One of my favorite things about blogging is keeping it real. Even around the new year when the whole “be the perfect person/wife/family” voices can kick in, I try to fight the good fight and remember that authentic = awesome. And perfect = most likely impossible. So if our house is a mess I’ll make a video to prove it (without even putting my bra away first). If we don’t know how the heck to tackle a project, we’ll admit it (like this). If we fail miserably at an undertaking, we’ll blog alllll about it (like this and this, just to name a few).
We actually love being a DIY diary that’s literally about the good, the bad, and the ugly – because a blog that’s only about the good kind of feels like it’s only telling half of the story. We’re just regular folks attempting to do regular DIY things with a real-person budget while learning as we go. We don’t have any formal training. Five years ago we painted all of our trim the wrong finish, didn’t own a power drill, and our house looked like this:
When we started this blog we were literally DIY beginners, just trying to figure out how to hang curtains and get a good deal on appliances. And although we’ve slowly gained some hands-on experience over the last 4+ years of this blogging thing, I thought I’d start the year (January 17th is still sort of the beginning of the year, right?) by saying a bunch of things out loud to the internet at large that might surprise you. Or maybe not if you really know me.
#1. I don’t have the perfect marriage. It’s amazing how many people ask if John and I ever fight. Is it possible to be married to someone for nearly five years and not fight? Dude, we fight like the best of them! Not loudly in front of Clara, but we definitely can get into it. We’re individuals. Individuals who love each other, but we definitely each have conviction and strong willed tendencies (hello, I’m Italian and from New Jersey). And those convictions and strong willed tendencies can definitely lead to heated discussions, adamant disagreements, and full blown arguments (about anything from a parenting decision to a home improvement snafu). We’re a pretty normal couple I think. We love each other like crazy, but sometimes in the stress of renovating or raising a toddler the moment gets the best of us and we snap. But when we do, we try to remind ourselves that we’re in this together. We both have the same goals (a healthy and well adjusted daughter, and beautiful and safe home, to make each other happy, etc). We’re a team. A sometimes dysfunctional or crabby team, but a team none the less.
#2. I don’t have the perfect child. Sure, there are amazing things about Clara, like how good of a night sleeper she is and how much she loves singing and dancing (and eating funny things like hummus and pickles). But as anyone else who has a 20 month old kid can attest – they’re not all sunshine and roses. Clara cries, teethes, gets mad, throws food, rips magazines, has tantrums, and does all those other things that toddlers do. So yeah, I deal with the same “oh man, she’s sick” or “ack, she’s screaming” or “ohemgee she just threw up an entire pumpkin muffin all over the car seat” issues that every other mom deals with. And let’s not talk about my labor (scariest day of my life) or the 14 months of breastfeeding (I loved it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that it took work, energy, and dedication – especially when I was painting and DIYing between those feedings). It’s a good thing she’s totally worth it. I love that bean to pieces. She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect for us.
#3. I make design mistakes (and life mistakes) – all the time! Our rooms and our lives are in a constant state of flux (our first house took us 4.5 years to finish, and we’ve only been here a little over a year) – so sometimes we’re still feeling around in the dark and we make the wrong call. And later we see the light and say “umm, what were we thinking?!” and course correct. I think the key to recovering from mistakes in general (decor-related or otherwise) is not to be married to that mistake. And to attempt to right your wrong. Say you buy the wrong sized rug but don’t realize it for a while (like we did in our living room). Once time passed and we figured out what could be improved, we decided to reuse the old one in another room (or craigslist it) and save our pennies to upgrade it. That approach helped us (and the room) move forward. If we ever become frozen in fear of a mistake that we’ve made (or the fear that we’ll make one) that’s when a room stagnates. We’d never get past decorating mistakes (or life mistakes) if we didn’t learn/adapt/evolve along the way. Our goal is for our house (and ourselves) to always be changing and growing. No freezing in place allowed. Because you usually can’t get around a life obstacle or a DIY debacle if you’re just stuck there standing still.
