hard to get in the crevices. Is there a good paint stripper that can be used on brass? Before I spray paint the primer again, should I wipe the lamps with alcohol or something else? Thanks for any advice you can give me!
YoungHouseLove says
Hmm, I would go to Home Depot and just look at the paint stripper/paint thinner stuff (maybe one says it can be used on brass or you can ask someone there what they recommend?). Good luck!
Katrina says
Awesome congrats!! I love the little round glass blog pendant already :) huge smile!!
Olivia says
Congrats, you two, this is so impressive. Echoing all the people who say you deserve a vacation! Maybe after the book tour…
Katie says
These are great! I especially love the wire globe, though sadly I don’t really have a good spot for it in my house :( One note – not to nitpick, but the photos on the “detail” pages are a little grainy/low res – like maybe it’s displaying the smaller photos or something? Just thought I’d give you guys a heads up so that we can see the big pictures in all of their glory! Congrats on these!
Katie says
I should clarify – on the Shades of Light website.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, thanks Katie! We shot them an email about it just to let them know :)
Update: it’s just a momentary glitch and should be corrected in a few minutes!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks for the tip Katie!
Kelly K says
How wonderful for you – and all of us too! Now we can all incorporate your plucky style in our homes for real. Many Congrats!
Mary Lee says
Love the collection! I’ve been looking for something like the globe light for our foyer and this is perfect. Now I just need to figure out what size? It’s a smaller foyer but the ceiling is very high (cathedral) and the light will be visable from the the living & kitchen area – think split level with high wood ceilings. I wonder if the area could handle the large?
YoungHouseLove says
I would totally go large! It’s airy enough (not too solid or heavy looking) so I think it’ll look great!
lrlockwood says
OMG! YOU GUYS ROCK! every day you two cease to amaze me! I can’t wait to order 2 of the YHL Metal Strap Drum Pendant in Midnight to hang over my island!! WOOT WOOT!
YoungHouseLove says
Woot!! Send pics, we’d love to see them!!
Jessica G. says
This is so cool. What an accomplishment!! I’m totally eying one of the ikat pendants for my bedroom now! Good work you two. :)
Lucy says
When I read your blog a few days ago I was crushing on the chandelier above your dining room table, which would look great in my house, until I realized it probably was something you made from a thrift store purchase. I am beyond thrilled to hear that I, too, can have one – and at an outrageously reasonable price :-) And the Burger lamps? Brilliant. Well done, YHL. You never disappoint!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, thanks so much Lucy!
Michelle - Little Paper Dog says
That’s so perfect that they shot the product photos in your own home—such a personal touch. I can tell a lot of love went into this beautiful collection. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Michelle! That’s the perfect description. These guys were a labor of love :)
Heather W says
Right now on the website you can look at the initial pics but it isn’t allowing you to select a color for any of the lights. Do you know why this is happening?
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, momentary glitch. Hope they’re back in a second!
Lindsay says
So exciting – congratulations! My husband and I have been looking at lighting options for our dining room. I’m loving the wire globe lights. Is there a way to see the different colors that they offer? I see them listed but don’t see samples of the colors.
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, momentary glitch. Hope they’re back in a second!
Michelle White says
Wow!! These are all so awesome! I wish I could buy a few of each! haha. We are in between houses at the moment and I’d love to get some for the new place, but don’t know what we’ll need yet. Do you know how long the collection is available? Is it a “permanent” addition to Shades of Light?
Congratulations! You guys are amazing!!
YoungHouseLove says
It should be around for the long haul. Wahoo!
Rachel says
After seeing your Christmas post,I knew I had to have one of those lights!!Been looking everywhere and even considered having to DIY one.Definately buying the orb light!!This is awesome!!The price is wonderful so thank you guys!
Courtney Stanton says
This is super amazing! I’m in love with the giant pendant…I just wish the site had (non-blurry) photos of it, and it’d be nice to actually see it in all the colors. Dying to know what it’d look like in Tangerine Red to see if it’d go in our entryway!
YoungHouseLove says
Oh yes, it’s a momentary glitch that just occurred- they’re working on fixing that now!
Brian says
Best selling authors, lighting designers, and general big timers coming through. Step aside please.
Congratulations guys! Love the idea of artistic folks working hard to design beautiful, inexpensive fixtures and furnishings that we can all afford.
Jude says
Sherry & John, you guys are so awesome! I come to your blog everyday knowing full well that I will be inspired! You never cease to amaze me! So many awesome projects, such gorgeous photos, all of it! Happy New Year to all of you! God bless each of you with a new year of happy, healthy and wholeness!
The new light collection is the BOMB!
Love from Alabama :)
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks so much Jude, that’s so sweet!
Tina says
that chandelier is amazeballs! i’m convincing my boyfriend it’s a must have (in red) for our dining nook. congratulations guys! xo
Staci H says
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I typically drool over light fixtures that I can’t possibly afford, so this is a dream come true. Beautiful work guys, as always!
Patti says
whoawhoawhoa stop the clock! You guys are amazing! Now I know where to go for my new pendants! Thanks for being real and keeping these under $100!
Ashley@AttemptsAtDomestication says
You guys are awesome! I’m really digging some of those lights and who can beat under $99! Off to check out the whole collection!
Carol says
Congrats! I’ve used your discount code when ordering from Shades of Light twice. One time a glass shade arrived broken and they sent me a new one the same day–no questions asked. GREAT customer service!!!
YoungHouseLove says
They’re awesome over there, right?
Alison says
I have only recently started following your blog and I LOVE IT !!!
My daughter has a chihuahua and is also studying interior design at University. It’s her birthday in March and one of the chihuahua shades would be fantastic for her, I am hoping that you will ship to the UK as this is where we are. Looking forward to the next post.
Ps . I may just have to have a pink one for my kitchen as well
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Alison! We know they ship internationally, just call them for rates :)
Kelsey says
Hi Guys,
Long time reader, first time commenter! First, I have to tell you how much I love love love your blog and your book! You two are amazing and I absolutely adore Burger and Clara! Such a sweet lil’ family you have. Second, I have to tell you how much I LOVE your lighting collection ! So fun! I just had one question though, when you go to order the lights, it says other color options are available but there is no where to chose the color when you go to checkout, am I missing something? I’m a bit confused….
Thank you for all your inspiration and laughs! You guys are great!
YoungHouseLove says
So sorry, there’s a momentary site glitch that they’re working on now- should be up and running again in little while! So sorry for the trouble :)
Ashley in NC says
This is so exciting, I just squealed outloud at work!!!!
Brooke Knipp says
WOW! You two are always full of surprises! So I have wanted to DIY a chandelier like the one in your dining room for about the past year…since it’s winter I’ve been unable to find the wire pots I needed. Lucky for me you’ve been secretly developing a line of affordable lighting, so that large chandelier is on its way to our foyer as we speak. Thanks!!!
p.s. We just finished our biggest project to date: creating a wide walk-through between our kitchen and family room—we referenced your website multiple times and it turned out great! My husband did all of the demo, dummy walls, installation of the header, trim and moulding, thresh-hold seam, etc. A friend of ours is an electrician so he rewired stuff for us. Thanks for inspiring us to think we could tackle something so big (for us!) All the best!
YoungHouseLove says
That’s so exciting! Congrats Brooke!
Lauren Nicole says
Finally! Affordable, modern lighting that I would want in my home! You guys are the best! Now I just have to decide between the strap drum and the globe lantern for our playroom …
Katie says
Guys, I love these. You did such an amazing job and it’s really cool how much thought you put into the pricing (never had any doubts about style of course).
I see a few things that would spice up my life.
Really cool. For serious.