#4. I’m awkward and probably less cute, stylish, or “put together” than you think. I have paint in my hair and under my nails 24/7 (well, this week it’s grout). My shirts are all stretched out from breastfeeding (yup, still haven’t replaced those). I am covered in dog fur and/or accidentally sporting some smear of jelly/cream cheese/humus five days out of seven. Seriously. Someone chime in here who has met us. We get comments like “I’d freak out and embarrass myself if I ever met you” but I’ve got you covered. I won’t even notice you freaking out over my intense weirdness. Once I spun around at Target and screamed “Chiiiiiistmas stuff is already out!!!” while holding two wooden trees up to my face like Cindy Lou Who to John. But it wasn’t John. It was this woman I’d never seen before standing there staring at me with a baby in her cart. So I tried to smile and quietly make my way to another aisle and she said “Oh my gosh I love your blog” …. and I nearly died of embarrassment. Not only had I been “that crazy person” in front of a stranger, it was someone who “knows” me. So I stuttered and tried to talk about her cute baby and then John and Clara came to my rescue and I stumbled away while mentally kicking myself in the face. Yup, I’m that awkward.
#5. Sometimes I get nervous and insecure about our future. Not gonna lie, being a “small business” (and even more random than that, being a “professional blogger”) is hardly a job with health insurance and a 401K (more on that here and here). We just try to have faith that we’ll end up somewhere ok since we never thought we’d be here five years ago… and here we are. Sure it helps that we saved up a just-in-case cushion (to keep us afloat for 6-9 months) before John left his day job when Clara was born, but I’d be lying if I didn’t shout “yes – we get nervous and uncertain and insecure about what lies ahead sometimes!”
#6. I roll my eyes at myself. I get it. I really do. I am fully aware that I’m obnoxiously enthusiastic. My blog puns often make me gag a little. I’m the less cool version of that adorkable Zooey Deschanel. You know, without the good hair and the great voice and the comedic timing. I’m her half sister Gooey or something. So although my sunny demeanor might make you want to stick a spork in my eye, know that I’m fully aware that I’m annoying – and sometimes I try to rein it in – but I usually just let my freak flag fly. Why? I figure that blogging is all about being yourself and owning it and sharing your life in an authentic way. So I’m not reserved and cool and collected and refined. I’m hyper and giddy and nutty and weird. And 4+ years later that formula just works for us. So gosh darn it, I might call presents “prezzies” or make a crack joke. That’s just how $herdog rolls.
#7. My house is usually a disaster. At any given time, our frame wall might look like this…
… but our sunroom probably looks like this…
There’s always at least one giant pile of something-to-be-sorted somewhere. And don’t even get me started on the playroom. That room is out of control.
So I guess the point of all that soul baring is to assure you that I most definitely do not have it all figured out. I’m just a chick from New Jersey who started a blog who sometimes forgets to take her contacts out at night (I know, I’m so bad). I’m that gal who discovers that I have strawberry cream cheese inexplicably smeared all over the left side of my ear in line at Target. True story. I don’t know it all, and I don’t have it all, and I’m so thankful to be right where I am. Perfection is kinda overrated anyway, right? I’m many things, but most of all: I’m a work in progress. Kinda like our house.
chiara says
Loved this post, especially the pics of your house in more of the disaster mode. Since that is how mine is generally so it made me feel much better about my disorganization! Thanks for making my lunch break!
Amber says
this was great.
It made me think of how I was having my sons clean up yesterday and my oldest (age 4) said, “Who’s coming over to visit?” No one was but sadly that’s when things get clean!
Jenny says
Its funny you should post this…. The other night ago I had a dream that you two opened up your house for visitors from your blog and I stopped by. Since I have never met you or your family my brain imagined what the meeting might be like. It was kind of funny, I remember thinking, “Wow, I can’t believe they open their home for just anyone to stop by and they have to make it seem like this is normal and it’s a regular hangout night.” Then I asked if I would be allowed to guest post on your blog, “Visiting the Petersik: what they’re really like.” In my dream you two were open, inviting, wacky and good hosts.
How funny, I just saw this article, “Buy the “Young House Love” House” —
YoungHouseLove says
Haha- that’s hilarious! I remember when that article came out! Was it really over a year ago? Crazy. And I love that we were nice in your dream. Sometimes one of us is crazy. Haha.
Kimbercrafts says
Wow, I think this might be my favorite post of yours to date. Your honestly and humbleness is so refreshing. Thank you for keeping it real, and for being all-around awesome!
Kirstie says
I loved this post! So refreshingly real. Thank you for sharing!
Melisa says
I love this post. Not only because you are in fact keeping it real, but because I’m an awkward person too…you know the one who says off the wall stuff, and laughs at myself while everyone around me is wondering what joke they missed or didn’t get. Great post and great blog!
Amanda says
Thank you Sherry for your openness, your honesty, your vulnerability, but most of all, for showing all of us that you are human too. It means more to us than you will ever know. As you can see, you’ve touched 800+ of us, not including those who haven’t commented yet. You’re obviously doing something right which keeps us coming back for more. Thank you for being you. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Amanda. And everyone else sharing the kind words. I never expected this reaction. And it’s awesome and humbling and inspiring. Love you all more than ya know.
Melissa says
Thank you, so much for this. I have admired your blog and your family for so long and it is so refreshing to read this! In fact – I have never even commented before. That is how much I want to thank you for posting this. I spend SO MUCH TIME comparing myself and my family and my life and my tastes to blogs and magazines and so on … that I never focus on my dreams, rather, I am always focusing on my shortcomings and worrying that I will never live up to everyone I have admired. But it’s so amazing to know that you and everyone else, you’re just normal people – the only difference is that you are DOING rather than just sitting around pinning things on Pinterest and wishing you were someone else. Thank you so much for inspiring me this evening. I don’t think I’ll ever forget this post, and I KNOW that is so super cheesy and weird but honestly, I think it will stick with me.
Melissa from Indiana!
Erica says
Oh wow, I love this post! I’ve followed you all off and on for over a couple of years now, and this post, this really has brought me to comment! I am so encouraged by the piece. I loved you all to pieces before, but this makes me see y’all less on a pedestal, and more like, eff, I wanna hav e dinner with you guys! We could be so quirky and goofy together and I’d love it!
For a while I was trying to write a cooking blog–I bake cakes!–but it never came together. There’s so much one-up-iness in the foodblogging world–the gorgeous photos and on and on and on, with no real talk about anything going less than perfect. It’s very intimidating to get into, feeling as if I must constantly wow my readers, while also hiding from them the stressful underpinnings of what I do (and bragging about cooking doesn’t come easy for me. I mean, it’s just food!) And so, yes, I love you for this post. I’m a long way from owning a home, but! Some day, I look forward to bumbling about making my house my home with my partner. Thank you all! :D
Kristin says
Awesome post, and for the first time ever I skimmed all the million comments looking to see if the Target lady posted revealing herself. Where is she? :-)
Again, great post, but I have to admit, I never really felt intimidated into thinking you guys were perfect — I like that you keep it real all the time. BUT . . . . I have wondered several times through the couple of years I’ve followed you guys whether living together and working together fulltime, mostly in your own home no-less, makes you and John get sick of one another. Do you find time to do stuff separately ever? My husband and I have a great relationship, but I think if we were in the house together all the time we’d run out of things to say. :-)
YoungHouseLove says
Haha – I know! Crickets. I’m telling you I was THAT weird. She’s too scared to come forward. Haha. As for J and I getting sick of each other, we used to work together in NYc so I think we’re using to being together a lot and we’re ok as long as we have separate time too. We actually have more separate time now because one of us is off with Clara while the other works most of the day and then in the evening we come together and do projects together and all that romantic stuff. Haha.
Huda says
Wow it’s not everyday you read this kind of post. Thanks for sharing. All the best. Much love from down under :)
Suzanne says
Please take your contacts out at night!
I used to do that some times when I was your age and now I cannot even wear them anymore. I have dry eyes and have to put drops in every night or else my tears start to burn my eyes. It is very painful.
Please don’t think I am yelling at you, I wish someone told me then, how I was ruining my eyes.
You only have one pair of eyes, they are not replaceable.
So, take your contacts out before sleeping.
Love your blog!
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, thanks Suzanne! I’d say I have a 95% success rate of remembering to take them out, and I’m working on inching that up to 100% for sure!
Dana says
I anxiously await your posts every day, but this is my fav so far. It’s so easy to look at your creative ability and be envious, (since I have less than none) but you guys are really cool and I love how you keep it real. Yo.
Sarah says
I really love that last sentence – “I’m many things, but most of all: I’m a work in progress.” It’s a good thing to keep in mind. :)
Rachel says
What a beautiful post! Thanks so much for sharing. :-) too funny about that meeting in target. I’m sure she was so happy to see you though! Very nice post and love your blog!
Teresa @ wherelovemeetslife says
I know I am late on this post… but thanks for sharing the “real” you. :) I think we all have an image of who you are in our minds, as with all the other fave bloggers, and can promise you that short of being rude to my face there isn’t much you could do to tarnish that image. You are who inspired me to blog, and you keeping pushing me to do more. So thanks for being that crazy, quirky you!
michelle says
It was so good to hear about your marriage…it is a true, real marriage. I love that you admitted that- because for sometime now, I thought it too!!!
Great post :) One of the best and I have been reading since the summer 2009!
Stacy says
Love it! Thanks for sharing and being authentic. One of the reasons I love reading your blog!
Angela says
I really enjoyed reading this post about you, Sherry! It’s so nice to hear that you are normal, like the rest of us. It’s so awesome that you guys are so open and honest about everything. I read your blog everyday and enjoy learning new things and seeing your pictures.
Madeleine says
I love your blog because I feel like this is YOU and you’re not trying to be anybody else. Don’t change a thing and don’t apologize for who you are!
Elizabeth says
I love your blog! I’ve been reading since 2008, and what keeps me coming back is your openess, honesty, and the attention you give to your readers. I comment here and there and so many times, you’ve written back, and I think your ability to connect with your readers is the reason we all keep coming back! So, we’ll see what the future holds,and as long as you’re writing, I’ll be reading! :) great post!
Sui Lenckus says
I read Johns blog about staying home and it sounds like my husband talking. I am more marketable than him because of my many degrees and he feels insignificant because he doesn’t get up at the crack of dawn to go to work. I tell him he is so lucky to stay with our boys. I love your website it inspires me to not only decorate (since we just gutted a foreclosure we purchased) but also in life. Keep doing what you do :)
Keith says
I noticed in the picture of the sun room that it appears that you guys have an InStep Grand Safari stroller. We had one, too, until we had serious issues with it when running. Check out this Amazon review thread for more…
Just a heads up to be careful if you guys use it for jogging at all.
Love the blog, by the way. Keep up the good work.
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks for the tip! Off to check it out!
Meghan says
That “Gooey Deschanel” thing made me snort-giggle. Hilarious.
Bridgette says
Total girl crush!! We are all human and your ” flaws” aren’t that bad. I use a lot of exclaimation points, say words like stoked. Don’t care. You inspire people, have a loving daughter, husband and family plus friends!!! What you got going for you cant be too bad with all that. :)
Thanks for your honesty once again. Its something I afire and love to read.
Katie @ Imperfect People says
Love this! I am all about keeping it real too my friend. Thanks!
Mary says
Thanks for this post! I needed to comment – #7 was so awesome for me to see (especially after my past few weeks!).
although i rarely comment, i have loved following you and john’s work!
Ben says
I’m thinking of rewriting the lyrics to “Sexy & I Know It” to “$herdog & I Know It.” Thoughts?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, I say follow your heart. I love it.
Kathy says
Just read this for the first time. Thanks for who you and John and the family are. Love your blog and how real you guys are. Wouldn’t want it any other way!
kristina says
Hi i was just wondering where you purchased the gorgeous green area rug!??
It looks amazing, you’re so so talented!
YoungHouseLove says
Thanks! That’s from Joss and Main (a flash sale site) but you might be able to find it on or Hope it helps!
Gena says
I love your blog!! As a single lady who’s renovating a home, I find your blog inspiring and so helpful. If I ever feel like I can’t do something, I look at your blog and get so inspired!!
Thanks for doing what you do. Don’t listen to negative people. You guys are way better than that.
Courtney says
I just found your blog, and I <3 it and you! P.S. If you were refined and reserved and "normal", your blog wouldn't be as entertaining to read. And as informative and inspiring as a blog can be, I can't read it if the personality behind it is dry and blaaaaaaaaah. On another note, I think it's awesome that are able to do what you love for a living.
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Courtney!
B says
Hey Sherry, I enjoyed this post very much. I just read it and felt the need to comment. I’m the one who asked John what was the best part about being a dad thus far. Then he wrote a BabyCenter post. Anyway I haven’t stopped by recently because I’ve had my own birth horror story (you can e-mail me if you’d like). I There are things you must do in order to get by and stopping my daily YHL visits was one of them. So I’m catching up a bit. The kitchen looks amazing! I am still afraid of DIY tiling after seeing our bathroom tile job from the previous owners.
Also awkward people are the most fun. Once in Safeway my dude suggested we buy a bag of salad and I said (way to loudly),”You don’t win friends with salad!” Well I guess I sung it. Heads turned and strange looks followed. Oh and it is possible to have a hit and run…meaning have a jogger hit your car while you are driving. Yeah that’s happened to me. Should I keep going?
YoungHouseLove says
Haha, no way! The singing salad story is my favorite ever.
Mariel says
I just discovered this website. I’M IN LOVE! Who knew you could adore a couple (and family :) ) you’ve never met! Wonderful!!!
YoungHouseLove says
Aw thanks Mariel!
James says
Am i into decorating? NO.
However my lady & I have just bought our first house in Leicester, England.
Quite enjoyed your blog, its well written and interesting throughout. Im kinda on the same journey as you, but you’re 5 years ahead of me.
all the best.
Kate says
Just reading this for the first time (though I’ve been reading you guys for awhile now). It’s a great post =). You really are a super hero, Sherry. After all, real super heroes have real problems…that’s why the become heroes.
So keep doing what you’re doing…except for the whole contacts thing…I’m just saying this because I was once a “Oh I forgot to take my contacts out again, haha” person.
And then I received a corneal ulcer for my trouble and got scathing lectures from both ophthalmologist and husband along with two weeks of no contacts and hourly eyedrops (even at night!), so trust me when I say it’s better to remove them every night. Learn from my idiocy.
YoungHouseLove says
Yes! I have had a corneal ulcer too. That was bad. And I definitely got in trouble. They have me on some contacts that are ok to sleep in, but I still try to remember to take them out every night! I have about a 95% success rate!
heyruthie says
$herdog–this was one of my all-time-fave posts of yours. (Been reading for 3+ years.) I just re-read it for kicks–because we can all see parts of ourselves in your “confessions.” None of us are perfectly put together, and it feels great to read someone else share about that. I’m totally down with cream cheese on my ear and stretched out nursing tops.
Now, I’m just dying for you to edit this post with an addendum at the bottom, linking up your Eminem post–your $herdog Pièce de résistance–the final skeleton in the $herdog closet to come out ;-)
YoungHouseLove says
Hahahahaha – I was hoping that secret would be buried with me someday. Darn you youtube! Haha.
Carolyn L says
When I am feeling defeated with renovations, I have this post on my “Favorites” to come and read and remind myself that you guys are REAL (some design blogs are all daisies and flawless DIY’s).
Like, today.. feelin’ it.. Thanks for this. One of my favorite posts. :)
YoungHouseLove says
Aw, thanks Carolyn! We totally have those days too! Good luck with everything.
Sophia says
You are awesome! I totally see myself in you! LOVE your blog and that you are so authentic about yourself. The good, the bad and even the ugly. Thanks for sharing!